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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1838900
Mankind has always had the impression that they were the top of the food chain,until now.
Mankind has always had the impression that they were the top of the food chain , no matter what story they were in. That’s how we see it. But we know better now. To be a little cliché .Dragons Rule! Ha ha , that’s what we would believe. But that has a problem of it’s own, Let’s start at the beginning.
There was a time before man, and the only beings were dragons. They lived, and loved just as we do, people I mean. They had their fights, and wars, that almost destroyed them from their worlds. They had to turn to something, or someone, that they did not know was even there, Man.
We came along sometime later in our ships from a different world, a different galaxy, a different time and plane. Dragons and man had a lot in common, we both could think, that took some getting use to for them, the dragons, and we could fight back too. But this is how, we came to get along with them, hate them, respect them, and even love them. It starts with two babies, Cagen, and, Rayah . One a human , one a opal ice fire dragon, a Gem Queen, the rarest of queens, born only once in twenty thousand years.
Forward , By Dides De’La Flure
It was a very cold day on the icy planet Neptune in the year of 2356 AD. It was November 14th. The day Cagen was born.
I was four at the time. I’m the older brother, Dedis. I remember it so well because when Cagen cried, my head felt like it would explode,. Cagen was born a telepath, a rare gift indeed, but being just born , he had no control. They would have to have a hard hat put on his head. That’s what we kids called it. It was a suppression cap, until Cagen was able to control his power, otherwise, everybody would have splitting headaches, all the time ,when he cried.
Dad, was out at the water recycler setting calibrations for the new planting season, when Cagen was born, and fell from the tower, when he heard him cry. Thank God for light gravity, Dad just floated down, but still he hurt his legs. It took three hours just to get him out of the vats. That’s, when Dad found out that he had a new son, but he did not know at the time what it would mean for us all. He named him Cagen after his great grandfather and that night, there was such a party that the whole settlement was there, and I even got to stay up till way late, till mom caught me and then sent me to bed .
The next day, the camp doctor was out to put the hard hat on Cagen. The doctor did some testing and said that Cagen was one of the strongest telepaths that they had ever tested, and Cagen would be in high demand when he grew up. The Interplanetary council was already aware of Cagen, because his cries were felt back at earth. So they caped him.
Like most kids we grew up on the planetary systems lots of schooling in space stuff, like hydro farming, evap systems, and recyclers. That’s the boring stuff, for me anyway. But Cagen just loved it. He called it, the building of life, and was a whole lot better at it than I was. Cagen was a lot better at almost everything. But Cagen tried to make you feel that, it did not matter, because you were still better than he was. When Cagen turned sixteen, they said it was time for him to have the cap removed. It was a funny thing that cap, it grew with him. So this was the first time that it was taken off his head. I laughed till I cried, he was bald, no hair, nothing. Then I stopped. He was in my head and said, ‘Stop it you fool, you look like an idiot and sound like an ass. The girl that was watching you, has started laughing at you now, not me.“ Boy did that shut me up, and I turned so red that she just laughed harder. Then I looked around to see if anyone else could hear him. He just looked at me, and shook his head no. I looked at him and thought . He can read my mind, I thought “Oh crap now what do I do.”
He said, “Only when I want to.
” I thought, “You can control it.”
Yep,” Cagen said.” I can do it when I want to and to who I want to. I can also keep everybody out too.”
I said, “That takes most telepath’s years to control their ability.”
He said “That’s what I’ve been told,”
“You able to do it know?” I asked.
“Yes I can . Like I’m just talking normal, out loud you know. But it seems like I don’t even have to think about what we say between us. This could be fun.” He replied.
I just said “Wow.”
Mom said, “What did you say? Dides.” No one had heard a word we said. I said. “Nothing mom.”
With this new found power that Cagen had . I thought we could have some fun. But I had forgotten that I was twenty and Cagen was sixteen. Cagen wasn’t into the girls scene as much as I was, so that didn’t work, and he told me to get lost. But I tried anyway,. He liked Czarina, she was a lot like him, quiet but very strong, but what got to me was that she was a doll, I mean like in the old videos from earth that we watched. She looked like Selma Hyack, What a dream. Czarina said that if I bugged her, she’d kick my butt, and she meant it. But they were just like sister and brother, and that was it. Lucky I guess.
