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by luna
Rated: · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1913608
tragic, friendship, love?
I decided to head to Jayme’s back yard. When were in the tree house that’s where Screw and Pop came from, was his tree line. So the pit was probably not too far back. I slowed to a walk once I was in the tree line deep enough. I looked around looking for any foot prints or any clues I was close. I gave up on that and looked for a decent tree to get into. I found one and climbed my way to the top to get a better view. I got as high as I could without risking my neck on a thin brittle branch. Finally I saw smoke, and was about to make my way down when I heard voices so I stayed up there and waited.
“Yo, I heard Black Ash was gunna come.” One of them said, he had curly orange hair.
“Come on Rip, let’s be real. Ash is good as dead. By his father or by Lone Wolf.” The kid with a buzz said.
“Well we can hope for some entertainment, right Trigger?” Guy named Rip said excitedly.
“What ever,” Trigger said, and looked over his shoulder. “Iciest, you comin’ or what?”
A girl strolled up with half of her head shaved and half of it was ragged shoulder length. It was bleached blonde but some of it was neon blue. “Don’t push me boys. It’s not like were late.”
“Easy for you to say. Your Lone Wolf’s girl,” Trigger answered.
“Please, I’m not Lone Wolf’s anything. It’s more like he’s my guy. I’m the puppet master,” she said pulling out a pocket knife she easily flipped opened. “So watch it.”
“I wouldn’t mind bein’ your puppet,” Rip said with a smile eyein’ up the knife.
Iciest stared at the ground then looked around the thick wooded area. “Shit,” She mumbled.
“Shits right, keep your mouth shut Rip. Like she would ever choose you over Lone Wolf.” Trigger answered shoving Rip.
“Hey, ya never know.” Rip said shoving Trigger back.
Suddenly Iciest through the knife and it hit the tree behind Rip and Trigger. They got quiet and turned around staring at the blade sticking in the bark of the tree.
“Idiots, quiet.” She whispered fiercely, “Were being followed.”
Trigger turned around looking through the thicket, while Rip went over the yanked the knife out of the tree. He through the blade at Iciest who caught it in-between her pointer and middle finger.
“I don’t here nothing’.” Trigger said.
“Me neither,” she responded. “I just feel like were being watched.”
I held my breath as I watched Iciest walk over to the tree I was in. I quickly turned myself so I was towards the back of the tree, hopefully unseen.
“Iciest let’s just go,” Rip answered. “No point in looking for someone who might just be a little kid.”
“Rip’s right, lots kiddies wonder in these woods.” Trigger said and started walking towards the smoke that was in the distance.
Iciest turned and shoved past Rip, “your right. Besides Wolf’s gunna love that Rip wants to be my man.”
Rip ran to catch up, “no no, I never said it like that.”
“It was implied,” I heard Trigger mumble.
I silently watched them leave, and waited for a good 10 minutes of looking and watching, before climbing down the tree. This was gunna beyond my boundaries of dangerous.
I finally got in a good view of the pit meeting were I was unseen. Or at least I hoped I was. I crawled myself in a bush and laid down on my stomach, so I was flat down. Some of the people I recognized, like Screw and Pop; and Iciest, Trigger and Rip. And even two kids from school that dropped out last year. There were around fifteen people, ranging from twenty to fourteen years old. There were only five girls. Iciest and a girl named Tiger had the same hair. The other three had it chopped short. There was guys showing off their knives and drinking beer. Others were making out with the girls; at one point two guys started fist fighting over the girl. Which in the end she kicked one in the groin and another she knocked out cold. All this was happening around a huge bomb fire containing furniture and a bunch of other trash. Finally I spotted Jayme or Jay Dynamite rather.
“Yo Jay were you been man?” Rip said handing him a beer.
“Eh, around.” He answered opening the beer.
“Man, is it true what I been hearing?” Rip asked smiling.
“What’s that?” Jayme asked swallowing down some beer.
“You took a beating from Kris and Little T?”
“Oh, yeah. Spit some blood on him after he slammed me.” Jayme said lifting up his shirt, revealing dark blue and yellow bruises.
