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by Nergal
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1969287
Zombies have taken over the world
Peter was going to speak up about deep down inside he was still a bit worried about walking around in daylight with the dead walking the earth but Ben and Adam seemed convinced that the dead were only active at night; Peter wasn’t 100% sure about that theory although he hadn’t seen a creature walking around during daylight it could easily happen. Peter worries were soon forgotten round the next corner. He smelled it before he saw it. As they turned a corner in the maze of alleys they could see the main road up ahead, they were also hit with a foul smell of rotting dead, Ben and Adam didn’t say or do anything different, maybe they hadn’t smelt it or were used to it, Peter had definitely smelt it, it was like something he hadn’t smelled before but something was rotting fast. He had to stop at one point and bend over as if to be sick but he managed to hold it in.
“First time I smelt it, I was sick too mate” Ben told Peter as he put his hand on his back “it gets better with time, you get used to it”
As they entered the main road Peter saw what was causing the smell. In the middle of the main road was a pile of creatures. Peter attempted to count them but it was impossible there were legs, arms, eyes and other limbs all over the place. Just like old Bill these creatures were unanimed just lying there rioting away in the sun, even the maggots seemed to have set up home.
Ben and Adam made their way inside the supermarket, they didn't seem too bothered about the heap of rotting carcasses in the middle-of-the-road, the two friends split up and went their separate ways as they search for food, Peter stayed outside examining the heap of rotting carcasses, using a stick he found he poked and prodded the creatures, at one point he poked a creature in the eye and its’ eye feel out of its socket which made Peter jump back. One thing was for sure these carcasses were as dead as a dodo. As Adam walked out of the shop Peter stood up from his crouching position.
“And your hundred per cent sure these corpses will be alive tonight? I just can’t see these things rising for every again” Peter asked Adam
“Oh yeah! They’ll be alive and kicking tonight. We’ll sneak back later and have a look. We won’t go too far from the attic as it’s more dangerous at night”
the three men spent the next couple of hours playing with a pack of cards that Ben had found, Peter wasn't very good card games and would normally be losing but today seem to be his lucky day. The day went incredibly slow, Peter felt the day went slow on his own let alone with two other people for company. He felt like a 10-year-old boy who was waiting for Christmas morning to come, but instead of Christmas he was waiting for the darkness. Seven hours of card playing felt like a life time but the darkness was finally arrived, this was it, this was what Peter was waiting for a, a chance for him to go see if Adam and Ben were touting the truth, would the heap of rotting carcasses really be walking around? Adam gave Ben his handgun and a torch before picking up another torch and giving it to peter. He then picked up the last torch and his shotgun before making his way down the wooden stairs towards the fire escape door.
At the bottom of the stairs Adam didn’t push the bar to open the door; he looked at both Peter and Ben.
“It’s dangerous out there at night, the corpses or creatures or whatever you want to call them are awake and hungry for fresh victims. We’ll go round the corner alley to show you old Bill is alive, and then we come back here for some supper and bed. No loud noises and don’t fire unless it’s a matter of life or death” you could tell Adam was a solider he was treating this as a mission into enemy land.
As he pushed the bar to open the escape door the rain started to pour in. it was really bucketing it down
“try not to splash too much” Adam inform them, maybe going out in the rain wasn’t the best idea, if these creatures picked up on sound one splash from a footstep could cause trouble for them.
They made it round to old bills phone store without making too much noise and more importantly not attracting any of the creatures. Ben stood back at the front of the alley watching the sides in case the creatures arrived. Adam nodded to Peter to have a look behind the store to see old Bill whilst he covered the other end of the ally. As Peter looked over he could only see the bottom part of Bill’s corpse, the legs seemed to be moving but he wasn’t sure if that was from the rain which was really coming down heavy now.
