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An entire town gets ripped from the earth by six giant gods and carried home for fun |
An entire town gets ripped from the earth by six giant gods and carried home for fun
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Simple farmer trying to make ends meet
Princess from a wealthy family, forced into marriage with an arrogant prince
Wealthy bandit who assumed nobility and extorted other nobles
Devoted priestess
Marcus and Rachel
A couple deeply in love and live together
Giant Gods
Lord of the gods, very beautiful and very powerful, wears a silken sash around his loins
Very strong and muscular god, loves to fight, wears a tunic
Very handsome but also quite vain, seeing himself above everyone, wears a thong
Very athletic goddess, very bold and manipulative, wears a fur loincloth and bra
Extremely beautiful goddess, very sexual and very thrill-seeking, wears a silken cloth around her body
Goddess who loves basking in praise, though views humans as playthings she still shows curiosity towards them, wears a silken bikini
1. Keep sizes constant. The giants should be more than 200 feet tall.
2. All represented ages of humans and giants are between 20s-30s. No age changing.
3. Try to keep perspectives constant
I won't delete much so have fun!
I started one part of the story as an example. |
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