Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1950265-beyond-boundaries-moving-back-home
Rated: 13+ · Other · Supernatural · #1950265
Sage learn some family secrets
Sage laid her head on her steering wheel and closed her eyes for a few moments. She hated being summoned back to this house. She could have just told her mother that she was busy or more impolitely just hung up on her. But years of being in verbal combat taught her that it would make her mother only dig in her heels more and Sage didn't feel up to that today. "Let's get this over with.", she mumbled as she got out of her Mazda.

The air was filled with the scent of her mother's favorite flowers. Sage sniffed the air filling her lungs with the air. Yes she could smell the herbs her mother cultivated too. The one storey house was painted white with even the white picket fence in the front yard. Memories of her childhood came to mind. With a slight smile Sage pushed open the front garden gate.

The house and the well tended gardens were still the same as ever. Stylish and emmiting a sense of wealth. Not a single thing advertised that the woman that owned this house was a high born witch. Sage could feel the wards set on the property to protect her mother lick over her skin and slide off her. Her mother would let it recognise her as not a threat. The front door opened before she reached it.

Sage watched her Mother run a hand through her red hair. She only ever watched her do that when she was nervous. She allowed her mother to pull her into a hug and followed her to the kitchen. Her mom made hot chocolate for them and took a seat across from her. She didn't say anything just slid a folded piece of paper to Sage. She opened it.


I must insist that you return home. The war is brewing and I will not have my daughter where she cannot be protected. I suggest you return to Drake Hall as soon as possible. This letter is to give you a chance to return on your own. But be not fooled I will personally fetch you if I have too.

Lord Drake Greystone

"I got this from my Father yesterday. I want you to go with me." Her mother's voice was subdued and Sage felt her hackles rise. She blew out her breath in anoyance while playing with one of the long red hair that fell half over her face. "Would this be the same man that when he found out you were carrying me,ordered you to destroy me?" Sage shook her head and got to her feet. "Go mum but I'm not going with. I got school and its not like anyone would have any use for a halfling like me. You taught me how to protect myself."

Her mom opened her mouth to argue but the look on Sage face stopped her. "Ok but atleast move back here." Sage opened her mouth to disagree but her mom didn't give her a chance. "Please Sage. I just need to know you'll be safe." Sage found she could not argue with that. So she just nodded her head.

Her mother looked very unhappy. Very unlike her usual flamboyant and highly opinionated self. "If I go home....its not four dimentional portals away, but if I enter his house.... Honey he won't let me contact you." Her mother's eyes lifted from her hands and Sage were utterly shocked to see tears in her mother's grey eyes.

Sage got up and hugged her mother. She took a deep breathe. Her heart hurt for her mother and she felt her anger and rage stir. "Mum he can't change that you are my mom. I know I don't say it often but your sacrifices made me who I am and he cannot change that. I love you mum." Sage voice was growly and she reigned her anger with difficulty.

Veronica Greystone smiled and cleared her throat. "Thank you Honey. Want me to make fried chicken for supper?" Sage answering grin was all she needed to pull away and prepare her little girl's favorite meal. She wanted to spend her last night of freedom with her. And Sage is right. Her father could not change that she had Sage or that they had a bond.

Two hours later Sage sat in her dorm room packing. So it seemed that she was moving back home. She didn't really mind it. What she did mind was the thought of her mother being forced to return to her grandfather's house. The reason her mother were not staying at High Court was herself and her mom always hated the political games the high born seemed to choose to play. But on the other hand her mother were not defenseless and would certainly not appreciate her worrying over her.

It was close to two in the morning when she finally got the last things boxed and climbed into bed. Sage had a feeling that the day ahead was going to be long and trying.

Wordcount: 879
© Copyright 2013 nicky Ive (iveson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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