They went everywhere together, and she liked what Cagen liked, the building of life stuff, you know farming, save the planet. Save the people stuff. What I could not figure out was how they both could fight like demons. They were fearless, and no one could match them . Cagen said “ It was supposed to be that way. A farmer and a warrior in each of them.” I did not know what to think. Cagen once told me “Sometimes you have to fight and destroy to make things grow, and I feel it will be in my lifetime that it will happen, but not in this worlds time.” I didn’t know what to think of that, Cagen talked as if he was many years beyond my age, I asked ,“How do you know what’s up?” Cagen replied ”I have dreams, something is talking to me. A big something , but I can’t see what is. It lets me know things. Like what’s going on there, where it’s at. It’s a lot like what’s going on here. But then it calls to me for help.”
“ It knows I am here. But it can’t hear me. What it says helps me here, to see what to do.” That just kinda freaked me out. I asked “Hey Cagen, you going nut’s on me?” Cagen said smiling “I hope not.”
At the same time, unknown to us, when Cagen was born, an egg was laid in a far off World. The egg had heard Cagen scream too, and it also screamed , then went quite. It
knew who Cagen was. It reached out to him, mind to mind, and in time, the egg knew that they would meet, who or what, that it did not know, but the minds would. Then things would change forever.
That next year things all started to change for Cagen. He had to go to a school for the gifted as they called it. We called it the ‘teleschool’ so he could learn how to use his ability’s. Cagen said, It did help him learn what was proper. In what not to do to other people. I guess reading everybody’s mind is not cool. It can get you into a lot of trouble. We sure did, that summer.
“Dides, What are you doing?” asked Cagen “ I’m getting that book of dad’s the one on water bombs. The one you said that would blow away the class, literally “ I replied. “Well get it, and lets get going. The guards are coming.” Said Cagen, then he laughs softly. “That will fix him.” “What?“ I said. Cagen said, “He’s thinking about the lady at the front desk and it’s not very nice, she called him a damn dirty old man. So, I sent him a thought to go back and tell her that he is not a dirty old man, but that she is. That should start something so that we can get out of here…. Ok let’s go.” “Ok I have the book.” I said. That was the first time, that I knew, that he used his powers to get us out of trouble, and that started it all. Cagen then used it on the supply depot manager to help us get what we needed for the experiment, as we called it. Then on the class to make them get real close to the table so they all got very wet when the bomb went off. You see the class was mostly girls, twenty-five to exact and just four guys. Talk about wet t-shirts, we
thought that we had died and gone to heaven, until the Dean figured out what we did. We had to the clean up the classroom, wash the walls, the floors, desk and all the equipment, and then we had to face the girls. Cagen just smiled, but I didn’t get a date all that summer.
That year Cagen’s Dreams seems to get a lot worse. Cagen always had dreams but said that they always were peaceful and taught him things that would take many years of schooling for most people. A lot of the stuff the teachers said was revolutionary in what Cagen knew, and he had the scientist going nuts trying to keep up with him, because everything he did ended up working. The interplanetary space drives he changed to interstellar types, that used less fuel than it took the old drives to go to earth, and they would ask him how he knew. Cagen just said,” It was easy, I know.” He sure did.
The dreams were now getting to have more of a calling in them, to come. Come where? Cagen did not know. So we talked about it. Cagen, Czarina, and I.
The egg turned from white to white-blue and no one knew why. It was the only one that was white. All eggs are colored, either the color of gem stones or earth tones. No one had seen a white one, at any time that could be remembered, then it changed to white-blue, and it grew.
Chapter 1 HIDDEN
Sheeka and Malkoth did not understand why the alarms were going off. All that they knew was, that they had to save their clutch of eggs, all eighty-seven of them. That was going to be a problem, but Malkoth had a thought, and said.
“Sheeka, get the big portage bag, and put it in the transport cage. It is padded, and will protect the clutch from harm. The cage is big enough for all of them and us to.” Sheeka asked, ”Where are we going? We have to get off this planet, to some place safe.” “I know” replied Malkoth “They will kill us if they catch us. One for being on the council, the other for taking our eggs. I’m not going to let them do what they did to Dirth’s clutch.” Sheeka said “Yes, that was bad, all of them died.”
They took the transport out to the spaceport and then took passage on the planet cruiser Frather, to Pikutat, the farthest planet in the system. When they were planetside, they went into hiding. It was easy to hide, half the planet was one big forest, with mountains and caves.
