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Megan and Jennifer go to a party in third class on the ship. |
The next morning, Megan and Jennifer got up to get ready for breakfast. Megan decided to wear a lavender and pink two tone dress with a tie sash in the back with pearls and Jennifer wore a blue dress with a low cut neck and pearls. They were on their way to Breakfast and Bradley and Miles meet them half way. "We are on our way to get you." Bradley offered Jennifer his arm and she took it. "I have missed you." Miles kissed Megan's cheek. "You guys have been busy. France seems so far away." Jennifer sounded down. "We will be there in two days. You women have had an adventure. You fought pirates, Megan was saved by whales when she fell in the ocean, you helped a woman give birth, saved a man who went over board and Megan saw the Lochness monster. What more could you ask for?" Bradley smiled. "More time with our boyfriends, that's what. Are you going to be all business in France?" Jennifer pouted. "Of couirse not. Dad and I will talk over a few things and Miles will have a couple of meetings but we will be there for our Ladies. This era must be boring compared to yours but we manage. Cheer up. We will be with you all day." Bradley kissed Jennifer's forehead. The couples arrived for breakfast. Margaret and John Meadows came over with baby Charlie. Megan handed out her arms to hold Charlie and Margaret placed him in her arms. "You women were so wonderful to help my baby to be born. Thank goodness you were here." Margaret looked tired still after having the baby. Megan thought the poor woman. She would have seven more before it was all said and done. Megan squeezed Margaret's hand. "I am glad we were here to help. Charlie is so beautiful. You are so lucky." Megan looked at the sleeping baby and smiled. The waiters bought pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, toast, tea, water and orange juice. Megan did like breakfast. Baby Charlie was placed in his baby carriage. "You Ladies will love France. It is beautiful." Margaret loved traveling. "I am all anxious to get there." Jennifer had had enough of being on the ship. Breakfast was over and Bradley, Jennifer, Miles, Megan, and John amd Margaret and the baby decided to take a stroll on the ship. Megan noticed the dolphins. "Oh look! The dolphins are beautiful." Megan touched one as one jumped close by and water splashed on them. The dolphins didn't stay lolng. Megan and Miles sat down on a bench and so did Bradley and Jennifer. "I have missed being with you but we will spend more time together in France, I promise." Miles squeezed Megan's hand. "I have missed you, too." Megan said quietly. "There will be more to keep you busy in France. You won't be confined to a ship." Bradley hugged Jennifer. "I can wait two more days." Jennifer seemed content. "We can spend time together tomorrow night. Tonight, Miles and I are going to another meeting. Tomorrow night, we can be together." "Bradley, how can you guys have so many meetings? I thought this trip was like a vacation or something. In France, you had better find time for me. We had more fun back in Bath. I feel like a prisoner on this ship!" "I promise things will be better in France. Trust me." Jennifer sighed. FINE. TONIGHT, MEGAN AND HER WOULD HAVE SOME FUN ON THEIR OWN. THEY WOULD SHOW THESE CLOWNS. Megan was quiet. "Megan, business is important. I hope you don't feel like Jennifer." "You have been busy. Jennifer is right. Life was more fun in Bath." Miles rubbed Megan's arm and everyone was quiet. Megan and Jennifer decided to meet with the other women on the ship to do quilting. Bradley kissed Jennifer and Miles kissed Megan but no one was happy. They promised to meet for dinner. As Megan and Jennifer left, Megan asked: "Are we really in the mood for quilting?" "No. Bradley and Miles are all business. I hope we aren't bored in France!" "We won't be. We have to trust them." Megan said quietly. Jennifer and Megan were welcomed by the other women who were doing quilting. A young, pretty blonde woman named Alora who was anything but a lady was bored with quilting and she sat next to Jennifer and Megan. "How would you girls like to go to a party tonight in third class? They dance, drink, play music and I am in the mood for a man." "Sounds like fun. What time?" Jennifer asked. "Party starts at seven." Alora was all smiles. "Where is it?" "Meet me at Pier Six at Seven-Thirty." "We will see you then." Jennifer was all smiles. "Party? We are engaged!" Megan exclaimed. "So? Did the men make plans to be with us tonight? They are busy. I am not going to be bored tonight!" The Quilting Bee was over. Megan and Jennifer didn't have lunch since they had finger sandwiches and tea. Megan ands Jennifer worked on a quilt that had purple and pink butterflies and they got it done. Jennifer wanted Megan to have it. It was almost dinner time. The women were leaving and Miles and Bradley showed up to take them to dinner. "Are we in a better mood?" Bradley asked. "Megan and I made a quilt with pink and purple butterflies. Megan is going to keep it." "That is nice." Bradley pulled out Jennifer's chair as they arrived. "The quilt will keep us warm in the winter." Miles said to Megan. "Something has to. Since you haven't been around lately." "Megan, Dear, I have been busy. We can't be together like we want to. We have to be proper." "Proper? I am not going to fight with you. I just hope we get back to normal after we are married." "We will. Megan, I love you and we will have a good life together." Dinner was served. Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, plum pudding, rolls, tea, milk and water. "I am sorry that we have a meeting tonight but tomorrow night is our last night and the captain is having a party for a few guests. We are included as the captain's guests.' Bradley's eyes twinkled. "Good. I can live with that. No meetings?" Jennifer asked in a sarcastic tone. "No meetings. We will have a good time tomorrow night." Bradley ate some plum pudding. Dinner was over. "Do you want me to walk you back to your room?" Miles asked Megan. "I can find my own way back." Megan answered. "Darling, don't be upset. I promise we will have fun tomorrow night." Miles kissed Megan and Bradley kissed Jennifer. They left for their meeting. "Can you believe them? Girlfriend, it's party time!" Jennifer was dancing. "I am with you. Walk me back to my room? What am I? Seven? Judas Priest!: Megan started to laugh. Megan and Jennifer meet Alora at Pier Six. "Are you ready to party?" Alora's blue eyes danced. "Yes, we are!" Jennifer exclaimed. "Follow me!" Alora walked towards the left and opened a door and Megan and Jennifer followed her. They went down a dark hallway but they weren't scared. They heard noises and opened a door. There were several people and there were candles and lanterns. The walls were white ikn this big room and nicely painted. There were tables of food and a big dancing area with nice wood floors. Some people were dancing and a band was playing Irish music. Megan and Jennifer were over dressed but they weren't going to worry about it. Alora handed glasses of brandy to Megan and Jennifer and they drank them. Quentin came up to Megan. "What are you doing here? You look beautiful. If I was Miles, I would never leave your side. Dance with me?" Megan nodded. "I would love to." Quentin held Megan close and danced with her. An Irish man with curly red hair danced with Jennifer. His name was Tommy McCullough. After the dance, the women drank more brandy. Alora was being groped by a man with brown hair and after two more dances, she left with him to go to his room. Quentin sat down with Megan. "Do you have the night off?" Megan asked Quentin. "The captain said I could have the next 2 nights off. I like being part of the ship's crew. I feel safe now that I am not a pirate." "I'm glad. You seem happy." "I am Megan. I am surprised to see you here." "Miles and Bradley had business meetings and Alora invited us to this party." "Alora. She has been with every single man on this ship except me. I would love to meet someone like you." Quentin patted Megan's hand. "Quentin. I love Miles. I am going to marry him." "I know. I can't help wishing and dreaming." Just then there was a crashing noise. Jennifer had been dancing on the table and fell off. Quentin and Megan ran over to her. Quentin went to get Jennifer some punch after he helped her up. HOW MUCH TIME HAS PASSED? MEGAN ASKED HERSELF. Jennifer was sitting in a chair laughing. Some men were playing Poker and she told them to deal her in. Jennifer was beating the men at Poker and drank some more brandy. Megan drank some more brandy but she was feeling sick. Jennifer was dancing on the tables again. "Jennifer, sober up! We can't behave like this." Megan wished they hadn't come to this party. "Megan, I am having fun." Jennifer was feeling dizzy and Quentin helped her off the table. He summoned Tommy to help him walk Jennifer and Megan back to their room. Megan was light headed as Quentin walked her up the steps and Tommy helped Jennifer help the steps. They made it out to the deck and Tommy carried Jennifer and kept walking to her room. Just then they heard Bradley say: "Get your hands off our women!" "What the Hell is going on?" Miles asked. Tommy put Jennifer down and Bradley grabbed her as Jennifer came to. She looked at Bradley. "Do you want to make love, my future husband or are you too busy?" Quentin let go of Megan and Miles held Megan to his breast. "Oh, Miles, I don't feel so well." Megan threw up on Miles shoes. Bradley's and Miles' business meeting had been canceled and they weren't too happy with their future wives. Tomorrow morning, the crap would hit the fan! ** Image ID #1650000 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1649998 Unavailable ** |