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Rated: E · Novella · Sci-fi · #1843441
Angel and Trent try and find an odd boy, before the mad men do.
                   The Perfect Child 2.0

`Our last attempt was an utter failure. The next will hopefully be a success. All signs show that it is stable and already learning what is around it.

Our worst fears have happened, the subject has escaped. We did not have time to implant a homing devise on it incase this happened. We can only hop it is not doing harm to anyone.`


Everyone waited in the hospital waiting room for the news.

Trent leaned against a wall while Angel leaned against him.

Trent’s sister had been in labor for ten hours now, they wondered how much longer it would be.

A nurse finally walked over with a big smile on her face.

Everyone turn towards her to hear what she had to say, she stated, “they are fine, all three of them.”

Everyone was first relieved then looked back at the nurse. Three!

She continued, “She and both baby girls are healthy and happy, apart from any screaming from the babies. You can see them in a few minutes if you go over to the nursery window around the corner.”

Everyone headed over, except for Trent and Angel. He asked her “you still ok about us staying with your aunt and uncle to help with the babies?”

Angel just smiled her widest smile, “yeah its fine. Besides it’ll give you a chance to be around a real baby, not just a lab ra…”

Trent gently grabbed both Angel‘s arms, forcing her to look at him when he said, “you are not a lab rat. You are a girl, a living breathing girl. Not only that, you are my daughter. Never forget that.” and wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around him as well.

“You guys want to see the babies or what?” a head popped around the corner and yelled to them.

They eventually join the others.

After everyone got to see the babies, they went home to get some needed sleep.

A few days later, Trent and Angel helped the new family get home and settle back into normalcy.

“They are so small, but I know from others with babies they can still be a hand full,” Trent said as he tickled one of the babies’ feet.

His sister didn’t quiet appreciate the advise, she instead went into the kitchen to make some lunch for everyone.

Angel looked at the babies.

Her dad Trent had gone through, painfully as he put it, of explaining babies to her.

She did not consider any of it as she watches them try and understand where they were.

She started to reach out to hold one of their little hands, when she stumbled back a few steps.

Trent turned when he heard her stumble and saw her holding her chest, breathing heavily.

He walked over to her and said, “Angel are you ok?” but she just fell to the floor. He grabbed her before she hit, and laid her down on her back.

*All Angel could see was utter darkness, suddenly a bright flash and pain arched through her body.

She then saw a man in a lab coat.

He looked scared, but of what?

She tried to say something, but could not get her mouth to work.

She closed her eyes hard.*

Angel opened her eyes and stared up at Trent. ‘What just happened’, she wondered.

She tried to stand up but could hardly breathe, all she managed to say was, “dad help.”

Trent and his brother-in-law, carried-dragged Angel into the bathroom and laid her down.

Trent felt her chest, “Her chest is tight as a drum. Do you have any hot packs or something?”

His brother-in-law ran out of the room, Trent could just hear him ask his sister for the hot-pack for Angel.

He ran back in and handed the pack to Trent.

Trent wrapped the pack in a thin towel and slid it between her shirt and chest.

He rubbed her shoulder as he talked, “Angel can you hear me? You have to try and relax, your chest muscles are too tight that’s why its hard to breath.” he started to feel her muscles relax under the hand holding the pack in place, “there we go, now breathe. Please be ok.”

Angel slowly opened her eyes, and saw Trent almost crying.

She reached out one hand and wiped a tear that had started flowing down his face.

He wiped his face with the back of his hand, and tried to smile down at her.

She managed to giggle a bit at his attempt.

The brother-in-law left to check on the now crying babies, leaving Trent and Angel to talk.

Trent asked, “What happened out there. I thought you were having a heart attack.”

Angel sat up and stated, “I almost wish it was that, then I would know what happened. I was somewhere else, and it felt sort of familiar. It was dark at first, then there was a bright flash of something and I felt electricity flow over me right after. I saw a man in a white coat looking up at me or whatever I was, he looked scared. I could not say anything, so I closed my eyes then opened them and saw you. You don’t think they tried to make another perfect child do you? All the trouble we all went through with me, I think they would just leave it and let it fade away.”

Trent shook his head, “they would be idiots if they did. You may have had a memory that really scared you and you tightened your muscles in fear. Lunch is nearly ready, let’s clean you up.”

He began to wipe her face with a damp cloth.

“Dad! Stop that. I can do that myself.” Angel said as she tried to get the cloth from her dad.

Both were giggling over the whole thing.

After lunch, Trent and Angel manage to get some sleep in the guest room they were sharing.


The boy ran through the woods, still able to hear the dogs chasing after him.

He came out of the woods, and onto a drop off into a park.

He looked back once, then jumped down.

He landed hard on his feet, causing him to lie there for a minute to recover from the fall.

He then got up and ran for the closest door he could see and went inside for cover.


Angel was picking up some toys that the two baby girls had thrown around the room.

“For babies they sure do have strong arms,” she said as she grabbed a rag doll from atop a lamp.

She put those toys up in the toy bin, then saw one in a corner across the room.

She walked over and bent over to pick it up, when she legs suddenly buckle under her.

She lands with thud, which drew Trent in to see what happened.

“Angel you ok, what was that noise?” Trent asked as he walked over to her.

Angel was rubbing her legs, “I don’t know. One moment I’m bending over to pick up a toy, the next my legs just buckle and I’m on floor. For some reason my feet hurt like I kicked something or landed hard.”

Trent helped Angel back on to her feet and led her back to the couch.

He then felt her legs for anything. “Your legs feel fine. The muscles seem tense, like when you blacked out and you chest was tight. Let me try something,” he bends her leg at the knee in his hand, “does that hurt?”

Angel grimaced slightly, but shook her head, “it feels like a bruise that is a few days old. It hurt a lot more earlier. Why would…” one of the babies screamed.