Rip laughed hitting him on the back, “shit man. Nice job,”
“Alright, Rip give the guy some room to breathe, eh?” Screw said shoving away Rip.
“Yeah, yeah, well that’s gunna hurt when you get beat in tonight.” Then Rip drunkenly wandered off.
“Beat in,” I mumbled quietly. My stomach dropped. Oh my God their gunna beat him up, just to get in. To be a part of… this?
“Thanks man,” Jayme mumbled.
Screw just nodded, “you aw’ight, Jay D?”
Jayme shrugged, “good as it’s gunna get.”
“Sorry man,” Screw said with a shrug. “Can’t argue with Lone Wolf, I’m gunna have to participate.”
“No, yeah it’s what ever. Maybe he’ll go easy on me when he hears about Ash.” Jayme said handing him his beer. “I’m done.”
“Wait, what ya mean?” Screw asked but Jayme already walked away.
Suddenly I heard a gun go off, and everyone got quiet. I looked to where the noise came from but it was too dark to really see anything.
I watched Trigger get up on a stump that was few feet high. “We are about to start.”
Everyone waited and a guy walked to Trigger’s side. He was probably around twenty-three and had a buzz and a baseball cap on backwards. He stomped on the cigarette that he was smoking on and cleared his throat.
“So, looks to me everyone’s here. I guess this was an interesting thing to you guys.” He looked over at Trigger and he jumped off the stump and walked away. “So let’s start.”
Trigger came back over with Jayme by his side. “Lone Wolf,” Trigger said and stepped back.
So that was Lone Wolf, I held my breath and strained to listen what was about to happen next.
Iciest skipped up and stood besides Wolf. “Where’s Black Ash? I was lookin’ forward to seeing him.” She then laughed, “Although he probably wouldn’t of been able to see me very well.” She smirked and Jayme stared at Lone Wolf, not glancing at Iciest.
“Iciest did it,” I mumbled. “She punched Ash,” I got quiet listening to Wolf’s response.
“Well, you gunna answer my girl,” Lone Wolf said.
“Sorry Iciest. But he’s father beat ya to it.” Jayme said seriously.
“You mean he’s dead,” someone from the crowd yelled.
Lone Wolf raised his eyebrows, “huh. Figured his father would of waited a little longer.”
Iciest stared at Jayme, “your lying.”
“It’s your fault he’s dead Iciest. You should be happy,” Jayme answered staring at her.
“How so,” she questioned back.
Jayme clenched his jaw, “if he had he’s vision he would of saw his father grab the knife.”
For a minute I swore I saw Iciest go pale, but it was too far away to tell.
Lone Wolf just smiled, not paying attention to her, “good for Nathan, killing him instead of us. Cops will put him away instead.” Lone Wolf finally looked at Iciest. ”What ya think babe? Is he telling the truth?”
Iciest was quiet for a moment, then looked at Wolf. She walked towards Jayme and smiled. She leaned over and drug her finger down his chest. “No,” she said then nailed her knee into his bruised ribs.
Jayme bent over in pain, as I felt him trying to gain his breath back. I felt like I was gunna puke.
“Oh Jayme,” Lone Wolf said smiling. “I hate it when I’m lied to.”
“I’m, not lying.” Jayme finally said. “Here, “ Jayme lifted up his pant leg and un taped the cloth that was around it. He handed it to him. “The knife, ”Jayme said and I heard a lot of people in the crowd start to murmur.
Iciest started to go pale and she shifted her weight on her feet several times.
Lone Wolf opened the cloth, then held up the a kitchen knife. That had dried blood covering it. Lone Wolf actually laughed, then turned to Iciest.
"My girl, what is this?" Lone Wolf asked her pointing it to her.
Iciest cleared her throat,"a knife sir."
"Perciecly, which means, what just happened?" Lone Wolf asked again.
I saw Jayme look down, and play with his hands. Iciest cleared herthroat again.
I saw Jayme look down, and play with his hands. Iciest cleared her throat again. And looked up taking the knife she looked at it. “He’s lying,” she said firmly.
Lone Wolf laughed, and patted her cheek. “No my dear, you are.”
