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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Erotica · #1949484
Harry is dominated by a hot blonde called Daphne Greengrass .

Part 1: Imprisonment

It was a peaceful week in the magical world of Harry Potter. The death Eater activity was low. And for once in his life Harry seemed relaxed. He was spending time with his friends. Enjoying every minute that comes with the peace. But What Harry doesn't know is that his life is gonna take a turn for the worst.

Daphne Greengrass was a smart girl. And one of the most powerful wizards of all time. In fact she was so powerful that she ordered the Death Eaters to remain silent And quiet. According to her it was the calm before the storm. Her ultimate plan was to make the Boy Who Lived her bitch. To make him her slut so that he can worship her in every way possible. Then after she makes Harry here bitch. Daphne would consider making Hermione her other slut. It would be perfect for Daphne. Having two of the most powerful wizards under her feet kissing And worshiping them And making them do her bidding. So she started planning And after several months. She came up with the perfect plan to get Harry to be her bitch. It was simple actually she would make Harry think that everywhere is safe then she would tell a couple of death Eaters to kidnap Harry. And so the plan was set into motion.

Harry just finished his fifth year at Hogwarts And What a year it was. He fought the death Eaters so he can get the prophecy. And witnessed an epic battle between two of the most powerful wizards ever seen. But since that day everything was quiet. Harry's summer saw No unusual activity And that led him to think that maybe the Death Eaters have given up. He was so convinced of this that Harry started to walk alone in the street without his wand. And one day when everything seemed like any other day quiet And peaceful. Harry was hit with reality. His head was covered with a bag And he was snatched from behind by Death Eaters. Suddenly Harry realized that he just made the biggest mistake of his life. Harry was hit in the back of the head And fell unconscious to the floor.

Harry woke up in a dark room. He now knew the true situation he was in. There was No way back for him. Harry started thinking of a way to escape But without his wand the task seemed impossible. Harry knew that this might be the last time he might open his eyes. He started thinking of his friends Ron his egotistical Red headed friend. And Hermione the smart bushy-haired girl. He believed that he might never see them again. Then the door opened slowly. Harry thought that was the end for him. But in came one of the hottest girls Harry has ever seen. She was blond with green eyes And had a beautiful complexion. She seemed familiar somehow to Harry But he couldn't remember where. Finally after a small period of silence Daphne said: " I see you are in a huge problem Harry. I would have expected more from the all famous Harry Potter." Harry had nothing to say But to bow his head in embarrassment. She then continued: " But fortunately for you I can get you out of here." Harry's face lit up he thought he was saved But then the worst came. Daphne continued talking a dominant tone: "I managed to stun the Death Eaters And I can get you out of here But under one condition. You have to make an unbreakable vow declaring you to be my slave. You will worship me as your master and you will obey me. You Harry Potter will become Daphne Greengrass's bitch."

Harry was stunned he now knew who she was . Daphe Greengrass was a known and powerful wizard in the slytherin house . Greengrass was a strong family name in the wizarding world . One of the best actually if not the best . It produced the most powerful and wizards and here was an example of one . Harry was speechless at first but then he said :" What makes u think i'll be your slave . " Daphne just laughed And said: " Fine as u wish ." And she turned towards the door. But to Harry she was his only hope so he called back:" Daphne wait I'll agree to your terms." He lowered his head in defeat. Daphne with a triumphant smile said:" Now just repeat after me. I Harry Potter vow upon my magical powers to forever become Daphne's slave until the moment of demise." Harry repeated these words with his head lowered. After he said the words a bright light engulfed both of them And then it was done. It was official Harry was Daphne's bitch And he couldn't do anything about it.