Trent and Angel smile, no rest for the weary.

After testing her legs to see if she can walk, they go see what they can help with.

The next several days were uneventful.

Angel had no other incidents, and the babies got into a routine.

Trent and Angel finally headed home when his sister and brother-in-law had gotten into a normal routine.

Trent fell onto the couch and Angel tried to lie on him.

He shoved her off, chuckling the whole time, and she crawled over to the chair and sat down, giggling like a child.

“Now I think we have earned a good night sleep in our own beds.” Trent said as he stretched out on the couch.

Angel stifled a yawn as she said, “yeah, but its only three in the afternoon. If we sleep now we’ll never sleep tonight. We also need to eat something that isn’t baby food, that stuff is terrible, I don’t see how babies can stand It.”

Stuck her tongue out at the thought.

“Hehe. The one thing you missed out on, being a baby, and you can‘t stand any part of it. You have anymore dreams or flashes of anything?” Trent said as he remembered the look on her face when she had first tried the baby food.

“Not really, my dreams have been quite so to speak. Maybe I had a combo bad dream and memory. I mean your brother’s choose in movies is in need of work.”

Trent pinched the bridge of his nose, “yeah, need to talk to him about that. What do you think of Chinese takeout for dinner, with extra fortune cookies?” he asked as he pulled himself off the couch.

“Yeah, but hold the soy-sauce.” Angel followed him into the kitchen.

He grabbed the phone as she grabbed the phone book and looked up the number.

As she flipped through her head started to feel funny.

One moment she was looking at the book then blinked and found herself looking into the face of her worried father.

He carried her into the living room and lays her on the couch before calling the medical number they had given him to call if she had a relapse.

Minutes later, a large car pulls up and a some men come up to house.

Trent opens the door before they even have a chance to knock and says, “She was having weird dreams and just now she blacked out for no apparent reason.”

The doctor checks her heart and eyes for abnormalities.

He turns and says, “I find nothing on the surface. I need to do scans of her brain for any anomalies. Help her into his car and follow us to the hospital.”

They got her in Trent’s car and had one of their men drive them to the hospital.


The boy woke to sun shining through a high window.

He climbed some boxes and looked out to see where he was.

The building was on the edge of a small town, with only one road to go in or out.

He knew he couldn’t stay here forever, so made his way to the road to leave and get away from the men who were after him.


They finished the brain scan and saw a slight increase in brain activity.

They left Trent and Angel alone in a side room while the doctors discussed the data.

Angel was dozing happily laying against her dad, and started to have a strange dream.

*She was walking along a road between some rocks.

She turns when she hears someone yelling.

She turns back and runs down the road.

She sees a forest ahead and ducks inside.

As the men pass by, she catches her breath.

Once their gone she steps out of the trees and makes her way toward what looks like a gas station.

Inside she finds a map and tries to figure out where she is.

A military base stands out to her, and just a few miles away.

She crumples up the map and runs out the front door before the manager can get to her.

She runs down a road, thinking it was the right way.

She hears, “hold it right there”, turns and see some police officers aiming at her.

She tries to run into some woods nearby, but men step out from behind the trees.

She then runs at one of the police officers and jumps him.*

Angel screamed and opened her eyes wide. That dream made no sense. Why was she doing any of that?

She felt a hand against her face and turned to see her Trent looking startled and worried.

Trent stroked her cheek and asked, “Angel are you ok?”

Angel felt weird all over, it was like she had experienced something that someone else was going through.

She couldn’t get her mind around it, and just broke down crying in her dad’s arms.

He gathered her up and sat on the bed in the corner, shushing and cooing to try and calm her down.

The doctors come back, with confused looks on their faces. “Its appears to be some kind of subconscious brain activity. We would need to run more tests to be sure, but we know you don’t like that idea.”

Trent looked at the doctors then at Angel, who was just settling down, “you can do more tests, as long as I am in the room or next to the room that you run the tests in. deal.”

The doctors agree and set up a room where Trent and Angel could stay in till the test were done.

Angel didn’t like the idea of all that testing.

She had gone through it once all ready when she was still a subject of some project, and now they wanted to do more.

Angel closed the door and wailed, “Why do they have to do any kind of testing? I thought it was just a bad dream or something.”

Trent fixed the sheets on the beds, “the first time yes, it’s the second time that worries me. You just fainted right in the middle of the room, no warning at all. If something is wrong, I want to know what we can do to stop it from happening again. I have asked for you favorites to be brought and you can have all the ice-cream you want when they are done.”

Angel lay down on the other bed, “yeah, I guess. Dad do you know of any times when someone has seen what is going on through the eyes of someone else?”

Trent stared at Angel, “that is quite exact for a question. No, I have never heard of anything like that. I think you need to get some rest, all this stress has you frazzled.”

He tucked her in and kissed her goodnight on the forehead.

Angel fell asleep in minutes, but had a dream that stunned her.

*She was lying on a pile of, what felt like cloths.

She sat up and saw that it was dark out.

She made her way to the door and looked out, no one was there.

She walked out to the road and started down it, staying to the side.

She sees lights up head and ran to get there before someone sees her.

The lights are from a gas station.

She looks in one of the window and hears her stomach growl, she was hungry and didn’t know why.

She jigs the door and enters to get something to eat.

She walks past a glass door and just glances, and sees a boy look-a-like of her.

She mentally screams.*

Angel sat straight up, panting heavily.

What had she just seen? A boy that looked like her, but how?

She looked over, but her dad was fast asleep.

“After the test tomorrow,” she thought and went back to sleep.


The boy ran from the store, startled by what he had seen and felt.

For the past few days he thought he was having side affects from what those men had done.

But now he thought something weird was going on.

When he looked in the door, he saw himself and a girl mixed with his image.

Like a split image or something.

