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by jm6379
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1949053
An aspiring lawyer is degraded and humiliated.
Clarisse Taylor was looking out her office window and admiring the setting sun. It had been another satisfying day for her. She had just won another big case for her firm and a partnership was on the way.  At 31, she would be the youngest partner ever. Her career had been cemented. Only thing left was some paperwork that would be sorted soon enough.

Clarisse felt it was cause for a small celebration. Sadly, she had nobody to call. In her meteoric rise to the top of her profession, she had had no time for boyfriends. None of the men at work wanted anything to do with her. She was known as a manipulative bitch who would do anything to win her cases, including resorting to some “less than ethical” practices at times. The ladies were scared of her.

“Oh well, I’ll just get some wine and go home” she said to herself.

There was a liquor store opposite Clarisse’s swanky condo.  Clarisse walked in and walked to the aisles at the back of the store where the most premium wines were kept. As she was making her choice two hoodlums rushed into the store and locked the front door. One of them was armed with a gun aimed it at the clerk and demanded the cash register be emptied out.

The other customers in the store were herded to the front and told to strip. Hearing the commotion going on in the front, Clarisse frantically tried to find a back way out of the store. As she was trying to open a door at the back, the other thug armed with a knife yelled at her.

“What you trying to do woman? Go to the front now!” he yelled.

No used to being told what to do, Clarisse reached into her handbag and pulled out a can of pepper spray.  She aimed it at the thug and depressed the nozzle. Instead of releasing it contents the nozzle broke off! That can of spray was way past it’s useful life.

That just served to infuriate the thug even more.

“You’re really gonna get it now bitch!”

“No no, please! I can give all the money you want. Please don’t hurt me!” replied Clarisse.

As the thug approached Clarisse she suddenly dropped her expensive Loius Vuitton bag and let fly a couple of punches. One landed on the thug’s right temple while another landed on his shoulder. Initially surprised, he replied with a solid slap to Clarisse’s face.

Clarisse was staggered and fell against the back wall, landing on her bum. Her expensive thin aluminium frame glasses were broken, on the floor.

Hearing the scuffling going at the back, the thug with the gun came and checked on his partner in crime. He then proceeded to point the gun at Clarisse.

“Feisty one eh? Go to the front. I’ll take care of the bitch” said the thug to his friend.

“Let’s see how what you’re really made off. Stand up!” he shouted at Clarisse.

Clarisse slowly managed to get on her wobbly feet with the help of the wall. Her meticulously combed hair, swept up into a beehive bun was coming apart now.

Staring at the woman without her glasses, the thug suddenly recognized her as the ruthless Assistant DA who had sent him to jail 5 years ago. Clarisse of course, had no idea. He decided he was going to play with her.

“What’s your name, woman?” asked the thug as though checking.

“C c c clarisse”…



“What is your job?”

“I I’m a lawyer”.

That was answer enough for the thug. He had identified his victim and was going to play with this woman.

“Take all you clothes off” he commanded.

“B b but why? “Clarisse knew her fate – it was going to be the same as all the other customers who had stripped down but she was hoping for the best.

“I can pay you if you want. Please don’t take my clothes…. I promise I won’t run away…”

“I can get through anything as long as I don’t have to remove my clothes” thought Clarisse to herself.

Through the years, Clarisse had cultivated a fearsome reputation for herself in the courtroom. Her fierce, combative style had cowered even hardened criminals and opposing lawyers alike.

About 3 years ago she crossed the divide. She had found it a lot more lucrative to defend crooked businessmen rather than sending criminals to jail. It was about this time that she had joined her current firm.

Going along with her fearsome reputation was her intimidating appearance. Clarisse was not short at 5’ 6”. Embellishing her height with high heels, she was almost 6’. Other famous features about her appearance were her outstanding double D breasts and firm round butt. Her face was also beautiful and distinctive– she had sharp angular features with green eyes and flame red hair.

“I don’t want your clothes. I just want you out of them! You can do it yourself or I’ll do it for you!” replied the thug.

Clarisse thought to herself for awhile. ”Maybe I can remove my outer clothes and then he will stop”.

“I’m losing my patience bitch!”

Clarisse was dressed in her “uniform” that day – a power skirt suit with white blouse. She slowly removed her jacket followed by her heels. Next was the skirt.

“Not so tall now, are you bitch?”

Clarisse looked up at the thug. Without her heels, she had shrunk back to her original height. Seeing how the thug was now taller than her, Clarisse begin to feel  intimidated.

“The shirt, bitch.”

Clarisse began to tear in her eyes. She slowly removed her blouse and dropped it on the floor.

The thug looked on at Clarisse, amazed. Not at her voluptuous body, but by the amount of clothing still on her.

“The rest of it, woman. You must have like a hundred layers on. I’m gonna have fun peeling you like an onion!”

Any thought Clarisse had of stopping at her underwear crumbled with those lines. She contemplated what to remove first.  She thought to herself: ”I am a strong, successful woman. I have nothing to be shy about…”

She slowly pulled her silk camisole over her head. She stopped halfway when she felt it snag against her hair clip.

