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Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1903335
Unseen Beauty
Unseen Beauty
“Uh, is that really me? I am the most disgusting looking person ever! I should lose weight, and uh Lord, why did I have to be so hideous?” Sarah looked at herself in the mirror as she told herself all these horrible things. She was constantly bringing herself down all of the time, and she is just never happy with herself. Although people always say she is drop dead gorgeous, she is always nagging about herself. As soon as you see her you’re just automatically like “whoa” from how gorgeous she is. She is the girl who basically has it all who doesn’t realize it. She is fat free, her hair falls perfectly, she has the perfect skin, and her smile just lights up the whole room as soon as she walks in. Sarah just never appreciates anything she has and always takes everything for granted.

Sarah’s mom Linda walked in the room as Sarah was self-loathing. Linda fussed, “Sarah I’m going to be leaving the house, I have to run some errands. I left the soup cooking in the kitchen stove. I need you to add some ingredients. Add more salt and thinly slice some tomatoes and add that too. Make sure to turn the stove off in 30 minutes because then the soup will burn. Remember the soup most likely will boil too much and make a huge mess all over the stove. So bye sweetie and I repeat turn the stove off in 30 minutes.”

Okay I promise I’ll do that, bye mom.” As Linda walked out the door Sarah automatically was like, ‘’Uh s***, I could make a way better soup anyways. I don’t need anybody telling me what I should do. Cooking is my passion." Last year Sarah had won the Championship for the best teenage cook. She was Miss 2011 but for cooks of course. Sarah just didn’t understand why her mom was nagging at her so much. “I know exactly what to do, and I don’t need my mom to be telling me what ingredients I should add!”

Ring, Ring, Ring

“Who is calling me?” Sarah picked up the phone.


“Hi Sarah it’s me Vanessa, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the movies with me? I can go pick you up in fifteen minutes.”

“Oh sure you know I’m down anytime girl. I’ll be ready.”

“Alright then Girl, See ya.”

Sarah couldn’t find anything to wear, she felt super rushed. Everything she tried on she thought she looked hideous in. The complicated girl tried on one shirt , then another shirt, and a dress, then another dress. Yet nothing would satisfy her, she was just not happy with the way she looked, and she felt the time ticking fast. The fifteen minutes flew by super-fast.

Ding Dong, Ding dong.

Sarah opened the door.

“Oh I love your outfit today Vanessa. I look awful as always, and I hate this Texas hot weather. I can’t wait for it to just be winter already. I hate to wear little clothes. I can cover up my fat more with all those sweaters you get to wear in the winter.”

“Uhh but you don’t even look awful Sarah. You can’t ever even say just one good thing about yourself!”

“Well there’s nothing good to say, let’s just go!”

As they walked up to Vanessa’s car Sarah said her car was nice. The car looked clean and new. Sarah said with her mouth wide open, “I’m so jealous.”

“Thanks girl, it’s a Lamborghini and it just came out this year.”

As they were on their way to the movies Sarah remembered about the soup. She panicked, “Stop the car, my mom is going to kill me. I totally forgot that I was supposed to leave the soup cooking for only 30 more minutes.” Vanessa took Sarah back home. She said she had something to do, so she just left Sarah back at her house. As Sarah opened the door to her house, she felt as if her heart was pounding out of her chest. She wondered if the soup had made a huge mess on the stove. She ran to the kitchen, faster then she had even ran in her life. It smelled horrible in the house. It had that horrible burn smell you get when there are ashes flying all in your face from a blown out camp fire.

When she got into the kitchen she saw that the soup was over flowing. It had cooked way over time. She picked the pot up. Sarah shouted, “Uhhhh that is hot!” As she nearly melted her fingers off, she tripped. Everything went into slow motion as Sarah was falling. She had the pot in her hands as she slipped, she dropped it as she came crashing down. She saw the pot of boiling soup coming closer and closer to her face. When she fell, the extremely hot soup splashed her whole entire face. She completely blacked out.

About two hours past and her mom got home. Linda was terrified to see her one and only daughter on the floor with her face all burned. She didn’t know if she was even alive and she was in shock. She felt like her whole world came crashing down with just the thought of not having her daughter anymore. Linda called the ambulance. Soon enough they came and took Sarah. Sarah was still unconscious.

The crying mother was so worried. “Oh my goodness is my daughter okay; they are taking for ever to tell me if she is alright. My only child Sarah is still unconscious and might not make it.” Linda went on and on thinking things in her head as she was in the waiting room from the hospital. The doctors finally came into the waiting room.

Linda demanded,“So is everything okay, just tell me?”

“Well we don’t know how to say this, but Sarah might not make it. She is losing too much blood. She has lost an eye and we will have to replace it with a prosthetic one. Her face is just severely burned mam. If she does make it, she is never going to be able to look the same. We are sorry.”

Linda had no words to say, she just cried. She just hoped everything would be fine and her daughter would make it. The thought of Sarah never looking the same devastated Linda so much either way. Days passed and Sarah had gone through surgery after surgery to fix her face. Luckily Sarah did make it.

Sarah hadn’t seen herself; she was very scared to because of all the reactions she would get from people. They would look at her with a horrifying look in their face. She was sure she was as ugly as a melted witch. Finally she decided to see herself in a mirror. As she grabbed the mirror and pulled it close to her face she didn’t even say a single word. She just thought to herself, “Wow! It doesn’t even look like me anymore.” She put the mirror down and felt like she never wanted to see that face on the mirror ever again. She grabbed an old album and cried as she saw several old pictures of herself. “My! Wasn’t I beautiful, yet I never bothered to see it.”
© Copyright 2012 Vanessa Moreno (vmorenoivh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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