“Who is she, what does she have to do with me? Now I know where I need to go. I find out who she is and where she lives, and get to her and see what she knows.”

he ran for what looked like lights for a large town ahead.


Angel woke to tech buzzing in the next room, and groaned.

She covered her head as her dad walked in saying, “their nearly ready.”

Trent chuckled and shook his head, “hiding wont stop the tests from happing. Come on,” stuck his hands under the covers and tickled her.

Angel tried to fight back, but couldn’t stop giggling long enough to do anything. “Ok, ok, uncle.”

She tossed the covers onto his head and got up.

While Trent wrestled with the blanket Angel put on she most easy fitting cloths.

She knew the routine well by now.

The doctors walk in and offered a wheel chair for her to sit in.

Angel got nervous and backed into Trent.

She looked up and saw him smiling back at her.

He gave her one big hug then gently pushed her toward the door.

She sat down and was pushed out of the room, with her stomach doing acrobatics the whole time.

*Angel didn’t see anything, or feel anything.

She tried to call for her dad, but didn’t hear herself make any noise.

Off to the side she saw someone coming over.

It asked, “Who are you?” she tried to answer, but nothing came out.

It stepped into view, a boy, who said, “don’t talk, think what you want to say.”

Angel closed her mouth and thought out what she said, “My name is Angel. Who are you, and are you the boy I keep seeing? What you are going through?”

“I do not have a name. Where can I find you?” he asked.

“I don’t think I should tell a boy I see in my dreams where I live. How can I trust you?” Angel looked the boy up and down, trying to get a bearing on him.

The boy showed his arm. His arm was covered with white marks.

Angel looked at her own arm; it was covered with white marks to.

“Are we the same?” she thought.

As she turned back to tell him where she was from, she saw the dark area vanish and a hospital room appeared.*


The boy knew the girl had to live in the city, the question was which one.

He found a phone book and just flipped through the pages, but stopped when he realized he did even know the girl’s last name, “How do I learn her last name?”

He tucked the book under his arm and ran behind a building, “if we can talk through our minds maybe I can see something that can help me find her.”

He closed his eyes and focused.

*He was in a white room, with machines around him beeping.

“What am I doing here?” he wondered.

A man walked in and smiled at him.

“Who is he and what is he doing here?”

The man sat down on the bed and kissed him on the forehead.

“Mourning Angel, even though you look like you could sleep a bit longer. Have anymore weird dreams?” the man asked as he moved hair out of his face.

He could hear himself ask, “Where is this hospital anyway?”

The man shrugged, “we are in California somewhere. Why do you ask?”

But his eyes dropped close and fell back to sleep before he could answer the question.

He heard, “sweet dreams Angel.” and a door close.*

The boy’s eyes snap open, “Now I know where to look.” and ran to find a map.

The boy found a gas station with lots of map. Now all he had to do was find out where California was from where he was.

He was rummaging through the ‘big’ maps when someone ask, “looking for something.”

He turned and saw an old man standing there.

The boy said, “I need to find out how far I am from California.”

The man laughed, “several miles and many days walk from here. Why, do you need to go there?”

“I am looking for…family. I was left behind by accident. Do you know how I can get there fast?”

The man shrugged, “I could take you, if you don’t mind keeping company with an old man.”

The boy smiled, “thank you, that is most helpful.” his stomach growled, “do you have any food?”

The man laughed, “I have plenty in the car, come on.” and led him back to the car.

It was not a big car, but it would do for getting him to California and finding the girl.

“I am one step closer to finding out what is going on.” the boy thought to himself.


Angel woke up feeling like she had been sat on for a few hours.

She opened one eye and saw Trent sitting next to the bed. “how many more tests do I have to go through?”

Trent rubbed her side, “they said they would be done in a week or so, if they go beyond three weeks I have the authority to call it all off. Why did you ask where we were by the way?”

Angel sat up and yawned, “did I? sorry. Have we had any visitors?”

“just your granddad. He came when you were still in testing, so he left you a new stuffed animal,” and pulled out a medium sized plush dragon.

Angel hugged the toy tight, “I love it. Tell him thank you next time you see him, I maybe in testing next time he comes to.” Trent laughed and hugged her close.

Their happy moment was interrupted by some men in gear just walking in. a man in a suit adjusted his tie and said, “we have been asked to bring you and your daughter to the base for…I am not going to try and repeat what the brains said.”

He turned and left the room and let the geared men help Trent and Angel get all their stuff to the base.


Traveling with the man was not that bad.

Sense the boy did not want to talk that much, so the man did all the talking.

He mentioned that he never could sit still vary long, and when he was older bought a RV and went to see the world; or what he could drive to anyway.

They reach a RV park where they could spend the night. “we can’t drive in the dark. To dangerous. We’ll sleep here and continue in the mourning.”

But the boy could not sleep.

All he thought of was that he might see through her eyes again, or have another mind meld.

“I wonder what she is doing now?” he thought as he looked out the window.


They shipped all their stuff ahead in faster vehicles.

Trent and Angel were put in a old RV, so they could sleep if they wanted in the back bedroom.

Angel had her head against Trent chest, snoozing happily.

Trent though thought something was off, “why would they now come get us? If they try to pull anything,” Angel jerked in her sleep and nuzzled closer to Trent.

He smiled and hugged her close, “guess we’ll find out when we get there.” closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It was nearly noon when they reach the base, with both Trent’s and Angel’s stomachs were growling badly.

They inhaled a brunch that was waiting for them.

When they finished they were taken to the scientists, who looked a little ashamed.

One stepped forward and tried to be nice, “it is nice to see you looking good P C… I mean Angel. We brought you here to ask if you have had weird dreams. Like you see things happening that you know are nowhere near you?”

Angel looked wide eyed at the scientists, “what do you know about it?”

