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This story is adult & explicit in it's nature. If you dislike dirty-talk, move along. |
I had always hated my husband's brother Mike. He was rude, loud obnoxious, and constantly disrespectful. Mike was an asshole when I started dating Jerry in the summer of my 17th year, and the five intervening years had only made him more obnoxiously full of himself. So when Jerry Informed me that his older brother would be staying at our house for a couple of weeks I was obviously less than thrilled. Yet another of Mike's girlfriend's had gotten tired of his shit and kicked him to the curb. Overbearing and unfaithful. The man was an ogre. "Did you forget about what happened last time?!" I exploded as soon as Jerry told me the news. The last time was 2 years previous when Mike had gotten dumped by his first wife (wives 2 and 3 had already fallen by the wayside before the telling of this story). For a solid month he'd done nothing but get drunk all day on our living room couch. The man was a pig. There was trash strewn all over my living room. He never threw anything away, never even took his dirty dishes to the sink, let alone washed anything. I was already at the end of my rope with him when I came home from work one day and found him enthusiastically fucking a blonde, right in the middle of my kitchen table. I'd been in shock, and just stood there for a minute staring; until Mike realized my presence. He cast a rogue-ish smile my way and said: "Are you just gonna watch, Laura, or do you want to join in?". His hips continued to thrust forcefully while he spoke to me, his eyes boring into mine. The blonde never even noticed my presence. Her head was thrown back, eyes shut, crying out as her body was rocked by the powerful motion of Mike's body. I immediately turned around and walked out of the door, shutting it behind me. I was frozen for a moment longer, my mind and body a rush of confusing feelings and emotions. I was ridiculously hot. My pussy was so wet, I could feel it's dampness soaking into my panties already. My first instinct was to reach into my pants and rub my clit which was throbbing for attention. Then my brain came back into my head, and anger flooded into my body. My arousal only fueled my anger, making it burn brighter and hotter. That son of a bitch! Fucking some random whore on MY kitchen table. Lord knows what diseases they were spreading all over my kitchen. I wanted to go back inside and scream at them both. Beat them off of my kitchen table, and kick that bastard out of my house and life once and for all! I put my hand on the doorknob, ready to do just that. As I did an image of Mike's asscheeks, clenching as he thrust into the blonde popped into my head, accompanied by a rush of heat. I took my hand off of the doorknob. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. I was having an unavoidable physical reaction to what I'd seen and I couldn't allow it to cloud my thinking. I left instead, and called Jerry. I told him what I had walked into and informed him that I would not be coming home until his offensive pig of a brother was out of my home. Jerry, of course just tried to calm me down without making any promises. Typical Jerry, he was the sweetest man in the world, but he had absolutely no backbone. I don't think I ever saw him stand up to anyone, even once, in the 5 years we'd been together; and I'd definitely never seen him angry. But I stayed firm and refused to come home until Mike was gone. Fortunately for Jerry, he was able to avoid any inconvenience as Mike left that very night of his own accord. To move in with the blonde, I presumed, but didn't ask. I was just happy he was gone. And now he was coming back. I was livid, but I knew that there was really nothing I could do short of leaving. Jerry argued that it wouldn't be as bad this time. Our new house did have a guest room Mike would be staying in, so it wasn't like he would be planted in the center of my house like last time. I just hoped I could avoid him. I did warn Jerry that if his brother stepped out of line I would leave. Jerry assured me that wouldn't happen, but of course that didn't really mean anything. Mike arrived the next day while I was at work. Jerry had stayed home that day to help his brother settle in, and when I came home the boys were out in the backyard, laying in the shade in lawnchairs. The grill was blazing merrily at the bottom of the yard and the two of them were laughing, drinking beer. Coming upon the scene, I was struck by the difference and similarities between the 2 brothers. Almost like they were mirror versions of the same man. Both were undeniably handsome, with fine bodies and dark hair. Jerry's frame was more slender, like a runner, and he was pale from spending all of his time indoors. Mike on the other hand was very dark and tan, his body thick with muscle from a lifetime of physical labor. Seeing them, laughing and relaxed, made my heart raise. Mike was an asshole, no doubt. But the only love and emotion I'd ever seen him display was to his little brother. And for Jerry, who was always so straight-laced and tightly knit, it seemed like Mike was the only person who could really get him to relax and have a good time. It was a conundrum. As much as I truly hated Mike, it was moments