Sheeka said, “It’s like going back in time having to live like this again, but it is a lot simpler. When the eggs hatch, we can pass to them in the Passing all that we know, without having to be interfered with by the counsel of Five. They will have free minds to think like Drakens, not like heard beast. They will grow big and strong without fear.
Malkoth thought “Just like a female to think that way.” and laughed. Sheeka insisted that they set up the alcove for the eggs in a large cavern near the caldron. to keep them warm. That is when they found that the strange white egg that she had laid, had turned white-blue. They did not know what to think, was something wrong, or had it died.
Malkoth said ’We should go and talk to the old ones that help one’s like us.
Do not use our names or our placements, or where we are from. Just that we can’t go back. Ok.” So they left the cave sealed with a disrupter, so no one could get in without killing themselves, and went to Nitts, the settlement. This time they flew, and it was good to use there wings again. It had been a longtime.
“Oh it’s good to fly again, to be, again. Not some beast, or dredge. To be alive, and free.” Remarked Sheeka happily.
Malkoth just smiled. When they landed, he said, “Let’s find one of the Old Ones quietly. We must not be spotted by the Protectors. They would bond us, and the eggs would be lost. There, there is the shop I was told to look for, ’The scale cleaner’ they will know were to send us.”
“Are you sure, it’s safe? You know we have to tell them why we are looking for them.” Asked Sheeka.
“Yes I know we have to, and we have no choice, we have to trust to be trusted.” stated Malkoth “You ready to go?” She said “Yes.”
They went into the shop pretending to look around. Malkoth nodded to the keeper. He nodded back and then said, “You two must be the ones that have been sent, seeking the
Old Ones. Follow me please.” Sheeka looked afraid to go.” How did you know us?”
“Malkoth asked.” The keeper replied smiling. “You both don’t look like you need your scales cleaned. “ Malkoth laughed and took her by the arm and followed the keeper into the back of the shop and out into a tunnel that lead deep into the caves that made up the settlement. The keeper stated chuckling “The Protectors never venture into these caves, they’d never come back out and they know it. He He.”
“So it is safe here? “ Sheeka asked. “Yes it is my lady.” replied the keeper.
Malkoth thought to Sheeka “He knows who and what we are. Be careful.” She smiled her agreement as the entered the cavern. It was filled with very, very , old Drakens. The Old Ones of Pikutat.
As they entered the cavern, the sights, and sounds overwhelmed them. They were also intimidated by the shear size of the cavern. The city inside the cavern was larger than the cities that they both grew up in on their home worlds. The population had to be in the tens of thousands, and yet the city was under the mountain. From the outside you would never know that it was there. So they just stood and stared.
The keeper laughed at the look of awe on there faces, and said “ Come on you two ,you are expected at the council meeting, this afternoon . When it is done, then you can go and look around.”
Malkoth asked “ But how can this be, a place like this. I would know about it being on the council?” Realizing, what he had just said, he closed his mouth and, looked quickly at the keeper, Then at Sheeka . Her eyes wide with fear at his slip of the tongue.
The Keeper stated then.” All will be made known when you meet at council with the Old Ones. Do not fear it is well with you.” Malkoth noticed that the Keeper had spoken in the old way, something that was forbidden.
As he looked around ,at the mix of , and the mix in Drakens. It was a instant abomination to him . A reaction of forced mind set, then he felt shame at his thoughts for he knew that his own being was also a mix of different Drakens. He had hid this from the time he was a hatchling “This is the way it is supposed to be”. He told himself then it dawned on him with absolute clarity that this was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, complete harmony.
He smiled at Sheeka and, thought to her “It will be ok , I don’t think that we are in trouble, .Ok.” Malkoth said, trying to reassure her. “Look at all the different Drakens. They must have come from all planets in the five systems, most of them I have never seen before. There are Gemstone’s Drakens , all colors, Reds, Blues, Greens, Yellows, Whites, and look at the Mixes. You’d never see that on our world. Look there are Browns, and Grays, Coppers, Golds, Bronzes, Silvers, and Blacks, and they are all different sizes to.”
Sheeka said “And look they are all working freely together as is once was. There, see, the young ones playing together with no thought to what color they are, no segregation of any kind. I feel a peace here, and it is deep, to the center of my being.”
Malkoth looked at her and, wondered. He knew that she could sense things that he could not.
Sheeka startled him by saying” It will come to all our worlds soon,” She looked at him with a blank look on her face and said” I don’t know why I said that. It just came out.”
