Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1852986-The-werewolf-stoy-book-1-the-beginning
by cad
Rated: E · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1852986
kid as a werewolf and his life as one.it will have lots of twist and enemies to battle.
Chapter 1 Jake's First Bite

Jake was in a mustang and his car went off the road because something got in his way so he drove right off the curb he hit a tree and when he woke up from the crash something bit him and he looked at what it was and it was a wolf and than it looked at him than took off so he picked up his cell phone and he called 911 and when they showed up he lost about a court of blood. Maybe half of his blood but when he got to the hospital his brother Alex smith was their and his girlfriend Gabriella to but he dint have one he dint want a relationship at the time but he saw the most beautiful girl.

Alexs friend Beth doe she was cute so when she came in Alex and everyone left than she all of a sudden asked him out so he dint know what to say so he said yes I will go out with you and than that nite at full moon something happend he was bleeding out of the bite he got than he turned into a werewolf in front of Alex so he ran out than he came back in a hour later and Jake was gone but the next day he found him and he was on the ground with no clothes on so than he put a blanket on him and told Jake he was a vampire since birth and he told him something he will never forget he told Jake that he was not his real brother that Jake was adopted so Jake does not know who his real parents are so Jake made a promise that he hopes one day he will find his real parents and tell them that he is their son.

And one day he will find the wolf who turned him into a werewolf and than he will kill it with his own hands.

chapter 2 two years later

Jake came back from his job it was the night of the full moon, so when he got home his brother and his girl friend was there. He told every one to leave, except for Beth.

He turned to her, pulled her toward him, and asked, "Do u want to marry me?"

Beth wrapped her arms around him."Oh my god, yes, yes, I will marry you."

They kissed, but then the full moon came . Jake groaned.

"Are you okay?" Beth asked.

He turned away. "Please leave."


"Go! Please go now."

"I love you."

It was too late. Fangs appeared in his mouth, hair sprouted from his hands, claws replaced fingernails, but Beth stayed anyway.

until Jake accidentally bit her than he tasted blood and he jumped from the floor to the ceiling and when he left Beth left the ring than left him a note saying, I'm sorry Jake but I cant be with a halfbreed Alex told me everything and I'm sorry for what happen to you but you cant bit people for no reason until you can control it I'm leaving you I'm sorry I really am sincerely your ex Beth.

she put down the note than she packed her stuff than left.

the next morning Jake went back home fount the note than he read it and than he started to cry and Alex saw it and said,

whats wrong bro."

"Beth left me replied Jake."

"so go and find her."

you are coming with me than Jake yelled."

"OK under one condition we find your parents and we find the wolf that turned you into a wolf OK Alex replied."

done just get my girl back."

so everyone including Gabriella got stuff packed and started there first and maybe last one to.

so they got in the car and started it up than Jake went and got a gun for his self with silver bullets and got back in the car than they left to go and find Beth.

chapter 3 The car ride

"hey Jake did you get this gun out form the dresser door Alex said."

"yes just in case you never know what could happen I could turn into a wolf than you have to shoot me."

"don't say that Jake."

"OK but if it does happen-

"were here Gabriella interrupted Jake."

"OK lets go Jake Alex said."

so Jake jumped out and put the gun in his pants and than walk to Beth's room but when they got there there was blood everywhere like someone ate everyone.

"Jake do you think it was Beth."

no it couldn't be could it."Jake replied

"you bit her Gabriella said."

"well i could not wait i bit her Jake replied."

yes you did Alex replied to Jake and than Jake started to cry and than Alex op end the door than they saw Beth laying on the ground naked than they saw she had blood on her mouth so they put her in the van than left.

The next day when Beth woke up she saw that she was laying in a cell than Jake op end up the cell door than he gave her back the ring.

"Beth why did you leave like that Jake said."

"because of what you did to me Beth replied."

I'm sorry but- Jake started to talk but Beth interrupted

"save it i don't want to here it when i get out I will marry you I love you I don't care that your a wolf and know I am to so ill marry you." Beth said

"OK do you want to go to the full moon party tonight."

"yes I will Beth replied."

so Jake and Beth went to take a shower.

chapter 4 The full moon party

so when Jake and Beth got out of the shower they got dressed and left to go to the party in the limo but when they got there the guy let Jake in but dint let Beth in.

"why wont you let me in Beth said."

because you have to prove that you are a werewolf, the guy picked up the cup of blood,here drink this the guy said."

that's blood Beth replied."

"no duh drink it."

OK here goes nothing Beth said."

so Beth picks up the cup and drunk the whole blood down than she got in but the time that she did she felt as if she got drugged than she fell to the floor but than Jake found her and at the same time a cop found the place and was shooting at everyone so Jake picked up Beth and when she woke she started to run with Jake but than Beth got shot with a silver bullet and she spat out blood than fell to the ground and Jake ran to her and he started to cry than she died in his hands but than the cop left and Jake picked up Beth than went home.

so the next morning Alex and Gabriella saw that Jake was laying in a puddle of blood.

"Jake what happen man Alex said."

"Beth got shot by a cop and ill find out who than after i find him ill kill him and than we will start the adventure but I want to bury her with my love Jake replied."

