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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1920390
Book 1 - The demons make their bid to return to the Isles.
Part 1
Its been 120 years since the war between the warrior clans of the Isles and the Demons. The Emperor is plotting rebellion to oust the Taira Prime Minister.

It was near midnight. The streets echoed with muffled thunder like the sound of galloping horses. Shadowy figures converged on the Palace. At each gate weapons clanged and horses neighed. Swords and halberds glinted in the starlight.
The Emperor was awoken by whispers.
"Your Majesty, make no outcry and you shall come to no harm. There is talk of fighting before the night is out."
"Tokeda... Kanda..."
They carried swords and wore armour under their robes.
"The Genji captains are restless. The Taira continue preparations for war and it will come to conflict between the clans. If the Taira are to be crushed the moment is now."
Too terrified to reply, the Emperor let Kanda wrap him in a lady's robe and lead him away. Trembling, he was bundled into a carriage. The carriage rattled to the gate.
Guards swarmed over the carriage and brought it to a stop.
"Something is suspicious. Where could this be going at this time of night?"
"A lady of the court is taken ill, she is to visit her physician. Who is that?"
"I am Shunsuke."
"Where is Daisuke of the Taira?"
There was hushed conversation between the guards. "He is absent, called away on another duty, who speaks?"
A sigh of relief followed. "Tokeda of the Keibishi."
"You, sir?"
"Open the gates at once, let us through. I am escorting the lady in person. Need you question us further?"
"It is unnecessary, sir, but we have orders from Lord Taira. None may pass, even you, sir."
Tokeda clicked his tongue. "How long do you intend to keep a lady amongst rough warriors? What right do you have to question her when I am her escort? Out of the way!"
"A moment, sir. It is our duty to guard this gate and even you cannot force your way though like this. At least await Daisuke's return." Shunsuke stepped forward. He pushed aside the curtains with the end of his bow. The guardsmen crowded behind him, waving their torches. The Emperor's eyes were closed and a deathly pallor lay on his delicate, girlish features.  Shunsuke hesitated. He ordered the carriage pass on.
"Get on there, hurry up!" Tokeda and Kanta cried. The guards shuffled aside. The carriage continued on through the throng of warriors and flaming torches, rumbling over the icy ground and into the night.
The carriage reached a tree-lined avenue along the Kamo River.
"Seems safe now."
The ox-tenders brought the carriage to a stop and mopped at their streaming faces. Dark shapes separated from the trees and came to meet it.
A race of winged ogres - the Tengu - live in the Kurama Mountains. On the night, when the lightning flashes men warn that the Tengu are holding their council. None dare to venture into the mountains on those nights, for the beak-nosed Tengu scent out strangers and set them swinging from the tallest treetop or else tear them to pieces. Lately, however, more tales of their mischief stirred terror amongst the villages. For the seventh night in succession a strange meeting took place in the valley.
"Has he come yet?"
"Not yet."
"He's late."
"No, we're earlier than usual. The moon is still over there," replied one, pointing up at the sky. Several pairs of eyes followed the pointing finger.
"Well then, we might as well go on talking."
The night was still, though an uneasiness hung over the mountains. The Tengu lifted their beaks and sniffed at the air.
"You smell it? The scent lingers in the air. The drums will beat and the conch-shell trumpets bleat."
"I smell it too. The Taira ready for war."
"Kiyomori grips power like a dying lover. The Genji march?"
"Not yet. Yoshinaka is cautious."
"Then the time is not yet right."
"We have acted with haste?"
"No. Too early and Kiyomori will snuff out his enemies. Too late and the Genji will oust the Taira. Affairs must be given a nudge."
"Then tonight is the last night we meet?"
"Yes, until the time is right."
There was a thoughtful silence.
"No, that's too simple a conclusion. You're assuming too much. Can we be certain tonight's events will lead to war?"
"They are rivals and they know it. Let Kiyomori's madness nurture. He will have no doubt his enemies plot against him and resentment of the Taira will deepen. It will come to war, not short-lived rebellion but full-scaled conflict. The Court will be torn in two. Then our opportunity presents itself."
A figure approached, swinging from branch to branch and slithering nimbly from boulder to boulder. It stood out clearly in the moonlight which flooded the surface of the rocks and the trees. The Tengu below stared up at it in silence, with absorbed, adoring eyes.
"Sister, what approaches?"
"I hear the rumbling of the ox-cart. Our enemy nears," said the newcomer. The Tengu below nodded.
"They were discovered by the Taira?"
"Of course not," she replied.
There was a rumble outside the cart before all was silent. The Emperor waited. He huddled against the back of the cart, shivering. The silence stretched.
"Tokeda?" he called. "Hey! Tokeda... Kanda...."
There was no-one. A figure approached through the gloom.
"Lady, you startled me. But why do you travel alone at such an hour."
The woman ignored him. Her face looked pale - a mask, he realised when she stepped nearer. Knives glittered in her hands.
"This will be slow."
The emperor cried out but there were none to answer him. He shrank back against the cart.
"Why?" He asked. She stood over him.
"The sins of the father are carried by the son and we are heaven's agents. It is time to meet your karmic fate, Majesty."
The wind whistled between the trees.
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