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up to chapter 8!
Kayla: a 16 year old girl short blonde hair, bright blue eyes, musician, plays the piccolo 
Travis: a 17 year old male who has short dark copper hair an Irish accent, a poet, deep green eyes
Jade: Travis’s 8 year old sister brown hair same deep green eyes her brother is her role model she basically worships him no accent
Peter: Kayla’s 21 year old brother who is a marine and currently away
Ms. Walsh: Single mom of Travis and Jade moved from Ireland to RI to be with husband shortly after Travis was born copper hair like Travis’s
Mr. Walsh: died in the Iraq shortly after when Jade was 3
Mrs. Carter: Kayla’s mom short curly brown hair green eyes a very supportive mom
Mr. Carter Kayla’s dad who has stacked blonde hair blue eyes likes gardening
Poco: Kayla’s faithful shiba inu dog golden
Sam: One of Kayla’s friends but she’s not particularly fond of her

:note: i will update this story when i add more

Luck o’ the Irish
Prolog (written 6/13/12)
My story starts on a chilled rainy day by the ocean. I was sitting in a gazebo on the beach. I always loved to listen to the rain as it pounded down on to the Sand on the beaches of Rhode Island. My house wasn’t too far from here but it was far enough that I could forget that it was there when I wanted to but close enough that if I needed help I could get some.  Right by the ocean. Right by the beach. Right by the house. Me in the gazebo, with my book writing down this story.
As this is my story I may as well start with my name. My name is Kayla I am 16, I cannot drive yet, my hair is short and blonde, I have blue eyes and I play the piccolo. I have a dog his name is Poco, he is a small golden shiba inu, and he is my favorite friend. I have plenty of other friends but they just don’t understand me.
Little did I know that while I was sitting in the rain under the gazebo, right down the road was something that would change my life forever, and his name is Travis.  Travis with the short copper hair. Travis with those deep green eyes that could make him seem innocent in any situation even if you saw him do it. Travis who wrote poetry about his home in Ireland. Travis who was just about as perfect as a 17 year old can be. Travis who had just moved in.
         At the time I hadn’t met him yet I had only known that a single mother of two one 17 the other 8 had recently moved from a distant county who came from Ireland, but I sure did find out more than that, much more.

Chapter 1 (6/13/12)
As I walked into the kitchen I heard my mother chatting on the phone I wasn’t sure who she was talking to so I went upstairs into my room and waited for dinner to be ready. Later at dinner I had found out is was the lady who was neighbors to the Walsh family who had just moved in.
“Kayla why don’t you go over and say hello with me?”  My mother suggested “I heard there is a nice young man about your age” she said with a smile
“Sure, why not?” I said. So after dinner we took a stroll with Poco over to their house. As we got closer we could still see some boxes in the driveway. When we got closer my mother said to me “Kayla be nice maybe you’ll make a friend. Oh and according to Mrs. Marryweather there is no Mr. Walsh so don’t ask.” 
Right after that Ms. Walsh must have spotted us because she started to wave and said a friendly hello. As she came out to greet us I saw a tall looking figure “But I thought there was no Mr. Walsh, wonder who that is?” I thought to myself. My question was shortly answered as he came out he said brightly “Hullo There! How do you do?”
“I’m fine thanks yourself?”
“I’m fairly swell thanks for askin. My name’s Travis.”
“Hi I’m Kayla.”
“Nice to meet ya Kayla” He said with a smile
“Nice to meet you to Travis” I said rather sheepishly, after that we talked about different subjects, and as it turned out we had three classes and lunch together. “It’ll be nice to have a friend there.”
After that me my mom and Poco had to leave as we were walking back my mother said to me in a jokingly matter “Well you two sure hit it off.”  We laughed and walked home.

