Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1962239-Nexus-AU-Story---Intro
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Rated: 18+ · Other · Drama · #1962239
A story about a character I created.

Yo, Hello, Salve! Ok so first off, let me introduce myself. My name is Nexus Yameto. Odd name right? I mean...I'm not even JAPANESE, really, I'm BRITISH. You would think my parents would've though of that or something. However, they insisted that my mother's maiden name, Yameto, suits me "Oh so much better" than my father's, which is Davies. Aggravating as it is I can't do anything about it, 'cuz ya know...it's my name.

Now that introductions are out of the way, allow me to tell you a little about myself. I'm 15 years old, I was born on July 10, 2015 and I live with my elder sister. My mom died 8 years ago and my dad passed on 3 years after. Guess he couldn't be without her. But that's ok 'cuz my big sis takes bloody good care of me. Anyways, I'm a high school senior (Ok I know you're thinking 15 and a senior? That's impossible." Yes, I'm young, but I skipped two years, Kindergarten and 5th Grade. So suck it) and I have just about no friends, and by just about I mean I DO happen to have, like, one, but I'll get into that later. 'Cuz right now we're still talking about me.

Continuing on, I'm gay. What? You got a problem with that? 'Cuz if ya do then ya can jus' leave. I have no reason to try and please you nor do I have time for your bullcrap. I get enough of that from the kids in my school. Anyways, I don't have a boyfriend, yet, and I'm not really all that interested in anyone, although according to the other kids in my school I develop a crush on every guy I see.

My appearance tends to throw people off. You see, I'm only about 5'3" and I have a very...well...I'll just explain. I have silky smooth, silvery-aqua green hair which stops just below my arse, pretty much covering my entire back. Yeah I get it, it's a weird color, and before any of you even DARE to ask, YES, the drapes DO match the carpet. Happy? Good. Also, if you're wondering why it's so long, it's because I don't feel like getting it cut. There's no reason to and I think I look good with long hair, so bugger off.

I have beautiful, yet unique, eyes. You see for the most part they are a brilliant royal purple color. But of course that can't be it.  My eyes are literally pupil-less. As in, I have no pupils, at all. As a bonus my brilliant purple irises are surrounded by a spiky black ring that makes it seem as if my eyes are actually inverted. So, for those who don't quite get it, it goes, white cornea's, black outer iris, royal purple inner iris, no pupil. So, yeah. My sister has taken it upon herself to cover up my "unique" eyes with purple contacts. Still abnormal but better than the alternative, I guess.

Moving along, my skin is smooth and creamy. It's quite soft to the touch and very...woman-like, I guess. My lips are full and have a slight glimmer in the light. My sis says they're very kissable. I take her word for it, seeing as I've never been kissed. My eyelashes are long and curl ever so slightly as you reach the tips. And that's when I'm not wearing mascara! Which I definitely don't wear anyways. Nope, I never "borrow" my sister's make-up kit to see how I look. Not ever.  Anyways, my body-type, or my figure I guess, is...quite...feminine. As much as I hate to say it. Shapely hips, thin waist, the works. My sister has to buy me kids or girls clothes cuz I don't fit into any men's outfits.

So to most people I come across, at first, as a girl. Which I am most definitely not. I don't care how I look, walk, act, and talk. I. Am. A. Boy. Deal with it.

"Nexus? Are you ok?" the kid next to me asks politely.

Oh right, I'm in class right now.

"I'm fine Alei, why?" I state matter-of-factly.

"You were spacing out again, If you keep that up you'll miss the notes." he gives me a worried look before returning to his notes.

This guy I'm talking to is Alei Regal. He's two years older than me. Like me he's got a pretty girly appearance. Although my case is a little, ok a lot, worse than his. He's about 5'8" with snow white hair that fades to a pink color as it goes down. No clue how that happened. He has a boyish face and he "suffers" from Heterochromia. Which means one eye is a different color from the other. His right eye is a vibrant green color while is left is a bright pink. The lucky jerk gets a lot of comments on it and everyone seems to love him for it. Almost makes me want to take out these stupid contacts. But I won't, 'cuz that would make sis mad.

Anywho back to Alei. He's got nice thin lips and eyebrows with long eyelashes, like mine, and slightly tanned skin. You can't really see much of his body figure because of that huge brown-with-green-fur parka he always wears, but from the few times I've seen him without it he has a slightly feminine figure, a bit curvy but nothing too girly. Of course he used to be much, MUCH, worse back when we were freshmen. But now he gets to grow up all boyish while I'm stuck lookin' like a chick. He also has these really cute scars on his face that he's always hiding because he thinks they look disgusting. But I really like them an- OH! I can see them now~. They're so cu-

"Mr. Yameto!" I hear a bellowing voice interrupt my thoughts.