“No, I’m telling you I-,” Just then two guys came up behind her and drug her away from Lone Wolf. Literally, she was yelling and fighting. They finally drug her back into the shadow of the woods, and it was quiet.
“Now then let’s get to business,” Lone Wolf said looking back at Jayme. “So I’m sorry to hear about the death of your friend. Truly I am,” he said touching his hand to his chest.
Jayme just gritted his teeth. “And truly I am believing that’s a truck load of bull shit.”
Lone Wolf raised his eye brows, “well yes. I tried, it is a shame. He never did become an official member. I’m afraid you’re out numbered tonight. Since no one will fight on your side.”
Lone Wolf looked out into the crowd for someone to speak out, but no one did. He looked back at Jayme.
“Goody, let us begin.” Lone Wolf said nodding to Trigger who handed him what looked like a black rod.
Jayme Jayme glanced up, “sorry you couldn’t get Ash. But Lone Wolf, I want out.”
“Out?” Wolf chuckled. “I like you JayD. But you have a choice. Either you make this easy for you or you make it interesting for me.”
“Jayme, come on, be smart.” I mumbled watching closely.
“You can go to hell,” Jayme said and turned and took off running.
“Damn it,” I mumbled and watched Lone Wolf’s expression.
He smiled and glanced at Trigger, “get him.”
The crowd started to get all amped up as Trigger chased down Jayme, and tackled him. Punches were thrown; Jayme kicked Trigger off of him and ran towards my bush I was hiding in. Of course, I thought and I hid myself more.
“Hey Lone Wolf, let us join in on the fun.” Rip yelled watching Trigger, and a few more people as well agreed.
“Silent. I told Trigger if JayD ran, it was Trigger’s fight.” Lone Wolf answered.
Trigger grabbed Jayme again around six feet from my bush. They both fell to the ground. “Give in Jay; it’ll be easier on all of us.”
“How bout you, when have you become Lone Wolf puppet? You mines well give in and let me kill ya now.” Jayme said kicking Trigger’s ribs.
Trigger cursed under his breath, and then grabbed a handful of Jayme’s hair. “Where is Black Ash? I’m surprised you didn’t tell the truth when Wolf punished his girl.”
Jayme grimaced, “why aren’t you ratting on me then.”
“Cause, then he would have gotten to beat you,” Trigger said and sat on Jayme still holding a fist full of his hair. “Besides, I wouldn’t would have wanted to end up like Iciest. Because Jay, let’s face it, you killed her with that lie.”
Jayme clenched his jaw trying to get out of Trigger’s grip, “fine. Now what, why do you guys want me so much anyhow.”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll share secrets once you are legally a member.” Trigger said, and started to drag Jayme back to the crowd and Lone Wolf.
This was not good, Jayme just pissed of the hornets nest. And Lone Wolf was the King.
Jayme’s Point of ViewDamn, I’m screwed. I have to think of another way of getting out of here. ‘Cause obviously, running got me no where.
“Dude, let me walk. It’ll piss off Lone Wolf.” I said after Trigger drug me about three feet.
“Fine, by me.” Trigger said and let me get up.
I walked back to Lone Wolf. Looking pissed but smiling, he nodded at Trigger who stood besides him.
“Are you ready to behave,” Lone Wolf said.
I nodded, “no. But it’s not like I have a choice.”
“Smart boy, to bad your father’s not here to see this.” Lone Wolf said with a smile.
I clenched my jaw, and let out a breath. “Don’t talk about my father.”
Lone Wolf raised his eye brows, “what? Do you think he would be disappointed? Disappointed that you ran?”
“I mean, he has been training you for this moment.” Lone Wolf interrupted with a smile. “Ever since your mother died of an untimely death, you have been trained.”
I shoved Trigger aside and got right up in Lone Wolf’s face. “So, what? What’s your point?”
“Hm, I don’t know. I mean, you never had a chance. Your mother was too simple and easy to kill. And wait there’s a funny part.” Lone Wolf said, and acid burned in my stomach. “She knew it was coming.” He whispered, and then he started laughing.
I shook my head and backed away, as a lump formed in my throat. “Do mom and me a favor Derek, and go to hell.”
