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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1904382
The fourth installment in this epic mystery saga.
Episode 4

The High Rise Bandit

Location - mysterious roof top Time - 12:00 A.M.

John McDonald and Harry Scarborough are on a stakeout a

building away from the Mayor's penthouse apartment waiting for the

High Rise Bandit to make his move.

"Harry, what are you up to ?" asked John.

"Just working on my crossword. Do you know a three letter word

for jelly?" asked Harry.

"Ummm.....," John was about to say before they got the call.

" Copper 1, Copper 1, the Bandit is moving to open the

penthouse's rooftop door," said Command post Echo.

" Roger Echo, we are on our way," John said.

Connor was waiting patiently on the other side of the door

for the Bandit to open it. Just then he hears the door tumblers

working to open. Then the door opened and Connor was face to

face with the Bandit.

" Chicago P.D. you're under arrest," Connor said with a

commanding tone.

Then John and Harry arrived with Copper 1, and put there spot-

light on him. The Bandit started to put his hands up when he dropped

a smoke pellet and started to run. After Connor waved the fumes

from the pellet away, he made chase. Connor and the Bandit were

neck and neck, it was a close chase. But the Bandit got a head of

Connor and hid from him behind a shack. Connor was running

past the shack when the Bandit tripped him up and knocked him

unconscious. After a few minutes, John and Harry found Connor and

revived him.

"So did we catch him?" Connor asked.

The next morning John and Harry were in their office looking over

the case so far.

"So the Bandit has robbed four penthouse apartments so far and

has made off with five hundred dollars from each," Harry stated.

"I wonder were he will strike next, hmmm," John said.

Just then detective Connor walked in.

"Detectives Jonathan Rider wants to speak with you," Connor

informed them.

When John and Harry arrived at the forensics lap Jonathan wave

them over to his lab table.

"Well I have something you two might find interesting," Rider told


"Really, what is it?" John asked.

"A letter from the High Rise Bandit himself," Rider stated.

"No way," John said.

"Any prints on it ?" asked Harry.

"No prints but the letter is interesting," Jonathan said.

Dear Detectives.

I say I enjoyed our little skirmish last night. But I like to give you a

challenge, I am going to leave a few numbers at the end of this letter.

They are important, good luck detectives. You're going to need it.


"Any ideas ?" Harry asked John.

"It could be an address," John said.

"Yeah let's check the map at the office," Harry said.

Once they checked the map they found out that 4569 is a post

office five minutes from the station. John and Harry hopped in Copper

1 and headed out. Once John and Harry arrive, they head into the

post office and pick up there package. Inside is another address 141


"Now where can that be? hmmmm," John said.

"I think I now where it is!," Harry exclaimed.

"Where?," John asked

"141 W. Jackson Boulevard the location of Chicago

Board of Trade Building," Harry explained.

They jumped in Copper 1 and headed for the Chicago Board of

Trade Building. Once they landed, they went over to Chicago Board

of Trade and took the elevator to the top floor. When they got out

they saw a look-out window where stood a telescope and another

letter from the Bandit, it read.....

Good job detectives I applaud you efforts,

Now I leave you another challenge. The Chicago Board of Trade was not

always the tallest building in Chicago see if you can find it.

The Bandit.

Harry grabs the telescope and starts to look. It took him ten

minutes but he found out where they needed to go next.

"John it's the Chicago Temple Building let's go," Harry stated.

When they arrived they arrived at Chicago Temple Building outside

John saw a poster of famous religious art showing there.

"Harry that's it thats what the Bandit is after," John exclaimed.

They went inside and asked to see the man in charge of the


"I can't believe that some one would want to steal our art," said

Brother Lucas.

"It's sad to say, but yes, Brother Lucas," Harry replied.

"What do you need to keep the paintings safe?" asked Brother


"I think that we can stop the Bandit here, but we will need to set

a trap," John said.

"We are going to take the paintings and you can keep them at

your house Brother Lucas, while detective Scarborough and I will

wait for him," John stated.

"Anything you want detective, McDonald," Brother Lucas


It's 2:00 am and a mysterious figure is jumping from rooftop to

rooftop. Unaware that detectives John C. McDonald and Harry

Scarborough are waiting for him. The figure reaches the window and

pulls out his window cutters and goes to work. Once the window is

cut the Bandit steps inside and walks toward the first painting. He

starts to remove the sheet covering the painting when John and

Harry make their move.

"Stop right there,Bandit! You're not going anywhere," John stated.

" O yeah copper," said the Bandit smugly.

Just then the Bandit does a sweeping kick and knocks John down.

Harry starts in on the Bandit with a right hook. The Bandit gives him a

left hook. A mad fight ensues but Harry comes out on top and puts

the cuffs on.

"Alright let's see who you are," John said.

"Yikes, goodness it's world renowned Asian acrobat Duyi Vang,"

Harry stated.

After they put Duyi in a squad car, the Chief came over to

congratulate them.

"Well boys another job well done," the Chief said.

"Thanks sir," John said.

"And for your brave actions, you two have been promoted to

Lieutenant Detectives of Burglary," the Chief said.

"Thank you, sir, thank you so much," Harry said happily.

The End

© Copyright 2012 James Kinney (conwrites at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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