"Eeeep!" I let out a small squeak of surprise before looking to the front of the class.

Oh great. I got caught not paying attention. This'll blow over well.

"I would appreciate it if you could stop studying Mr. Regal's face and pay more attention to the notes."  The teacher returns to his white board to pick up where he had left off.

Oh great, he just had to say that. I swear this teacher must hate me 'cuz he just used the worst possible wording in that reprimand. Now those pathetic failures are gonna waste their time and my earspace with their inse-

"Studying Alei's face?" "I knew he was nothing but a whore." "Stupid fag can't even hide that he's checking dudes out" "I bet he was undressing Alei with his eyes."

Ugh. There they go. Can't I go one bloody day without dealing with all this shit? Honestly, it's like the bloody heathens have nothing better to do with their lives other than bother me with their pointless, idiotic, bland, and rather rude chatter.

"God he's so creepy." "Why does he have to be in class with us?" "I hate hi-"

"Will you all kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP. I'm TRYING to pay ATTENTION." an angry voice rips through the gossipers.

Oh shit Heinrich is pissed.

Oh, right, I guess I should mention Heinrich. Heinrich is a young Nordic boy who transferred to our school a few months ago. He's also made a name for himself as the school's number 1 Jackass. Hey, don't laugh. I'm not joking. He's seriously an asshole to just about everyone and their mother. Including the teachers. How I've gotten away without incurring his wrath I will never understand. Anyways. Heinrich has pitch-black hair, though it looks dyed, and he wears grey contacts. Don't ask me how I know; I have a knack for these things. He's very guy-like. Well, not big and muscley but still, you get my point. He's not girly, in any way...at all...period...yeah.

"MR. PLAGEAS! That language will NOT be accepted. Please escort yourself from my classroom!" the teacher screams out and turns to Heinrich, obviously displeased.

Oh, of course it's when someone decides to say something to those blathering idiots that they get harped by the teachers for "breaking the rules". Although, Heinrich was never really one to argue with authority, so it's not surprising when he stands to leave the class. As he reaches the door, however, he turns around and looks back at the teacher.

"What about the lesson? Are you sure there isn't any other way this can be settled? Detention would be fine with me."

Ok so, What. Since when do people ask for detention? Does he REALLY prefer detention to getting out of class?

"No. Just get the notes from another student when class ends." Mr. Douchebag the First goes back to his best friend W.B. Notes once more.

Heinrich sighs and looks across the room.  He looks at each person until finally he settles on...me? What? Why me? And why is Heinrich walking closer? Oh crap, he's right in front of my desk, what did I do?

"U-uh...h-hello..." I barely manage to get out.

Wait, wait, wait. Why am I so scared? What the fuck is up with me right now? It's like I've been demoted from local gay boy to stuttering high school girl with a crush on the punk rocker or something. Well, at least the bumbling buffoons in the class aren't saying anything. Not that the snickering helps either. "Yeah, hi....What was your name again?"

"N-Nexus. Nexus Yameto."

C'mon Nexus, get a hold of yourself. Use entire words, no stuttering. This is just your average nerdy school bully. You know the kind that doesn't normally exist. No need to be scared, or embarrassed. It's not like you like him.

"Are you taking the notes?"

Notes? Oh right. He must want to copy mine.

"Ah, um, well....I wasn't really...'cause I usually just memorize it."


"Can you write them down from here on out?"


"Good. Be sure to take thorough notes, I'll be borrowing them after class. Come meet me by my locker. It's number 223"

His locker...? He said 223 right?


"Thank you very much, Nexus."

"No Problem..."

Heinrich turns and leaves the classroom before class finally resumes.  I sigh and pull out a pencil and some paper so I can take the notes. Might as well, seeing as I've obviously got no better use of my time.

"Do you have a crush on Heinrich?" Alei looks at me curiously.

"Absolutely not." I sharply reply, indicating that I wanted the topic dropped as soon as humanly possible.

"Oh, ok. Sorry." He looks back to his paper and starts writing. I can't help but feel a little bad seeing as I didn't mean to snap at him like that. I just find that some questions don't need to be asked.

Especially when those questions feed the Narwhals in the back of the room.

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