Another cleared his throat and said, “you maybe getting, signals, from another subject of the ‘perfect child’ project.”

“are you saying you tried the ‘perfect child’ project again, after you lost the funding!” Trent yelled.

He couldn’t believe they would even think of trying it again.

All the trouble they went through with Angel, how she was thought to be the end product but fainted before she was sent to the ‘next’ stage, then they chased her and him down to get her and see why she worked and what changed.

they nearly killed her in the process.

They finally stated that she made it because she had normal DNA, his DNA, and that stabilized her.

The scientist fiddled with something in his pocket before saying, “our last attempt involved two subjects, her and what we thought was a boy. She stabilized before he did, that was why she was alone when you found her. The other one was, we thought, put in frozen storage. But I fear someone has taken him and tried to finish it.”

“wait, you said two, me and a boy. Would that mean, he’s my twin, my brother? I have a brother.” she looked at Trent with wide eyes.

Trent opened his mouth to say something, but the scientist said, “more a half brother. Since your father has given his DNA to help you, you are more his daughter then his sister. But now we must find it and take care of it.”

They start to leave, when Angel screams and faints in her dad’s arms.

They check her eyes, dilated and distant.

One scientist states, “because they may still be considered twins, they may have a link. So whatever he feels, she feels as well. Until we can severe that link, she will continue to have, attacks you could say. We’ll set her up in a monitoring room where we can keep an eye on her twenty-four seven. If you want we can set a bed up in the room so you can close by if she needs you/something.”

Trent agreed and carried her in his arms as they lead him to an observation room.

They set up all monitoring systems to track and see if there was a pattern.

When they were done, they left Trent and Angel alone for a few hours.

Trent sat by Angel’s bed, rubbing her hand, “I wish I knew how I can help.”


The boy lay breathing heavily in the small bed he had slept on that night.

Something happened with her, or was it him?

He splashed water on his face and checked on the old man. He was sound asleep.

“I’m sorry, I have no time to rest here. I must get to her and figure out what is going on. You are better off not knowing who or what I am. Goodbye.” and crept out of the RV heading in the direction the man had pointed out while they were driving.


Angel groggily opened her eyes and looked around the room, trying to remember where she was.

She saw Trent asleep with his head on the bed.

She reach her hand over and rustled his hair and said, “wake up sleepy head.”

Trent groggily lifted his head, then snapped his eyes open when he saw Angel awake.

He kissed her on the forehead for a long minute, then looked into her eyes, “don’t ever scare me like that again. Do you understand?”

Angel just smiled back.

The guard standing outside the door peered in and said without thinking, “thank goodness your ok. Oh I should…sorry.” but Angel and Trent just laugh and hold each other close, the guard closed the door with a vary red face.

With the guard gone, Trent asked, “how long have you had these dreams?”

Angel shrugged, “I can’t tell. Some are feelings, others I see what is going on around someone. I did see his, our, reflection in a mirrored door, we almost looked alike. Like twins. If he is, we have to help him, please.”

“how can we? Wait, you asked where we were before. Can you talk to him in your mind somehow, like telepathy?”

“I can try,” Angel closed her eyes and focused.

*She was on a road, for cars. The sun was just rising off in the distance.

She called out, “hello.” She stopped moving, her head moved around. She said, “I needed to tell you, people moved us to a base. These people are after you, but my dad and I want to help you.”

She heard in return, “do you know where you are now?”

She could just make out her dad saying, “southern California”, she relayed the info.

“that is closer to where I am. Can you come outside, so we can meet?” he asked.

“I’ll try,” Angel fell into Trent’s arms, exhausted from maintaining a link.*

Angel slowly opened her eyes and said, “he wants just me and him to meet, outside.”

Trent smiled and winked, “I think I can arrange that. Get some rest, we’ve got a lot to do tomorrow.”

He set Angel back on her bed, then got into his bed.

Both fell asleep before the guards could return and question them.

Which was probably a good thing.


The boy stopped at a hut that looked abandoned on the side of the road.

He knew he had to sleep before going any farther.

There was a cot in the corner, or what was left of it, and some cloth that he could use for a blanket.

He laid down and tried to cover himself with the blanket. “tomorrow, I make my way to where Angel is. Soon I’ll learn why all these people are after me.” yawned and fell fast asleep.


The next mourning the scientists were waiting outside the room before Trent and Angel woke up.

The moment they were let in they started asking questions.

“how long have you had these dreams?”

“what have you seen during these dreams?”

“do you have any idea where the other ‘one’ is right now?”

But Trent was not happy with them just bombarding her with questions that she did not know how to answer.

“I think its time you all left and gave her room to think. By the way, do any of you know good games to play on a secluded base?” he ask the guards as he pushed everyone out, winked at Angel just before closing the door.

Angel sat for ten minutes, that was how long her dad said it would take to get any stray guards and brains together in one place.

Once time was up she made out the door and across the wide base to the fence, jumped it and ran as far as she could before getting tired.

Angel suddenly hears someone say, “are you looking for something or someone?”

Angel turned and stared at the boy, who she assumed was the other subject, her brother.

He more or less looked like her if she were a boy.

The only difference was he had a face of one who had been used and targeted for a long time.

Looking at him felt odd for some reason, like she was somehow looking at herself at the same time.

She dared to ask, “have you had odd moments that you were seeing something that wasn’t there before?”

The boy stared back with his eyebrow raised.

This girl made no sense, yet made sense at the same time.

He answered, “I have heard babies crying sometimes when I slept a few days ago. What does that have to do with anything?”

Angel smiled as she said, “a few days ago, I was helping my aunt and uncle with their new twin babies girls. You haven’t jumped off anything high and landed hard on the ground have you?”

The boy was getting creped out and mad now, “what’s it to you?”

Angel put on her most serious face, the one she learn to do from her dad, and said, “I’m ‘perfect child 1.0’.”