“It it’s caught against my hair clip” Clarisse cried out.

The thug, already agitated quickly grabbed the hem of the garment and pulled very roughly. In one swift move, the camisole was free of Clarisse’s hair but so was something else… Clarisse’s hair itself!

Seeing her hairpiece on the floor, Clarisse let out a loud shriek!


The thug was laughing at her. Clarisse's real hair was only short, like a boy cut. The lustrous bun on red hair she had was fake. It was also obvious she was not a real redhead. But as her real her was slicked back in some sort of paste, the thug couldn’t tell.

“You’re a woman of many secrets Clarisse. Let’s see the rest!” said the thug.

Clarisse slowly undid her garter belt. Clarisse  paused and looked at the man.

“Please, isn’t this enough?”

“It will be enough when I say it is” was the thug’s response.

As the hose came down another round of laughter went up. Clarisse’s leg were lily white! The tanned complexion she was wearing was fake!

Fighting back the teasing, Clarisse was torn on what to take off now.

The thug pointed at her stomach and said “that piece”.

Slowly, the waist cincher was undone. Out flopped a small pot belly!’ In Clarisse’s relentless drive to the top of the legal ladder, she had neglected her body. She had a small pot belly from improper diet and lack of exercise. Her belly was also lily white, just like her legs!

This just made the thug laugh harder.

“Fake tan eh, bitch? You don’t look so good without your clothes, eh? What else you hiding under there?”

“I’ve overcome a lot to succeed. Some silly thug making fun of my body is not going to change anything” thought Clarisse to herself.

“The bra”.

Those two words together put a tingling chill down Clarisse’s spine. Tears in her eyes, she looked at the thug with her most pitiful look. All she could see was the gun going up and the hammer cocking.

“The bra”.

Those words again. It hit Clarisse like a sledge hammer. The thug was looking on expectantly. He was going to see this lawyer’s magnificent tits.

Clarisse reached behind her back and slowly undid the hooks. As she undid the last hook, her bra suddenly burst forward and landed on the floor.

The thug was shocked. After a few seconds when he understood what was happening he called out to his partner

“Cal you may want to come and see this. This is soo hilarious!”

The other thug came to the back. He was shocked to see the topless woman in front of him. She was nothing like the woman he confronted barely 5 minutes ago.

This woman was flat as a board! On the floor,  were 2 silicone falsies and Clarisse’s big oversized bra. Clarisse was really flat chested and had been stuffing her bra!

“You’re only nipples bitch. Why do you even bother with a bra?!” asked Cal.

“I thought only high school kids stuffed their bras!” said the thug with the gun.

Both thugs laughed and let out a loud guffaw. Cal took the falsies and played with them as he went back to the front.

Clarisse’s tears were flowing freely now.  Those comments had cut her all the way to the core. Her deepest, darkest secret had been laid bare after 18 years. Nobody had seen her bare chest since she was 12. It was also her greatest problem in getting close to men. She was too ashamed to let them see her flat chest. Not when everyone thought she had huge breasts. It had been her reputation since high school.


Already humiliated beyond description, Tiffany just dropped her panties without any thought. This just brought about more chortles from the thug.

“Woman, don’t you know what is a razor?”

It was no wonder. The sight that greeted the thug was arresting. In front, Clarisse had a huge unruly bush. It was a mousy brown and totally unlike the image Clarisse had tried to cultivate – that of an immaculately groomed, successful carrier woman. 

Her butt was also skinny and droopy. Her panties had built in foam pads that had given her the illusion of a bubble butt.

“Do you know what is a gym, woman? You can really use one”.

“I can take this. In a few minutes they will be gone. It doesn’t matter that these nobodies know about my embarrassing body. They don’t matter  and all this will be over soon.”  Clarisse thought to herself.

The thug than took one of Clarisse’s hoses and tied her hands behind her back. This made her tiny, droopy tits look even flatter.

He led Clarisse to the front of the store. As she reached the front of the store her face changed to one of utter horror.

“C C clarisse… ?” said one of the customers on the floor.

Staring at her, was like the monster of all her worst nightmares rolled into one:

There was John Matlock, senior partner at her firm and due to sign her papers,

Tiffany Johnson, a friend from high school whom she had bullied for being “flat”,

Ben Taylor, a neighbor whom she had been “titillating” for the last 3 years but dare not let get close and

Sue Ann Rooney, a hated rival from another law firm.

The shock of having all these people see her in her barest state, with all her darkest secrets revealed to them caused Clarisse to lose control and pee herself!

Clarisse bawled uncontrollably – “Please don’t look at me! No! No! I’m not Clarisse Taylor – you don’t know me!”

It was too late. They all knew.

The thugs then pulled out their phones and took naked full frontal pictures of Clarisse.

“We’re gonna put this on the internet!” said one of the thugs.

The thought of the entire world seeing her in her worst state caused Clarisse to bawl out again. She went into shock and started gibbering rubbish!

The thugs quickly left the store afterwards. The police came soon after and freed all the hostages, except 1.

Wheeled out in a stretcher was a completely disheveled woman, bound for the mental ward.

© Copyright 2013 jm6379 (jm6379 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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