Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1934339-Lindsay-wizard-of-Oz-spoof
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Script/Play · Comedy · #1934339
Wizard of Oz spoof

We are doing a spoof of “wizard of Oz” prepares to be shocked and amazed by our skit.

Narrator: Once there was a girl named Lindsay Scood who lived in Portland Oregon she was beyond rich and lived in a mansion in the middle of nowhere, and had a fat and creepy looking cat named Levin. Lindsay was very family oriented and she spent a lot of time with her father and mother, she’d go to top Olympus just to see her parents. She was an only child with long dirty blonde hair and unique knowledge.

One day she was walking on the roads were a laboratory stood along with a library and then there was a beach a mile away just then she saw a tsunami she did not hear a tsunami warning for she must have not been told. so she ran the laboratory which was surprisingly open and hid in one of the cooler rooms. She heard a crash and water got in! She tried to cover the hole but it was no use. The water filled up fast and she was nearly at her chin. But just then the water quickly evacuated. After, she lay there and tried to squeeze the water out of her dress while doing so she heard cheering from the outdoors she ran to see what it was.


Lindsay: Hello?

Good witch of right here: Hello there, what are you doing here?

Lindsay: I don’t know, but what are you doing?

Good witch of right here: we are celebrating the death of the wicked witch of over there (point wherever). Your spaceship landed on her and now she is dead!

Lindsay: great! But do you know where I am?

Good witch of right here: well you are in Onslow, Iowa of corse!

Lindsay: this is NOT Iowa.

Good witch of right here: yeah, I know. You are right here and so am I, see I am the Good witch of right here, and you are?......

Lindsay: I am Lindsay.

Good witch of right here: so what is your shoe size?

Lindsay: I have an eight and a half.

Good witch of right here: right so, here! (Pretend to hand boots out)

Lindsay: (pretend to grab the pair of boots) what are these?

Good witch of right here: they are your very own custom made baby seal leather boots!

Lindsay: cool, but how are these going to help me get home?

Good witch of right here: they aren’t but I can! Just follow the concrete paved road to a future town that has computers and everything! It has a computer an….. “E-teller” it will help you.

Lindsay: great!


Lindsay and Levin (the cat) walked on the concretized paved road.

They walked on and on until they stopped, they heard something.

The Thing: 0001 1010 1100 0000 1101……

Lindsay: Hello?

The thing: 1001000 1101001.

Lindsay looked and saw a computer man. ( like a clockwork man )

Lindsay: Hello?

The thing: do you speak binary?

Lindsay: no I don’t

The thing: were are you going?

Lindsay: to this town of wonderous computer stuff.

The thing: can I go? Please?

Lindsay: what do you want from there?

The thing: ( DRAMADICLY staring off into the distance) All I want is to be updated……

Lindsay: um...Sure, what is your name?

Carlino: Carlino, what is yours?

Lindsay: Lindsay.

Carlino: Ah! Cats!!! Cats!!!

Lindsay: its alright its just Levin.

Carlino: That’s what they want you to know…

Lindsay: come on!

Lindsay and Carlino set out for the city at once. When they got threre they saw The E-tellers tent.

Lindsay: Hello?

Carlino: (Scared) I will stay outside.

E-teller: Oh, Hello little lady what may I have of service to you?

Lindsay: Um, I need directions and I have a friend that wants to be upgraded.

E-teller: oh well you will have wait, the Wicked witch of the other way (point behind you) stole our WiFi and without WiFi We can’t use google maps and same with your friend, So goobye.

Lindsay: So if I unplug the wicked witch of the other way(point behind you) computer then you get your WiFi back?

E-teller: Yes.


Lindsay walked out of the tent to meet Carlino.

Carlino: So, How did it go?

Lindsay: um, not so great, we have to unplug the wicked witch of the other ways (point behind you) Computer.

Carlino: that’s alright I brought these. They are little tranzporters, watches, thingeys.

Lindsay: Alright.

Carlino; you know what? I will stay here, and You go.

Lindsay: Alright (pretend to put the watch on and twist the pretend rim of the pretend face of the pretend watch.)


Lindsay poped up in a castle.

Lindsay: Hello?!

Wicked witch of the other way: Oh. Hi, Are you computer expert I called?

Lindsay: Yeah, I guess you call me that.

Wicked witch of the other way: here it is.

Lindsay: alright. Oops I accidently broke it. Well that’s a shame, Gotta go!

Wicked witch of the other way: Hey!

(pretend to put the watch on and twist the pretend rim of the pretend face of the pretend watch.)


Lindsay is back.

Carlino: Hey! Good job… except you just sent an electric charge toward the whole City!

Lindsay: what?

Carlino: its alright, when I get in to the computer you can do the same thing you did to the other computer.

Lindsay: but I don’t know what I did to the other computer!

Carlino: you turned it off! How do not remember!!

Lindsay: Oh, wait… Log on to the computer.

Carlino: alright, this may take a while. AAAA (beep) Alright, that diddint work. AAAB (beep) nope not that either. ABCDE ding,ding! I DID IT! Here.

Lindsay: (pretend to push a button) There

all the lights turned off.

Carlino: what did you do?

Lindsay: turned off all of the electricity, so now the electric charge is going back to the castle.


E-teller: we would like to congradulate you, but where is your friend?

Lindsay: Hes getting upgraded.

E-teller: well, then here is your Google map, Good Luck.

THE END (bow)

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1934339-Lindsay-wizard-of-Oz-spoof