Daphne released Harry from his bonds. Then Daphne touched Harry's head And muttered an incantation. Then she told him :" Harry now that you are my slave I can call upon you whenever I want. The spell that I just did will force you to do the commands I tell you to do if u are reluctant to do them. And now to finally see your place as my bitch. Harry bow down And kiss my feet." Harry did not want to kiss her feet And he did not move. Daphne seeing that put her fingers to her head. Suddenly Harry's body started to move on it's own he knelt down in front of Daphne. He lowered his head And gazed at her feet. Then Daphne said:" Don't make me us the spell again the more I use it the more pain it will inflict on you. Now go ahead kiss my feet." Harry looked at her And replied:" Like I don't have any other choice Daphne." Suddenly a hard slap came across his face:" you will from now on call me mistress understand or your punishment will be severe." Harry scared immediately corrected himself:" Sorry mistress." He then lowered his head And kissed Daphne's feet. Daphne laughed And then she took out her wand And muttered a spell at Harry. Harry immediately felt a burn on his chest. He looked under his shirt And saw imprinted to his skin the letters D.G.B. He instantly he knew that his life was over. He was Daphne greengrass's bitch. Then Daphne said:" When I want you I will call you And you have to be there to service your master." She started laughing And pointed at her feet. Harry realized she was telling him to kiss them before she left. Harry immediately kissed both the blond girls feet And she turned And left. Harry knew that he was in trouble But part of him seemed to like it. He hurried out of the building And went straight home waiting for Daphne to call him.

Part 2 : The Train

Months have passed since the incident that occurred in the room. When Harry was forced to become Daphne's bitch. He had been expecting a call all summer But it never came. Harry was anxious. He never expected to be a slave. Part of him hated being blackmailed into becoming daphne's bitch But a tiny part of him found it arousing. The idea of servicing a queen like wizard was awesome. School was starting soon. The sixth year of Hogwarts was about to begin. Harry was afraid that people might find out about his position at Daphne's feet. But unfortunately he couldn't do anything about it. Harry decided that it was time to face reality. It was his fault that he was caught And now he has to face the consequenceses. But Harry did not want his best friends to know about his position. So he decided to try And avoid Daphne as much as possible in Hogwarts. More days passed And finally Harry was called to go to the burrow And live with the Weasleys for a week before heading to school. He did not want to think about Daphne or his position But something kept reminding him of it. Finally after much wait the day arrived for Harry to go back to Hogwarts. He was packed And ready to go. Then he felt it. At first it was a slight whisper in his head then the voice became recognizable. It was Daphne's voice. It said:" Bitch meet me at the platform at 10:00 am or else. Harry was in a world of trouble it was already 9:30 am. He had only one thing to do. He created a port key that transported him to the platform. It took Harry exactly 20 minutes to create it. But finally after finishing he took his stuff And transported to the platform.

Daphne couldn't believe how easy it was for her to make Harry her bitch. She thought he would put up more of a fight But instead he gave in quickly. She had the most powerful wizard in the world under her feet. She could do anything she wants with him And No complains would come out of it. Daphne was the smartest wizard alive. She decided to gibe harry time to cope with the fact that he was now a bitch. And in that time daphne prepared a list of commands that would make her feel superior. The list said that
1- Harry would always address her as mistress greengrass or goddess.
2-Harry would always kneel in her presence
3- Harry would kiss her feet as a hello And a goodbye
4- Harry would always wear a collar And chain in her presence
5- Harry will sleep at the edge of Daphne's bed at her feet.
Daphne completed her list And smiled. She thought of the terrible things she could do Harry Potter But now she had to wait until the day they would go to Hogwarts. And that day was Daphne most anticipated day. The day finally came and Daphne made final preparations. She called her little sister Astoria who was going to Hogwarts for the first time to pack her stuff. Daphne made Astoria her bitch when Astoria was only nine years old And that's when Daphne got the idea of imprisoning Harry Potter. After she was done packing. Daphne told Astoria to massage her feet. Astoria immediately sat at Daphne's feet. Daphne popped her feet up onto Astoria lap And she motioned for her to begin. Daphne started thinking of the ways Harry could worship her. She couldn't have him do What Astoria does But that was to easy. She finally decided What to do And And she wanted to practice And the only person here was Astoria. A wicked smile crossed Daphne's face. Without hesitation she kicked Astoria in the face And stood up. She put her foot on Astoria face And stood up. Astoria began to cry the pain was unbearable. Then Daphne sat down And ordered Astoria to lick her feet And suck her toes. Immediately Astoria began worshiping her sisters feet. She was to scared to defy her . Astoria began licking the soles from top to bottom. Then she ordered her to begin sucking on her toes. Astoria started sucking And she began to hear moans from her sister Which indicated she was doing a good job. After an hour of foot worshiping Daphne pushed her sister to the ground And unzipped her skirt And removed her panties. Astoria was stunned she never saw a clean shaven pussy like her sister's. Daphne took Astoria by the face And pushed her face into her pussy. She started to grind her face with her pussy. Astoria was being used violently. Daphne kept using her face until she brought herself to an orgasm. Suddenly Daphne stood up and dragged her sister to the bathroom by the hair. Astoria knew What was coming next And she started to cry And struggle. But it was No use Daphne was to strong she put her sister's head on the toilet And ordered her to open her mouth. Astoria hesitated at first But knew better than to argue so she opened her mouth And instantly felt hot fluid running down her throat. Daphne was pissing in her sister's mouth. After she was done she used her sister's head as an ass licking machine. When she was done she pushed Astoria to the ground And told her: " Thank me for allowing u to worship my pussy then kiss my foot And leave u bitch." Astoria replies hesitantly: "Thank you mistress for letting me worship you. " Astoria kisses her sister's foot And leaves. Daphne thought she was ready And she called Harry Potter to the train station.