Malkoth wondered at what she had said when he felt something tap him on the tail. So he turned and saw a very small Gold Draken that was only two skee’s high and quite
young. He said” Hello golden one who are you?”
The gold said “hello lord ,my name is Verzon and, I’m forty-three cycles old.”
“Are you sir, and , what can I do for one so old?” Said Malkoth
“I’m to take you to the baths, so that you can refresh yourselves before the council meeting.”
Sheeka laughed her delight and, said “That is going to feel real good too.”
Verzon stated “ That would not be all. You have to be clean to go before the Old Ones and That would mean having you scales polished to a high luster also.” As the went into the baths, Malkoth noticed that there were only attendants and cleaners in the rooms and, they were adorned with odd articles of dress. “Verzon” He said. “Is this to be some kind of special kind of bath for us?”
“Yes It is a ritual cleaning. That is why the attendants are dressed that way. It will be a very deep cleanse , one that will clean away all that can be cleaned. Things that are hidden and, not. Do not be afraid , It will release you to a completeness. “
Sheeka asked “What did he mean by that?” When she looked at Malkoth she could see that he was troubled. He thought to her “Don’t ask.”
Verzon said “Step into the rooms please. There is Ska a very good drink that helps with the cleaning , it will relax you. The first step is the soaking bath , with hot water and oils to wash with. Then a mild acid dip to take the age off of the scales, and a rinse to clean the acid off of you to. Finally one more soaking with oils , and fragrant herbs to soften the skin under your scales, then to the cleaners and polishers. They will make your scales shine like True Gemstones. When you are done, then you will be presented to the counsel.
At that time then all we be as it should be.” He turned and left.
The baths were beautiful. Deep pools of clear clean water that was fresh , not recycled. The walls were adorned in many tiled scenes of life that had been gone past. Most of this type of art had been forbidden and had been destroyed. It made one feel free and guilty to see it.
Sheeka took the drink that the small green had given her to drink as she stepped into the bath. “The drink is delightful and, so is the hot water.” She said. She sighed as the water and, the drink took affect. ”This is bliss.” She said softly. As she looked at Malkoth , his apprehension slowly faded as the baths did its job.
Malkoth said to himself. ”It is time.” He had been hiding so long , but he was afraid what Sheeka would do when she found out who and, what he really was. Let the process go naturally, first in the bath ,then in the council. He closed his mind to her as before. She would see all the changes, and he hoped that the Life bond between them would be strong enough to hold and, help her.
He watch her go thru the cleaning and, marveled at the beauty of her coloring. She was a Mix. He knew that. She had tried to hide it too, by coloring her scales a dull blue like a earth Draken , but for a different reason than he did. She was transformed into a Sapphire Gemstone Draken with a mix of rubies and, emeralds. She was beautiful and, she just glowed when he said. ”You are my Crown.”
Malkoth had hid himself as a Pure Gold. So when he came out of the acid dip, his true colors started to show. Not all the gold washed away, but the Gemstones stared to shine, and, after the rinse he stated that he needed to do the acid dip again because he was not
clean. This time all the scales came clean and, after the rinse all his colors shown brilliantly. Gold ,silver, diamond, blue topaz and, amethyst. After the polishing was done , He came out to her.
She just stared at him then said” Who are you and, what are you?”
“I am your mate and a Mix like you. At the council you will find out who I am. Please do not be afraid, my bond is stronger and, deeper than before. We will need each other more before this is all done. I have had to do things to just live, you will see and understand soon.” Answered Malkoth.
The guards that were sent to watch over Malkoth’s and Sheeka” clutch of eggs, stared with wonder and fright as the egg rocked back and forth and also began to grow more. The colors began to change from white-blue to blue then to purple and black, to red. Moving all over the soft shell. As it grew larger, it was pushing on some of the other eggs. It stopped moving and then a small soft but strong voice seem to fill all the guards heads. That made them all freeze in place to listen.
They looked at each other with awe as the voice asked “Please to move the other eggs away from my shell. Move them at least ten skee’s away so that as I grow I wont hurt them.” The guards jumped to do the bidding of the egg as if it were a queen. When they were done they blinked there eyes and shook there heads and look at each other wondering why they had done such a thing. Not remembering what the voice had said to them. They had just done it and it felt right. The egg started to rock back and forth and, change colors again.
