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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1872057
The four companions travel farther and farther away from everything they once knew.
I somehow managed to convince myself that an old abandoned shack was of no interest to us. Why worry about such a silly thing when we didn't even know what we were going to do out here? The journey wasn't excruciatingly long surprisingly enough. We arrived at what appeared to be a town up ahead. We all gleamed at each other, finding hope in the situation. The town, though, had barb wire surrounding it which was a menacing sight even for the bravest of us. Upon closer inspection, we realized this was not a normal town. On the contrary, it was a road block that the Queen had created to monitor those coming in and leaving the kingdom's area. I turned to Bishop who looked frantic. If anyone was caught, it would be him. Even I had a chance at being recognized, but would my leaving really matter? I didn't want to take the chance.

Rowan turned to us, coming out of his deep thoughts that he had earlier been lost in. "I have a plan," he whispered to all three of us. "Macie and I will go and try to make our way through the town. You two can hide here behind the trees." The plan wasn't horrible, but it wasn't thought out either. There were many dangers that Rowan wasn't even accounting for such as them leaving us behind, being arrested for running away, or raising suspicion that someone was making an attempt to sneak away. I shook my head with obvious disapproval. "Listen, they aren't going to recognize me. I'll be back in five minutes," he said as if everything was perfectly normal. Rowan and Macie made their way to the front gate guards as Bishop and I hid pathetically in the trees.

I could imagine it now. All the questions the guard could possibly ask them. Who were they? What was there business leaving the kingdom area? I felt a bit dizzy from my own imagination. What could he possibly make up that would be believable other than the truth? "Yes sir, my wife and I are simply helping a runaway and an exile to get away so they can plan to overthrow the Queen. No sir, they're hiding right behind those trees. I wouldn't lie." She could hear Rowan's voice in her head speaking those exact words. True to his word, though, he was back before we knew it.

"We can't get through. The Queen has ordered all people or carts to have special permission to pass through the road block today," Macie said with a sigh. Running around like this couldn't be what a simple housewife wanted. The two ducked back with us so they were out of sight from any passersby. "We will have to find another way to sneak through. Can we go around?" she asked. The two boys started laughing furiously. Apparently it was joke neither Macie nor I understood.

"Hunny, we can't just go around it. They'd see us for sure. There are guards surrounding the perimeter," Rowan said, patting Macie on the head in the process. "We have only one option. Sneak onto a cart or something and travel through hoping that no one checks the contents of said cart."

"That's a horrible plan. The chances that they check the cart are not in our favor," I said, frustrated. They stared me down, as if asking "Do you have a better idea?" I didn't want to show that I couldn't think of anything else, so I just told them to go along with it. We waited patiently by the roadside, waiting to pounce on our victim. The wait was longer than we had hoped, but at last, a cart of various fruits driven by a horse came to our rescue. Jumping out spooked both the lady and the horse that we so desperately needed the help of. I was the first to speak. "Listen. There is a road block up ahead, and we have to get through without being noticed." The statement was risky seeing as how a scream would have detrimental results.

The lady's face turned from surprise to arrogance. She was beautiful sitting up on her perch, holding the reigns to the horse in front of her. "Oh really?" she asked with a sly smile. Great. A woman who was going to expect something in return. "I can be of assistance," she said with a wink. She gestured for us to get into the back of the cart. "Hide behind the crates and under the blankets. I refuse to be executed for trying to be nice," she said, her tone changing from arrogance to annoyance. She made no mention of something in return so I was grateful; however, that didn't mean it wasn't still coming. "No talking either."

We did as we were told and quickly made our way to our hiding places. I hid with Macie near the tall carts of peaches. It was a shame that we couldn't have a private girl talk. I knew, though, that if I dared to speak, the woman would have no fear of tossing us out in the middle of the town for all to see. We heard her conversing with the two front guards that Rowan and Macie had spoken to not too long ago. It was apparent to all that she was flirting heavily with the men. Finally, the wheels were turning yet again which signaled to us that we were entering the town at last. The danger meter heightened to a new extreme for all of us. Thankfully, the woman was not approached by any more guards. Everyone seemed to know her though because hellos were being yelled in all directions.

Before I knew it, the world went black. Another world pieced itself together in front of me. The lonely shack stood in front of me, looking sadder than before. The door slowly opened and a tiny girl stepped out. It was me as a child. My own tear stricken face surprised me. "Oh mama... Oh papa... Where have you gone?" she asked in her small, terrified voice. My parents had disappeared one day and never returned. I felt lonely, betrayed, and scared just as I did now after leaving the kingdom. Even the companionship the three comrades had offered couldn't fulfill my needs. I felt one step behind as they walked. And were they truly my friends or just monsters in pretty packaging? All of a sudden, I was trapped inside the shack, looking outwards.

My eyes shot open as sweat dripped down from my forehead. The darkness of the cart welcomed me back to reality as if I had been gone for centuries. Macie gave me a confused look. I realized what had happened. I had fallen asleep in the middle of possible danger and she knew it. Her frantic eyes told me that she was scared I would yell out and blow their cover. I reassured her with a smile which she took kindly to. Before I knew it, we were out of the road block town. I must have slept for longer than I had thought.

A bright light blinded all four of us as the woman removed the curtain that had been covering the entrance to her cart. “Get out,” she demanded. We obeyed like trained dogs, still afraid of being reported to the Queen. The woman moved swiftly between us until she reached Bishop. She landed a kiss upon his lips and smiled deviously after pulling away. "Now, get lost before I change my mind."

I held back a glare as the woman walked right by me. "Let's go," I growled as I began walking straight, keeping on the path. The woman turned her cart around, heading back to the town where her business must have been. After a few hours of continuous walking, we realized she had put us on the path to a thick forest. By the time we arrived, the sky was black with very few stars to shine our way. The wind whistled as it dodged the numerous branches that threatened to block it from its destination.

"I never knew trees could whisper in such a way," Macie said. None of us knew what to expect. It wasn't as if forests sprouted up in the middle of our town square during the spring. We made camp rather hastily with the supplies Rowan had smuggled for us. Gathering around the small fire, we experimented different ways to pass the time.

Now that time had slowed down, I could properly think, and during my thoughts, I questioned the three's reasons for even being with me in this forest. "I don't mean to seem rude and unappreciative, but why, might I ask, did you all follow me out here?" My question wasn't unfair or unjust. In fact, it shouldn't have taken them by surprise like it did. Bishop was the first to collect his thoughts and respond.

"I already informed you that I made it my job to protect you out here. Anything can happen to a girl such as yourself." His confident smile came off as arrogant rather than endearing. I shook away his response. A response so pure and genuine was harder to believe than one that was filled with evil intentions. Still, I imprudently chose to believe what he said.

Rowan was looking at the ground, guilt spread across his face. I wanted to prod him for answers immediately, but something inside me concluded that giving him time would produce the most honest answer. Finally, he spoke. "To be honest, Rose, I came out here for Bishop. Macie's only here because she didn't want to be apart from me." He continued to stare at the ground and feel ashamed.

"I can't say that I'm overjoyed by this revelation, but there's not much we can do at this point," I said, forcing a smile. Rowan bought into it naively, though. People will believe what they want to. "I just want the Queen to be taken down. It's not right to drag Macie along." I turned away before anyone could manage a response. I didn't want them to see the hurt in my eyes.

An unfamiliar voice called out. "I think it's best you all come with us."
© Copyright 2012 Miss June (kayteebunny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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