Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1894367-Angels-of-Hell--Tales-of-the-Horsemen
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Dark · #1894367
Follow in this epic, poetic tale of trials of the four horsemen and those they affect.
*Note, I am aware that some parts seem to change, that's because all the titled parts show different pieces randomly written over a period of 10+ years, just collected together now!

Prologue: Beginning of the End

Black rain falls from a cloudless sky,
Tears of the angels flight.
When the sky turns blue around the moon,
And the sun darkens the night.
Watch as the innocent are now corrupt,
And the wicked repent for sins.
It's a whole new world on the outside,
The beginning of the end.

Hell's Angels

Unknown angels flew today,
Burning many with Hell's fires.
Corrupted with sin and hell to pay,
The Devil's puppets, slaves on wires.
His evil intentions blur their minds,
Their hearts are black as night.
Slowly, their sanity unwinds,
Their sins, worse than Eve's bite.
Ultimate warriors of the merciless flame
Shed the bright red blood of Man.
They kill without honor and without shame.
They kill with their bloodstained hands.
These angels were all once men
Who spread anger, pain, and strife.
You better beware the four horsemen,
Hell's angels, takers of life.

Origin of Famine, the Sufferer

The rivers run dry as the rains did not come this season.
With the dry sweeping across the land the crops began to die.
When the crops began to die all the animals left.
With the lack of food, men release the beast inside.
He was the first, going so far to boil his infant son,
Selfish murder, desperate to cling to life.
The tribes warriors followed their chief's actions,
Killing and eating their children, elders & wives.
With full bellies, they rest,
But he knows what will happen when they wake.
While his warriors slept, he crept into their huts,
One after the other, each life he takes.
When the morning comes, only two remain,
Himself, and a lone warrior, his eldest son.
The only warrior he sees fit to battle for life,
As their bonds of trust and blood are broken.
Both know the battle will be tough,
So they feast upon the dead warriors
To ensure that they are strong,
Never taking their eyes off of each other.
After ferocious feasting the two square off,
Only ten yards stand between them.
Clinging to tribal spear and shield,
The young warrior wildly rushes towards him.
Thrusting his spear towards his father,
The warrior underestimates the aged chief.
He knocks the warrior's spear away with his shield
And heartlessly plunges his spear deep.
Stunned, the warrior stumbles backwards
And falls to the ground with a thud.
The chief moves towards his throne
That looks over his village, those blood-stained huts.
It was then that it had begun to rain
Hard enough to make the rivers rise.
There he sat until he passed away,
With the thousand yard stare in his eyes.

Blood Lust

Hell's angels take flight
With the devil's bidding their command
Heaven sends their best warriors
But they die at every stand.
Fear spreads through-out Heaven
By the stories of these dark angels' deeds
Angelic blood, like gasoline,
Flows to the hell-fires that they feed.
Battles rage in Hell, Heaven and Earth,
As the angels slip further into insanity
Bringing on their wrath and destruction
Hell conquering Heaven seems more like reality.
As did the blood of man,
Their hands are stained by the blood of angels.
The angels' blood is different from man though,
For it can cure all that is sable.
They have thoughts of regret,
As the blood seeps through their pores.
Black eyes turn white, then blue,
As Hell's angels have their first true remorse.

Origin of War, the Ruiner

Revolutionaries wage war to control this country,
But he stands strong, unmoving for the old ways.
The shogun slowly lose their grip on Japan,
But he fights rabidly for their power to stay.
He is a cunning and ruthless warrior,
Known to his enemies only as "The Ghost."
Single handed, he destroyed entire squads
And remains as an urban legend to most.
Word has spread that revolutionaries approach
With plans to overthrow and burn Kyoto.
His traps are set throughout the forest,
Horrific machinations for those that don't know.
Steadily marching towards the city,
An elite squad approaches the end of their hike.
The ground crumbles beneath the first three
As they land and die on bamboo spikes.
Shurikens fly through the air
And stick into five more troops.
Before the bodies ever hit the ground,
Out of the trees, the Ghost swoops.
With twin gleaming blades extended.
He dashes into the remaining twelve.
The first blade cuts, a hot knife through butter,
the second blocks the blows that would send him to Hell.
Within thirty seconds the count drops by five,
Leaving his enemies to number only seven.
Fear has stricken the once numerous group
Another dash through, three more gone to Heaven.
An explosion shakes the grounds
From the direction of his beloved city,
Throwing the Ghost completely guard
To the four remaining enemies.
Shamed at his loss, he watches Kyoto burn,
While they amputate his arms and legs.
The sparks of lit gun powder flow in his direction,
Where he is left tied to a powder keg.