Part 3 : Train Ride

Harry arrived two minutes before his deadline. He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at his watch it was 9:58 am. He was scared of What would happen if he was late. "I thought u never make it ". Harry turned suddenly And saw Daphne coming towards him." It would have been a shame to punish you even before we started the year. Harry replied by saying: " I'd do my best for you Dap... mistress. She came up to him And handed him the paper she wrote back at her house. Harry immediately realized What was wrong And bowed down And kissed Daphne's feet. He then kept kneeling until she ordered him to stand. Then she said:" I know u don't want your friends to know about your position And they won't were gonna keep it a secret between me And you bitch. Now like the commands say when you have to sleep you have to sleep at the edge of my bed at my feet. But first we gotta find a way to pull that of so in the beginning you can sleep in the common room." Then she snaps her fingers And a collar appears in her hand she puts it around Harry's neck. Harry embarrassed thought that his life was going to be over since everyone was gonna see the collar. But then Daphne removed his worry by saying: " The collar is magical it will only be visible to me And you No one else cab see it. Now let's get ready take my bags inside as I wash up. When I finish I expect you to be on the ground waiting to worship me in the compartment.

When Daphne went to wash up Harry immediately went to work. He started putting the bags in place after finding a suitable compartment. And set everything up. Her robes her books And her wand. After he was down he knelt on the door waiting for his master to come.

After an hour the train was full And ready to leave. Daphne still hasn't showed up. Harry began to feel she might miss the train And he would be allowed to go sit with his friends. But just as the idea came it left his head as he saw Daphne coming from the back. He readied himself And opened the compartment door for her. Daphne just laughed at how pathetic Harry had become. Who would have believed that he Harry Potter would be a slave to Daphne. She ordered to sit And tell him everything about Voldemort to pass the time. Harry looked at his master. And started explaining. About quirell And about the snake And the basilisk. About the diary And about how Sirius black was never guilty And how voldemort got back into the world.

After two hours of story telling they heard a knock on the door And they saw hermione standing there." Harry were in bloody hell have you been ". Harry just stared at Hermione And then looked at Daphne. Hermione got the idea And said I'm Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll just leave. When hermione was about to leave. Daphne quickly said ": Hermione please join us we were talking about stuff in the Real world And I heard you know everything about the muggle life. Hermione just blushed And sat down next to Harry. Daphne Nd Hermione started talking And they never stopped about studies And classes And about muggle technology. They became Real close in just a couple of hours. After they finished discussing the cell phone. Daphne said:" Harry would you please massage my feet for me. They are aching after a long walk I had this morning." Harry blushing And looking at Daphne's crossed feet said:
"Of course Daphne. I don't mind." Harry realized that Hermione was becoming suspicious. But he had to do What Daphne asked. So Harry knelt down And took of Daphne's shoes And took her foot in his hand And started massaging . First the soles. Harry instinctively knew where to put pressure And every time he heard a moan from Daphne he knew it was correct. Hermione felt weird watching this. And it felt kind of erotic for her.
" I think I should go." Said Hermione
" No it's okay." replied Daphne. "It's just Harry peaceful me a foot massage And I thought now was a good time to get. "
"I'll come back later But I have to go check on Ron. I'll be back in a couple of hours.
Hermione left the compartment . She felt stupid And weird at this scene But somehow she became wet. She hoped Daphne did not see it. Seeing Harry at Daphne's feet turned her on And that was completely an alien feeling for her. She just couldn't explain. Hermione went to the back of the train where No one ever goes. She just had to relieve herself she couldn't not hold it. Hermione pulled down her panties And started fingering. At a moment she thought she saw several white flashes But she dismissed them And continued fingering herself until she cummed.

