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The continuation of my five chapter story after the first chapter, First Impressions. |
He Returns One Week Later, Ali woke up in a large familiar bed with Roy sleeping in an armchair near her. She sat up straight but immediately regretted it for she felt her stomach twist. She scanned the room, looking for other familiar items. After scanning the room she realized that she was in her room. She got up from the bed, feeling nauseous as she did, and walked clumsily towards a double door. The wooden floor was cold to her feet for some reason and every step she took made her shiver. She reached the double doors and opened them revealing the bathroom and her dressing room. She saw herself in the mirror attached to the wall. She was still wearing the blood stained clothes from when she fainted and her left waist was bleeding out the bandage that was wrapped around it. Her hair was a mess and she had cuts on her arms and legs which were starting to close up. Ali locked the double doors behind her and started preparing for a shower. Roy knocked on the double doors. “Ali, are you in there?” A hint of panic intruded his voice. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute.” Ali was blow drying her hair. She had changed into a plain white T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. “What?” Roy asked. “I’ll be out in one minute.” Ali repeated. Once she was assured that her hair was dry she opened the double doors. Roy stood by the door waiting to assist her. “How do you feel?” He asked. Ali lifted up the shirt and revealed her newly bandaged wound. “I think I’m doing fine but I feel like my legs are broken,” Ali complained and pushed her shirt back down. “That’s because of the vixon poison. Your bones are still healing so it will take you a while before you can walk normally.” A vixon was a venomous snake-like animal except much larger. “Where are the others?” Ali sighed. “They’re eating lunch.” A flash of panic spread across his face. “Are you hungry? I could ask someone to bring up some food for you.” “That’s okay. I’ll just go down myself. I need some exercise.” “I’ll go down with you.” “Roy, please don’t baby me. I feel like I’m useless whenever you do that to me.” “I’m not babying you. I haven’t eaten in two days because of you and I’m feeling quite hungry myself.” Ali looked at her brother in annoyance. “Okay, I just ate but I want to make sure your okay,” he said firmly. Ali shook her head in small movements and walked clumsily towards the wood door to open it. Charles was about to knock when Ali opened the door. “Well, look who’s finally woken up. You’re not much of an early bird, are you?” He said in his leveled voice. He looked past Ali towards Roy who was rubbing his eyes. “Liana and Clint want to see you.” He said to Roy. “How could they know that Ali’s awake?” Roy finally pulled his hands from his eyes and blinked at them. “I wasn’t talking to Alicia you idiot. I was talking to you.” Charles said in annoyance. Ali glared at him but Roy seemed to be used to his behavior. “Oh, where should I meet them?” “Where do you think?” “Okay. Now, can you help Ali to the dining room?” “I’m not sure I want to do that,” Charles said in a bored tone. “And I don’t need help.” Ali interrupted. “Fine, just don’t blame me if you get hurt.” He walked past the two params and down the dark hallway. Ali walked in the other direction clumsily, leaving Charles at the door. She tried her best to try and walk normally but instead she stumbled over her own feet and had to lean on the wall to stabilize herself again. Charles chuckled behind her. “It is absolutely hilarious to watch you.” “I’m so glad I can amuse you.” Ali said, clearly annoyed. “Let me help you.” He grabbed hold of her left arm and wrapped it around his neck to stabilize her, making sure that he wouldn’t hurt her wound as he did so. They walked down a set of stairs. “I thought you didn’t want to help me.” She said. “I’ve already created an image for myself with the others.” “Then why are you being nice to me right now?” she asked with curiosity. “I decided to take it easy on you for your health but when your better expect the worst from me.” Ali tripped over her feet and Charles, by instinct, placed his hand on her right waist while Ali placed her hand on his arm. She felt heat rushing to her face and hoped that he couldn’t see her blush as they stared into each other’s eyes. They returned to their former state, muttering words of explanation to each other. They continued to walk down the hallway and pass a few more corridors until a wood door came into view. “How long do you think it’ll be before you’re well again?” His tone of voice had changed into a more vulnerable state but quickly disappeared and was replaced by his leveled voice. “Roy didn’t say anything.” By then, they had reached the large double doors leading to the dining room. She let go of Charles neck and placed her hand on the door knob turning to look at him. “I can walk on my own now.” He nodded to her. “Thanks for helping me Charles.” “You can call me Charlie if you want. Anyways, I’m sure you’ll cause me more problems so might as well.” He said sarcastically. “Then you can call me Ali if you want. It’s easier to say Ali than Alicia.” He nodded in approval. “Now, will you please open the stupid door so I can eat my horrible lunch? I mean seriously Ali I’m not getting any younger,” he said with a hidden smile which Ali returned with a stare and a slight smile. He may be annoying but I guess he’s kind of charming. No, he’s just going to break me if I let myself like him, Ali