Ben then whispered “Hey Peter! Look old Bills here” about four or five footsteps in front of Ben was the top half of old Bill, he was crawling on his hands, his guts where still hanging out and like a slug who leaves slim behind where he’s been, Bill had left a bloody mess mixed with his guts. Bill had crawled behind all the other stores and come out by Ben. Ben started to tease Bill “Hey Bill you want your legs back? You better go see are friend peter he has them” Bill looked up at Ben and attempted to make some sort of scream towards him but it sounded like he has lost his vocal, Bill the used his arms to crawl towards Ben. Bill looked like he was going to attempt to bite Ben but just as Ben pulled his leg back to stop him a shot was fired. It had come from Peter, he had loaded the gun he was going to kill himself with a few days ago and blasted old bills head off. Blood and pink mess has spared all over Ben.
“WHAT THE HELL! WHO FIRED? GET BACK TO THE ATTIC” Adam shouted back to peter and Ben.
“Sorry Adam it was me, I though old Bill was going to take a bite out of Ben” Peter apologised. He was still shaking from the impact of the gun.
“We got bigger problems now; your blast has attracted the corpses from the road”
Adam was loading the shotgun whilst walking backwards; Peter followed him but couldn’t see what Adam was talking about. Then as they got to the end of the alley where Ben and what was left of old Bill was, they could see the group of creatures turning the corner from the alley Adam was guarding and coming towards them.
“Oh Shit!” Ben said
“Just run back to the attic and get ready to shut the door when I come. I’ll shoot a couple of them and then catch you up” Adam commanded
He pointed the shotgun at the creatures and let blast. It looked just like a coconut shirr at a funfair expected these weren’t coconuts these where human head you had to shoot off. Ben grabbed Peter who was holding his stomach and together they ran towards the attic, as they did they heard Adams footsteps and his shotgun going off. As they got to the attic door Ben prized it open and signed for Peter to get in. Peter clutched his stomach.
“I can’t do this anymore! I need help!!” Peter shouted at Ben.
“Just get in! We’ll find help tomorrow it’s too dangerous at night” the rain poured down Ben, he looked like a droned rat.
“I’m sorry, just forgot about me!” Ben could see tears run down Peter’s eyes, they had gone all bloodshot. Before Ben could reply back to Peter he had placed his jacket over his head to stop the rain soaking him and was running down the alley back towards the job centre and main road. Ben wanted to shout at him to get back but as he left the door way to look down the alley Adam returned.
“Why are you looking down that alley? You should be with peter in the attic! Quick get in the creatures are just behind me”
“Peter's gone Adam! He said something about not coping and needing help, he then took off back towards the job centre” the two men stood socked to the bone just looking at each other, then Adam shone his light down the alley where Peter had taken off down, there was nothing.
“Come on let’s get up to the attic. Those creatures will be here soon” Adam told Ben as he stepped into the door way of the attic.
“What about Peter?” Ben asked
“Once the creatures have gone away we’ll try looking for him. You better get in quick, here they come” Adam pulled Ben in by his arm as the five or six creatures Adam hadn’t been able to shoot dead where now approaching them. As Adam shut the door he could hear the creatures scratching away at the door with whatever nails or fingers they had left
Peter put his silk jacket over the top of his head to try and shield himself from some of the rain that was pouring down. Peter couldn’t remember the last time he had seen rain like this. He was so scared, he didn’t know where to turn, the bottle of pills for his anxiety were now down to the last two, he turned his torch off just in case it attracted the creatures. He had to get to the hospital or it wouldn’t just be the creatures that would be after him his mental health would start attacking him. As he stood in the alley and watched Adam easily decapitate two of the creatures he realised the world was changing and coming to an end, he had always suffered with depression on and off but his anxiety was worse. The other night when Ben and Adam had been eating their tins of baked beans he stuffed his down his trouser legs, washing himself down later that evening. He couldn’t take it anymore, the pain in his stomach was like a windmill going round and round, maybe he was better off being one of those creatures or just dying, but he feared taking his own life. Yes three days ago he was going to kill himself with the pistol he found but deep down inside he wanted to stay alive.