Mummers went through the crowd, , Derek was quiet.
“What, no comment for that one…big bro.” I said smiling, with a clenched jaw.
Derek cleared his throat, “Get him.”
Something hard hit me in the back of the head, and I fell to the ground. I sat up only to be held down by strong arms. And I was repeatedly punched in the stomach I shut my eyes trying to block out the pain, but it kept coming. I could still hear the snap of ribs breaking, and taste of blood in my mouth.
“Here right here, yeah! Heard that crack.”
“Trigger, man, grab the rod and some hot coals. Let’s brand this S.O.B!”
I heard the voices, how couldn't I, they were yelling. I wished I didn’t hear them, because now I knew what was coming. I was about to branded, I was about to be in this for life. ‘Good bye freedom’, yeah, like I had any to begin with. ‘What was I goin’ tell ZeeZee?’ Maybe it would be better if I died. I felt someone cut my shirt off me. Cutting my collarbone and neck along the way.
“Alright, who wants to do it?”
“Let me do the honors.” It was Lone Wolf’s voice, of course Derek would torture me some more.
“I thought I left this behind when you moved out at thirteen,” I said almost in a whisper.
“Yeah, right.” And with that I felt the cold metal against the left middle side of my back.
It was cold at first, but then I felt it. The burning sensation, the blistering of my skin. Should I be screaming, am I screaming? What’s the point, anymore? ‘Sorry ZeeZee’, then I blacked out.
-ZeeZee’s Point of View-
I don’t know what scared me more. The fact that it was quiet or the fact that I was getting up and running towards the bomb fire. Yeah everyone left, but it was only 7 minutes since everyone was gone. My mind kind of panicked and told legs to go now. I looked around before going totally into the opened. I then saw Jayme’s lifeless body by the bomb fire. Oh, my god. His lifeless body, and he looked, dead.
“Jayme,” I whispered. “Jayme, wake up.”
He didn’t move, I put my head on his chest as lightly as possible listening for his heartbeat. I then put my fingers on his neck searching for his pulse. I finally felt it, it felt weak. Too weak, for Jayme. Meanwhile, my heart beat could support about twenty people; it was pounding out of my chest. I sat cross legged on the ground next to him.
“Jayme,” I tried again. I tried to hold back tears, he needed a hospital.
I could partially see a red mark on his back. I lightly turned him over a little more. There on his back was a mark that was blistering and infected. I couldn’t read it, his back was too swollen but it was obviously his brand. I needed help; I finally made my decision and pulled out my cell, and dialed my house phone.
“Hello,” it was Ashton using a girl voice.
“Ashton its Zee,” I said quickly.
“Oh okay good, I wasn’t sure whether to pick up or to pretend that-“
“Ashton,” I said firmly.
“Sorry. Where are you where’s Jay.” Ash asked quickly.
Tears finally began to fall, “its bad Ash. He won’t answer me, he’s unconscious.And, I, I know I’m asking a lot but I need your help.”
“No, no defiantly, I’m there.” There was a pause, “where exactly are you?”
“I don’t know,” I looked around. “I went through Jayme’s back yard. I mean the bomb fire is still lite so maybe you’ll find your way easier.”
“I think I know where you are. Just hold on, Zee, I’ll be there soon.” Then the line went dead.
I put my phone away and looked over Jayme some more making sure he wasn’t losing too much blood. The only place there was blood was his lip and neck. I find a little bit on his head but it didn’t look to severe.
“Jayme, Jayme please.” I said, I put my fingers to his neck again. I couldn’t tell if it was my imagination or what, but I swear his heart beat felt more faded and slower then before.
Just then I heard someone in the tree line off to the right. It sounded like someone stumbling, right towards where we were. I picked up one of the metal pokers used for the fire, and stood up. I glanced back and Jayme but got up and quietly walked towards the noise. Getting ready to strike, I took a stance of a baseball player. What surprised me was to see Iciest stumbling out of the woods. Wearing nothing but a sweatshirt that was at the length of her wrists. Her hair was a mess and her hands were tied behind her back. She looked up and saw me and jumped. Then she took off running, and weirdly enough I ran after her.