Time and time again
They kill on the given order.
The devil's simplest command
Creating chaos and disorder,
But he is losing his grip
With every life they take
His power strips
As their souls begin to wake.
Hell's angels, finally free,
Cry for their very sins
And the pain they've seen
Which shows no ends.
Regrets and blood-stained hands,
Proof of lives, souls they've stolen,
Wishes to reverse time's sands
And save those who've fallen.
Unknown angels fly so high
Praying for peace from their wrongs
They vow now to protect life
For their redemption, forever long.

Origin of Pestilence, the Putrid

The black plague spreads across the land,
London is the worst for wear.
With overpopulation and growth
Panic and fear corrupt and tear.
Here he sits, a family man,
His children number in the teens.
All have caught the dark sickness,
His house has been quarantined.
Family members fall one by one
No one dares to try and help.
They say he's incurred the wrath of God,
Deserving to lose every whelp.
Upon the death of his final child,
He pleads to God why wasn't it him.
A man whom holds high moral standards,
Every Sunday he repents for sins.
Soldiers come to burn down his home,
A false claim to end his heresy.
Or maybe less false from tragic loss,
A just God would not torment thee.
His home bursts into slithering flames,
Giving them no pleasure of screams from inside.
Wrathful ashes blow from home to soldiers,
All of which instantly die.


With the loss of his dark angels,
The devil becomes furious.
He vows to bring them to shambles,
But his methods, oh so curious.
He could try using temptation,
But to he, does not seem fit.
No, they have caused much frustration,
The only way is for them to be smitten.
Creating four new horsemen,
Men with no possibility for regret.
They will be the new scourge of the land,
But one simple deed must first be met.
They must destroy their predecessors,
Those that have betrayed the dark master.
Time for his revenge to unfold and prosper,
For his revenge is all that matters.
Unknown angels that have flown so high,
Prepare to defend against the devil's cattle.
To atone for their sins, they're prepared to die,
Hell's former dark angels must prepare for battle.

Origin of Death, Destroyer of Worlds

Behold the girl who sits at her father's feet,
A beggar crucified for his belief in Christ.
Sorrowful admiration, a man more than a father,
Willing to risk all for his beliefs, even life.
On this night she brought with her a dagger,
For she can not stand to see him in pain.
Plunging it deep within his chest,
She watches life pass from his remains.
Satisfaction fills her with pride,
For her role in ending suffering.
So much so that she goes cross to cross,
Killing every murderer, beggar and thief.
On the night of Christ's crucifixion,
She vows to free him from his life.
At the base of his cross she looks up,
Raging sadness within her eyes.
That very moment she could not kill him,
Bearing resentment for her father's strife.
The lord forgives, but is not forgiven,
She tosses away her knife.
It was then that the guards showed up,
Branding her with murder and treason.
They cast stones and set her ablaze,
Giving her no trial, no use of reason.
You shall be the first he says,
And I will pick all of your brothers well.
You will have a chance to avenge your pain,
In my service, an agent, an angel of Hell.


As dark, roaring clouds
Expand across the sky,
They cover up the sunset,
While the air becomes dry.
With the crack of a whip,
Two sides edge towards battle.
Another clap of thunder
Makes the Earth rattle.
Swords clang on shields,
Blood flies through the air,
Lightning flickers in the background
Of a battle so rare.
Flying through the sky,
Their wings shall be their strength.
Struggling for the world's fate,
Both sides go to great lengths.
Bones crunch like autumn leaves,
That have fallen to winter's winds.
One new demon screams in pain,
As the sword pierces his rotten skin.
As he falls to eternal slumber,
He breaks the wing of a traitor.
Both now fall to the ground,
And straight through to Hell's gate.
The demon did not survive,
But his victim lay tattered and torn.
Another demon comes to finish the deed,
But is slain by a shadow's sword.
It was the sword of his master,
For the devil had a new plan.
Still in the sky the battle rages,
Acidic blood showers the land.
The demons clip the horsemens' wings
In the twilight of the setting sun.
A murder of crows cry their caw,
As Hell's former angels fall one by one.
The Devil lets them live though,
To regret another day.
They shall be his trophies,
Crucified on display.
They watch the earth shatter
From the dragon's evil wake.
The only way to be forgiven,
They must somehow escape.