Now with just the pistol in his hand and a torch in his pocket he made his way across the main road back to the job centre. He slowly made his way around the building to the fire exit at the back; there was a fence at the back that led to another main road. This was the main road into and out of town; there was one turning off the road which took you to the city’s hospital which was where Peter was heading.
He climbed the fence only to find that the main road was full of cars that had just been left by survivors, not only were there cars but there were creatures stumbling towards the town centre. Peter watched from over the fence as one of the creatures seemed to have snapped its leg in half, the body of the leg was sticking out, it looked like something had been chewing at it, still it dragged it through the puddles as it slowly made its way into the city, it looked very painful. Somehow Peter had to get over the fence and make his way about 60 yards to the turn off for the hospital, in his way was the creature with the snapped leg and three others all walked towards the city, he knew if he ran he’d be heard and the other creatures maybe faster than the one with the snapped leg and catch him. Then it came to him, like a light bulb going off in his head he could use the cars. If he crawled under the cars the creatures might hear him but wouldn’t be able to see him, there were enough cars for him to crawl from where he was to the hospital, it would just be the drop down from the fence that would attracted the snapped leg creature but it wouldn’t be fast enough to catch him.
Peter decided his plan would work and went for it. He used all his upper arm strength to pull him up the wooden fence which was harder than he though, and then he jumped down with a massive splash in a puddle onto the main road. All three creatures looked around and spotted him so Peter wasted no time in jumping under the first car. It was still soaking wet under the car and Peter sort of flinched from the coldness of the water, he watched as the snapped legged creature crawled towards where he had just been, it seem to just be standing there. Peter wasn’t going to waste time on watch one of the creatures wait for him to reappear instead he started to move under the next car and so on until he got to the turning.
The creatures can’t have been that bothered about Peter because none of them had back tracked to try and find him. He had made it to the turn off towards the hospital and just gone under another car when the door of the car opened. Peter froze in the icy cold water from the rain under the car. Two arms came from out of the car, the palms of the hands fell flat on the pavement, and Peter wondered if there was any more of the creature or that was it. He lay perfectly still for a few seconds before deeming it safe to care on. He was half way between that car and the next car when he felt something grab his leg, he turned in horror to find that the creature had got out of the car and was now grabbing at his legs; he couldn’t bite his legs because he had no head. As peter looked at the creature all he could see was arms, hands and a body, there was a big bone which he guessed was the spine sticking out where his head should have been. Peter kicked the spine which split off the body and went flying down the road which was flooded with water like a log down a stream. The two arms also split away now there was no body holding them together, but they were still active and attempting to grab anything. Peter did wait till they found his legs again he continued under the next car and then one more.
As he poked his head out of the front of the last car he could see the hospital sign, two blood soaked hand marks where now on the sign as if left by someone or a creature. Either way Peter had to get inside and find some of his medication, this wasn’t going to be easy as Peter hadn’t been to the hospital for over six years since his mother had passed away, he normally got all his medication from a pharmacy on a row of shops near his home but he knew the hospital would have a pharmacy it was just trying to locate it. He picked himself up from the final car and looked around for any creatures; there wasn’t any at all which seemed a bit weird maybe they had infected all of the patients in the hospital so it was empty. As he walked towards the entrance he realised that the glass motion detecting doors had been completely smashed, not a single piece of glass remained in the panels. Stepping inside the building he saw a metal cage with wheels on that had blankets and towels up the left hand side corridor, he helped himself to a towel dropping his jacket and wiped himself dry from the rain outside. Grabbing the torch out of his pocket he turned it on to reveal two blue double doors and a sign above them that said “Ward A1”. Peter guessed the best idea was to continue walking until he saw one of those big listed that would inform him which way the pharmacy was.