“Wait,” I yelled out. And finally I grab her, and we both fell to the ground. I quickly got up and stood back with my poker.
“Who, who are you? Are you Wolf’s new girl?” She quickly asked.
I shook my head, “I’m not with Wolf or Ruby Jane.” I said I glanced at Jayme. “I’m not telling you more then that.”
Iciest blinked a few times, then sat up. I sighed.
I put down the poker. “I can’t trust you, but I’ll untie your hands if you want.”
She nodded, “I won’t tell. I don’t have anywhere else to go.” She answered her bottom lip quivered slightly.
I bent down and untied her hands. “I was the one that followed you and Trigger and Rip. Actually I didn’t follow I was in the tree, looking for where the bomb fire was. And you guys came along.”
“So you know who I am?” She asked rubbing her wrists.
“Yeah. Your Iciest, I watched your meeting tonight.” I told her, “I think you should go. I can’t say anymore to you.”
Iciest stood up, “I really, I can be trusted. I’m done anyway, I, I’m in foster care. But I ran away awhile ago. Lone Wolf won’t believe me anything I say.”
I sighed and stared at her. “You swear.”
She shook her head repeatedly. “Yeah I, absolutely promise.”
“I’m Jayme’s friend. I’ve known him for awhile.” I told her, and turned and walked towards Jayme.
I sat next to him and Iciest slowly came up behind me.
“How longs awhile?” She asked slowly, standing closer to the fire.
“Since we were kids. I know about his dad being abusive I know about his mom dying of cancer. Well,” I shrugged. “So I thought.”
“I didn’t know Lone Wolf and JayD were brothers.” Iciest said slowly.
I rubbed Jayme’s arm, “Neither did I.”
“I hate violence. I hate blood and beating, and death.” She told me, “It’s all too much. I’m only sixteen.”
“Yeah, between Ashton and Jayme, it sounds like they had no choice.” I said with a sigh.
Iciest came over and sat next to me. “Is it true? That, that Ashton is… dead.”
“Well, you gave him that black eye.” I said firmly.
She shook her head and a tear rolled down her cheek. “No, I didn’t do that. Lone Wolf made me so those things so I sounded stronger. I, I liked Ashton. He was really a nice kid. I told him some stuff no one in the gang knew about.”
“You liked him,” I asked quietly.
“Yeah it, it made of even been more then that.” Iciest said playing with a thread on her sweat shirt.
“I have clothes at my place you can fit into.” I told her taking out my phone.
“Thanks, “ she said smiling.
“Hey,” I turned around to see Ashton comin’ out of the woods. “Zee, you there?”
I glanced at Iciest who looked like she was on the verge of tears. “Yeah, Ash.”
“Good, I was getting worried it wasn’t you I was seeing.” But when Ash got closer he stopped.
Iciest stood up, “I, I was-“
“Ash its fine. Iciest is coming back to my place, to um, borrow some clothes.” I told him standing up.
Ash just stared at Iciest then walked right by her to me. “Jayme?”
“He’s right there.” I pointed and Ash walked over and knelt down. “Jayme, wake up man.” He said touching his arm.
Iciest came over, standing next to me. “I didn’t know that, that Lone Wolf would truly beat him in.”
“Yeah, well obviously you don’t know Wolf that well.” Ashton snapped looking at Jayme’s burn. “Damnit.” Ashton said loudly running his hands through his hair.
“What are we going to do?” I said quietly.
Ashton stood up getting the dirt harshly walking away. “Should have been there. Here, I should have been here. When it all went down.”
“Ash, take a breath. We’ll figure this out, alright.” I said calmingly.
Ashton cursed a few more times under his breath. Iciest watched him like a hawk; and whenever he looked up from the ground, she’d look at her fingers.
I sat next to Jayme. “Jayme, please wake up. Come on, please.” I suddenly got angry, ‘this was ridiculous. If Jayme hadn’t been so stubborn and just stayed home. This would have never had happen. We wouldn’t even be in this situation. Then I was scared, what if I lost him?’
“You’re being too gentle.” Iciest said quietly.
“What?” I asked.
“Iciest not now,” Ashton said.