Chapter 2 CHANGES
Cagen began walking to the Star Hall after he received a call on his T-phone. Telling him to meet Dr. Davis in the planning room in about one-half hour. At this time of day there would be no one around the building. Cagen did not like the idea of being summoned like this, to meet someone alone. He knew that something was wrong. He also could not read Davis’s mind, like it was shielded, and that bothered him. He thought out to Dides and Serna,
”Dedis can you meet me at Star Hall with Serna in twenty minuets It’s important.” Dedis knew when his brother called like this, drop what he was doing and move. Something was up, Cagen was in trouble. Dedis and Serna were eating in the campus café when Cagen called.
They just said “Ok time to go.” They both had gotten the message.
Dedis said to Serna “He has to be in some kind of trouble or would have used his t-phone, and the Star Hall is only ten minuets from here.” He said to Cagen in his mind,” We are coming Bro be there in a few.”
Cagen answered back. “Ok.”
They all made it there at the same time, and stood in the shadow of the hall’s left tower.
Dedis asked, “What’s up Cagen you look like your fit to fight“.
“I am. Dr. Davis wants to see me inside. You know he is the head of Star Drive
Systems. The one that I came up with.” “Ya I know .” Dedis said.
Cagen spoke softly. “ He is more than just that. He is also the director of a deep space exploratory probe that is top secret. I learned that much when I tried to scan him when he
called me. He is afraid, the factions that have Earth blockaded are trying to take over the colonies and , if you don’t join them, they are destroying the colony and everybody in it. Now they want the star drives. Ok it’s time lets go see what he wants.”
As they walked in to the main hall of Star hall, the knew that they were being watched. So they did what anyone else would do. Cagen, Dedis and Serna walked right to the security gates, and went through the checkpoint. With Cagen’s secpass, He could go anyplace in the building but level thirty-seven. After getting cleared. It was just a few minuets to the elevator, then down to level twenty-five to the planning department. As they walked out of the elevator there were two armed security guards Bud Hatcher, and, Baxter Whistlers. They had been with Dr. Davis for years and were very loyal. They had all grown up together, so Cagen and, crew knew them well. But it seemed that they were very nervous, not like themselves. Something very bad was up. It was very, very bad..
They said “ Please follow us this way to the secure section, Dr. Davis is waiting for you there.” One lead the way and, one fell in behind. It made us feel like we were under arrest. They stopped outside the security door and, flashed passes that opened the doors. They stepped aside , taking places outside the doors, as we went through.
Dr. Davis turned and, said “ Glad that you three could make it. I have to talk to you. It’s very important that no one and, I mean, no one knows that we have talked. Is that clear.”
I said “yes. What is this about? Is the school in trouble?” I wanted to see what he would say. Also to see if I could scan his mind, to try see how he had blocked me. He looked straight at me, and smiled The next thing I knew he was talking in my head.
“Cagen , I will tell you everything, so no more mind tricks. I have enough to think about without you trying to get information. Ok”.
I was flabbergasted that he could do that to me. Also embarrassed for being caught. I said, “I’m very sorry for doing that, but things are not going well here. We have noticed solders and, police on campus.”
He said “Yes that is true, and there is a reason for it. I will get to that latter ,but now for the reason that I called you in.
Cagen I need to do a few test to make sure that we are secure, OK?”
I asked “What kind of test?”
Dr. Davis replied. “ You are the strongest telepath ever on record. Even with all the technology that we have, we can not duplicate what you can do. This room has a shield around it. That’s why you could only read part of my mind. I had to step inside the room to stop you. Even though I’m a telepath also , I can’t block you from reading my mind.
The test is to see if you can break the field around the room. The room is built in a half globe shape, with an electric static field , and a stases field also. Nothing is suppose to get thru. What I need you to do is try to read the guards thoughts that are outside the room. They are going to begin to think about a set of thoughts , that I have instructed them too, in about five minutes. You will have concentrate very hard. They are trained how to shield their minds. I can’t read them when they put up their shields..
It is time, are you ready Cagen?” “Yes” I replied “Lets do it.”
Dr. Davis said “I’m going to turn on the shields, both will be at maximum.” The room started to hum, and the air felt cold and, prickly. There was a faint odor, like the air you get from a freezer. The hum then faded and it became very quiet, like in a tomb. The very absence of sound.
Dr. Davis said, looking at me. ”Now try .” As he put on a shield cap. Smiling he said “For protection.” He also said to Dedis and, Serna.
“Please get into the sound booth. It is for your own protection too.” They both went inside and, gave me a thumbs up.