Walking through the double doors towards ward A1 some stuck him as odd. The rest of the city’s power supply was out but he above him one of the two light tubes was working. To his left he could see two more double doors that had “WARD A1” written in bold on, in front were more double doors that looked like they lead to a longer corridor and too his right was a set of stairs. He walked forward and shone his torch down the small window in one of the double doors ahead of him, his thinking had been right, it lead to a longer corridor with doors either side. Suddenly he heard a noise come from inside ward a1, it sounded almost human, it sounded like someone was telling someone else to calm down. Peter looked through the small windows in the doors and noticed a few lights were working; he clicked the gun into position in case it had been his mind playing tricks on him and he had to shot a creature. Slowly he opened one of the doors and walked in apart from the lights on the ward working he noticed that a desk lap was switched on in a room on the left just before the ward. Slowly Peter walked into the room, there was a coffee cup on a table next to some files, Peter dipped his hand into the coffee, and it was still warm. Looking at the notes on the table they didn’t make sense he read one that in bad hand writing had “has no legs, arms are down to just bones and his stomach is just a rib cage holding in his organs”. Peter walked out of the side room and took small steps onto the ward. All the cubicles had the curtains around them, not all the lights were working but the one that were seem to be flashing a bit as if they were ready to go at any moment. Peter approached the first cubicle and slowly with one hand on his gun the other on the curtain pulled the curtain back. The creature let out an all might scream. It was just like the not he had read said, the creature had no legs, his arms were down to bones and his rib cage was showing and was holding all his organs in. the creature itself was tied down with some sort of leather restrain to stop it from attacking, but who would do this? Peter took aim with his gun and shot the creature in the head, blood splattered all up the wall but it seemed to put it out of its misery.
“FREEZE!! DROP THE GUN!! AND PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD. THEN TURN AROUND SLOWLY” As peter turned around he saw two fairly tall men wearing all black, bulletproof jackets, gloves and masks. They were both pointing much larger guns that made peters hand gun look like a toy, he had no opinion but to do what they said.
Chapter 5
Chapter on what Ben and Adam are doing back at the attic
Chapter 6
“This is viper to hawk. We have the intruder. He took a shot at test patient number one” one of the guys said into a radio.
“Is the patient dead?” came back a crackled reply
One of the guys stood pointing his gun at Peter whilst the other one walk over to the creature tied in the bed which Peter had shot; he looked around at the head where the bullet had gone in. He looked back at the man pointing the gun at Peter and shook his head, with this the guy got back onto his radio.
“Yes. it seems the bullet went straight through the head”
Peter though about escaping at this point but then he noticed the guy who had checked the creature was now behind him pointing the gun at his head.
“Better take him to see Doctor Dolving” the crackled voice commanded.
“You heard the voice! On your feet intruder!” the guy shouted at Peter, who was scared to death, he was so scared he felt like his heart was going to come out of his chest.
The two guards stood behind Peter pointing their guns in the direction they wanted him to go. He went back through the double doors to the ward and was marched up the stairs he had seen before. At the top of the stairs he was pushed towards the left through another set of double doors, and then he took about four footsteps before he reached a door on his left hand side the guards pointed him towards. On the door was a piece of plastic screwed to the door which read “DR DOLVING”. One of the guards knocked on the door and waited for an answer. After a few seconds a deep voice commanded they “came in”
“Dr Dolving. We’ve had an intruder tonight. He put a bullet into patient one’s head.” One of the guards informed a big, heavy set man with a long white beard. Peter could help think that he looked a bit like Santa Claus and Colonel from the fried chicken place. The man shook his head and with his arms he told the guards to leave, which they did.
“So, you decided to come into my hospital and kill one of my patients? Not very civilised of you?” he got up from his easy black chair.
“Civilised? You’re the one keeping these creatures or zombies or whatever they are as patients. There’s barely anyone alive in the world thanks to these things” Peter tried to stay calm
“We keep them as Patients because we are looking for a cure to end all this terror. Do you know how long it has taken us to collect ten of those things? Now we are down to nine thanks to you. What are you doing here anyway?”
“I suffer with anxiety and depression. I normally get my medication from my nearest pharmacy because none of the ones in town stock it. I’ve been stuck in the town for the last three days I just couldn’t take anymore; I knew the hospital would have some so I came here. I had no idea I was going to find creatures tied up in beds. Look I’m sorry I shoot your patient, I don’t want anything to do with this I just want some tablets to keep my depression and anxiety at bay” Peter started to beg with Dr Dolving.
