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Rated: E · Poetry · Music · #1936643
Poe's work The Raven has a smooth flow that I try to copy. Theme: My Favorite Instrument
Please comment on rough areas that I can touch up. Enjoy.


"Beautiful Music"

I have heard about the organ that in worship it is more than
Any other instrument that can be played upon the stage.
But that is in my opinion only true once in a million;
It is merely but a scullion to the one that doth assuage
All the musical desires in which my heart doth engage
As I play notes from the page.

Major, minor, rest, inversion, I indulge in deep immersion;
Any music, any version written ere by any sage.
'Till my fingers stumble, fumble over notes that tightly jumble
"This is hard," I softly grumble, "reading notes off of a page.
I would rather play some music from my heart's most hidden cage.
Then my brain can disengage."

Then I let my fingers freely take control desired so dearly
So my senses tired from giving now begin to get their wage.
All surroundings fade to nothing; mind and body melting during;
Growing music softly buffing stress that burdened mental age.
Now my energy once empty will refill as tempos rage
Music strongly fills my gauge.

As the last refrain and measures slowly fade from sense's pleasures,
I am sitting as though frozen; sitting there upon the stage.
Slowly standing, leaving, sighing with my melody still dying
In the air around me; trying to be free from in my cage.
Now, until the next time playing, strains will strain from in my cage
To pianos on a stage.
© Copyright 2013 BoyStar (aqiccl135 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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