Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1862398-Lilirose
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1862398
Lilirose is alone and desperate to find her lost father, but her mom never speaks of him.
Lilirose feels alone in her own world, with no friends and looking different with wide green eyes and dark hair. Her mother rarely speaks and Lilirose must care for herself. When a mysterious man seems to know about her father, Lilirose wants a spark in her life, and for her previously mirthful mother to not be so morose. She presses on until the man sets her off to a journey across stormy seas to a deserted island, where her father apparently waits. She ends up stranded, unable to find her father, cold and hungry. But is there a way to survive? Is her father really on this island?
Awaking again in a boring, bitter world of misery wasn't something a girl could stand. Yet Lilirose did. She ambled groggily out of her bed, a few thin sheets in a pile on the floor of her shabby flat. Her mother lay silently in bed, unable to stand getting up and facing another day of mourning for her husband. Lilirose trudged sadly to school, loathing her smelly cloth and wishing for happier times, where her beloved father would return.
Arriving at school, she took a deep breath to gather her composure. Then head held high, as her mother had taught her, Lilrose marched through the chattering cliques, hoping today would be the day she would escape the taunts and torments of her classmates. Strangely, she made it halfway to the schoolroom without a single mocking insult. Some new bit of gossip or scandalous story seemed to have a hold on the students, as no one accosted her as she continued to the door.
Her teacher was a young woman who tried to help Lilirose, but always ended up either bursting into peals of laughter or failing to cheer her
up. Smoothing her clothes she stepped inside the too bright classroom and looked forward to the end of a monotonous lecture on the history of previous monarchs. The second the shrill bell sounded Lilirose was out of her stiff chair and halfway down the hall. Nothing better then an excuse to leave before the teasing and the name-calling began.
She turned the corner, dismayed that she hadn't been fast enough to make her escape.
"Hey, green eyes! Where you going in such a hurry? You got a hot date or something? Nah, that can't be it. You would date you?"
The group of guys surrounding Dirk laughed and slapped him on the back. The town bully, Dirk had a lot of followers among the more immature morons. He was the biggest kid in school, with a mouth to match.
Lilirose was tired of being harassed by bullies. Had she not enough wait on her shoulders, caring for herself alone, pretending her mother wasn't mentally ill, and trying to find her lost father? She sighed and tried to ignore the crows of laughter as Dirk waited for a response, aka, a chance to humiliate her in front of the small crowd that had gathered. As she tried unsuccessfully to dodge the pack of followers, the breath was knocked out of her as she recieved a painful blow to the face.
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In shock, she dropped to her knees and leaned back on her legs. She held her face and inhaled one deep breath, which cased her face to burn. She quickly placed a hand over her face, as if by reflex, so that she could minimize the painful sensation causing her face to throb. Oh God, dear God, please make this pain stop Lilirose prayed quietly. Why are they so mean to me? I never did anything to them? Lilyrose removed her hands from her face and realized she was crying.
The jeers of the crowd grew louder as they, too, realized she was crying. Like an animal trapped in a cage, unable to escape the pokes and prods of its captors, Lilirose curled up on the ground, helpless to defend herself.
"What is going on here? asked their teacher, Miss Periwinkle.
Surprised, the ring of on-lookers quickly stepped back, leaving Dirk and his little gang open-mouthed and frozen in place over Lilirose.
"What are you doing?" She asked sternly. "Nothing." Lilirose mumbled. She didn't want the boys to hurt her more if she dobbed on them. "I...I tripped. Hurt my face. Well... bye!" And she hurried off before Miss Periwinkle could question her. She ran non-stop home, puffing heavily at her rotting wooden doorstep. She was afraid that Dirk's gang would pursue her. She stormed into her mother's room.
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"mommy mommy the most terrible thing happened at school. I hate school and never want to go back." Lillyrose cried and plopped down on her mothers bed. "Mommy they are so mean to me...look at my face." Lillyrose got no response from her mother and that upset her. "mommy you never listen to me. I bet if I knew my daddy he would love me more then you do."
Lilirose's tears seemed to have an impact on her mother, who usually did nothing more than stare off into space. Haltingly, she spoke her daughter's name, then stopped as if she didn't know how to continue. Grabbing her mother's hand, and so hungry for a connection to this silent and uncaring woman, Lilirose urged her mother to continue. "What, mommy? What do you want to tell me?"
Lilirose's mother pulled an envelope from her pocket. It was all rolled up as if it had been turned around in her hand for hours.
Seeing the foreign stamps on it, Lillirose grabbed it from her mom's hand. in her direction.
"It's from Daddy; I know it is." She sang the words.
Lilirose swung around; her arms extended holding the letter.
The troubles from earlier forgotten.