“I can see you didn’t mean to do any major harm here and just got scared when you saw one of those things chained up on a bed, I honestly though me and my team were the only one alive. Tell me what’s your name?” Dr Dolving understood that Peter hadn’t tried to disturb his project.
“My names Peter”
“Ok Peter. It just so happens I keep some anti-depressions across the corridor in another room. Please have a seat whilst I fetch it” Dr Dolving showed peter to a green seat whilst he left the room.
Peter didn’t normally judge people straight away but he felt comfortable with this Dr Dolving, he seemed to understand that all Peter wanted was some help and he was willing to help. Peter would take the medication, thank Dr Dolving and then make his way back to the attic to see Ben and Adam, he hoped they were still there and ok. The door opened and Peter saw what looked like two batons they used in running races thrown over his head and landed just in front of his feet. He looked behind him but the door was now closed. Going back to the batons, Peter picked one up and it was leaking some kind of smoke, the same with the other one. Within about 30 seconds the whole room seemed to be covered in this smoky mist. Peter felt himself getting very tired and wasn’t able to keep his eyes open for much longer, he collapsed off the green chair when the door opened again. It was Dolving but he was different, he was wearing a gas mask. He walked over to where Peter was barely awake and crouched down.
“Don’t worry Peter, we will take good care of you here, trust me” came the muffed words of Dolving through the gas mask. Peter than past out.
When Peter awoke he found himself lying in a hospital bed with curtain pulled all the way round, he attempted to get out of the bed but just like the creatures he was tied down.
“HELP!!! PLEASE HELP!! HELP ME!!!!!” Peter screamed till he nearly lost his voice.
“Calm down roommate. No one’s coming to help us, don’t waste your breath” a man’s voice from the next cubicle came
“Who are you? What’s going on? I remember sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for medication when two batons got thrown in and started leaking gas or mist”
“The names Hunter Stevens. Looks like you got done the same way I did. I came in here to get help for a colleague and then I wake up here. I guess you saw his sick project of creatures?” the man said.
“Yeah. I came in for some anti-depression medication and was shocked to see a creature tied up in bed so I shot it in the head, then I ended up here like you”
“You shot one of those fuckers? Good for you. Means he only has nine of those fuckers to play around with. But on the down side he’s back to two living patients. What’s your name” Hunter seemed happy that Peter had killed the creature but not so happy that he got caught and was no another patient.
“The names Peter. What do you mean back to two living patients?” Peter asked
“Like I said I came here with a colleague, Trevor. He was in a bad way before Dolving got to him. He died after five hours of getting here. I don’t think it was anything Dolving did. Something to do with that giant slug that came out of his ear as we touched down to give the public some help from these dead fuckers. I sent the rest of my crew into the zone and took Trevor here to the hospital; I’m guessing they all died as I haven’t seen one visit yet” Hunter Explained
“You from the army? Before I came here I was hiding in an attic of a bedding shop with a guy from the army who was sent into the war zone” Peter told Hunter
“What’s his name?”