I looked at Jayme, ‘being too gentle?’ I sighed, and grabbed Jayme’s arm. I jumped because Jayme immediately woke up, and grabbed my arm in a reflex. “Jayme, “I said.
He blinked a few times, “Sorry ZeeZee.” He barely said in a whisper.
I gave out a small laugh, “not now Jayme.”
Ash came practically running up behind me. “Jesus Jayme, what’s wrong with you, man. Comin to a party with out me, jezz.”
Jayme closed his eyes and gave a small shrug. He winced and slowly flexed his fingers,
“Now what?” I asked Ashton. “He obviously can’t walk.”
“I know, I’m thinkin’, I’m thinkin’.” Ashton mumbled standing up.
“What about a sled.” Iciest said coming up behind me.
“That’s, actually a brilliant idea. I’ll just run to Jayme’s house and get the long bob sled he has. It’s in the tree house.” I said standing up, “so just stay here.”
“No,” Jayme said firmly.
I bent down, “Jayme your hurt. This is the only chance you may have and-“
“Your not,going. alone.” Jayme repeated firmly.
“Iciest will go with me.” I said quickly.
Iciest looked up surprised and Ash shook his head. “I don’t think that-“
“Fine.” Jayme said opening his eyes. “If, she can walk and has vision.”
Ash crossed his arms, cursing under his breath.
“Thanks,” I said then looked at Iciest. “Alright, let’s go.”
We were walking in silence for awhile. It surprisingly wasn’t an awkward silence, is was just as silence. Personally I didn’t mind it, but Iciest might know more about what Jayme isn’t telling me.
“So,” I said clearing my throat. “Does Lone Wolf do that to everyone?”
“Everyone that needs to become a member.” Iciest said quietly.
“What’d ya mean, needs to be?” I asked curiously.
She shrugged, “you don’t get to choose these things. They choose you. I mean sure there’s the few that come in thinkin’ it’s cool. But then they slowly start to realize what a hell hole they gotten into.”
“Sounds like you were one of them, “ I said quietly.
Iciest nodded, “I lost everything, when I was younger. I wanted to feel wanted, I wanted to be in a family. And well, Lone Wolf made me feel that way.” “
I shrugged, “I’m glad Jayme had me to lean off of at least a little bit.”
“You know, I saw it.” Iciest said slowly.
“Saw what?”
“I saw something was different, something had changed.” Iciest explained.
“yeah well, we were always friends. Then suddenly, he wasn’t acting like himself.” I said.
~“That was probably when Lone Wolf got a hold of him.” Iciest pointed out, “That was probably around a month and a half ago.”
“Yeah, sounds right. He started to ignore me, and when he came up to me and said hi, it took me off guard. That’s when I started to ignore him and he pleaded for me to accept his apology.” I explain stepping over a broken tree branch.
“And you did?” She asked curiously.
I shook my head, “not at first. But he followed me around and finally I let him talk. He mostly said he didn’t want me seen with him. It was too dangerous, well honestly, that pissed me off more. And I told him he was stuck with me.”
“So your dating him?”
“What?” I asked aghast. “No, no Jayme and I are really good friends. More like a sibling relationship.”
Iciest didn’t say anything but just nodded. “Good cause we kind of been in a relationship. Mostly, you know,” she said with a small giggle. “Sex.”
My heart dropped, ‘omg, why hasn’t Jayme told me.’ “oh, um, I don’t really-“
“What, “she said with a shrug. “You said you weren’t a package deal.”
I chewed on my lip trying to think of a good answer. “I mean, were not. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about him.”
“Oh,” Iciest said slowly. “Then what’s wrong?”
“I just don’t exactly think you look good together.” I said slowly.
Iciest started laughing. “Oh my god, at least make it believable when you say stuff like that.”
“Wait, say stuff like what?” Then I shoved her playfully. “Are you telling me your not dating him?!”
She laughed more, “no, god, no. He’s cute but not really my type.” She said glanced at me, “and I won’t tell anyone you have a crush on Jayme.”
I let out a loud groan, “I don’t. It’s a brother sister relationship, we known each other for years.” I sighed then changed the subject. “So if Jayme’s not your type… then who is?”
