Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1931630-The-Return-of-Light-Vader
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by Shiva Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1931630
This story is about Light Vader who wants to take over the throne from his father.
On the barren and desolate asteroid XYZ, a rogue warrior in white robes opened his eyes for the first time in a thousand years. The fearsome Light Vader was frozen in suspended animation for one thousand years as if he was encased in ice for that period of time. Vader found that his limbs were bound to icicles and dolomite. He easily broke out of his prison. He tried to walk but stumbled. A thousand years without walking can do a lot to someone. Once he regained his balance, he ventured around the asteroid looking at his surroundings. All that he saw was skeletons of the deceased and plain rock. He deduced that the skeletons came from exiles that were sent here by Gray Vader, his father. He knew that rebelling or even questioning the authority would result in immediate exile to XYZ. Much like the very primitive totalitarian government of North Korea, his father was the tyrannical dictator of the Freearmed Galaxy and ruled with an iron fist (he actually has a titanium fist). The memory was fuzzy, but Light Vader remembered that his father set up headquarters and a bustling civilization on the planet Zyloxed. He knew that not everyone was completely faithful to Gray Vader’s regime. One of the people who did not support the regime was none other than Light Vader himself. Because everyone was subject to his decisions, Gray Vader has ultimate authority and power over the commoners. Light Vader did not want the people to suffer just because of the stupid regime his father created. He decided to rebel again. His bright red eyes showed it. To get to Zyloxed, he had to escape XYZ and pass the two moons: the Moon of Mare and the sub-moon of Maria. Escaping the gravity of XYZ is easy; one can do it with a jump. The tricky part is that the gravity of the two moons is much stronger. To avoid getting pulled in, Light Vader decided to make rocket boots. They were not hard to make, especially with his intellect. At first, he decided to make gunpowder to power the boots, but the powder exploded, and the debris bombarded Vader’s chiseled ivory white face. He scavenged for other minerals to power the boots, but they failed. He decided to use a primitive rocket fuel that once carried man to moon in 1969. Once the boots were ready, Vader tested them. The boots exploded in mid-air and Vader fell back onto the surface of XYZ. Discarding the imperfect design, Vader made a new model using gasoline. The boots worked, and an optimistic Vader flew off of XYZ into the yawning void of empty space.

Vader was flying through space as free as a bird until he felt a tug. As he ventured, the tug on him became stronger and stronger until he could not resist but be pulled into the remote sub-moon of Maria. An enraged Vader began cursing until he saw the tiny asteroid XYZ in the sky. He realized how far he had come. He tested his boots, and they flew out of the moon and kept flying until it could no longer be seen. Vader began to scavenge again for minerals and other items that he could use. Ten days passed as Vader searched the whole moon for even one element. All he saw was pure nothingness. Suddenly, he tripped on a rock and his weight caused him to fall through the crust. He landed in an underground lake full of uranium. He worked for hours extracting the uranium and using it along with the rocks to create a new pair of rocket boots. Once done, he powered the boots and they were so powerful that they yanked the 190-pound Vader through the cavern ceiling foot-first and into the vacant region of space. When Vader regained control, he made sure to stay away from the Moon of Mare. The gravity tugged at him, but it was manageable. An astonished Light Vader saw that the Moon of Mare had a global ocean, so pristine and clear, that you could see the life teeming in these waters from space. Too distracted by the moon, he ventured off course and the boots took him away from Zyloxed. The giant red body was a monster. Twice the size of some stars and yet, it is a rocky planet. On the northeastern side, he could see the capital shine like a star in the sky. As he passed it, he felt immense warmth and saw a star. The bright yellow star was shining in the distance, but much brighter than the others. A solar flare reached out to Vader, and he dodged it. Several solar flares reached out to him, but he dodged them easily. Suddenly, he realized something special about this particular star. This star was Kepler-62. On his face grew a wide smile.

“Hello, mother. It has been a long time.”

The star rumbled, and Vader understood, nodding his head. Vader, looking at the star, sped off to Zyloxed. As soon as he entered the atmosphere, robot guards began to materialize around Vader.

“Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Squad A6B-472, assemble and recapture the traitor Light Vader!” Several robot guards began to materialize at once until Vader was surrounded by hundreds of guards. They shot beams and lasers at Vader, but he simply dodged them with grace. They resorted to bullets, and sprouted revolvers and assault rifles. They fired, but Vader could not dodge. Vader simply took the attack. Several robots swarmed him and fired continuously. When they cleared, Vader was still standing! He hadn’t been hurt by those bullets at all! Vader fought the robots using his melee capabilities and delivered blow after blow and destroyed several robots. Suddenly, a few robots bound him by his arms and legs. Vader was immobilized by the robots. One robot was getting ready to fire a particle beam when Vader’s rocket boots exploded. Vader jumped out of them as a mushroom cloud enveloped him. About three hundred robots were killed. The rest remaining decided to retreat and receded from the bloodred horizon. Vader collapsed on the ground, extremely tired.

When Vader awoke again, he traveled for ten days and reached the capital. It was literally sculpted out of bronze and silver. The important buildings were made of gold. He made sure that he could not be seen by the commoners, as he would be recaptured or killed. He spotted the head building, obviously standing out from the others due to its impressive height and it being made out of titanium and platinum. It sparkled in the rays of Kepler-62 and the whole city glowed. Soon, he went into the building and noticed how beautiful it was. There were chandeliers made of uranium and desks of fine silver. The walls had liquid water running down it. As he progressed through the building, Vader came across several bodyguards. He silently killed them using knives. He opened the throne room. It was filled with everything known to the universe. However, once he turned his attention to the center of the room, he could see his father, Gray Vader. In the past millennium, he had not even aged a bit! He was at least 29,000 years old. Gray Vader looked much like his son, though he wore white robes and had sinister-looking black eyes. He had a chiseled face and was very trim. His right fist was made of titanium. Light Vader did not look so happy to see his father. His red eyes seemed to become even redder.


“Son. I see that you have broken free of your prison.” His voice boomed and sounded like nails scratching on a blackboard.

“Father, why?! Why did you do this to me?”

“You have to learn respect for your superiors and accept the consequences of your actions.”

“Tell me, what did I do? I only wanted to give these people some freedom.”

“They do not deserve freedom, you ingrate! They rebel against a person who built them a city, gave them a home, and united the galaxy! All I ask is that they obey me.”

“You formed a personality cult in which everyone cannot criticize you! You take away their freedom and blame them for it!”

“What do you want to do to save them, kill me?”

“If that is what must be done, then so be it.”

Suddenly, Gray Vader lunged at Light Vader. Light Vader crumpled to the ground. Gray Vader readied a punch and Light Vader countered it with his own. Light Vader smacked his father, his angry red eyes seething with rage. Gray Vader fell on the ground and his son body-slammed him. When Light Vader was about to step on his father, Gray Vader then grabbed his foot, twirled it as if in a hammer throw, and launched it toward the walls. Light Vader then sprang off the wall as if was made of rubber, and did a chokeslam on Gray Vader. Fighting raged between father and son until both became weary and weakened. Suddenly, when Light Vader was getting the upper hand, his father looked at him in the eye, and his eyes were no longer black. They were purple. Light Vader screamed as his father gave him the Stare. Light Vader kept screaming until he was on both knees begging for mercy. Gray Vader came up to him and smacked him in the jaw. Light Vader groaned. Gray Vader kept on punching him until Light Vader collapsed.

“Any last words?” said Gray Vader, who pinned Light Vader to the ground.

“I will…END YOU!!!” Light Vader, surging with strength, kicked his father off of him. He bit his father’s neck and chomped down. Gray Vader clawed at his throat trying to breathe. Light Vader did not stop until the taste of his father’s blood filled his mouth. His father’s face was turning purple. At last, Light Vader released him standing on both knees.

“I cannot let you die like this, father.” Light Vader produced a sword from a nearby display.

“And…what will you do then?”

“You know what my mother said to me? She told me to kill you for her.” And so he did. Light Vader sliced his sword and a head fell at his side. The decapitated body collapsed as blood spilled out of the neck onto the floor. He grasped his father’s head. “I am sorry, father. I had to do what was right.”

Hours later, Light Vader walked through the city holding his father’s head. The commoners cheered as they do not have to be burdened by their previous ruler’s antics. As he walked up to the building where his father died, he shouted, “People! My name is Light Vader. I am the son of your previous ruler. I will make our civilization thrive under my rule.” The people cheered as Vader saluted.

“Long live Vader! Long live Vader!” the people chanted. Light Vader filled with hope as he began a new era of rule for his people.
© Copyright 2013 Shiva (shivasuryan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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