I had never felt anything quite like this before, so alone. This was the first time that I had not felt other minds. I just always had. It was very disconcerting being totally alone. So I opened up my mind to reach out to the others in the room. And to my relief their were Dedis ,and Serna. I said “Hi guys,” They both waved and, smiled.
Dr. Davis was their too, but he was a little harder to reach with the shield cap on. It was like trying to reach Dedis on the other side of the planet when he went to see his girl Sherry. He was usually so focused on her that I had to shout at him to get a response.
This took a little to get use to, I never thought about having to work to do this. Being here on Neptune and talking to Earth had been a small push. This was the first time I had to really strain, so I penciled my thoughts to go thru the shield to the guards. Suddenly they were there, both of them. It was a pattern, that’s what it is. Just had to get through the pattern. The strain just faded away.
The guard named Baxter was thinking about his wife, Jean, and dinner tonight. It was their anniversary.
The other guard , Bud was thinking about his daughter with the bad leg. She was to have surgery in two days.
I said to Baxter “ Hay Bax have a happy anniversary, and I hope Jean likes the flowers.” He jumped, then pushed a button and a, green light came on in the room above us.
“ Bud “ I said. “Casey will be fine. I just linked with her in the hospital and, the cancer is very small. I can see the area where the problem is. If you want , I can show a diagram to the doctors and, they can get to it very easily? She also said to say, Hi Daddy I love you.” Bud pushed his button and said” Yes show the doctors where it is, Please. Also thank you Cagen, thank very much.”
Both guards the came back into the room and closed the door. They reported what was said to Dr. Davis. Again Bud said thank you very much as he walked over to shake my hand. He had tears in his eyes. Dr. Davis looked at Bud, a man he had known for over seventeen years. He had never seen him so emotional.
Bud looked up at us all and, said “ That’s my little girl. She is all that I have. Her mother passed away when she was born. When they said that she had cancer, all I could think was that I will lose her to.”
I told him, “It’s easy to read the body. Any problem that is there is easy to find. It shows up like a big red spot on light blue paper. The cancer is still in the tissue and, not in the bone. I also told Casey that I’m a friend of your dads and, this is just a dream. We will see you soon. She went back to sleep, saying Tell Daddy it’s ok,. Lots of hugs.”
Bud just stood there, with tears running done his face and said, “ Dr. Davis, I will be fine now that I know that she will be alright.” as he got control of his emotions.
Dr. Davis said “That is very good news Bud, I’m glad. But we need to concentrate on what just happened. Can you both go to your stations and, check the readings please?”
“Now Cagen” as he turned to me. ”What did you encounter?”
I said to him. “What it felt like was this, a total absence of sound for a short time. That total quiet was scary at first. It was the first time I’ve felt that way. I have always had the linking of minds. It’s like white noise that you get on older space radios. It’s just there. When I found Dides and, Serna, only, I was relived. Then I found you Dr. Davis and, that was a little harder.”
DR. Davis broke in and asked.” How did you reach Baxter and Bud?”
“That was harder yet.” I said. “I had to concentrate and push harder to find a way thru the shield, but once I found the pattern, it was easy. I just had to find the pattern.”
“What do you mean find a pattern?” said Dr. Davis.
I replied. “All thought is by a pattern, just like sound is. The shield acts like a net, with holes in it. I can see the holes in my mind if I focus hard when the net is up. After I found the pattern it was easy to work thru it. So I went thru the holes to both guards and, talked to them.”
Dr. Davis said, “So the shield is not a barrier to you. H’m. I can’t see the pattern of holes that you speak of. I also have to concentrate to be able to read other’s mind that are around me, and that’s if they let me“.
But what is this that you did with Casey? Are our bodies a net also?
“Yes and no.” I replied. “The body is like a electrical field, that I can read by following the neural paths. The pathways are mostly blue , with some green mixed in when the
flows are not impeded. They will turn red to black if a problem arises. Just like with you, Dr. Davis. You have a irregular heart beat and, one blocked vessel near your heart. Am I right?” “Yes you are. That is amazing.” He replied.
Everyone was looking at me with a lot of apprehension. I asked, “Is their something wrong? I thought that all telepaths could do what I do, but on a smaller scale.”
Dr. Davis replied. “We can do some of what you can do. But not near any conceivable strength that you have. You also have abilities that we do not have.”