The boy stood there opened mouthed for a few moments, then shook his head and said, “your P.C - 1.0; I’m P.C - 2.0. Maybe that makes us…”

Angel finished for him, “we’re twins.”

The boy sat down, not knowing what to do next, “what is a twin?”

Angel smiled big, she remembered how she was when she ‘first woke up’. She sat down next to him, “twins are born at the same time. We were both made at the same time, but I matured first. Real twins are siblings, like my dad and his sister, but they are not twins. I think I am making a mess of this. You need a name, I can’t just call out ‘boy’ for you to answer to. I am gentle, that is why I am called Angel. You are rough and strong, so…what about Drake. It is Latin for dragon.”

“Drake, I like it. Would your dad want a son as well?” Drake asked.

“I think he would be for it. The real problem, or problems, is the scientists. They want to put you back in a freeze room, put you back to sleep.” Angel said, looking sad about the whole idea.

Drake smirked, “they would have to catch me first.” Angel giggled at his confidence.

“you hungry?” Angel asked as she pulled them both to their feet.

Drake scrunched up his face to think, but his stomach growled before he could answer.

He grinned sheepishly, “yeah, kind of. Know where we can get something to eat?”

Angel nodded and led him toward the base, but by the back.

They jumped the fence and made for a building with the word ‘rations’ on it.

Angel opened the door and said, “lets get some grub.”

She knew what boxes had the best food, and they eat their fill in minutes.

They sat by the door, dozing happily.

Angel jerked when she heard a door slam and shook Drake awake.

They peered around the door, and their heads bumped right into Trent’s stomach.

They both fall back onto the ground, as Trent says, “thought you might be back here, and I lost after just two games. Who might you be?” he looked at Drake.

Drake stood up and dusted himself off before saying, “my name is Drake, er, she just gave me that name.”

Angel stood and dusted herself off and said, “I think it is a good name. I am a kind person and my name is Angel, he is rough so I called him Drake.”

Trent waved the air in front of his face, “I don’t need a reason for your choice, cause I like. I named you Angel because of your eyes, not how you acted. The guards wont be coming out for a little while longer so now is a good time to try and sneak you out of here. I called ahead and my brother-in-law will meet us outside the fence area and pick you up. Once the brains finish their stuff, we will come and get you from my dad’s house and head home.”

Angel grabs Drake’s hand, “and be a family.”

“it will take a bit more work to do that. We have to get past a lot of men to clear for adoption, it wont be as easy as when I got you.”

Angel blew a raspberry, “we can just go back to where you got me and do it there.”

Trent crossed his arms and stated, “that hospital closed a few months after I adopted you. The scientists who were after you probably saw to that. Head for the front, I’ll meet you there once I make sure no one will make a surprise entrance.”

Angel and Drake run for the front of the base, but short when they see several cars out front.

“I thought we were in the clear?” Drake grumbled.

Angel stood back from the front and stated, “dad said he had everyone in the base…their not from the base, their…”

Angel suddenly fell to the ground.

Drake stood stunned for a moment, then notices the dart in her neck. He looks up just as men start to run towards him.

Drake whispers, “sorry sister. Got to go,” and makes a run for the fence.

He manages to jump the fence and get several yards away by the time the men in the cars see and try to go after him.

Trent runs outside with the rest of the guys from the base, and see some men carrying Angel out from the side of the building.

He instantly takes her in his arms and asks, “who are you and what did you do to her?”

A man in a white suit steps forward and says, “we will do the asking around here, or you can say goodbye to your little girl.”

Trent holds Angel, and just hears her trying to wakeup as they lead them back inside the building.


Drake could only look on as his would be family was forced back inside, by the men who had woken him up from his frozen sleep.

“if either side gets me, I’m through. But if they keep them trapped somewhere then I’ll never have a family. What do I…Angel?” he closed his eyes as he felt Angel try to make a link to him.

*-“that real hurt. Are you ok, they didn’t get you?”

“no. if they had they would not be holding you and dad hostage right now.”

-“you’re already calling him dad. don’t worry abut us, go to granddad’s house.”

“what is his name, for that matter what is you last name? and dad’s name?”

-he could hear a mental giggle, “dad’s last name is the same as my last name, its Barrow, his first name is Trent. Just look up Barrow, there shouldn’t be that many of us, and they should all be related anyway.”

“ok. Thanks. Hope to see you and dad soon.”*

The moment the link ended he ran for the closest building to look for a phone he could use.


Angel opened her eyes and said in a weak voice, “Drake is ok. He is going to find granddad and wait for us.”

Trent cradled Angel in his arms.

The tranquilizer dart they used was only just wearing off, and Angel looked very unsteady just lying down.

Trent moved hair out of Angel’s face and said, “we’ll go there once these new guys finish whatever they are doing.”

The man in the white suit walked in to the small room where they were keeping Angel and Trent.

He smirked as he watched Trent caring so much for something that was made in a lab somewhere. “she is not real you know, and neither is the boy. Just tell us where he is, or where he is going, and we’ll let you go.”

Trent stared the man down, “after what your men just did to her. I don’t think so. Anyway, how would we know where he is?”

The man pointed at Angel, “they have a link, that can allow them to talk and sometimes see what is going on around the other one. So girl, what do you see right now?”

Angel rolled her head toward the man, and said plainly, “a man in a white suit, being annoying.” The man crossed his arms and glared, she continued, “what you are talking about is crazy, I can’t…” but drifted off to sleep before she could finish, so Trent did it for her, “she can’t talk to someone who is not in the room. I think you have red to many comic books.”

“very well. If you will not help me find the thing, I will find him myself,” he opened the door to leave and added, “and you two will stay here until he is found.” and slammed the door shut.

Trent looked back at Angel, waking up from the tranquilizer, and thought, ‘be careful Drake.’


