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by Angeli
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #1928480
A Dialouge Between God and the sinner. She flees from Him, yet in love, He pursues her.
Introduction- Sometimes we ask ourselves, "What's the point of forgiveness?" After all, it doesn't change what happened; it doesn't change what's been done. In that moment when you know you've fallen short of God's grace, when you've acknowledged that you've hurt a neighbor or a friend, when you've realized that you can never take back those words you said or undo that choice you made, it's easy to lose heart. God is so good and yet we continue to wound Him. The funny thing about God though, is that even when you're ready to condemn yourself and hide away, He has only one interest- getting you back. He loves you even when you find it hard to love yourself. He forgives you even when you cannot forgive yourself. Here is a dialogue between God and a soul, the Father and his prodigal child. May the reader be encouraged to close his ears to the accuser and open his heart to the light.

During the early hours of the evening, Jesus and the soul usually set aside time to sweetly converse with each other. The soul usually talks over all the day's happenings with her Lord and the Lord inclines His heart to listen to His child. Jesus goes out to meet His bride; however, she has hidden herself from His presence...

Jesus: My child, it is I, Your Jesus. I have come out to meet you, to lavish my graces upon you, but where have you gone to Beloved?

*The soul comes out of its hiding place and cautiously begins to approach the Lord. Jesus, gazes at His child with a searching look, and sees into the depths of her heart*

Jesus: Daughter, why were you hiding yourself from me?

Soul: *softly* Lord, you know why.

Jesus: *tenderly* Yes, I know. But I want to hear it from your own lips and from your heart.

Soul: Today I wronged a sister, a neighbor, a friend. That person will never be the same because of me. I have sinned against you because you have said that whatever we do to the least of our brothers, we do it to you.

*Jesus takes a step towards the soul, as if to embrace it, but with each one of these loving advances the soul timidly and fearfully takes a step back*

Soul: No Lord! I am unworthy. Didn't you hear what I said? Didn't you see what I've done? Why are you still here? I won't allow you to come any closer. I will run so far away that you'll forget all about me.

Jesus: I created you to be my servant, and I will never forget you. Your name is engraved on the palm of my hand. Come back to me. I am the one who saves you.

*Before the soul even has the chance to flee once again from her Lord, Jesus looks at the soul with such loving affection that she is at a loss for words. Her heart is melted by that look of love and, as if she were under the power of some kind of magnetism, the soul is unable to pull away from the object which so irresistibly attracts it, that is, Jesus' Sacred Heart. The soul falls to the ground in remorse and despair. Jesus lovingly approaches her*

Jesus: My child, my child, you are forgiven!

Soul: *crying*: How can you forgive me Lord?! I have done nothing to earn or deserve your forgiveness. I have nothing to offer you but my sins, my faults and my shortcomings. I am so weak...

*As the soul continues to speak, Jesus stoops down towards His child, and gently touches His palm to her face. With the same searching look and tenderness in His eyes He replies:*

Jesus: Daughter, I know that you have not merited my forgiveness, but that does not matter. I love you, and my Heart has wiped out all your offenses. I know the wrong you do, but I also know your heart. I never refuse a contrite soul, and if you come to me, I will continue to cleanse you from your sins. Take My hands. There is no need to be afraid. I am not distant or angry. Every time you fall, I will be here to wash in my blood your last sin as fully as I did your first.

Soul: *frantic* but what about the person I wounded with my words, the sister that I wronged?

Jesus: Only when you are filled with my love can you go forth and make amends. Your heart will only grow cold unless you keep it close to mine. Your sister is in my heart and I will heal her just as I intend to heal and free you. Remember, I make all things new.

Soul: *looking down* Jesus, I don't know what to say.

Jesus: *lifting the soul gently from the ground* Say nothing more Beloved. Come to Me- I want you, I desire you and I need you in my life. I miss you when you do not talk to me, and search for you when you do not come out to meet me.

Soul: My Jesus, it seems as though all my sins have not wounded you as my lack of trust has; that even after so many proofs of your love, I still run away from you. My guilt and shame are like a wall between us, and my stubbornness and pride so often keep us apart.

Jesus: My child, finally you are beginning to understand. I know that through human frailty you will fall many times. I foresaw these offenses from all eternity. However, my goodness shall triumph over your heart each time, if you would only allow My Spirit to enter in.

Soul: *approaching the Lord with more confidence and, like a trusting bride, taking Him by the hand* My Love, I am sorry for the offenses I have committed against you, because you are so good. It felt good to harm my neighbor at the time, to say the things I did, but that moment of victory and passing pleasure quickly began to churn me up and destroy me on the inside. I know that I am a sinner, but you come in love to save me, and this is an offer I will no longer refuse. Lord, help me to love you more each and every day!

*Filled with joy and longing, the soul throws itself into the arms of its loving Master. Jesus, overcome with rapture, receives this soul so lovingly that He gathers her close to His heart without any intention of ever letting her go. After reposing on her Master's bosom and absorbing His peaceful presence, the soul looks up and gazes lovingly at her Savior.*

Soul: Lord, we haven't yet been able to walk and talk as we usually do, to discuss all of the other day's events as I commit all into your hands.

Jesus: *smiling* well then My love, let us go forward together. Tell Me everything. Reveal your entire soul to me, especially the broken parts that I need to see. My heart is listening and what surprises I am preparing for you! Come, because nothing shall be denied.

Soul: Looks like it's you and Me Jesus, forever and always.

Jesus: *embracing His child once again and closing His eyes, as if trying to contain the fire of His love* Child of My heart and child of My choosing...My precious little one, I wouldn't have it any other way.


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