Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1933968-Girls-With-Goddess-Powers
by shadow
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1933968
One day, a girl wakes up and realizes she can control... EVERYTHING!

One day, a girl wakes up and realizes she can control... EVERYTHING!

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Welcome to 'Girls with Goddess Powers', a fetish/fantasy interactive where you have to live your life with someone you know having control of everything in the universe. Let's meet the cast...

Adam (You)
Age: 17. Height: 5'6. Weight: 138 lbs. Class: Junior
Hair Color: Brown. Hair Style: Short.
Eyes: Green. Body Type: Athletic.
Adam is the main character who tells the story. Pretty normal guy with a few fetishes no one knows about (but his ex girlfriend Sarah has an idea...). They include stuff like feet and appreciating a nice bottom more than usual, but nothing too over the edge.

Sarah (Ex-Girlfriend)
Age: 16. Height: 5'4. Weight: 124 lbs. Class: Sophomore
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde. Hair Style: Long.
Eyes: Green. Body Type: Normal. Breast Size: D. Butt Rating: B (Grade system, can't think of another way to do it)
Sarah is your crazy Ex-Girlfriend who cares for you a little TOO much. You dumped her recently because she's too possessive. She's great and sweet, just a bit too crazy for you. You guys had sex fairly frequently, but the whole thing was just too much. You assumed you'd just find someone else since you're graduating soon, and she'd be fine over time.

Alyson (Sister) Nickname: Aly
Age: 18. Height: 5'5. Weight: 125 lbs. Class: Senior
Hair Color: Brown. Hair Style: Long, usually in a ponytail.
Eyes: Blue. Body Type: Athletic/skinny. Breast Size: C. Butt Rating: B+
Aly is your nice sister that has helped you a lot in the past, especially with academics. She's very smart, and because of that, she already puts herself at a higher level than you. She still helps you, but she knows she's better.

Emily (Sophmore Girl)
Age: 15. Height: 5'5. Weight: 118 lbs. Class: Freshman
Hair Color: Brown. Hair Style: Long.
Eyes: Green. Body Type: Normal. Breast Size: B. Butt Rating: A+
Emily is an adorable, shy girl who you know and have talked to from time to time, but never really got to meet. She has a crush on you and thinks you're just the coolest guy in school.

Amy (Younger Sister)
Age: 14. Height: 5'5. Weight: 114 lbs. Class: Freshman
Hair Color: Light Brown. Hair Style: Mid-cut.
Eyes: Green. Body Type: Normal. Breast Size: B. Butt Rating: A
Amy is your super competitive sister that always has to be on par with you, despite your age.She's sees Aly's superiority over you and finds your humiliation amusing. Amy's sense of humor might not be so funny with her new powers....

Add more characters if you'd like. If you want to add a character who isn't original, please message me first.

Few rules

1. Try to write as clear and as understanding as possible. With these fantasy stories, it's easy to write an image that is hard to picture. N0 T3X7 L1K3 DiS either, obviously. This is a writing website.

2. TRY to keep it to only one goddess per story. If a girl wants some help controlling the universe, that's fine, but if they were to get into an fight, that could rip time and space apart, and no one wants that... (Okay, maybe ONE branch can do that)

3. No obnoxious abuse of power. That being said, anything goes! I'm not parasitically into scat, but I can't say a girl wouldn't do it if she had infinite power. That being said, If you're going to use such things, don't make 5 chapters in a row about it. That doesn't mean the chapters shouldn't be linked, either. Example would be if there's a sex scene, it would probably span across multiple chapters. Just use common sense. I have faith.

4. Don't be afraid to get creative! Just because myself or others might not like what you like, that's okay! A girl with this power would probably do the first thing that comes to mind anyway, and that could be anything... But don't abuse this. If your chapter is just random scat, it's PROBABLY going to get deleted. Again, I have faith.

5. Let's try to have Aly and Amy go through at least 3 or so powers before things get sexual, if they choose to. (Let's also say feet, armpits, etc. are not sexual. Butt could also be used as humiliation and not necessarily sexual.)

6. Let's just say the goddess can preform all her powers without fail. She has the option to do them all with her mind, but may do something physically as well (Adam doesn't NEED to know she can do them all mentally, but she knows).

The Powers of a Goddess
-The ever-so-popular shrinking and growing ability. Clothes can be with or without. This includes breasts and such, but also full body growing/shrinking. 100,000 feet to 1/000 of a millimeter, any object/person, her choice.
-The ability to remove the possibility of death and/or being unconscious (she won't knock you out).
-The ability to make someone orgasm, just by thinking it.
-The ability to make others unable to get an erection or have an orgasm.
-The power to make someone have to or not have to use the restroom, to any degree of the goddess's choosing.
-The ability to control all weather. Rain, thunder, lightning, temperature, earthquakes, tidal waves, you name it.
-The ability to create spots of hot and cold, to any degree, by just the thought.
-The ability to create, silence, or amplify any feeling, such as pain or pleasure of any kind. (like shock, burn, tickle, pleasure)
-The ability to create, silence, or amplify any sound, voice, you name it. Including voices in your head.
-The ability to create, silence, or amplify any smell.
-The ability to create, silence, or amplify any taste in someone's mouth, including their own.
-The ability to put your senses into an object. (So anything that touches her pencil, actually touches your dick. Any smell around her eraser, would go straight to your nose. Same with sound, etc.)
-The ability to change the color of any object, even if only from your perspective. (Person, pencil, house, sky, clouds, grass, etc.)
-The ability to link her senses to yours.
-The ability to link her consciousness to yours, giving her your thoughts, your senses, and the option to talk to them inside their head.
-The ability to move and force objects without touching them. Weight is not a factor (well, she could feel if there is any resistance, but her power is infinite). Any speed, any height (if any), etc.
-The option to have her strength to be multiplied and have her body be an irresistible physical force.
-The ability to teleport herself and others, including objects.
-The ability to create any object out of thin air.

Think that would do it. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know in a message, I'd love to hear it.

And most of all, have fun.
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1933968-Girls-With-Goddess-Powers