thought, trying to make her smile disappear. She turned back to the doors and pushed the door knob down, opening the doors. The dining room consisted of many circular dining tables around the room, all occupied with params, and a crystal chandelier overhead. The rest of the room was decorated elegantly with flowers and such on top of small end tables. Ali walked into the room, unnoticed by the people occupying the table in front, with Charlie behind her. She looked around the room as she walked and found someone occupying the table on the darker side of the room. She knew it was a boy, judging by his figure, but she wasn’t able to see his face clearly. She sat down by her patnas with Charlie standing by her chair. “What is that?” He said loudly as he stared down at his plate. “It’s called a Sloppy Joe. Nicole said it came from the country of America on Earth.” Kiara said as she twirled her fork in her spaghetti. “Why do I get the weird new food while you guys eat whatever that is?” He asked. “It’s called spaghetti. I thought you would at least know that.” Kiara said. “Nicole got tired of making spaghetti so she made you a Sloppy Joe.” Jen said. Ali started eating her plate of spaghetti quickly, realizing how hungry she was. “Isn’t she sweet?” Drake said exasperatedly. Charlie sat down, punching Drake as he did. “That actually hurts. You do know that right?” Charlie shrugged. Kiara and Jen had finished eating while Drake was about to finish. Ali stared at the boy in the shadows curiously. “Who’s that guy over there?” Ali nodded in his direction. “I think his first name is Colton. I mean, that’s what Liana and Roy called him.” Kiara said. “He’s the guy that placed that big scar on your waist.” Colton, the name sounded so familiar to Ali. “He says he doesn’t remember a single thing that has happened to him except for when he was here before.” Jen said. “Yeah, Clint looked through his brain and found nothing but memories of this place.” Drake said. “And now, he’s in our group.” Kiara said. “I don’t like him.” Charlie said. “You don’t like anyone.” Kiara stated. “Not true. I’m friends with Drake.” Charlie said taking a bite of the Sloppy Joe, his mouth clean of food. “Really? I never noticed,” Drake actually sounded shocked. Colton stood from his chair and left the room. Ali still didn’t get a good look at him but saw a flash of strawberry blond hair. Soon enough, Ali was completely full. “We haven’t actually seen him in action yet but judging by how he acted during the fight he must be a-” Kiara started. “Complete wimp since he passed out,” Charlie interrupted. “He was too busy to fight back,” Kiara defended. Ali stood up, wanting to follow the boy out of curiosity. “I’m going outside for some fresh air. I feel a bit nauseous.” Ali lied as she started walking towards the door clumsily. “Do you want me to come with you?” Kiara offered rising out of her chair. “Thanks but I’ll be fine. I’ll just wait for you guys outside, you know, for training.” Ali was already closing the door before Kiara could argue with her. The only place that Ali hadn’t searched for Colton, other than the bedrooms, was outside. Why is that name so familiar, Ali thought. She closed the doors behind her once she exited the building. Roy and Colton, his back towards Ali, were discussing something with each other but Ali wasn’t sure what exactly it was. Roy noticed Ali and walked towards her. “Feeling any better?” Roy asked and in response Ali shook her head for her wound hurt more than it had before. “I’m sure Colton can fix that for you. I think you two have some catching up to do anyways. I have to meet with Clint and Liana soon.” Roy waved to Ali and he entered the building, Ali looking after him. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t do it on purpose. Then again, I don’t remember doing it at all.” Colton said. Ali turned back and saw her best friend from five years ago, before Kiara. “Colt?” Ali said. Colton walked to her and hugged her gently. “I missed you so much.” They parted from each other and Ali saw his familiar gray eyes. “I missed you too.” “What happened to you?” “Well, operation overlook did not go so well. I guess they found out I was from here and they started to control me. When the leader realized it he probably brainwashed me of any info about them.” Colton said. Ali paused and looked down. “Doesn’t matter as long as you’re here,” Ali said, looking back into his eyes. “Yeah, it’s nice to be home. Now, let’s get that wound fixed up.” He sat her down on a rock and made her pull up her shirt to reveal the wound. “That’s one nasty wound.” He said as she peeled off the bandage. He produced a vial and a piece of cloth using his essence which was the ability to produce anything from mind into real life depending on how focused he was. He opened the vial and spread the liquid onto the cloth. The cloth was cold to Ali’s skin when he pressed it on her wound but she instantly felt better. When he removed the cloth from her wound the gapping gash had disappeared from her skin. “What is that?” Ali asked in astonishment. “It’s Leona Marique” “What’s Leona Marique?” “Beats me.” He laughed. Ali stood and punched his shoulder. “Okay, its mystique mixed with healing essence.” Mystique was a form of liquid that gave strength and other advantages to Params. “Figures,” Ali said. He stood up and the cloth and vial disappeared. “Thank you.” Ali said looking down. “Least I can do since I caused it.” He said. “You didn’t do it on purpose, right?” Ali looked back up. “No, I wanted to slice you open because of all the rage inside me.” He said sarcastically. They both laughed at this. |