"we will man."

"right know will be good."

"OK we will ill get the hole digged up Gabriella said."

so she got the hole digged up and they put her in the hold put the dirt back on top than they prayed for her to be safe in haven for eternity.

chapter 5 The cop

"Jake what are you doing Alex said."

"I'm getting the gun and I'm going to go shoot him Jake replied

"you mean kill him don't you."

"yes I do I'm going there right know and i know if i go there with a gun in my hand that they will try to shoot me but I want that cop dead Jake said."

so Jake got in the car and took off to the police station and when he got there he put the gun in his pants and walked into the police station.

"I'm looking for the police officer that was at a party last night."

"that was me the man said."

I need to talk to you outside in my car I need to have a talk about what you did Jake replied."

"OK fine lets go guys ill be back later the cop said."

so they got in the car and Jake drove off and pulled out his gun and laid it on his lap.

"you killed my girl you know that why Jake asked."

"because she killed my family last night I have nothing know no family no kids."

"that don't mean that she deserved to die but you do though for killing her."

Jake pulls off to the side of the road and got out with his gun went to the passengers side and opened the door pulled out the cop and Jake put the gun in his face and pulled his face and put the gun under his chin and pulled back the trigger.

"any last words jackass Jake said."

"yes please don't do this I'm sorry have mercy the cop said."

"your forgetting one thing I have no mercy."

the cop starts to cry and than Jake pulled back the trigger and shot the side of the road.

"but i forgave you though Jake said."

Jake thous down the gun than he gets in the car than leaves.

chapter 6 leaving town

"Jake your back Alex said."

"yep I am and no I did not kill him I let him go Jake replied."

"that's good."

"but we got to leave town know because that cop will be looking for me to put me in jail so I'm going to leave town tonight."

"OK I'm with you are you Gabriellia."

"yes ill go Alex Gabriella replied."

so they all packed up there stuff and packed it in the truck than they got in and was heading out of town and when they got to the edge of town the cops were coming up behind them and bash right into them.

"Alex go go go faster dame it ouch hes going to kill us Jake said." "he cant anymore we are out of town he cant come near us anymore Alex replied."

so they got out and looked at the back end and saw that there stuff had falling out so they all ran back into town and got there stuff and ran out but the cop saw them and drove but before he got to them they were in the truck and gone out of site so the cop went back into his police center and quit his job.

"why are you quitting the chief said."

"because I need to find them billy the cop said."

"OK I hate to lose you Jeff but when you fine and kill those werewolf's and vampires you can come back s that OK with you Jeff."

"yes and thank you billy."

so Jeff got in his car and left town to find Jake,Alex,and Gabriella.

chapter 7 the truth about Jeff

"that cop looked familiar Jake said."

"that's because he is the cop that helped you out and donated his blood to save you Alex replied."

"your saying he saved me and I tried to kill him."

"yes Jake your lucky he found you and than you was going to like shoot him so your lucky you dint."

"if so than whats the cops name huh Alex."

"the name is Jeff officer Jeff."

"Alex wait you say-ed Jeff."

"yes why."

"Alex my real dads name is Jeff killer."

"Jake you don't think hes your father do you."

"no he cant be."

"town ahead Gabriella said."

"great we can sleep know Alex said."

so they pulled into town went off road and stopped and went to bed.

"were are those jackasses at I cant believe my real son is still alive I donated my blood to help him and he treats me like crap I don't think so ill find them and ill kill them with my own hands said Jeff."

Jeff pulled off off the road and went to sleep.

chapter 8 A new town

The next morning Jake got up and went and started to drive into town than when Alex and Gabriella they made Jake stop at a apartment but when they came back out they saw Jeff sanding outside of there car.

"what do you want Jeff."

"Alex you know him Jeff asked."

"yes we are brothers."

"OK I'm here to kill him for what he did to me."

"well Jeff you should not have killed my girl know should you."

"no and I told you I was sorry."

"Jeff tell me what you want."

"to kill you Jake."

"Jake take this sword Jeff said."

"sword fight huh OK."

so Jake and Jeff fight for a hour than Jake took the sword and plunge it right in the chest but is missed the heart by a little bit but Jeff went to the ground and was bleeding out like a curt of blood a min.

"Jeff are you OK Jake asked."

"yes my son I am."

"your my real father."

"no you cant die you just cant dad wake up dad no don't die."

"Jake lets go police are coming lets go."

so they all get in the truck and take off and Jeff got taking to a hospital and when Jeff woke up he jumped out the window and got in his car and went after his son.

Jake was sleeping when Alex left town and was on the highway but they stopped at another state and they found a old mansion and moved in there were nobody will find them for awhile.

so the next day they got there stuff all moved in.

"Jake you OK Alex asked."

"no man I killed my own father."

"your fathers death was a accident you know that."

"but the sword was in my hand my fathers death was to protect me and my mom is still alive know we need to find her and the quest will be complete I hope my father will come back and I most defiantly hope that god will forgive me."

Jake god will always forgive no matter what he loves you and I love you to man your father will be back I promise you that brother no matter what.
© Copyright 2012 cad (cobysmith15 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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