Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1839524--Right-On-Her-Doorstep
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Rated: GC · Chapter · Sports · #1839524
... When things you leave behind come back to bite you in the face
=/= You can’t find someone who doesn't want to be found. Well that’s the theory anyway- if only it seemed to work that way in reality. Angel had returned with the hope of disappearing from public view, at least till she had her shit sorted out but she was in the country less than a month before the calls started coming in. The emails filling up her inbox and the messages piling up on her machine.
Somehow the wrestling world had found out that she’d returned to the US and now, it was plastered over every rumour site imaginable about where she was possibly going next- it seemed these keyboard warriors knew where she was going before she’d even thought about it.
Little did they know however it hadn't even crossed her mind, maybe she should just work from the ground up the whole returning to your roots but if she were going to return to her roots she'd have to dig up bones better left untouched...
That being said, she wasn’t fazed about being in the little leagues- she’d just be another big fish in a small pond.
A big, nasty tempered fish going into a pond where the others would have no clue what they’re going to have to deal with. =/=


=/= Before she knew it, Wednesday had rolled around and she’d commenced the same old routine she once thought to be long gone- gone she believed was the tedious bag packing and unpacking, the long hours on the open road and the sleepless nights in seedy little motels in the middle of nowhere. She almost looked forward to getting back into the routine. Almost.
However it seemed too nice a day to curl up in a dark corner trying to decide whether it was worth throwing her shoe at the television to make the incessant, underage wife of some bloke on a 'Young And Restless' shut her face once and for all and instead she made the out of character decision to wander through the quiet Dallas suburb. =/=

=/= Winter was creeping up slowly on Dallas, the breezes getting cooler, sneaking through the growing layers of clothing that people were starting to stack on and the last orange leaves were falling, crumpled and dying from the trees lining the sidewalks.
It seemed the suburb was aware of the coming cooler weather, few people ventured along the sidewalks and those who left the warmth of their houses and apartments only did so with a purpose in mind. The fewer the people on the street always meant less chance of being recognized- though she hoped her spur of the moment hair cut decision certainly helped to a degree in avoiding instant recognition- pulling her jacket in closer to her body in a vain attempt to avoid the sneaky breezes she left the apartment block and set off down the street, occasionally kicking scattered leaves that had fallen in her path. =/=


=/= Time dragged, well it felt like it had as Angel finally ended up towards the local shops, young delinquents like she had once been hung out, shooting threatening stares at passers-by as if it made them seem tougher while families bustled along with screaming children in tow, lugging their shopping about while trying to control everything around them. Yet failing.
She strolled by them, occasionally returning a friendly strangers brief, sometimes knowing smile before moving away silently to blend in with the world once again...
Everything seemed so normal, perhaps this was how she’d be if she’d had a normal life- spending a day trying to shop whilst dragging a screaming kid along pretending not to be massively pissed off and it was a life she almost envied purely for its simplicity.
Simplicity... Just a pipe dream for those in the wrestling industry.
Even so she still dreamed, knowing full well she was just another lost soul caught in the whirlwind of an industry which would never let go, she’d been doing this too long to be able to just walk away. =/=

=/= By this time she’d almost forgotten the reason she’d left the apartment, maybe it was just for the cool, fresh Dallas air in her lungs or the chance to experience a world outside of walls and ring ropes. Maybe she was just tired of watching the shadows dance across the walls, wanting to escape herself for at least just a little bit.
Now she was tired of the escape, she wanted back into the shadows until it was once again time to come forth and destroy everything like she’d become so conditioned to do.
Making her way back the same way she came, she kicked the same leaves out of her way that she’d kicked not long before and tread the same footpaths she’d just passed.
It seemed nothing had changed since she’d last been here, even though little time had passed.
Something had changed though, there was a figure out that wasn’t there before, sitting outside the doorway to her apartment- seemingly waiting for someone despite the chilling breezes, as Angel kept walking back towards her building, hoping that it wasn’t just another fan determined to catch a glimpse, friendly word and scribble from an idol but the figure didn’t move.
Getting closer the figures features became more apparent, young and female with long dark locks trailing down her back- Angel felt her heartstrings begin to tug. She knew that face. Those piercing eyes that looked straight through her now.
The figure rose as Angel continued to approach, unable to stop and turn away as much as she wanted to, surely this couldn’t be happening, surely it couldn’t be happening right now.

How the fuck had Becky found her... =/=
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