Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1857476-A-Flower-for-Every-CorpseRAW-Prologue
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1857476
Where it all started..the apocalypse that is!
The ground.
It seemed to be the only real thing at that moment. The houses she passed were consumed by the increasing darkness and every vehicle a blur. The bullets that previously hummed by her had stopped about ten minutes ago. Could they truly be gone? Could they have given up their chase after putting that much effort into capturing her? After the echoes of her feet dragging against the ground died down she stopped and looked into the window of a car only to see what had become of her. Dirt coated her thin unkempt hair; blood from a gash on her cheek had become dry and crusted and worst of all her teeth were all gone, chips and pieces still lining her mouth. A single tear trickled down her cheek as she leaned against the car unable to even call out for help. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain and opened her eyes to find a large syringe being ripped from her leg.

“We aren’t done with you yet,” whispered a deep monotone voice from the shadows that besieged the road.

Water filled her eyes and everything became fuzzy once more. The ground was the only thing she could still feel being drug across the pavement, back to them.

She awoke strapped to a chair. Metal braces secured her hands and feet in place, the bolts digging their way into her flesh. The room she sat in consisted only of the chair, hundreds of incandescent light fixtures, and a door and window that were feet off of the ground. Before she had the chance to make any further observations the floor began to rise underneath her until it reached the base of the entrance. The door opened in an elevator like fashion and revealed two men pushing a medical cart full of syringes. They contained two different substances. One was a thicker crimson liquid that resembled blood and the other crystal clear. After realizing exactly what they were she attempted to squeeze out of the braces in a last ditch effort to get out. She opened her mouth to scream as the bolts burrowed deeper into her wrists, but for the second time that night, to no avail. The men paced forward drawing the syringe filled with the red substance and injected it into her neck. She immediately was unable to move any of her body. One of the men reached over and removed her stark white lab coat letting it float carefully to the ground.

“You won’t be needing it any longer Dr. Drexel, seeing as this will be our last encounter.”

The man who had originally injected her stepped forward with the clear syringe and jabbed it in her just below the initial point of entry. She could feel something happening inside her. It felt like she had just swallowed a bucket of nails that were constantly in motion throughout her body viciously tearing up her insides. The two men watched until finally the woman’s eyes dilated and she sat motionless.

“Time of death, 1:32 A.M., Thursday November 21st, 2054,” said the man holding the most recent syringe.

“Wait…sir sh- she’s alive.”

“That’s impossible Nathan and you know it.”

“Look at her eyes sir; she’s looking right at us.”

“Oh fuck she is alive, but how? What the fuck did you assholes put in the second syringe,” he yelled at the one way mirror adjacent him.

As the floor began to lower once again a voice came over an intercom, “Sorry, but that’s confidential information even for you Dr. Roth. As you know, we take our work here very seriously and we can’t let the virus that Dr. Drexel now has living inside her loose just yet. You two have simply completed the puzzle. Now, I suggest you get on the ground, shut the fuck up, and pray that I end your lives before the real suffering begins.”
© Copyright 2012 The 7th Survivor (bloodismyhobby at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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