like this one that made it impossible for me to insist that Jerry cut him entirely out of our lives. I went back inside to let them enjoy one another's company. I wanted to shower and change anyway, and I knew the relaxed vibe was likely to end as soon as I entered the scene. Even just the idea of Mike's presence was enough to make me uncomfortable. Over the next few days, I just tried to ignore Mike's presence as much as I could. Jerry was right, it was much better that it had been now that there was a room for Mike to stay in. Maybe he was doing his part in avoiding me too, because I never saw him until Jerry came home from work in the evening. We fell into a pattern, Mike and I. I had run of the house between the hours of 3pm- 6pm when Jerry came home from work, and Mike would stay in his room. Then sometime after 6 he would wander out and spend a few hours bullshitting with Jerry before taking off for the night, while I would retreat to my room. For awhile it was even nice. Jerry was in a better mood and more relaxed than I had seen him for a very long time. It did my heart good. And then something happened to completely ruin everything. I came home from work early. Nothing was wrong, it was just a slow day, and when my boss asked me if I would mind punching out early i jumped at the chance. When I pulled up to our house, I was doubly thrilled to see Mike's car wasn't parked outside. I was excited to have the house to myself for a change. As soon as I opened the door, however, I was annoyed to hear music blasting out of Mike's room. I could see the door to his room was half open, and I was pissed, thinking he'd just taken off, leaving his stereo blaring. Of course it wasn't like that jackass had to worry about paying the electric bill. I burst into the room, intent on turning the stereo off, but the sight that greeted my eyes stopped me dead in my tracks. Mike was laying on the bed. Shirtless, with his jeans on but open his cock pointing straight up as he stroked it. The saliva dried in my mouth. It was the biggest dick I had ever seen. Long, and straight and thick. I had not seen his dick when I'd caught him fucking the blonde on my table, but now I remembered her cries, and realized that this was the instrument of them. Mike was too into pleasuring himself to notice my presence. His eyes shut tight, he bit into his bottom lip as he started stroking himself faster, and faster. My hand crept into my pants of it's own accord, finding my pussy already soaking wet, my clit a hard little button against my fingers. This was the hottest thing I had ever seen and my brain was not thinking, my body only reacting to the stimulus. I started rubbing my clit, quickly meeting the pace that Mike was setting for himself. I felt my skin warm as my whole body flushed, my muscles getting the warm fluttery feeling that meant I was going to come soon. My eyes never left Mike, and the hand stroking his magnificent cock. His dick started to twitch, and suddenly he was shooting thick ropes of semen. It fell onto his body, running down his chiseled abs, pooling into his belly button. I cried out, my knees collapsing, sending me to the floor as I came harder than I had ever come in my life. It went on forever, draining my body of energy. I laid with my face on the floor for a minute, breathing hard, my pussy burning to be filled. My brain came back to me as I raised my head off of the floor, and met Mike's eyes. I had no idea how to read the expression in his eyes. It seemed like equal parts anger, disgust, and pure animal lust. "What the fuck are you doing in my room?" he demanded. His voice was flat and harsh. My mouth worked for a moment, but no sound came out. I had no idea what to say. He was sitting up now, facing me, his dick still out and still standing straight up. I stared at it for a minute, unable to help myself. I had to close my eyes, struggling to put my thoughts into some kind of order. When I opened my eyes again Mike was sneering at me and I knew he'd caught me looking. "I didn't think you were here," I finally managed, lamely. "Your car-" "Is at the bar. I was too fucking drunk to drive myself home last night." he interrupted harshly. His sneer disappeared, and he glared at me harshly again. "So what, you catch me jerking off and you're so overcome you can't keep your hands off of yourself?" I felt my face flush hotly with embarrassment. I had nothing to say to that it was the truth, and it made me feel ashamed of myself. Somehow, this made me feel more aroused, and my pussy began pulsing in time with my heartbeat. What was happening to me? Mike stood suddenly, and I found myself staring once again at his dick, as it bobbed conspicuously out in front of him. He was still rock hard. He stood over me and started laughing. It was not a nice laugh. I felt so tiny, cowering on the floor next to him, completely overwhelmed by his powerful presence. "Well look at this little bitch." he said unpleasantly. "Turns out, little bro's stuck up, cunt of a wife is just another stupid whore looking to get filled." He grabbed a handful of hair from the back of my head, and pulled my face up to his cock. It hurt, but not as much as it would have hurt if I hadn't gone willingly. This close, his cock absolutely filled my eyes, at least 10 inches from root to tip, even