Daphne knew that the scene made Hermione wet. She asked Harry to massage her feet for one reason only And that was to death if Hermione would here wet. And it did. Daphne knew that her next slave would be Hermione Granger. She waited 5 minutes while Harry massaged her feet. Then she told him she will be back in five minutes. She went to the back of the train And saw one of the compartment doors open. She peeked in And just as she suspected Hermione was finguring herself. Daphne had her. She took her phone camera out And took several images. The riskiest part was the flash But Hermione didn't suspect a thing. After she took several images Daphne went back to the compartment.

She went in And saw Harry waiting in the same place as before. She giggled And said
"U love obeying me don't you."
"I would do anything for my mistress." Replied Harry.
Daphne just laughed And lifted her foot.
"Remove my socks And lick my foot bitch."
Harry started to remove here socks when he felt a hard slap across his face.
"With your teeth bitch." Harry held the sock with his teeth And pulled. Daphne wiggled her toes. The smell was unexpectedly Nice. It smelt vanilla sweet. Harry looked into his mistress's eyes And saw beauty. He realized how beautiful she was then he promised himself that he would serve her the best way he could. But he'd have to avoid her at school But for now he had to worship her. Harry started planting kisses all over her foot. He began licking the soles of her foot And realized how wonderful it felt. But he was angry that he was a slave. He licked her sole from top to bottom. After he finished he started sucking on each toe. While Harry was worshiping her. Daphne was beginning to realize how awesome this would be. Having hermione And Harry as her sluts was great. And maybe more people could join like Ginny or Cho. But now she had Harry at her feet. She ordered Harry to eat all her toejam. Harry reluctantly obeyed he started nibbling on the toejam. Then he looked at her feet And saw they were perfect. Daphne smiled patted him on the head And told him good job.
She then told Harry to leave her alone for a bit. She had to plan. Harry planted a goodbye kiss on her foot And left. Daphne was left alone to make hermione her bitch.

Part 4 : Hermione the bitch

After arriving at Hogwarts. Daphne had Harry worship her nearly everyday at night . She would call her Harry to a secluded classroom And she would torture him. First Daphne makes Harry worship her feet. Then Daphne removes her clothes And lowers her panties she takes Harry's head And uses his head to bring herself to an orgasm. Harry's face was covered with Daphne's juices And he loved it. Worshiping the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts. She used his face everyday for her own pleasure But she felt now was the time for a new slave.

Daphne had been planning for weeks. And today the plan would be set in motion. Daphne left a note for hermione in the locker room And waited.

Hermione arrived at her locker room And saw a white envelope on her bed. She picked it up opened it And read. Hermione meet me in Room 277B be quick about it. Hermione had No idea who sent the letter. And she knew that the room was empty. She waited for a bit then snuck out And went to the room. Once she arrived Hermione took a deep breathe And entered. What she saw horrified her. Only the walls And everywhere were pictures of Hermione finguring herself. She was scared . Then she realized What the whight flashed she felt were. They were images being taken And now her urge got her in huge trouble.
"Like What you see." Hermione turned around And saw Daphne standing there with a huge grin on her face.
"Daph..h..hne wh..hat is this."Hermione said
"U became wet when u saw Harry massage my feet didn't you."
Hermione was speechless she had nothing to say.
"Harry is my slave Hermione. And now Ur gonna be my slave as well. U will worship me whenever I tell you to. You will kiss my feet And like my ass hole And u will become my full time slut.
"I will definitely not." Hermione interjected.
"Then that's your biggest mistake. If I press this button every one in school will see What a whore you are. Or u could just make an unbreakable vow declaring you as my bitch. "
Hermione was defeated she had nothing. She couldn't risk everyone seeing her naked. She had No other choice.
"I Hermione Granger vow on my magical powers that I will become Daphne's slave until my demise "
When the last word was said a white light flasked between the two girls binding Hermione to here new master.
Daphne muttered the incantation Which Hermione recognized will make Hermione do stuff against her will.
"Hermione to seal your position as my new slut I want you to kiss my feet. And tonight you have to meet me at the Room of Requirement."
Hermione bowed down And kissed her new mistress feet. Daphne kicked her And left while laughing

