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Part two of Konan's Surprise Party |
"HEY! Why are the freakin' lights out!" yelled Hidan. Kakuzu turns the light on, and then Konan jumps out from behind the couch and yelled surprise. "AHHHH!" screamed Kakuzu then he fell on the floor, passed out from fear. "Ummmm, Kakuzu?" said Hidan as he poked Kakuzu with his foot. "Tobi thinks he died." said Tobi. "Nope, I'm good.....ish." said Kakuzu. Hidan stopped poking Kakuzu with his foot. "What's this for?" asked Pein. "To show how much I think of all of you guys." said Konan with a smile. "Sure, who really planned it? Tobi?" asked Hidan. "Tobi, didn't, unless Tobi sleep plans, or the other Tobi did it." said Tobi, with the last part in a deep and demonic voice. "............................Kisame?" said Hidan still looking at Tobi. "Nope, unless my swor-I was brainwashed." said Kisame. "......Itachi?" asked Hidan. "No I was too busy pai-watching movies." said Itachi. ".....Deidara?" asked Hidan. If it was me, it would have exploded." said Deidara. Hidan looked at Sasori. "Ehhhhh, Kakuzu?" asked Hidan as he quickly looked at Kakuzu. "Sure, if I like to scare myself." said Kakuzu sarcastically. Hidan looks back at Sasori. "Ehhhhhh, Zetsu?" asked Hidan. "No." said Zetsu. Hidan looks back at Sasori. "Ehhhhh, Pein?" asked Hidan. "No." said Pein. "-Sighs-Sasori?" asked Hidan. Sasori didn't say anything instead he just looked at Hidan with a evil look. "I'll take that as a no." said Hidan. Hidan looks at Konan. "Ehhhhhhh, Madara?" asked Hidan. "No one even remembers me so why would I throw a surprise party." said Madara. "It couldn't be Konan." said Hidan. Konan casually walks over to Hidan and starts to choke him. "It was me!" yelled Konan then she stopped choking Hidan. "OW! Whatever." said Hidan. "Anyways, I got all of you a present." said Konan. "KILLING KO-KIBA!" yelled Hidan. "....No." said Konan. "Here's you present Itachi." said Konan as she handed him a box. Itachi open the box and it revealed to be more nail polish. "Gee, thanks." said Itachi in very disappointed voice, but he secretly liked the present. Here's your's Kisame." said Konan as she handed him a box. Kisame opened it and it revealed to be a sword washing kit. "I already ha-" started Kisame, but he noticed Konan was staring at him angrily. "I always wanted one of these. Thanks Konan" said Kisame. "Here's your's Deidara." said Konan as she handed a box to Deidara. Deidara opened it and it revealed to be a hair dryer, and a book on how to style you hair. "Gee, thanks.......I guess." said Deidara. "Here's your's Sasori." said Konan as she handed a box to Sasori. Sasori open the box to reveal a little puppet of Konan. "..............Thanks." said Sasori. "Here's your's idiot." said Konan as she handed a box to Hidan. Hidan opened the box to reveal a little Jashin statue. "Tha-Wait, isn't this the one from my room?" asked Hidan. "No." said Konan. Here's your's old man." said Konan as she handed a box to Kakuzu. Kakuzu open the box to reveal alot of pennies. Kakuzu's eye started to twitch then he passed out. "Your's is outside, Tobi." said Konan. Tobi hopped around like a school girl and was clapping his hands, then he ran so fast it left a smoke Tobi. When Tobi went outside he saw big pool. Tobi was about to go get his swimming clothes on when Konan yelled for him to wait. "Ok, nice lady." said Tobi. "Here's your's Madara." said Konan as she handed a box to Madara. Madara open the box to find a book titled, "How to Get Noticed." "Thanks, I really need this." said Madara. "Here's your's Zetsu." said Konan as she handed a box to Zetsu. Zetsu opened the box to reveal a package of seeds. "What's so different about these seeds?" asked Zetsu. "I got them from some weird hobo." said Konan. ""Here's your's Pein." said Konan as she handed a box to Pein. Pein opened the box to reveal more piercings. "Thanks." said Pein. "I even baked each of you a cake." said Konan with a smile. "Is this even the same Konan that almost killed me yesterday." thought Hidan to himself. |