Chapter 2 (6/14/12)
         A few months later school started I hadn’t seen much of Travis since the time my mom and I had walked over, I figured that they had just been busy, so I just read in my gazebo.  The first day of school had arrived; I was in a nice blouse and jeans. As I walked in I thought to myself “First day as a junior. Let’s hope it’s better than last year.”  So I walked down to the band hall and opened my familiar band locker “6-27-15” put my stuff in, grabbed my pencil bag full of new fresh pencil’s, a notebook, my science binder and went off to room 508.
Once I got down to the class room I found a crowd of people standing at the door way. Someone from the crowd said to me “Door’s locked.” While we were waiting for our teacher I found Travis.
“So what do you think of the school so far?” I asked.
“Well it’s not too bad yet.” He said with a smile.
I’m not sure if he had recognized me or not but after that the teacher came and we sat down he ended up sitting at tables kiddy corner to each other, me behind him. Next to me was one of my “friends” her name is Sam for short but I call her Samantha. Don’t ask why that’s another story for later.
         After science I went back to my locker to drop off my science book. Last year I had shared a locker with a saxophone player but he graduated so now it’s mine for my piccolo and flute. So I picked up my Celtic binder and headed over to the history wing. Before class I saw Travis, we started chatting before the bell rang. “Hey there Travis.” I said.
“Hey you’re Kayla right?” he asked unsure of himself.
“Ya, my mom and I walked our dog over to your place.”
“That’s where I knew you from!” he exclaimed
“Ya, I guess so haha.” I said kind of awkwardly
         Class started and instantly the teacher noticed Travis’s accent so she asked why he was taking the class. His response was this, “Well my mum and dad met in my mums ‘ome land of Ireland because he was on a ‘vacation’ from the marines well they fell in love but when I turned 2 he was called back into the field to work in 9 months so he left and bought a house in Maine and we moved there shortly after. When my sister , Jade, had turned 3 he was in Iraq where he was killed in action and seeing as my mom didn’t have a job at the time, the money the marines sent wasn’t enough to cover the house so we’ve been moving from town to town after each school year so right now I want to learn more about where I came from so that  I can go back make a living doing I don’t even know what and send back money for my mum so that she and Jade can have a stable home to live in.” After that sob story and class had ended all of the girls swarmed over him, but he didn’t seem to notice. Next I had band so I got out my flute and piccolo and started warming up. Everything was fine until the end of class when the girl next to me said “OhMyGosh have you seen that new Irish kid? I think his name is Tony. Anyways isn’t his story so sad I feel so bad for that cutie.”
         “Yah his name is Travis he lives down the road from me.” I said plainly.
After that it was time for lunch Travis sat by me but so did like 6 other girls who I had never met. After lunch we walked to class together followed by about 10 girls. Once we got to English we sat down and he said to me “Hey do you know why all these girl are followin’ me? Yes some friends would be nice but ever since 2nd hour they have been following me everywhere it’s kind of annoying.”
         “It’s because of what you said in 2nd hour about your dad and now they feel pity for you and think you’re super cute” I said rather bluntly
“Oh if that’s all” He said sarcastically
After school we rode the bus home and got off at the same spot “so what do you usually do after school?” he asked me.
         “Well I do my homework but after that I go to a gazebo on the beach, no one else really goes there so I’ve sort of claimed it as mine”
“Oh well would you mind if I joined you we could help each other with our homework I’ll help you with Celtic and you can help me with English” he said with a smile
         “Alright follow me.” I said enthusiastically.