Iciest shrugged, “guys.”
I laughed, “okay, that’s a good start.”
“Is that it,” she said pointing off to the left a little.
I looked up and nodded, “yup.”
We walked up to the tree house door. Iciest looked around, “do you think he’s here?”
“Nah,” I said with a shrug. “He’s usually at the bar.”
Iciest followed me up the ladder and I clicked on the flashlight by the door.
“I always wanted a tree house, “Iciest said looking at the picture of us.
I shrugged, “yeah, this was the only place Jayme and I could escape the world.” I paused, “for a little bit anyway.”
“Is that it,” Iciest said.
I followed her to the corner, “yeah. Let’s grab it and go.”
We drug the sled down the ladder and into the edge of the woods. We decided to carry it over our heads, so it didn’t make much noise. It took us a few tries but we finally had it in an easy stable place on our head. We made it back to the dimly lite bomb fire in one piece thankfully. We walked over to Jayme, and placed it down next to him.
“Longest minutes of my life.” Jayme mumbled when he saw me.
I knelt down, “you shouldn’t be talking.”
Jayme sighed, “Zee, I’m sorry.”
I picked some dirt out of his hair, “you say that again. You will be.”
“Are you threatening me?” he asked quietly.
“No, it’s a promise.” I said with a small smile.
Jayme laughed, then I saw his jaw clench in pain.
Ashton came down next to us, “what’s the plan?”
I shrugged, “can we risk the trip to my place?”
“Oh, wait.” Ashton said, “You don’t live far from Jayme. So if we travel around the edge of the woods; we won’t be seen.”
“Sounds like a plan,” I said with a nod.
Ashton stood up, and I tapped Jayme on the shoulder. Considering his eyes were already closed again. “Jayme one more thing,” I said.
“What,” he said without opening his eyes.
“I’m going to put you on the sled.” I said, “oh and I want to you to count how many times we got into trouble as kids.”
He didn’t answer but nodded. I rolled my eyes.
“Out loud Jayme. Gotta recite them to me out loud.” I explained impatiently.
He groaned, “fine.”
Ash and I were able to left him onto the sled as gently as possible. Then we both decided we couldn’t exactly life him. So we’d have to drag the sled. Ashton went first, walking as best he could with out falling on his face from lack of vision. And that’s when Jayme started reciting. He recited the time of the dock, the time that we broke the neighbors sprinkle system digging for treasure. Jayme explained when we thought it would be funny to paint the side of my shed, with finger paint. The time that jayme got hit by a bicyclist when he shoved me out of the way. The one time we filled the bathtub with every soap in the house. Including dish washing soap and hand soap. Then we proceeded to put bathing suits on and swim in it. In the whole bathroom that is. Then we proceeded to put bathing suits on and swim in it. In the whole bathroom that is, considering when my mom walked in, she couldn’t even see us. A lot the memories Jayme recited I almost had forgotten. I laughed at a lot of the parts, but it also made me sad to think, those happy times were over.
“Shh,” Iciest suddenly said.
“What,” Ashton asked.
“Shh,” She said again. “Something’s not right.”
We all squatted down lower. Ashton took a step closer to Iciest, “what’d ya mean?”
“Something’s off.” She answered again quietly.
I frantically looked around. I waited for Kris and Tony, to pop out. Or maybe Lone Wolf, or Jayme’s dad. After few more seconds Ash stood up taller.
“Iciest you’re just over reacting.” Ash said looking around, “no ones here. Besides us.”
Iciest slowly stood up, “I don’t know.”
I stood up too and shrugged nervously, Jayme began talking again. But this time more quietly. We continued on for a few more minutes, and then Iciest stopped and spun around.
“The dirt’s too squishy.”
Ashton shrugged, “so?”
“Ashton something’s not right. I’m telling’ you, okay?” Iciest said looking at the ground, squinting through the dark.
“Iciest, for god’s sake, stop!” Ashton complained stepping aside her pulling Jayme’s sled behind him.
I came up next to Iciest. “What’d ya think it could be if you’re right?”
She shrugged, “were in Lone Wolf’s turf who knows what it might be? Maybe some booby trap, or guard’s set up somewhere.”