Dear Anna,
I love you, I'm safe and I wish you were here. Care for Lilirose.

The rest was torn off. He loves me,too! Lilirose thought happily. She held the crumpled letter to her chest, happiness filling her, something that had not happened for a long time. She turned it slowly in her hand. Lilirose caught a glimpse of black on the pristine paper. In her father's handwriting, small and neat in black ink, was a phone number.
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Lillyrose smiled and looked at the phone number like she had never seen something so sweet. "My daddy left his number! Mommy how long have you had this? How long have you had my daddy's number!" lily rose stated happily. "Can I call him? Oh mommy please please please!"
Like fading stars in the early light of dawn, the spark in her mother's eyes melted away. Back in her own silent world, Lilirose's mother no longer responded to her daughter's pleas.
Lilirose decided there and then that she was going to find her father no matter the obstacle.
With trembling fingers, Lilirose punched in the number. She realized it was overseas, yet no idea where.

'Buenos Notches.' A male voice answered.

'Oh!' cried Lilirose, she clutched at her stomach, disappointed not to hear her father's voice.

" Is David Parker there please?"

"Lilirose, is that you? My dear, your father spoke of you often. Forgive me, Let me introduce myself. I am Sebastian Garcia the third.

"Who?" Lilrose said. "Call me Sebastian. I am your father's best man. If... if you want to find him," Sebastian said, sounding like a bad liar. "Swing by the pub."
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The pub? Lillyrose silently pondered. Where the heck would she find a pub? She wasn't even old enough to drink pub or whatever that was she just knew it wasn't for her. "Sub-action", Lillyrose said struggling to prounounce. "I don't know where your pub is. I live far away!
"Sorry, I wasn't being clear," Sebastian said. "Of course, I meant the pub by your home. The Brathause, I believe it is called. It was one of your father's favorite establishments. Some of his friends are regular patrons there, and may have some information for you. Look for a man with a very large nose who always wears a gold watch fob outside a plaid vest. Tell him Sebastian sent you."
Lilirose stared at the telephone for hours. Her mind in turmoil, she alternated between sheer joy and absolute despair.
The sun had already gone down before she stirred from her reverie.
It became clear to her that she must find this man. This is what she prayed for; the first tangible link to her father in over eighteen months.
A moment of clarity struck her. She must go find this man.
Wrapping a rotting blanket around her hunched shoulders and calling goodbye to her mother who had returned to her room, Lilirose walked out the creaky, tagged door, hoping and hoping that she would really find her father. Daydreaming that she was nestled in a cheery man's arms, her mother beautiful and smiling beside her, she plodded down the road, miserably asking for directions. Eventually she found herself staring at a run down building with a huge, faintly red sign saying, 'The Brathause' in a swirly font. Timidly she pushed open the door,
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and almost puked because of the smell inside of the bar. It smelled ten times worse then the boys locker room at her school. It smelled like sweaty men and alcohol. Lillyrose plugged her nose and kept walking. There were so many men that she was worried she may not find the man Sebastian had instructed her to find. As Lillyrose walked through the bar all of the men turned to stair at her. "Excuse me young lady how did you get in here? This is a club for 21 years and older!" Proclaimed a big, bulky black man who wore a suit and had a gold tooth. Lillyrose took a deep breath "Hi my name is Lillyrose and I am looking for a man who can help me find my daddy!" Lillyrose stated as she held tightly onto her blanket. All of the men in this bar gave her the heebie geebies!
The gold-toothed man leered and stumbled toward Lilirose, "I will be your daddy, little girl."
Trembling, Lilirose waned to bolt, but she stood frozen, unable to move.
"Leave her be, Bucky," said a tall man in a plaid vest. "Go back to the bar and have a beer on the house."
Bucky, squared up to the tall man, as if he was going to throw a punch at him. Lilirose, then saw his shoulders sag, and watched him turn and walk away. She began to breathe again.
Glad the altercation did not take place.