Hermione went to the Room of Requirement at 10:00 pm And entered there she saw a huge bed. She saw Daphne And What she saw last made her gape.
On the ground was Harry Potter worshiping Daphne's feet. He was kissing And licking.
"Ahhhh finally." Daphne sat down know the chair And popped both feet on the table.
"Harry you worship my left foot. And hermione come worship my right. Both Harry And Hermione knelt down in front of Daphne And began licking. They each licked one foot And Daphne was satisfied with her work.
"Look at you two worshiping my feet." Both of them were licking in between Daphne's toes And she looked at them happily. They began sucking on each toe until Daphne decided to have some fun. Show removed her panties And Hermione saw how beautiful her pussy was. She kicked Harry in the face And knocked him out. Harry was on the ground bleeding And he saw his best friend being taken by the hair. Daphne grabbed Hermione by the hair And slapped her. She ordered Hermione to stick her tongue out. Hermione did so And Daphne pushed her face into her pussy. Daphne began using Hermion's face as a sex toy. She kept on using her face until she orgasmed. She pushed Hermione on the floor. Hermione was crying. Her face was just used a sex toy And it pass all pussy juices. Then Daphne had a sick idea. She dragged Hermione to the center of the room And ordered her to open her mouth. Hermione did not know What was going to happen.
"If u close your fucking mouth I'm gonna make u regret the day u were born.
Hermione lied on the floor with her mouth open. Daphne positioned her ass right over Hermione's mouth. She was horrified as she saw something dark coming out of her ass.
"I want it in your mouth you bitch. Or else.
Daphne pushed And suddenly a shit fell And landed in Heroine's mouth.
"Eat it you bitch. EATT "
Hermione was crying she couldn't believe What was happening. She was eating the shit of another girl. Harry was just staring at his best friend seeing her predicament. He never imagined Hermione being so weak And in that position under Daphne's ass. He always saw her so high above everyone else. And now she was eating shit.
Daphne laughed so hard And forced Hermione to chew And swallow.Heroine's spirit was broken. She then told Hermione to go clean up And get ready to bed.

After hermione cleaned up. It was time for bed. She told Harry to sleep on the right side of the bed at her right foot. While Hermione at the left.
Both Harry And Hermione took position. Then Daphne went to bed. She made sure her right foot was in Harry's face while her left was on Hermione's face.
"If I wake up And don't see your faces touching my feet punishment will occur. And if one of u is awake I expected to be awakened by a morning orgasm now go to bed. And Hermione I hope u enjoyed my shit Cause you are gonna be eating them everyday."
Hermione with tears in her eyes went to sleep with the toes of her mistress in her mouth.

Part 5 : The punishment
Daphne woke up with a smile on her face. It was a Saturday morning there were No classes today And her slaves were ready to be used all day. Suddenly the smile evaporated from Daphne's face as she saw the problem. Her right foot was still on Harry's face But her left was No where near Hermione's. She was furious. She woke up both of them by screaming. Harry woke up to see his best friend being dragged past him into the bathroom.

Harry listened intently And What he heard made him scared. Hermione was screaming And crying. Her scream was so loud it made Harry shiver.
"Don't you ever do that again bitch. Or I swear I'm gonna make you cry till you dehydrate. Now as for your punishment. I'm gonna make you eat shit then I'm gonna Fuck you. " Daphne said.
The door opened And Daphne dragged Hermione out And put her in the center of the room again.Hermione couldn't take this. Daphne positioned her ass above Hermione's mouth. And Daphne Let it go.
Hermione could not do anything But eat. She was crying so hard now . Harry couldn't take this anymore And said.
"Mistress can you please lighten up a bit on Hermione. "
Daphne was furious she motioned for Hermione to go clean herself up. Then she went over to Harry kicked him in the stomach then she took out her wand And yelled Crucio. Harry's pain was unbearable.
"Don't you ever do that again bitch." Keep quiet you hear me now you have to be punished And I know the perfect way.
When Hermione came out she went And sat at her mistress feet.
Then Daphne said: "I have decided that I have ranks. You are both my sluts. But Hermione you are Harry's mistress. You both listen to Me. But hermione can dominate you whenever she likes that's you punishment you bitch."