Drake found not only a phone but a phonebook and found the number for a “Clive Barrow”.

He dialed the number and heard someone say hello on the other end, then started talking. “they were trying to help me, but now they have them trapped in the base. No matter what I do something bad will happen, either to me or them.”

The voice on the other end, Trent’s dad, said, “calm down. What are you talking about, and who are you?”

Drake took a deep breath, and said, “my name is Drake, I am the other ‘perfect child’ the scientists were working, Angel’s twin. Trent and Angel and Trent are being held hostage in a base in southern California. What do I do?”

“your not far from my house. Hide out at this address till I come get you,” Drake wrote down the address, hung up and ran before anyone could see him.

The address led him to what looked like an abandoned theater, with the windows boarded up and the front door hanging open.

Inside everything was falling apart, and the counter had a layer of dust on it.

Drake walk past the food stands and into the area where people sat to see a show.

He sat down and wondered, “when was the last time this place saw anyone come through here. Why did he send me here anyway?”

Something thumped outside, so Drake ducked back into the projection booth to wait whoever it out.


Trent’s brother drove by the base, and saw several guards outside. “looks like the plan went south. It does not look like I will be able to see my brother or niece anytime soon,” his phone rang, “hello? Dad, hey. Trent held captive. Angel’s twin, named Drake. He is hiding at the old theater. I’ll meet you there,” hangs up and drives off.

One of the guards inside the base sees the car slow for a moment, then drive off rather quickly.

He runs off to tell his boss about what might be going on.


Trent’s brother stopped in front of the theater, and could easily see one of the doors was farther open then normal.

He walked in and went straight to the seating area.

He called out, “Drake, please come out. I’m Trent’s brother, and in turn Angel and your uncle. My dad should be here soon. Where are you?”

He turns when he hears something fall heavily to the floor, and runs up to the projection booth to find Drake with a pile of movie tins on him.

Drake looks up and says, “give me a hand?”

Trent’s brother chuckles and pulls Drake to his feet.

Before they can talk they hear someone whistle loudly and run out to see a old man with a white beard smiling back at them.

“you must be Drake. I am Clive, we talked on the phone. Lets get you to my house before we do anything else,” Clive did a half bow and motioned for Drake to go outside.

Drake neared the door, but jumped back at the last moment and said, “not right now.” they all peer out between the boards and see guards surrounding the building.

Clive shook his head, “we can leave without trouble, but you could be a problem to get out and not have something happen. Think you can get out of here on your own?” Drake smiled and nodded, “then we’ll get back to our cars, go try and get Trent and Angel out of the that base, then get the whole family together and try to get you back home with Trent.”

So Drake makes for the back of the building while Clive and Trent’s brother stroll out and chat with the guys to give Drake more time.

After finding a wood panel hanging loosely on the very back wall, Drake runs for some trees that were a short run away.

He glanced back once to see if they were ok, then continued to run as far as he could before becoming exhausted.


Angel finally got over the knock out dart and was sitting against the wall with her dad, his arms wrapped around her.

She laid her head on his shoulder and asked, “think Granddad found Drake ok, and they are home waiting for us?”

Trent kissed the top of her head and said, “I think so. I hope so. I fear they made have tracked either dad or my brother, so Drake maybe on the run again.”

The door banged open and along with two men in suits, Clive walked in.

Happy to see a friendly face Angel jumped up and grabbed her granddad around the neck, Trent joined her in a family hug.

When they finished Clive said, “I came to get you out of here. I have everything to say they have no right to hold you here against your will, and I will personally take you home.”

Trent whispered in his dad’s ear, “did you find Drake?”

Clive nodded, but with a frown on his face.

Trent sighed and took Angel’s hand in his as they walked out of the building and climbed into Clive’s car and drove home were they could get some proper sleep.


Drake watched from the trees as people walked by him, not knowing who was apart of the Barrow family.

He ran further into the woods to try and find a spot where he could ‘talk’ to Angel with no one bothering him.

He closed his eyes and found himself laying somewhere.

*The door opened and Trent walked in saying, “Drake had to run, several men had him my brother and dad corner in the old theater. I am sure we will find him soon.”

Drake could just make out a groaning noise, and Angel saying, “Drake made a link with me. Where should we try to meet next?”

Drake almost woke from the what he heard, then remembered how the link can go both ways.

Trent rolled Angel onto her back, “let me go get my dad, he knows the area better then anyone. Hang on for a moment while I get him,” and ran out of the room.

Angel moaned and said, “the link seems weak somehow. Are you ok?”

Drake could tell what she meant, “I think so. What you hear sounds muffled on my end. Something feels off…but I can’t tell where.”

Angel said as she roll her head to look at the door, her dad coming back, “just stay there while we find a place we can meet up, ok.”

Trent sat down next to Angel, and set her so that her head was against his chest, “easy sweetie. Dad, we’re ready.”

Clive opened the laptop and turned it so Angel could see, “there are several parks that are not in use right now, all we have to do is choose one.”

Trent wrapped one arm under Angels arms, around her chest, and stated, “none with hard names, lets go with basic. River walk, or sun view dock, anything with a name that he can remember. This one here…Angel you ok?”

He felt her head. It was way to warm for his liking.

He spoke right into her ear and said to Drake, “get to River Walk. We will get there as soon as we can.”*

Drake could feel himself getting sick and lost the link, but remembered River Walk.

He laid down where he was and tried to get some sleep before tomorrows excitement.


Angel gasp for air as she felt the link drop, and gripped her dad’s arm around her middle.

She let go with a grimace on her face, “sorry about that dad. Something is going on with Drake, I could feel something vary weak. Do you think it is Drake, that he is sick, out there by himself?”

Trent hugged Angel close, “I’m not sure, but we are going to get Drake home. One way or another. Dad, call the troop, we have a big one planned.”