"Now, young miss, what would your business be here?"Lilirose gulped as she turned her head toward the man who has saved her

."Oh." She said as she took in the plaid waistcoat and the big gold fob watch."You're the man Sebastian told me to come find."

"Did he now, and why would that old reprobate send a sweet young lady as yourself to a place like this?

The kindness in his voice relaxed Lilirose. He certainly took care of himself. His clothes pristine clean, looked so out of place in here. And his complexion showed no sign of having succumbed to the spirits that gripped most of the men in this drinking house.

"I want to find my daddy." Lilirose said firmly. The man chuckled warmly, smiling.
"You're Lilirose? I knew your father. Still do."
Before he could continue, Lilirose butted in,
"You keep contact with him?!" she shrieked, causing half the drunk men to stare at her oddly.
"I know exactly where he is, he is still a friend of mine, but no one can contact him." The man, named Brutus, said calmly.
"But why?" Lilirose insisted.
"Fine!" Brutus muttered irritably.
"Call this number. The name's Jeb. Ask for information about David Parker."
"Th-thank you," Lilirose said quietly, scuttling home quickly.
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Lillyrose slammed the door when she got home. She was so excited to be so close to finding her daddy! She had to call the number though. Lillyrose made her way to her mothers room to see if she was still sleeping and she was. What would her mother think about this? Would she be happy when she contacted her dad? Lillyrose pondered the thought as she made her way over to the telephone down the hallway and in the kitchen. Lillyrose was nervous. What would she say to her dad once she got in contact with him? Would he remember her? Would he even want to talk to her or see her again? A mixture of fear and sadness enveloped Lillyrose. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea!
Lilirose decided that she would never have any answers if she just quit at this point. Gathering her courage, she picked up the phone and dialed. The phone rang. And rang again. In despair, Lilirose was just about to hang up, when a woman finally answered.
"Whaddaya want?" the woman snarled, with a tone that told you she couldn't care less.
"H-h-hello," Lilirose stammered nervously. "Could I speak to David Parker, please?"
"Who's this asking?" demanded the woman suspiciously.
"it's. . . It's Lili. . . R . rose, his daughter." She faltered.
Silence ensued for what seemed an eternity.
"My dear Lilirose, whoever gave you this telephone number, go back and say these words zodiac project {/x}."
"Where is my father, do you know?"
Lilirose, could barely hear her own words for the pounding of her heart.
"My dear, I am not aware of your fathers current whereabouts. I do know he is held against his will."
Lilirose heard a nose behind here, startled, she turned around and in the process let the telephone slip from her hand. Her mom stood just behind her.
She watched as her mom picked up the telephone then spoke.
"Eloise, I should have known, you were behind this, all this time I thought David was dead. You never forgave me, David when he refused to work on your crazy project."