his balls were huge, sitting back in his nest of pubic hair. A pearl of semen clung to the tip of the head of his cock, and I found myself wanting to lick it off. "You want it don't you bitch?" he asked giving my head a little shake. "You think I'm a piece of shit, but you want my cock sure enough you dirty little whore!" He threw me to the floor, and I burst into tears. He was right, I'd never been so ashamed of myself. I wanted to crawl out of the room go hide. Before I could move, however, Mike's hands were on my hips, ripping my pants and panties off with one swift movement. I gasped in shock, once sharply, and began to twist away, when Mike's hand came back, this time between my legs, where he entered me quickly with two fingers. I screamed in delight, I couldn't help myself. Mike had big hands, rough from labor. The circumference of his fingers almost felt the same as my husband's dick, and I spread my legs, taking his fingers as deep as I could manage. I was so turned on by this point, my hips moved of their own accord and I started fucking Mike's hand. He took his other hand, and pressed my hips firmly to the floor, making it impossible to move. "Not so fast, slut." he growled warningly. "I run this show. Don't you move a fucking muscle until I tell you to." His eyes were so dark, so intense, that I was afraid not to obey him. Slowly, but with a great amount of force, he began thrusting his fingers deep into my pussy. My body quickly began to quiver from the strain of trying to force it into immobility. "My God, your pussy is so wet." Mike rumbled. "You really want it don't you Laura?" His eyes bored into mine, and shame once again turned my face away. It was true, and even though his fingers were steadily pumping inside me, my pussy was hungry to feel that thick cock filling me. I was shocked when Mike suddenly withdrew his fingers and slapped me. It surely wasn't as hard as he could slap, but it still stung, and spun my head "Wha-" I began. "I told you not to fucking move, bitch." Mike reminded me. He stood up, removing his pants. He stood over me again, making me feel tiny once more "Strip." he ordered. Whatever distant part of my brain that was still working warned me that this was my last chance. If I left now, he would not pursue me, and I could just chalk this whole experience up to temporary insanity, and try to forget it ever happened. But my body whole-heartedly rebelled at this notion. I was so aroused at this point my pussy juices were literally running down my thighs. Even the shame I felt only fueled my desire. I felt like I could not leave this room without feeling his cock inside me. My mind snapped, and good sense fled as I hurriedly stripped my clothes. "Please fuck me, Mike, please." I begged. I kneeled at his feet, and grabbed his hand, trying to pull him down to the floor with me. He jerked his hand away angrily. "You think I want to fuck you, cunt? After the shit you've put me through the last five years? I wouldn't waste my cock on a dried up bitch like you. You're probably about as exciting a lay as a mud puddle." As he spoke his angry words, he positioned his cock in front of my face again. "Please, Mike...." I begged again, my voice soft. I was afraid to act without his command. "You want this?" he asked, stroking his cock right before my eyes. I nodded. "Yes, please..." "Tell me you want my cock in your dirty little whore mouth." he demanded. I was intimidated by the thought of taking a man his size into my mouth, but I wanted it more than it scared me. "I want your cock in my mouth." I replied, and dipped my head to take him. He grabbed me by the hair again. "No, tell me you want my cock in your dirty little whore mouth." he insisted. I felt my face burning. "I want your cock in my dirty little whore mouth." I responded. Rather than letting go of my hair, Mike guided my mouth onto his cock. "You better take every last inch, bitch, or I'll throw you out into the street for everyone to see what a dirty whore you are." With that warning, Mike shoved his cock in my mouth, all the way down to my throat. I gagged, choking on it, the contents of my stomach threatening to heave out of my mouth. It was too much, too soon, I didn't know how to take it. Mike either didn't know or didn't care, and just steadily pumped his meat in and out of my throat, forcing my head to stay in place. When I thought I wouldn't be able to take it for another second, Mike suddenly released me, letting me drop to the floor again. "I knew you would be useless," he sneered, sitting at the edge of his bed. "You call that a blow job? You couldn't make me come if I gave you a manual. Get out of my fucking room." I stared at him in shock. He grinned wickedly, staring at me intently. My eyes found his cock again, now glistening with my own spit, but standing as hard and straight as ever. As I watched, he spread his legs further, and I realized he was making room for me to prove his words wrong. I scrambled over quickly, desperate to prove myself. I kneeled between his legs, and he spread them open further to allow me full access. I ran my nails down his inner thighs, watching his face intently for some kind of signal. He tensed at my touch, but the mocking look of disgust, never left his face. I wrapped my hand around his cock, and slowly started