Chapter 3
         When we got to the gazebo we laid out our things and started chatting. “So where are we?” he asked me
“This is My Place. My place where I come to hide, where I come when nobody seems to care what I’m doing, my place to go when there’s nowhere to go, where I read, where I listen to the rain, where I study , where I can be anything or anywhere I want to be. This is My Place.”
“Well that’s very, uh, descriptive.” He said with a smile. Since it was only the first day we didn’t have any homework so we just hung out listened to some music and at around dinner time we started to walk back to the road. “Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow Kayla.”  He said smiling as he left. When I got home dinner was waiting on the table.
         “Where have you been?” my mom asked. “Normally your home 10 minutes ago.”
“Oh. I was hanging out with Travis.” I said coolly. Luckily my mom just dropped it at that then my dad came in for the garden and we ate our pork chops. After dinner I went back out to the gazebo. As I started to read my book I noticed two things one that it seemed a little roomier than earlier and two that Travis had left his pencil bag here. There wasn’t much in it new pencils highlighters other stuff you would find in a pencil bag. By now it was about quarter after seven so I decided to give it back tomorrow during science.
Chapter 4 (7/1/12)
         I sat down in science and started doing the daily question on the board. I only noticed after I had finished that Travis wasn’t in his seat, in fact he wasn’t even in the class room. At first I didn’t think anything of it since the bell hadn’t rang, but the bell rang and still no Travis. About 30 minutes into class he came in hair slightly ruffled and out of breath. “Sorry I’m late, my alarm didn’t go off and me mum was running late. Here’s a pass.” He explained. He sat down in his seat and I passed him his pencil bag. “Where did you find this? I was looking everywhere for it!”  He asked.
         “Oh you left it in the gazebo yesterday.” I said softly as the teacher kept lecturing.
“Oh. Well thanks.” He replied back.
         After science I found out that his locker was near my band locker so we walked to Celtic together. All the girls flocked over him before the bell rang trying to fix his hair and such, but he just waved them away like flies. The bell rang and they all fled to their seats. During class we got to listen to a group called Celtic Thunder I really enjoyed it, and it seems Travis did too. As I walked out I noticed the girls following him again but I just went to band and tried to play some of the music I had just heard on my flute, but I couldn’t get it quite right. After band I went to lunch and found Travis easily I just had to look where all the other girls were. I worked my way through the crowd and managed to sit down next to him and shoo the girls away. “Sorry about them” he said apologetically.
         “It’s fine. Why don’t you tell them to leave you alone?” I asked
“I’ve tried but it didn’t do any good. I figured that by the end of the week they would leave me alone.”
         “Makes sense.” We ate our lunch and talked about homework that we had and then we went to English together, plus the large crowd of girls the followed close by. Luckily only very few of the girls who followed Travis were actually in any of his classes.  There were no odd events that I can remember happening in English that day. So we got on the bus and sat together as we did yesterday. I had the window seat today so I watched the world pass by me while Travis worked on his math homework, which I guess was his 3rd hour.
         We got off the bus and we walked swiftly to the gazebo.  We sat in the same spots as the day before and got to work on our homework as it being only the second day of school we only had Celtic and that was to come up with a Celtic or Irish name and to make a name tag. As it ended up I choose Maille- a form of the name Molly and Travis choose Sloan which means warrior. After that Travis took out his iPod and put on some Celtic music on Pandora. So we sat and we enjoyed the music and the sound of the waves hitting the beach. “Well I have to go for dinner now.” I said
“Well then Maille you go ahead I think I might stay here for a while longer if you don’t mind.” He said
         “That’s fine by me Sloan.” I said with a smile. From then on we always called each other by our Celtic names.  Once I was home I looked to see if Travis was still in the gazebo. I couldn’t tell from where I was so I took out some binoculars and then I could see the gazebo and he was there but I couldn’t tell what he was doing so I put down the binoculars. “Alright it’s Tuesday night that means it’s my turn to make dinner.”  I thought to myself as I took out some pasta salad out of the fridge.
Chapter 5
After dinner I checked to see if Travis was still in the gazebo, he was not. So I grabbed some binoculars and headed down to the gazebo to see what he had done earlier. When I got down there I saw that his stuff was still there. I looked through the binoculars to see if I could spot him at his house. I put them up to my eyes to see and as it turned out I could see him just sitting down for dinner. I put the binoculars down and went on to investigate what he had been doing earlier. As it turns out he had carved into some of the gazebos planks. It read “Maille and Sloan’s gazebo”. I laughed softly. After discovering that I pushed some of his stuff to the side and just listened to the waves for a while. About thirty minutes later I saw in the corner of my eye a figure approaching so I decided to call out “Are you he who calls thyself Sloan?”
“It is he! Are you she who calls thyself Maille?” he responded
“Indeed! I am she!” I said. Once he got to the gazebo he sat down next to me. “Nice carving.”
“Thanks. It didn’t take me too long once I got my pocket knife.” He said. ”What’s with the binoculars?”
         “Oh those? I found that from my house I can see the gazebo and from here I can see your house so I’m guessing that from your house you would be able to see the gazebo.” I explained.
“Well alrighty then.” He said with a smile. “Ya know if you leave those here then when one of us is at home but the other is here then we could use a pair at our houses and we could communicate.”
         “Or we could use our phones.” I said rather bluntly.
“But where’s the fun in that? We could use signals like a horizontal hand shaking back and forth for ‘no I can’t come right now’, a simple wave for ‘come here’ and a jump for ‘I’ll be there soon’. “
         “Um ok then sounds good.” I said with a laugh. “and if we had to leave for some reason but we’ll be back within 12 hours we will leave something behind of ours or a note.”
“Agreed.” He said with a smile. As the sun was starting to set he packed up his things and we both headed home. “See ya tomorrow” he said.
         “Later.” I called out and then I went home and got ready for bed.
Chapter 6 (7/2/12)
         Wednesday I got to sleep in it was nice that I had late start but it normally meant that I had to ride the bus to school. So I got up fed Poco and then I got ready. The bus came around nine so I had 15 minutes to spare, so I checked the gazebo. It turned out Travis was there, so I headed down. “Good morning Sloan” I said while he was watching the waves.
         “Huh? Oh good mornin’ Maille. You scared me I didn’t hear you behind me” He said softly.
“so are you taking the bus to school this morning?” I asked lightly
         “No me mum was gonna drive me.”  As he said this I must have looked slightly disappointed because he then said “We could give you a ride if you like.”
“Thanks I’d like that.” We didn’t end up leaving until 9:00 and we beat the bus even though we live the farthest from the school.  Ms. Walsh dropped us off as I got out of the car I thanked her for the ride she said “No problem dear” and drove off.

