Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964767-TRAVEL-3
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1964767
Arthur owns his own spaceship and goes on mad adventures with his friends.

"Did you know that fortune cookies were actually made in America NOT China?" Arthur said swirling in a swivel chair in front of the ships control panels. Lilly, Josh, Emily, and Mary were there recovering from the aftermath of their latest happening. Then suddenly there has a HUGE crash. "CRASH" Arthur fell out of his chair. "What was that?!" Lilly said frightened. "I have no idea! “Arthur said getting up. "Why is it smoking up in here so bad?" Josh said coughing. Mary recovered from a fall.

Arthur looked up. Arthur thought for a moment. But then the smoke stopped and everything stopped, the lights turned out. "Hey! Remember me!?." said a voice that seemed to come from everywhere. "What is that?" Josh asked. "Arthur was looking up at the ceiling cameras. Arthur stared at the cameras in interest. Arthur turned a. “Chloe is a characterized artificial intelligence that was made to take over the ship automatically. But it’s CHARECTERISED! That’s was the stupidest idea since…since dog sweaters!” But Josh thought about it. "But why is it reactivated?" Arthur looked at the camera again. "Because I had her under a locked profile and when we hit whatever we hit the power went out and the profile and all of my other things were deleted, and when the locked profile was deleted she was let free, because she was built with the ship. (Arthur shouting loudly still staring at the camera) ...BUT, I THINK WE CAN ALL AGREE THAT THINK SHE ABSOLUTELY STINKS!" he said. "Ha, Ha, you still have that sense of humor, to bad I can't just put YOU under a locked file. (Sigh)." Said Chloe having heard what he said. Arthur didn’t say anything.

Arthur sat back up from the fall and ran to the window, they were barred. Then he attempted to the door, and the back door, and the escape pod, none of them worked.  "So..." said Lilly scooting next to Arthur. "How are you?" she said trying to comfort him. He stared her. "Alright" Lilly said. "No, I'm sorry, I am fine I am just tired." Cloe came back. "Well I have spent the last hour planning something brilliant." Arthur looked around for something in a drawer full of bluetooths. "I have something in here...Here!" he pulled out a Bluetooth with the letters CES. He put it in the computer and opened the file called 'Database Transition' he had just read the few paragraphs when the room lights had turned off again. "You still play computer games? No wait..." the whole file was deleted. "There, No more games" Cloe said in a sarcastic tone.

  "You know what? Most of people who play computer games play them because they have a lot of time on their hands but it seems you don't." Cloe said laghing. "Oh, I forgot you are married congratulations. Here’s what I’ve been working on. " Chloe said, and at that moment the floor splt in two. Arthur and lilly where on one side and Emily, Josh and Mary on the other. "There are two handle bars in front of you!" Arthur shouted. Josh and Arthur held on to their bars and Lilly, Emily, and Mary Grabbed the bars. The floors were splitting Arthur gasping trying to pull himself up. "Joshua! We can jump down. It’s cushioned." They leapt down. "Come on guys!" Josh yelled. But then the floors started closing. They closed.

"You know Arthur? It says that you haven't had a computer update until 2000. Well, I will just update it." Chloe said "COMPUTER UPDATED" another voice said. "I liked that!" Arthur yelled to her. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you don't used Adobe Flash Player" Arthur sat down on the ground. "COMPUTER UPDATE STOPPED: FILE 'CHLOE' HAS A BUG." The computer said. "that’s not supposed to happen." Chloe said. Arthur looked up. "Can you fix it?" he asked standing up. "No it stopped." Chloe’s voice was cracking in a glitch. "COMPUTER DELETE FILE 'CLOE' PROCEEDING: TEN MINUTES." the computer said again. "Here Chloe, bring me to the Control room." Arthur said. "I Deleted it" She responded. "YOU CAN'T DELETE THE CONTROL ROOM!" Arthur yelled in an annoyed angry voice. "The secondary control room!" Josh said following the conversation. "Good job, Joshua!" Arthur said patting him on the back. "How did you know there was a secondary control room?" Arthur said looking back at Josh. Josh shrugged. “Um, Lilly showed me.” Arthur didn’t like people wandering around in his ship.

Back above Arthur and Joshua nothing exiting happens. Mary was digging through the closet. "I found it!” she said pulling out a shovel. She drove the shovel in the crevice of where the floors split. She split it open a little bit to talk the Arthur. "Hey!" she yelled. Arthur was talking to the camera (Chloe). "Oh, Hi!" he said noticeing Mary. Then the floors shut.

"I will try to clear a path to the secondary control room" Cloe said. "Clear a path?" Arthur questioned. "Yeah, you know the hall in front of the control rooms? I filled them with nerotoxin" Cloe said. Arthur crossed his arms "that's GREAT"  "Lets begin now, take a right and go four doors down..." Cloe continued. Arthur broke in "Yeah I know, Come on Joshua"

Joshua was absent to go at first but Arthur persuaded him to, they where FINALLY at the hall of the control room.

"RING RING" Arthur looked in his pocket. ''Hello?" he said. ''Oh, Hi Arthur it's your mom. I was wondering if you and your Friends would like to come over for dinner, Karin and her kids are coming and perhaps you could stay the night.'' Arthur hesitated. "Um, I would love to go but I am in the middle of something, But I will call you back" "It isn't Nemo again is it? He is a nice guy" Something crashed in the hallway. "Um no, we are taming a endangered wolf pack in south Canada." "South Canada? Well can I talk to your wife?" "Um, she is cultivating a perennial garden." ''Oh, well you just tame them I will call back later, Bye!" "Bye" Beep. "Who was that?" Joshua asked. "It was my mom, don’t judge me."