pumping up and down, taking the head into my mouth. I sucked softly at the tip, running my tongue all around it, before taking it back into my mouth, and forcing my head halfway down his length. I started stroking his cock faster, bobbing my head up and down the length of him until he started breathing quickly and shaking I met his eyes again as I released his cock from my mouth, and started licking his balls. He was shaking as I took his balls in my mouth and suckled. "Damn, Laura." he said shakily, "if I'd known I could shut you up so easily, I would have stuck my dick in your mouth a long time ago." His words barely registered, I was too intent on the prize between my lips. I took him back into my mouth, and this time I was able to work my mouth all the way down his length. It felt like the greatest of accomplishments and I would have cried out in triumph if any sound would have been capable of leaving my mouth. I began working his dick as hard and fast as I could, wanting to make him come, wanting to prove that I was worthy. Suddenly, his hands were on my shoulders pulling me away from my prize. A wordless sound of protest flew out of my throat, and I struggled forward, trying to reclaim his cock. But Mike obviously had different plans. He pulled me forward, roughly throwing me onto his bed. I ended up with my knees on the floor, my ass in the air, my front half laying over his mattress. He moved to stand behind me. "Spread your legs." I opened my legs a little and felt his hands on my thighs, pushing them further apart. I tried to look over at him, but he pushed my face firmly into the mattress. "Don't move." he ordered. I laid there, my whole body quivering in anticipation. I sensed rather than saw him move, feeling him close by, inspecting my spread pussy and asshole. I was wild with lust by this time. I wanted to scream at him to just stick it in already, but I was terrified to move, to say or do anything other than follow where he would take me. I felt him run his fingers on my pussy lips, feeling him spread them open for a closer inspection. I felt a warm puff of air on my exposed pussy and realized how close his face must be. This caused another warm gush of fluid to pour out of me and I groaned. Mike laughed softly behind me. "I'll give you this much, Laura, you sure do have a beautiful pussy. I can't wait to feel you wrapped around my cock." This was too much for me, and though I didn't move I started begging again. "Oh God, Mike, please just fuck me already!" He laughed again, taking his hands away from my pussy. I wanted to cry until I felt a larger more firm pressure against my lips. I knew it was the head of his cock and I tried to push down against it, but his hands came up to hold my hips firmly in place. "Not so fast, my hungry little cunt. This is my show, remember?" As he spoke he kept rubbing his dick up and down along my pussy, but didn't penetrate me. It was making me wild and soon I was begging him again. "Please, Mike..." "What do you want?" he asked me, not missing a beat as his dick stroked my pussy. "I want your cock inside me, please!" I begged. He took his hands from my hips and grabbed my wrists, pinning them above my head. "Why?" he asked, keeping up his maddening strokes and pressure, but still staying outside of my pussy. I didn't know what he wanted me to say, so I went with the truth. "Because I need it!" I answered desperately. "Why do you need it, my precious, snotty, stuck up bitch?" he asked. Finally, I understood. "Because I'm a slut! I'm a whore who needs to be filled with your cock!" Without preamble or warning, he shoved his dick into my pussy and began fucking me hard. I screamed in equal parts pleasure and pain, his cock was so big for a second I felt like he might split me in two. Thankfully, I was so wet my pussy quickly became accustomed to the massive size of the dick pumping in and out of me. I rode Mike as hard as he rode me, and this time he let me. "God!" Mike exclaimed. "You have such a tight little fuckhole, cunt!" "Oooh, fuck me Mike! Oh god, that massive cock feels so good!" "You love it don't you!?" he grabbed me by my hair, pulling my head up. "Tell me you love having my cock in your pussy!" "Oh, I love it Mike, I fucking love it! Your cock is so deep in my pussy!" "I bet my brother never fucks you this good, does he?" Mike demanded. "No, Mike, never!" He slapped my ass hard, and started thrusting even harder. I cried out. "Don't you dare talk shit on my little brother, whore! He's too good for you anyway, he doesn't know how to treat a slut like you, but I do!" He began pistoning his dick into me, pounding me forcefully and fast like a machine. He kept up a pace that was almost brutal until I came so hard I screamed. I must have passed out, because the next thing I remember I was laying on the floor while Mike stood over me once more. He was wearing his pants again, and his dick still stood out in front of him although I could see it was steadily wilting. He was holding something out to me that I realized was a bundle of my clothing. "Get the fuck out." No other words, no explanations. I took my clothing from Mike and stumbled naked from the room. I retreated to my bedroom, and then the bathroom where I sat on the toilet until I heard him leave the house. What the fuck had just happened? |