Winner! WCramp for 01/25/13: Chinese takeaway produces a scary bill! Poetry, Huitain Style |
I really want it! I will say, I crave, I fancy, it I need; I must have Chinese takeaway. Along a slippery road with heed, claim a spooky invoice, dismay! Say what? This price is way too high, pay twenty-one dollars? No way! Comes with extra spoons? My o my.... Line count: 8 ------------------ New Prompt: Use in your story or poem the following words, and bold them for tomorrow's judge: a spooky invoice Chinese takeaway slippery road spoons ------------------ Poetry style: Huitain About This is a very old French verse form and as the name suggests consists of one eight (huit)-line stanza with 8 syllables in each line. At the same time a similar form was emerging from Spain. There is no doubt as too the root, with the Spanish version covering a similar rhyme pattern. How to The form was written based on three rhymes, one of which appeared four times. I have put the rhyming scheme for each of the four methods of writing this poetic form. The Huitain A's are the most popular. French Huitain A a. b. a. b. b. c. b. c. French Huitain B a. b. b. a. a. c. a. c. Spanish Huitain A a. b. a. b. a. c. a. c. Spanish Huitain B a. b. b. a. a. c. c. a. Credit: "Invalid Item" ------------------------ "Invalid Post" |