Dr. Davis said “Please take a seat while I check the data that we have collected.” He went to the control panel and the guard stations and pulled up screens with the readouts from the testing. There was a lot of data. He then pulled out a micro data cube, and downloaded all of the test results, then deleting all of the files. The computers would not have any record of the testing, just as if I wasn’t there.
Dr Davis turned to us and said “ The test show that you are a lot stronger than you or I realize. But that is a good thing. Lets go into the office and talk. Bud , you and Baxter come in also.”
We went into the office and Bud closed the door. Dr. Davis turned on the jammer so that nothing that we said could be heard. He sat down behind his desk and said “ Now to the main reason for calling you three in. Cagen, you know about The Factions that are trying to take over the colonies/” “Yes.” I said. Dr. Davis went on. “The situation is a lot worse than the public really knows. Something is being done. With the test results from you we can go forward..
The first thing is ,you know about the star drive systems that you worked on. Changing our interplanetary systems to star drive systems. We now have a fully working star ship equipped with four star drive systems as main drives. She is a Omega Class freighter and is equipped as a destroyer of the Nautilus Class. So she is very large and very fast with a lot of firepower. The powers that be ,have named her The Stardragon of all things. She has been tested and is ready to go. We were stunned.
I asked. “What is it like to go into star speed ? Dose time stand still ,or what?”
Dr. Davis chuckled and replied, “No it dose not stand still. We seem to not change at all. The only noticeable thing that happens is that the ship acts like the engins seem to stall for just a second then pick back up. That happens when we come out of star speed also. We do not age but the time dose change. It goes forward, and when we come back it reverses back to our current time. But lets get back to or problem, shall we.
The reason that the ship was built is to take as many of our people out of this solar system, and to find a new one in a different star system.” That shocked the three of us completely.
Sarena asked, “Are things that bad that this is a possibility, or a probability?”
Dr. Davis stated with resignation in his voice. ”This is a actuality . It will happen very very soon. The Factions have broken thru the defenses of Jupiter and Saturn. So, all the new technology that was spawned from your work and resources have been put on board the Stardragon, along with all the necessary people to start a large new colony.
The brightest ,and strongest among us. You three and Bud and his daughter are to go. Your parents have elected to stay and fight the Faction. About one third of the planets population from Neptune and Pluto are leaving with you.
Cagen, you will be in charge of the explorer units with your abilities to read minds and detect other beings with like minds, your place is very important for the safety of all on board. Didis and Serena are part of those units to. It wouldn’t help to break that up ,you three work to well together. Buy the way this is not a volunteer mission. You all three are in the spacer core in collage. When deemed as a military action you are ordered to go, and you ranks are as for Cagen, Star Major. Dedis and Serena both as Captains.”
The three of us just sat there stunned. My mind went blank with the realization of what was to come. Then the Voice said “It will be alright ,we will be back in time to help your people, and save your parents. But you would not be what they have come to know, you will be a whole lot more, more than you can imagine.” That woke me up from my stupor.
Dr. Davis said,” I know this is a shock to you but events have moved very quickly. The fall of those two planets has happened in the last two weeks earth time. The ship will be ready in three days. So please get ready to go. This is the last contingence plan that is left to us.”
I asked ,” Dr. Davis will you be going with us?” He replied “No I am not. I’m in charge of the last defense plan. The destruction of Neptune by vaporization of the planet after the Faction takes over here, to try and stop them before they can get to Pluto and the launch platform. If they get buy us here, to Pluto they can build their own star ship and then destroy worlds.
That is where all of the people will be also, and we can not destroy ourselves. So that is why I must stay. That is all for now. Go . Please get ready and I will see you on the Stardragon in three days to say goodbye.”
We left the Star Hall with a lot of things to think about. That’s when I told Dedis, and
Serena about what the Voice had said. “Dedis the Voice came to me in the lab’s office, like the barrier was not even on. She said that her ,and I would return and save Mom and Dad. We would also help with the fight here. She said that I would come back as something more than what I am now. I think I believe her.”
Serena said ,”This is getting very strange like we are getting pulled to something.” as she took my hand.
I said ,” Lets go see Mom and Dad. Just then Dr. Davis stepped out of Star Hall,and said, ”Cagen and you two also, be sure to get all of your data cubes on yourselves so that the Faction can not use them to track you down. They will use your abilities as a weapon.” Then he ran back inside yelling,” Lets get this place packed up and get to Pluto as soon as possible. It’s time to go.”

© Copyright 2012 Stephen D' Ricci (raxuss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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