Hermione was troubled at first But then she knew that this could be the only fun moment in her life. She kissed Daphne's feet And thanked her mistress. Daphne left to get breakfast And she left her slaves alone.
Hermione stood in front of Harry laughing. Your my bitch now Harry. Finally I can have some fun with you. Hermione took Harry's headland dragged him to the edge she sat on the chair And raised her leg.lick my feet clean you bitch. Lick it. Harry looked at Hermione And could not do anything he took her foot in his hand And started to lick. Hermione realized Why Daphne liked that it was an awesome feeling. Harry began to lick between her toes And hermione just moaned.
"Your a good bitch. I own you now. Same way Daphne owns us."
Hermione took Harry's head And showed it into her wet panties.
"U like that feeling don't you."
Hermione removed her panties And started to use Harry's face as a sex toy. She kept this going for about 20 Min.Until she had an orgasm. Hermione then had Harry bow down And lick her feet until Daphne arrived.

Daphne rentered the room And she was dragging something behind her. When Harry saw What it was he gasped.
What was being dragged behind Daphne was none other than Ginny. Daphne was smiling now she had 3 of the most powerful wizards in the world at her feet.
"Like your new sex slave Guys. Now Hermione is my main slave so you will obey her as well And since your my new slave. I get to shit in your mouth from now on And pee in Harry's. You obey Hermione when I'm not here And u sleep at her feet."
Ginny was speechless. She was blackmailed into becoming Daphne's bitch And now she knew where Harry And Hermione were. They were at this girls feet.And now she was the new entry. Daphne ordered Hermione to teach Ginny the ways of servitude And What she should do to keep her mistress happy. Hermione led Ginny to the end of the room And began to teach her the ways of becoming a food slave.

Daphne took Harry And led him to the bed. Harry I want you to give me a pedicure And when your down I expect a Nice long foot massage. Harry started painting Daphne's nails. He painted them a bright Red then when he was done he started massaging her feet. Daphne started to feel sleepy. Then suddenly she dozed off. Harry saw this And stopped And went to join Ginny And Hermione. What he saw made him gasp. Ginny was licking Heroine's pussy. She kept on licking until Hermione cummed. She had become the second in command

Daphne woke up to Harry kissing her soles. He apologized for waking her up But he thought that she wanted to have dinner. Daphne thanked Harry. Then she went down to eat. When she came back she had trays of mashed potatoes in her hand. She had a sick And twisted idea in her mind. She gave a plate to Hermione And she took one plate. She told Hermione to do the same thing she was doing. She sat down on the couch And Hermione sat next to her. She put the plate at her fwere And Hermione did the same thing.
"Now Hermione I want you to feed Ginny with your foot . Just shove your foot in the plate And make her eat them. "

Daphne told harry to sit at her feet while Ginny to sit at Hermione 's feet. Both girl shoved their feet in the food And then held it up for them to eat. Harry began to eat out of Daphne's foot. He licked every part ofvher foot that was covered in potatoes. In between her toes he kept And licking until it was all clean. Daphne patted Harry on the head And told him you will drink later by motioning to her pussy.
Meanwhile Ginny took longer. She was reluctant to eat out of someone's foot. But she remembered What Hermione told her about disobedience And she immediately began to lick. After Ginny was done licking, Hermione realized she hasn't eaten yet. Then she saw Why. Daphne was waiting for her to finish so she could feed her herself. Hermione positioned herself in front of Daphne And she began to lick the food of her feet.
"Thank you for feeding me mistress Daphne. " Hermione said. Daphne was pleased with What she said. After she was done she took Ginny by the hair And positioned her in the center of the room. Everyone knew what was coming next. Ginny started to cry as she was opening her mouth that was the most humiliating thing in her life.
Then it came. The shit entered Ginny's mouth. Daphne laughed so hard while Ginny was sobbing. Ginny after struggle began to chew And finally she swallowed. It was the most humiliating day of her life.

It was time for bed she ordered everyone to take the position. Harry And Hermione were to sleep at Daphne's feet while Ginny had to sleep at hermione's feet. Daphne looked at them And laughed. Then she went to sleep
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