Clive smiled as he left to call the family and told them what their part was in this whole thing.

In no time everyone was set, and all they had to do was wait till tomorrow to start.


Drake felt like he was on fire and freezing at the same time as he slept.

Every so often he would see what Angel saw, but the images didn’t help his head.

He got up at what seemed like sunrise, and was surprised that he felt a little better.

“time to go and find River Walk”.

he found a store with a rack of maps, and asked the woman behind the counter if she knew where River Walk was.

The woman smiled and said, “old River Walk. Not far at all, if you are in a car it isn’t. Just go down this road and you run into it in no time. You ok sugar, you look a little green around the gills?”

Drake tried to smile big, “I’ll be fine, as soon as get to this park. My family is waiting for me there. Thanks again Ma’am.” and ran out before she could ask anything else.

He ran a ways, and was soon offered a ride to wherever by a couple driving to pick up their kid from the airport.

He listened for while as they talked about their kid and what he had accomplished.

Drake grew tired of it though, and his mind started to drift off and think about Angel and Trent.

He saw them running around, rolling in the grass, and begin a family.

He huffed, “why would they share that with me? I’m nobody.”

The couple drops Drake off and drive off to get their kid and go home, and have their family together again.

Drake watched them until they were out of sight, then walked into the park to find a spot he could wait for the others, yet stay out of sight.

He sees food stands and game stations empty everywhere.

He finds a ride that was closed for maintenance that may never be done, and hides out for the night.


Angel woke early the next day, to the sun just rising over the horizon.

Trent was still asleep in his bed, so she went to find a book to read.

The living room had every book you could imagine, then there were a few her dad hid in the closet because he didn’t want her reading it.

She reached for the one she had been reading for the pat week, when she suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

She sat down in her granddad’s chair, “what is going on?”

She reached out with her mind to see what was up with Drake.

*She saw a park, old and rundown.

She blinked and saw the old, now broken, river of love that was one of the reasons for the name of the park.

She blinked again and was now looking outward from inside the broken ride.

She heard a groan, and called out, “Drake, are you ok?”

Drake rolled over and closed his eyes, “I’m sorry. Something feels wrong. In me, around me, I don’t know. Your better off not trying to make a link with me, maybe try and keep the link from you. Goodbye…”*

Angel jerked awake, not feeling sick anymore.

She glanced out the window as she ran back to wake her dad, and saw the sun higher then before.

‘was I out for that long,’ she wondered, but didn’t have time to think any further.

She turned the corner and ran right into her dad.

“wow, good mourning Angel. Ready to go already?” Trent said as he walked by, kissing Angel on the top of the head.

Angel’s mind was going a mile a minute, “Drake is sick, really sick. We have to go now.”

Trent grabbed a mug to get some coffee, “calm down. I am sure he is just tired, and you woke him up. Sit down and have some cereal, then when you are done we will all climb into the car and meet the family at the park like we planned.” he pushed Angel into a chair and set a bowl, a box of cereal and milk in front of her.

Angel tried to talk again, but got her dad glaring at her until she starting eating.

After a while her granddad walked in and starting talking to Trent about the plan again.

Trent glanced at Angel before going into the living room to finish the talk.

She groaned and munched on her cereal, to her they should leave now sense she felt Drake so weak from the last link with him.

When her dad and granddad finally came back, Angel stood up and said, “when I had the link with Drake last night, I said something felt off. This mourning I felt sick to my stomach, and when I linked to Drake to see how he was he felt even worse then I did. He needs us now, we can’t wait any longer.”

Trent grabbed Angel by her shoulder and said, “we agree. We are heading out now, and wait for the others to get there. You two get in the car, I have to make one last phone call.” ran back to his room and shut the door.

Clive and Angel looked at each other like, ‘what was that about?’, but did as they were told and got in the car.

Trent joined them minutes later, and they take the long way to the park to keep people from wondering what they were doing.

Before they reached the parking area, they see and hear helicopters over head.

Clive pulls to the side as several cars drive by, with a all to familiar insignia on them.

Trent held Angel in his arms, remembering the day they came for them to see what she was.

He questioned in a worried tone, “dad, what do we do now?”

Clive sighed, “we can’t do anything for Drake now. I guess we go home.”

“Dad, we have to help Drake, he’s my brother,” Angel pleaded with tears in her eyes.

Angel was right, they had to do something.

Trent’s phone beeped, someone had left a message. He red, “we just saw the helicopters. What do we do now?”

Trent closed his phone and said, “we go in and stop them from taking Drake. Dad, park across the road from the park. I’ll text everyone about this new development.” one last glance at the sky for anymore helicopters, then off they drove to take back Drake.


Drake crawled toward the opening, and saw helicopters flying over head. “guess they are here for me, and it isn’t Angel. Angel where are you?” jerks back from the opening when several cars suddenly stop inside the park.

He ran to the back of the ride and pushed his way out some loose boards.

He hid behind the other attractions as he made his way out to, somewhere.

He makes it to the edge of the park and jumps the fence, unfortunately that drew everyone’s attention back to him.

His whole body shook as he tried to keep ahead of the men after him.

Out of nowhere someone runs up to him, and they nearly crash.

He takes another look, it was Angel trying to look like him.

Angel pointed back the way she came, “dad and everyone is waiting that way. I’ll go that way and try to lead them away.”

“what will they do to you if they catch you though?” Drake asked, barely able to stay up right.

“don’t worry, we have that covered. Go, dad has something that should help you feel better,” Angel gently nudged Drake one way, then ran the other.

Drake managed to run at least a few feet, then ended up rolling down the hill into Trent and Clive’s ready arms.

He opened his eyes, and had never been so happy to see a friendly face.