I shrugged and we hurried to catch up with Ashton and Jayme. Suddenly once Iciest caught up to Ashton she stopped.
“Shh, “she said again.
“Oh, my, god, what now? What co-“
Iciest suddenly covered Ashton’s mouth. “Do you hear that?”
I listened, and I did. “I hear it.”
“It sounds like clicking, “Jayme said quietly.
Ash pushed Iciest hand away, “I hear it.”
Out of the tree and black bowling ball landed right next to the tree on our left. It landed on what sounded like hard wood.
“Get down, “Iciest yelled.
And we all hit the ground and covered our heads. I covered my self over Jayme’s body and shut my eyes. It almost sounded like someone was tapping on the side of wood. When it was quiet, Ashton slowly sat up.
“Oh my god.”
Iciest and I slowly sat up and saw over a dozen steak knives sticking out of the tree to our right. There was no doubt in my mind if we didn’t duck, we all would be dead.
“What,” Jayme asked.
“Knives, “I told him. “If we hadn’t of ducked-“
Iciest went over to the tree and lightly touched one of the knives, and started silently crying. “I, I can’t do this anymore.”
“Iciest, its okay we’ll just cut out off the trail now.” I said quietly, and looking to the right and the left. We had a problem, I saw nothing but trees.
Iciest yanked out one of the knives and threw it into the woods. I heard it lightly hit another tree dead on. “I just want out, I just-“
Ashton went over to her, “Iciest.”
“He’s toying with us! Ever since beginning he was using me and I, I just can’t deal with it all anymore.” Iciest said angrily and yanked a piece of paper off the tree.
Just barely visible in the moon light, it read; next time I won’t miss. Ashton nodded, “Iciest settle down. What do you mean?”
Iciest cried harder, “he, he wanted me to be a part of his plan. He wants me to kill off you and Jayme. I mean at least say I am. But I mean, im not, I never, I- “
“Kill off,” Jayme mumbled. “Surprise surprise.”
Ashton took a long breath, “but you-“
“There’s no but Ashton. He’s after me now, and I don’t-“Iciest took one step back and the ground beneath her gave way. She screamed and started to fall.

Ashton lunged head first on his stomach, reaching down over the ledge. I saw him grab her hand but Ashton slowly started to slide forward in the loose dirt.
“Crap,” I ran to them and grabbed Ashton’s shoulders and waist pulling him back.
“Hold on Iciest I got you,” Ashton yelled.
“Don’t let go,” Iciest started crying.
I started pulling back Ashton. I glanced behind me and saw Jayme trying to get up.
“Jayme I got him, sit down.” I said firmly pulling on Ash’s shirt
He plopped back down, and then started to untie the rope that was around the handle to the sled. “Here. Give this to Iciest, I tied a knot in it, so her foot should be able to stand on it to help her out.”
I took the rope and threw it over the edge, “Iciest put your feet on the knot. We’ll pull you up.”
Ashton glanced behind him looking around. “I know it’s dark and I suck at my sight; but is that a branch?”
I looked behind me and up. “Yeah, why?”
“Throw the rope over it. We’ll pull her up.” Ash said adjusting his spot, “I got her. Let go.”
I nodded, then let go and quickly threw the rope over the branch. Then using the other end I started pulling.
Ash glanced at me then down into the hole. “Iciest is your feet in?”
“Yes,” I heard her mumble.
“Okay, I’m gunna let go. Then Zee and I are gunna pull you up.” Ashton told her, and then he quickly ran to me and started pulling on the rope.
With me yelling at Jayme to sit down and Ashton telling Iciest to hold on; we finally did it. It took long five minutes but she finally came up.
Ashton ran to her, helping her out completely. “Are you okay?”
Iciest hugged Ashton burying her head in his chest. He hesitated but hugged her back.
“It’s okay Aleesa. Your okay,” I heard Ashton mumble.
I sat next o Jayme, “Aleesa?”
He nodded, “Iciest is her runaway name. It’s also her middle name.”
I nodded, “what now?”
He shrugged, “go off trail.”
I looked around, “where?”
© Copyright 2013 luna (livelife101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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