Chapter 7
Nothing of great importance really happened until Friday afternoon so let’s start there. When we got off the bus we rushed to the gazebo as normal, we finished our homework for the weekend, but in the distance we both noticed something in the distance. “Hey Sloan lets go see what’s over on the beach.” I said.
He responded, “Ceart go leor.” Which we both learned in Celtic class to mean ‘ok’. So we walked up to the dark figure that we saw on the beach and it was a turtle!  It was a small painted turtle with blueso we picked it up at took it back to the gazebo. “Should we keep it?’ I asked
“nah we’ll let it live in the wild.”
         “but should we name it?”
“sure lets call it  péinteáilte”
“yah me mum said it means painted.”
         “oh ceart go leor then.”
“Right and we’ll know it péinteáilte because of the odd pattern on its back”
         “I’ll make a doodle of it so we can remember better” so I drew a picture of the turtle labeled it ‘péinteáilte’ and put it under one of the seats in the gazebo. Then we put the turtle back by the water and it was almost time for dinner.“Well we should both probably head home for dinner” I said as I started to pack up my stuff.
“Ya, Probably.”  He said so then we packed up our stuff and we headed home. After dinner I went and sat out on the deck I checked the binoculars to see if he was there, which he was but he didn’t see me, so I put the binoculars down and just sat and stared off into the distance thinking. I didn’t think about anything in particular, I just thought.

Chapter 8 (7/4/12)
The next I was woken gently by the sound waves crashing on the beach. I looked at my clock it read 9:15 so I got showered, dressed, and ready for the day. I went to go see if Travis was at the gazebo but he wasn’t so I headed down with a good book my laptop and my iPod. When I got there I plugged in my laptop to the outlet my dad had put out there for me and then I looked around. I found a note from Travis and it read ‘Dear Maille, I’ll be back around noon, I stopped by this morning but you were sleeping From Sloan P.S. don’t look under the towel’ I set it down, put in my ear buds and started to read my book. 
         I was so deep into my book I barely noticed when Travis showed up, I only noticed he was there when I heard him cough. “Hey you’re back.” I said.
“Yeah I am.” He said smiling.” I have been for the past 5 minuets.” He said with a laugh.
         “Really?” I asked
“Yes really.” He said
         “Sorry I was just really into this book.” I explained
“I could tell. You didn’t even notice when I…. well never mind.” He said
         “When you what? I wanna know!” I said curiously
“You’ll know later when I’m done.” He said
         “Done with what?” I said calmly
“It’s not important right now.” I could tell that he wanted to drop the subject so I responded “ceart go leor.” So I unplugged my ear buds and let the music play while I finished my book and he finished doing whatever it was he was doing. After about 20 minuets I had finished my book but he was still working on something… anyways I decide to go put my book back so I just went to my house and walked back. By the time I got back he wasn’t working on his ‘Project’ any more. “Hey did you finish that thing you were working on?” I asked
“Not quite yet. I‘m having some trouble remembering what came next.” He responded
         “What came next in what??” I asked
“Oh nothing, nothing.” He insisted
         “Um ok then. So what time were you here earlier?” I asked
“Oh about 6ish.” He said
         “Why were you up at 6 on a Saturday?” I asked
“Oh I go on a morning run until 7 then I go and work the morning shift at the nearby Coney Island until 11:30 for a little bit of extra cash. I only do that on Saturdays though so its not much.” He said.
         “Oh wow that takes dedication, and then there’s me who’s a lazy bum and sleeps until she gets woken up by the waves.” I said laughing lightly.
“ Hehe yah and then there’s you.” He said jokingly. “Hey you wanna come over for lunch?” He asked
         “Sure just let me text my mom.” I said with a grin.
“Ok.” So then we went off and ate lunch ate his house. His mom had made soup, I’m not sure what kind it was though.

that is all that i currently have for now you can ignore the dates  if you would like to use this please let me know don't just steal it i'm working hard
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