Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1902452-Dreams-Come-True--Chap-2-In-progress-
by Nicole
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1902452
Continueing story of Shadoe,Lucy,Melina and Tam

Chapter 2

She never passed out,not ever..but according to Melina she'd dropped like the Stock Market and had remained unconcious for the ride here..at least they hadn't left Lucy behind..when she'd come to the dog was enjoying the attention of Melina..who had given her a meaty bone to gnaw on.

" This..this isn't a dream is it? " She murmured,sitting up on the soft mattress she'd wakened on and drawing her babydoll pajama top down as far as she could.

" I am afraid not,It is all too real..come,your bath has been prepared while you slept."

Shadoe soon learned that by bath the other woman meant that she and a dozen other girls ranging in age from thirteen to twenty three or so would be bathing in waist deep kiddie pool sized ' bath tubs ' as a group while a half dozen vaugely feline features females stood guard and offered gels and shampoos,soaps and oils to them.

Next they were dried off,offered what she supposed passed for combs here to tame their wet tresses,then they were urged to use perfumed oils before being dressed in loose fitting sheath dress tunics out of a soft material and the softest suede boots she'd ever felt..then they were ushered to another room where other young humans wandered about,whispering to each other..males as well as females..but absent was Mook..she didn't see him anywhere...and where had Melina put Lucy?

She turned to ask her but she was gone..the door had been closed and now a male stood there,arms crossed over his broad chest and a no nonsenxe look on his roughly chisled face...she turned around and began to mingle,asking everyone if they'd seen one lost and lonely four year old boy.,but each said no...and a few asked about other children..girls and boys alike.

" What the hells going on here? " Someone finally grew the balls to demand of the beefy guards.

" You will soon learn the reason you were brought here,Our chieftan has arranged a feast to honor your arrival." A new voice stated and everyone looked around as a woman with large amber eyes and almost white gold hair walked out of a side door."The young of your kind have aready been fed and are being readied."

" Readied for what..Where's my sisters? " One girl snarled,tossing her wet hair over her shoulder as she challenged the new comer..whose chuff of laughter was echoed by the guards.

" They are not too bright,Are they? " One of the serving maids asked softly and a few more of them gave that chuffing laugh that Shadoe was really begining to hate.

" Intellegent or not,they are the ones in the vision..the ones meant to be here." The female spoke again,straightening to her full hieght." Bring them."

" Seriously? " Shadoes voice came out as a startled squawk when the guards began to herd them toward the doors,which were being held open by two more males..both of whom seemed to be interested in sniffing the air around them as they were propelled from the room and down a wide hallway to another open door..this one seemed to open to the outside world,and for the briefest of minutes she thought about making a run for freedom,til she remembered that somewhere here they were holding Mook hostage.

Feeling a hand on her ass made her tense up and scowl up at the male who was kneading her left butt cheek..she so wanted to slap that haughty look from his chisled feliney face but for now she had to play nice..at least until she learned where Mook was and if he was safe.

" Keep digging those claws into my ass and I'll clip your nuts right off." She murmured sweetly,batting her lashes in all innocence when he jerked as if she had slapped him..but his hand dropped away from her rump. " Okay,So you're not as stupid as you look,huh cat man?"

" Taj..You have no right to touch one of the chosen ones yet." A low pitched rumble of a voice scolded as she exited the building and she blinked slowly,shading her eyes with one hand to look around for the owner of that voice..finding him leaning negligently against one of the leathery hided horse creatures,rubbing its muzzle with one large hand almost lovingly.

" Oh wow.." The whisper soft words escaped her throat as a hot blush stole up to stain her high cheekbones when she let her gaze glide over him from the top of his rich sable dreadlocked hair to his boot shod feet,missing not one inch of his leanly muscled frame or the amused gleam in his greenish grey eyes.

So interested in this man was she that at first she didn't realize that others were milling about the open courtyard,mingling around long tables loaded down with bowls and platters of food and avoiding the serving maids weaving amongst them with trays of drinks..probably more of that pink stuff...then she caught a whiff of the roasted meats and rich smelling foods that made her stomache growl noisily.

" The sale will start now..bring them out."

Sale? What the hell was he talking about?

Before she could ask a group of females approached them,leading or carrying the children taken from Earth..Little Mook was being carried by Melina,
© Copyright 2012 Nicole (snicklefritz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1902452-Dreams-Come-True--Chap-2-In-progress-