His first thought though was for Angel, “dad, their after Angel. She was trying…”

Trent cradled Drake in his arms, “I know, I gave her the idea. He should be here by now,” he looked around for someone, and even Clive was confused.

A loud boom drew their attention in the direction that Angel had gone.

Trent laid Drake in his dad’s arms, “I need to make sure Angel is ok. Drake hold a little longer, ok son,” he lightly kissed Drake on the forehead before running off.

Helicopters flew low over head, sending Trent’s hair going everywhere, but that was the last thing on his mind at that moment.

He heard a scream up ahead and quickened his pace as much as he could, soon saw someone running towards him.

Several cars drive around the two, trying to get near one without hurting the other and getting in trouble with their bosses.

The shorter one ran into Trent, sending them both to the ground.

Trent moved hair out of the way, Angel staring back at him.

She was terrified, and grabbed her dad as she lightly cried, “they fired on me dad. I thought they would kill me.”

Trent hugged Angel close, “they never planned to hurt anyone, just put Drake in a cold sleep. Come on, lets back to the others.”

They turn, and find several cars surrounding them.

A man in a white suit stepped out of a car and asked, “ where is the other one?”

Trent stood and held Angel behind him, “I don’t know what you are talking about. Now either leave, or I will call by military friends to come and deal with you all. Your choose.”

The man looked hard at Trent, and saw no fear in his eyes.

He huffed, “you think you can just sneak him away and we wont notice. He belongs to us.”

Angel couldn’t stand the way they were talking about Drake, “from what I heard, you left him in a frost closet. He doesn’t ‘belong’ to any of you.”

The man glared at Angel, “watch your tongue girl, or I will put you both in the freeze.”

Trent smiled, “I was hopping you would say that, because I have a mic on me that has been transmitting everything you have said. Now I have what I need to shut you down. Now get out of our way.”

The man stood there for a moment more, then climbed back in his car and ordered everyone to leave.

Trent and Angel ran back to Drake, hopping they still had time left.

They get there just as a man is opening a box of blood bags.

Angel wondered for second what they were for, then her eyes sprang open and she said, “do for Drake what you did for me.”

Trent nodded. His plan was to use one of the other blood bags he gave incase Angel had a relapse on Drake, and hope it had the same effect.

He took Drake back in his arms, Angel sat next Clive.

The nurse did some poking and prodding before he tied a rubber band around Drake’s arm.

Drake tried to see what was going on, but Trent turned his head away from the scene.

Angel started to tear up and buried her face into Clive’s chest.

The nurse pushed in the iv needle, and then waited.

It felt like an eternity was going by.

After what felt like hours the nurse smiled, “looks like you were right Trent.”

Everyone turned and saw the color was already back in Drake’s cheeks.

They sat there until the bag was empty, then they all piled back into Clive’s car and went home, to Trent’s home.

Trent laid Drake down on Angel’s bed and set the baby monitor on the nightstand so they could here if he needed help.

Angel sat in the living room, between being tired and scared awake.

Trent sat next to her and pulled her into his lap.

Trent kissed the side of Angel’s face, “he should be fine by mourning. You can sleep with me if you want.”

Angel squeaked out, “thanks,” before falling asleep in Trent’s lap, her head on his chest.

Trent chuckled and carried Angel back to his room to sleep the whole thing off.

The next mourning Drake walked in to the kitchen and saw Trent and Angel having breakfast.

He looked at the boxes of cereal and asked, “what are you eating?”

Angel picked up the box, “cereal, with milk. Want some?”

Drake wrinkled his nose, “I don’t know.”

Trent set a plate of toast with butter on the table, “thought you would be unsure about the cereal, so I made you toast to try out. I already know the routine from when I first got Angel. Eat what you can, then we will go out and do a bit of work on a few ‘things’.” and winked at Angel.

Drake bit into the toast and liked the butter spread on it, after trying a bite of Angel’s cereal they got in Trent’s car and drove off to…Drake didn’t know to where.

He asked, “where are we going exactly?”

Angel couldn’t help but smile as the idea rolled around in her head, “don’t worry, you’ll love the results.”

They soon arrive at a hospital.

Drake was shocked but let Trent lead him inside.

After a quick chat with the receptionist they walk back to a office with mobiles hanging from the ceiling.

Drake looked around, and felt even more confused.

A man with a few papers walks in with a smile on his face.

He sees Drake and asked, “I have my part ready. Are you ready?” Trent nodded.

Trent ordered, “you two sit in here. I will be back soon,” and followed the man into the next room.

Angel sat quietly, knowing what was gong on.

Drake though, had no idea, so he was pacing around the room.

Angel watch him for a few minutes, then finally said, “calm down, you are not in trouble, nor are you gong to be hurt.”

Drake sat next to Angel and asked, “why wont you or dad tell me why we are even here. This place make me nervous.”

Before Angel could answer their dad came back in with two folders in his hand.

He handed one to Angel, who bit her lip as she read her name on the top.

He then handed Drake a folder that looked the same, except that the top read ‘Drake Barrow’.

Drake stared for a moment, then finally managed to ask, “is this my info folder?”

Trent kneeled in front of Drake, “that is your health folder, and has the papers of your adoption into our family as my son and Angel’s brother.”

Drake didn’t say a thing for a long moment, then without warning he broke down crying right in front of them.

Trent took the two folders and set them back on the desk, then lifted Drake into his arms and the three of them went home, as a new family of three, a dad and a odd pair of twins.

The next several months with Drake reminded Trent of the first few months with Angel, the way she tried everything and made faces at anything.

Soon though Drake showed he was his own person, doing sports and lifting weights where as Angel would sit around and watch the clouds or read a book.

People hardly believed him when he said they were twins, but that didn’t matter to him; cause he knew the truth.

Angel and Drake may not be perfect to the world, but they were perfect to him.
© Copyright 2012 Dragon Writer (catrobin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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