Broken and battered, shackled and chained,
They are marched down the roads of Hell.
Hearing the tormented screams of those they once helped kill,
From each angel's eyes tears fell.
Pushed and dragged through all of Hell's circles,
They are crucified in the city of the damned.
Lucifer makes them suffer the pains of Christ
To spread stigmatic rituals throughout the lands.
That was his plan to wreck havoc, more hell on Earth,
Pain to the people through the pain of their attempted saviors.
These apocalyptic angels are helpless to stop him,
As Lucifer continues his disturbing behaviors.
He'll never let them die though, he loves his fun too much.
This went on for weeks as the angels' tears turned to blood.
With stakes in hand and feet, crowns of thorns, lashes and jabbed spears in their sides,
Their agony grew until the day they were approached by a man in a hood.
One by one, he set them free, pulling out every thorn,
Then he hid them in Hell's vast wastelands.
Stolen from right under the Devil's nose,
This brought an abrupt stop to his evil plans.
Only the former Death realized who their savior was.
The betrayer of Christ, Judas, the fallen apostle.
As the four left to go plea for help,
Judas asked for one thing in return from the angels.
He wanted them to put in a plea for him as well,
A plea for forgiveness of his passed sins.
Even if he must remain in Hell for eternity
He will be comforted enough to know that he's forgiven.
Having escaped from Hell they had only one place to turn,
Heaven, where they seek the help of those they once did slay,
But will they get the help they so desperately seek,
Or for the pain they have caused, will they have to pay?

Archangel Michael, the Vengeful Redeemer

An angel's tear falls to the floor
Leaving a crimson stain when it hits.
Another is dead, the mission has failed.
Anger boils to the end of his wits.
The day they emerged from fire
And burned the world with their fury
Was the day he became powerless
To help those that beg his hurry.
Michael has lost hope and purpose
With his inability to save those needing saved.
Barely escaping with life his self,
He can't even slay those who need slain.
This last battle was exceptionally fierce,
Those four having slaughtered hundreds of cherubs
On their mission to hunt one living soul
But their sable eyes glow white with blood.
Death swung her scythe at Michael,
But it was not a fatal swing.
Just enough that he bled on the four
With a flapping of his wings.
In a brilliant flash of light
The forsaken four had eyes of blue.
One tear fell from Death's eye,
Falling to the ground in its crimson hue.
The four flew away to places unknown,
Leaving Michael alone, angry with his thoughts.
Why in the glory of all creation was he spared
By the angels of Hell he has vowed to stop?

The Plea

With the help of Judas, the four horsemen are free,
But will their pleas in heaven fall on deaf ears.
For they are the cause of much pain and misery,
They are the four that heaven truly fears.
But plea they must with those they hurt,
If they are to truly make up for their sins.
Riding their steeds up to heaven's gates
The only chance at redemption lies within.
A waiting army watches the horsemen pass,
Lining their path up towards a mighty glow.
Michael the angel who was spared his life
An event that feels a life time ago.
Until this moment he was filled with hate,
Now he realizes what has happened.
His aura glows from Hell's fallen,
It was him that cured Lucifer's infection.
From behind Michael approached the son of God.
One that only Death had seen before.
She was there on the day of his crucifixion
Taking lives of thieves, beggars and whores.
It was her that he pulled aside,
Whispering words within her ear.
Her eyes widen with anticipation,
The future, while rough, has become clear.
Heaven will back the horsemen
But first they have to perform trials.
They must travel to the ends of the Earth
To close the seven doorways to Hell.

Origin of the Devil, Three Princes

Fallen from Heaven unto the Earth,
Upon impact his soul splits in three.
All engulf a physical form of sins,
Most sly, uncouth and unclean.
Lucifer, the Morning Star, the sin of pride,
Overconfidence is his mistake.
In his eyes he is greater than God,
And he will not deny his heavenly namesake.
Satan, the sin of wrath, forever angry,
Physical manifest of rage incarnate.
Created from rebellious intentions,
And the fine line of love and hate.
Beelzebub, the sin of gluttony,
His food of choice are only souls.
The souls of those he deems lesser,
The beings known as mortals.
Three of seven princes of Hell,
None know the base of their origin,
None except their king, the king of husks,
And the king will keep his secret hidden.
He is one of many names,
One in particular he deems most evil.
This is his favorite to be referred,
When those who fear call him the Devil.

Philosopher at the Gate

Horsemen depart to close seven doors,
Each of which belongs to a prince of Hell.
All of them guilty of a deadly sin,
Corrupting for their king's hollow shell.
Upon the exit there sits a man,
Who beckons that they first come listen.
He has been tasked to see them out,
And in doing part with a question and wisdom.

"To tempt fate I must know why will you do what you must do,
For if you fail surely know you will die, your resolve must remain not deluded.
To save Earth you must save the sky,
or we're all doomed, yourselves included."

In parting, I give you the key to my words
In which you will find my final question's resurrection.
Seven archangels guard seven seals for seven gates,
While seven princes lead the seven headed-beasts insurrection.

*note: more will follow as it is created. the plan is for future dealings will include the 7 princes of hell, the 7 seals, battle between the devil and heaven, and more.
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