Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1898560-Acorns-to-Bridges
by Tim
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1898560
It's a story I wrote. Whoop de doo.
Once there was a tree. It was a beautiful tall oak that was the result of a single acorn from a hopeless man on his way to end his life. The man figured if it grew then he would have a lasting effect on the world, which he didn't seem to have now. As he planted the acorn that was mysteriously alone in the field he had second thoughts on his dark agenda. "I'll wait it out, this acorn will determine my fate." he thought to himself. This man was rich by no means, but he could afford to live comfortably. It wasn't poverty that plagued him, it was loneliness. Although he had a job where he loosely interacted with people he never held a relationship, just single greetings followed by awkward walk-byes. It was the result of a life of solitude, he didn't want to be lonely but he was terrified of people. He was never bullied in school, but left alone. Not neglected, just avoided. "Enough of this." he thought, and headed home to gather all the necessities he had. Upon returning to his determining ground he noticed that next to his freshly planted acorn there was another. Puzzled by the anonymity of this but determined he settled all of his things around the two acorns and lay down, exhausted from the haul. After a few moments of staring at the sky he drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep. Soft drops of precipitation awoke him from his sleep and as he looked around he noticed another pile of belongings next to his, followed by a tent. Curiously he approached it and said, "Hello?" and was surprised to be greeted by a woman from his work. Naturally the first question he had for her was, "Why are you here?" , and she replied " To determine my fate, I found this acorn in the field and it held significance to me for a reason i'd rather not discuss. Nevertheless i'm waiting for mine to grow or sit in the ground and react according." . By her response and the look on his face they knew they were there for the same reason. They waited for two months for signs of growth but only the woman's developed a sapling. Disappointed that his decision was made in light of such a groundbreaking revelation he decided to walk off one day to do his deed. It took him two hours to walk to the only bridge that would do the job, the entire time he felt his co-worker's voice haunting him but he shook it off as second thoughts. When he finally got to the bridge and climbed upon the ledge he felt something jerk him back and as he fell backwards he saw the woman above him grinning. "I've been following you for two hours you bastard! Don't let a damn acorn determine your fate. Let life run it's course naturally, but with me." .
© Copyright 2012 Tim (gritcase at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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