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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1845561
Yuuri and the others sneak into the castle and trap Theonius.
Disclaimer: I do not own kkm. Just wishful thinking on my part I guess.

Note: Sorry you guys if this took so long in getting out. I just was so busy writing and getting interrupted by many people in the process.

Xzanayu: Here is the much awaited one for you.

Goddess of All Knowing-ness: Okay for your question all you have to do is think of their names and kinda mix it with some Final Fantasy spells. Aqua=Water Nova=Fire Grava=Earth Aero=Air Dark and Light tell them all. And we cannot forget Eve who is the Death element. They all have total control of the element because they were born of that element. When you look up the mythological beasts you can actually see texts stating that beings were created of the 6 elements which comes to rise of two extra elements. That is what I based them on.

Chochowilliams: You still didn’t answer my question. Which is which of the elementals has the same name as yours?

Chapter Ten

Theonius strolled to his chambers with a wide grin spread on his wrinkled face. As he passes by the soldiers to walk through the doors they both turned to grin at each other. The king walked to the center of his well-lit room staring at the beautiful picture of the woman draped erotically across his bed. She was wearing a sexy dress where the straps were falling off her shoulders. The woman’s hair was no longer up but flowing gently on her well muscular shoulders. The woman winked at him then blew him a kiss.

“Well hello there, beautiful. Now what shall we do tonight?” He asked as he casually walked toward the bed as his pants showed his erection. The woman smiled slightly at the sight of the erection and gracefully got off of the bed to walk over to him.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind a little show to see all that you are offering, Heika.” She said as she ran her hand down his stomach, which he caught, into his own.

“Any more of that, my dear, and I will explode automatically. But I can give you a show.” He backs away from her and starts to slowly strip off his light cloth that draped his shoulders. The woman’s smile widened as he put his hands to the ties on his pants. As soon as they dropped to the floor and kicked away he was bare-naked. His whole body stiffened when he heard the room fill with laughter. A clapping sounded and he spun around to see the Maou walking ever slowly towards him clapping his hands.

“In all my life I have never caught someone that was more pathetic than you.” He turned to the woman and his smile widened. “At least now I know what you were doing. But did he have to be naked?” He shook his head. “I’ll never be able to explain this to Wolfram now Yozak.”

“Gomen, Heika. I’ll talk to the brat later. Take all blame.” Yozak said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“You’re a man?” The nude king exclaimed while covering up his genitals with both hands. Yozak laughed hard and took the dress off along with the fake breasts. He had what almost looked like spandex on.

“But of course I’m a man.” Yozak said in his usual mischievous way. “Who else would be able to play the role seductress, ne?” He closed his eyes then opened them dramatically. “Lady Cheri?” Said woman than stepped forward and smiled at Yozak.

“Oi, Yozak.” She said mischievously. Then walked over to rub her breast on his arm. “Now, now, you know I would pick you over that wrinkled old man any day. Besides I still haven’t found a man from my free love journeys.” The naked king fumed then opened his palm to bring out a fireball.


The little miniature woman paced back and forth on the balcony while her fiancé is sitting on the banister.

“Dear, calm down. I’m sure everything will be all right.” Yosuke said while he walked around on the banister and looked into the courtyard. His eyes brighten. “Oi, Wyriel, look out front.” He said with his voice full of excitement. The way he said it brought Anissina’s gaze she slowly walked towards them and saw the magnificent creature standing there in all it’s white glory. There stood a unicorn walking around the courtyard. A bunch of soldiers were trying to round up the creature. With a nod of its head and the horn on it’s head started shining brightly. The soldiers started floating.

“Yay, a horned horse.” Wyriel said with excitement showing on her face.

“Actually, that is called a unicorn. They are very strong and they choose their master.” She walked to the edge and stared down. “Something tells me that not one of us are his chosen master.” She said then walked inside to go to her lab.


“Watch out!” Yuuri yelled a little too late as he watched Cheri get hit by the fire blast that the nude king fired at her. Cheri was holding her burnt arm with a furious look on her face. She held up her hand, which held the demon stone around its wrist.

“You shouldn’t have done that, you wrinkled bag of bones.” Her whole body lit on fire as her palm brightened and a ball of fire formed so big that it rivaled the kings. She hurled it at him while everyone watched in amazement. The king dodged it wit a surprising amount of speed. Gwendal balled up his fist to punch the earth, which rippled and made the king fall down onto his knees. Cheri clenched her fist and formed a fire whip. She swung it and the fire’s ate at the kings back. He cried out and looked to the side of the room looking for a route to escape from. His eyes widen when he sees Eve. She stood in the door watching with an emotionless expression on her face. He reached his hand out towards her.

“Eve, my dearest daughter, help me.” He begged with a pathetic look on his face.

“Hah!” Her face revealed her disgust for the begging man. “That’s the first time you ever called me that. You always hurt people. You torture and kill those who just happen to be in your way. I’m tired of being used as a weapon and a tool. I am a living being as well.” She slowly moved out of the doorway to show the doppelgangers. Right before his eye the skin melted off showing him the doppelgangers white deformed bodies. The king’s face had a green pallor to it.

“What the hell…” His eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his skull. “What did you do with the real girls, you little bitch?” He yelled while standing up. She smiled brightly.

“Like I would tell you. You just wanted to use them to get elementals and then kill them.” Eve said as she glared at him.

“Fine then.” He raised his hand. “I’ll just kill you so you don’t get used by them.” He closed his fist and the necklace exploded.


“No!!” Elizabeth cried out as she woke up from her nightmare. She started crying and felt someone’s arms around her. “Did you have a dream as well?” Wolfram asked touching Elizabeth’s shoulder lightly.

“Yeah, I did. It showed the future of my child. She was so beautiful. But…” She paused and took a deep breath. “Right when I woke up it showed her putting flowers on a grave. Then I saw whose grave it is.” Tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked up into Wolfram’s emerald eyes. “It was my grave, Onii-san.” Wolfram’s face turned shocked while she was looking at her.

“Mine was totally different.” Wolfram said quietly. “It showed me in a huge and beautiful forest with wondrous types of flowers. Then a fairy lands on my shoulder saying that I have their blessing for this child.” She put her hand over her stomach and felt a brilliant power there. “Then the fairy had me drink from one of the white flowers surrounding me.” Wolfram smiled as she remembered everything that she felt in the dream. “When I drank it I felt as if I could fly and concur evil.”

“I wonder what our dreams meant?” Elizabeth wondered out loud. They heard the wind rustling in the corner and turned to see a portal.

“You think that is for us?” Elizabeth asked with fear showing on her face.

“Hai, I do.” Wolfram said determined as she pulled Elizabeth behind her into the portal.


Eve stood stone still while the room filled up with ice particles. Her mouth quirked when the kings face turned from anger to shock. “What is this? That was supposed to blow your head off not create an ice show!” She laughed. The ice formed into a woman’s form. When it solidified Theonius saw that it was Aqua. “You!”

“Hai, it is nice me that ruined your safe guard on Eve.” She put her hands on her hips and gave him a glare. “You should be ashamed. No one deserves to be treated like an animal.” A portal pops up next to the two elementals. The two women in question came out of it.

“Wolfram!” Yuuri yelled, his face filled with joy. Wolfram turned to see Yuuri and tears came to her eyes.

“No!! You cannot have her.” Theonius said and raised his hand and formed a giant ball of fire. He threw it at Wolfram who had started running to Yuuri. Wolfram turned her head and saw the fireball. Her eyes widened.

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