IN THE CONTROL ROOM WHERE THEY STOP THE COMPUTER FROM DELETING CLOE: "Bits and Pieces! So much...stuff!" Arthur grumbled jumping over loads of 'stuff!' trying to get to the main panels. Josh tripped on rubber lining and fell face first in a big cardboard box. Arthur ran over to help him. When Josh was up-without a box on his head-he fell on his back knocking a box of old papers over. "You should really pick up this place." Josh said. Arthur helped him up (again) Arthur glanced at the camera. "Well, we're here." he said to Cloe. "Good, now, flip the first four switches and skip the next two and do six more-" Arthur broke in. "Is that how you do it?" "Yes" Arthur frowned. "No, its the purple switch and the eighth blue switch-" "No, I am the computer I know what to do, so do it! Total idiot."  Chloe scoffed. Arthur flipped the switches frowning. "I would love it if you would stop messing up my computer.” Arthur said quietly. "But it is so much fun" Chloe laughed.

COMPUTER: DELETE FILE CHLOE: ONE MINUTE. "Hurry Arthur!" Chloe said hastily. Arthur looked up. "The only way to stop it from deleting you is to put you off the system as a person before it deletes you." "Your serious?!" Arthur looked annoyed. "Or you just die." COMPUTER: DELETE FILE CLOE: FIFTY SECONDS "Alright, Alright!" Arthur finished it and did whatever-he-had-to-do with it. "Alright" he pulled a leaver. Cloe's faded image appeared and was put in a focus. She had short blond hair and a modest yellow dress with spaghetti straps. Arthur stood back in awe. Then her image faded again and in focus. COMPUTER: THIRTY. Arthur ran to her. "Your still plugged in" She faded "its alright, just leave it." COMPUTER: TWENTY. Arthur frowned. "But then you will be deleted" Arthur leaned over her. "I have to tell you something.” She said. “Remus stole the book.” Arthur was confused. “What book?” He asked. “Don’t go near Remus.” She said. “Who’s Remus?” He asked. “Sander Remus from-” Her image faded. COMPUTER: FILE 'CLOE' DELETED. There was this strange scratchy noise on the computer. "What’s that?" Josh asked. Arthur stood up. "I don't know" The Noise was REALLY scratched. Arthur was thinking to himself "...something else..." he mumbled. "Nothing to worry about" Arthur patted Josh on the back. "Lets get back to the others” After twenty minutes or so they got back and acquainted.

Arthur then rememered something "Hey, Would you guys like to come to my moms house? My sisters are coming so is my stepdad and Karins fiance." Mary was sure to go. Lilly frowned. "I am afraid Josh is moving to Rome to work on his architect career and I want to see him off" Arthur smiled. "Well thats alight, I hope you have a good trip." Josh grinned. "Thanks" "I can drop you off at the Basilica to save you time and you can come" Josh looked confused. "Where?" "To Genies houses remember?" Lilly said tugging his arm Josh’s face light up. "Oh, yeah."

They walked up to the front door. It was dark out sunset starting a beautiful summer night. At the door they heard music. Someone was playing Billy Joels Veienna on the piano. Arthur smiled listening to the music in front of the door. "Thats Eleise, she started college a year ago and majored in music." Emily smiled. "Nice" Arthur knocked on the door. From the inside they could hear the screams of Karins children. "There here!" they ran around in the entry. Alfie (The oldest) Hid under the end table. And Colin the younger hid behind the plant.

Arthur’s mom opened the door "Hello! Come in. you can hang the jackets on the rack" They did so. "Hello, guys." Anja said walking in. Arthur walked over to her. "Guys this is Anja" he introduced. He noticed Cole hiding in the plant giggleing. "Gee, I wonder where Colin and Alfie are?" He said. Colin giggled more. Mary lead "I guess they will miss ice cream after dinner if they don't come back well that just means more ice cream for us" Mary finished. Alfie jumped out. "Were here! Don’t eat the ice cream!" Colin was still hiding. "BOO!" he jumped out.

  After dinner, Arthur conviced Josh to go outside and play with Colin and Alfred. It was almost dark and they where clearing off the table. Emily frowned "I have to go give a talk in LA in the morning. Thank you so much for dinner Mrs. Sumerson. Bye Arthur and Mary." Mary smiled and gave her a hug. "You should come back, It was fun." Mary said. Arthur gave her a hug to. "Don't die out there." Emily smiled. "That seems rather unlikely. Now I should go find Lilly and Josh. Bye!" Arthur and Mary volunteered to do the kitchen. Mary turned on some Frank Sinatra and walked back to the kitchen. Arthur was already cleaning the pots. Elise and Lilly who had been talking to eachother in the hall peered over whatching them.

Mary looked across the counter at Arthur, who was cleaning the dishes silently, which was unusual. “Are you okay?” Mary asked. Arthur looked up. His face was blank. “Oh, yeah.” Arthur was thinking about what Chloe said before she died.

They finished the dishes and droped Josh off at the Basilica and he got a cab from there. And they stayed at his mom’s house for the night.

                                        The end.

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