Lilirose's mother continued speaking, growing angrier until her voice was a snarl. " What do you mean, it wasn't your fault!" Lilirose began to back away as her mother shrieked hysterically. Trembling, she turned around and darted to the other side of their small, cheap flat. Finally her mother hung up with a frustrated sigh. "Sweetie, Daddy is... overseas. Well. On an island in the middle of the Pacific. He refused to accept a dangerous position in his job, and... and..." Her mother burst into tears. "He... did he run away, mummy?" Lilirose said thoughtfully, unfazed by her mother's tears. She was used to it. "No, sweet, he... was forced. And h- he's str- stranded. A-apparently. Alone. B-because of that wretched Louise, too! She was his boss, and she..." Lilirose's mother cursed Eloise, half sobbing, half muttering. "I can try to find him. Let me call Eloise again. Please, mummy." Lilirose began weeping also as she thought of her kind father.
"No," said her mother, uncharacteristly forceful. "Eloise has already written him off. She could have put a rescue plan in place as soon as she discovered he had been captured. That witch would never break protocol, no matter it's her fault that your father is a prisoner. They could be torturing him, he could be hurt, he could be..."

She grew silent. Lilirose could feel her mother slipping away from her again. "Please, Mother, don't leave me again. Please. I know that Daddy is still with us. But he needs us, he needs you. We have to help him! Please, Mother, tell me what to do."

Snapped back to reality by her daughter's pleas, she came to a decision. "Yes. You're right, Lilirose. It's up to us to save him. And I know just what we need to do."
Three weeks later

Lilirose stood at the bow of the ship and stared ahead. The island of Nanmurrie, lay off to the right. From her vantage point, it seemed so small. A mass of dense forestry and beaches.
She ran back to the cabin to waken her mom.

This past week the supply ship was their home. Bruno secured them passage
He took them to the ship administering instructions on the do’s and don’ts of woman sailing alone.
His fears were unfounded as the sailors from the Captain right down to the lowest deck hand, treated them well. Lilirose wondered how they would have gotten this far without his help.

As they were about to disembarked, the captain and some crew came to say goodbye.
As the young First Officer called Ben shook Lilirose’s hand, he passed a note to her.
Knowing that it was for her eyes only, she slipped it into her pocket.

Is he the contact?

The pair hopped off the ship and treaded cautiously through the murky water. This island was known to have vicious or venomous creatures lurking everywhere, including the surround fresh water. Lilirose nervously walked up the sand covered beach. The wind was cool and whipped her dark hair around her face. Shivering she thought, How could anyone live in such a cold, dangerous place? However she was eager to find her father as she had loved him nearly as much as her mother had.
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What would she say to her father when she saw him? Would he be happy to see her? Lillyrose was extremely happy that her mother was helping her find her father. Her mother and her have not spent this much time together in a very long time. She couldn't even remember when the last time they had spent quality time together. The thoughts were both bitter sweet. She hadn't realized just how much she desired attention from her mother.
Lilirose and her mother entered the little town and hurried down the boardwalk to the inn where they were staying. She was eager to drop off their bags and get to their room so she could read the note that Ben had given her. Sure that the journey to rescue her father was nearing an end, Lilirose would not entertain any negative thoughts about her father's safety. Though a prisoner, he was too valuable to kill. He must be alright!
Lilirose settled her mom into bed for a much-needed rest. Satisfied, she could leave her mom for a short time; she stole away to sit under a large palm tree.
Her heart began to beat so fast she thought she would faint, and she took a deep breath to steady herself and then pulled the note from her pocket.
A noise from the tree startled her. A beautiful colored bird flew off, amazed at the length of the wing-span. She followed its flight path. It gracefully climbed high above the sea. She had never seen a bird like it in any of her school books. It mesmerized her as she watched it dance above the vast seascape. The vivid colors of the bird shining against the clear blue sky
The note forgotten for just a few seconds.
From the corner of her eye, she saw a figure coming towards her.
Was it, him?
She broke into a run, and she cried out.
"Daddy," as she reached his outstretched arms.

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It wasn't until she reached the man that she realized the man with the outstretched arms had a gold tooth and a prosthetic leg. He was grinning from ear to ear, which really freaked her out, causing her to stop abruptly.

"You're not my daddy!" Lillyrose cried.

"I never said I was your daddy." The man stated still grinning from ear to ear.

Lillyrose sighed. She really did need to stop assuming every man coming near her was her daddy.

© Copyright 2012 Olivia4285, Willowgreen, xx-xx, Bonnie, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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