“Any kind of tattoos or scars or hair cut”
“He has a tattoo of a piranha on his left shoulder and he is almost bald, a very low buzz cut”
“I know the Adam you mean now. He was on board the helicopter next to mine. Did he say what happened to the troops” Hunter enquired
“He said it was pure chaos, other army members were shooting but the creatures weren’t going down. He turned back at one point and saw he was the only one left so he ran down one of the side alleys. He bumped into Ben who worked at the bedding shop; they stayed up there for two days before rescuing me from my job at the job centre.” Peter explained
“So how come they aren’t here as well?” Hunter asked
“I needed those anti depression pills more than anything. You ever been depressed? I don’t want those demons to come back as well as having to deal with all these dead creatures. Adam was busy holding back some of the creatures whilst me and ben made a run for it back to the loft. I told Ben to go in and be safe. I’d take my own chances and risk my own life to get the pills”
“Nah I’ve never been depressed. I had a wife who was once and I have to admit it scared me just seeing her go through it, so it must be a nightmare to go through so fair play to you for risking your life to get some pills. If I can get some for you I will” Hunter replied
“How you going to get pills if you’re tied down like me and we can’t escape?” Peter asked
“every day they take me down to some room to have a medical with one of Dolvings team member’s and a nurse named Belle, I’m kind of a hit with this Belle and whilst the doctor walks out I’ll get to work if you know what I mean” he laughed “of course you know what I mean we’ve all been there right?” he laughed again for a lot longer
Chapter 7
One of the Dolving guards came onto the ward he informed both Hunter and Peter that it was time for the daily visit to the doctor. Hunter begged to go first, he climbed out of bed and into a wheel chair which the guard took hold of and wheeled him out of the ward, ash he left hunter looked back at Peter and gave him a nod as if to confirm that he would help him out and get him some tablets.
“You got a family?” hunter grilled the guard on their way down a corridor but he got no answer back.
“Come on, we’re all friends here” but as he look up at the guard there wasn’t a single change in the guy’s face he just stared forward.
After taking a few corridors they reach a side room where the beautiful creature that was Belle stood, she gave Hunter a little wink as he entered the room. Belle was roughly six foot two with long black hair, blue eyes and long legs that seemed to go on forever. She stood wearing a white nurse’s outfit that almost looked like it had come from a costume shop next to a bed which she signalled Hunter to get up onto.
“ok you can leave him with me for a bit” Belle told the guard who didn’t even talk to her, he just stomped out of the room, his big black boats made marks on the floor the kind of marks you would make as a kid at school in the gym hall.
“Not very friendly are they?” Hunter informed Belle.
“Can you blame them? You kill two of his friends when you came here”
“How was I to know they weren’t like the creatures that attacked my helicopter, I said I was sorry. Anyway I need your help, I guess you heard they found another survivor, well he’s got problems upstairs, in the brain, any chance you can get me some pills honey?” Hunter draped his arms around Belle and began to undress her.
“I think I can help you but first I need to attend to you” she began to help Hunter undress her and before long she was fully naked.
The pair where in the middle of making out where they heard a sound almost like someone hacking away at a piece of meat with a knife.
“What the hell is he doing out there? Is he jacking off to us? I’m going to make him see his friends again I’ll kill him” Hunter shouted as he pulled his trousers back up.
Belle tried to stop him but Hunter was already by the door. He turned the handle and as he did a heavy lump almost like a sack of potatoes feel against the door and into the room only it wasn’t a sack it was what remained of the guards body, the body had been cut many times to many to count, they looked like animal cuts, some were deep others were just scratches. His head was missing as was one of his arms; Hunter kicked what was left of the body and walked into the corridor, in the background he could hear Belle screaming for him to stay with her. The corridor was pitch black whatever had attacked the guard had come in via the window as it was smashed and letting in the rain from outside. Hunter careful walked over the broken glass form the light that had also been smashed and looked out of the window, he knew they were on the second floor so whatever it was must have been a good climber or jumper. Looking down he couldn’t believe his eyes. Lying on the ground below looked like a werewolf, whatever it was it was dead now its throat had been cut. As hunter turned around he was almost pouched on by another man. It was what looked like a homeless person, the guy had long hair, a long beard, clothes that he must have been wearing forever and he smelt like he had crawled out of the drains.
“Don’t be scared” he informed Hunter. “I killed that werewolf before it got to you but that isn’t the only one around here”
Suddenly there was a scream from inside the room Hunter had left Belle in, he and the man ran back into the room where a werewolf was standing, at the feet of the creature was a large bloody mess, it was what remained of Belle. Hunter looked away and threw up as the werewolf took a bite into something bloody; it then tilted it head towards the man and Hunter before jumping back up into the air vent that it had come from.
“Oh shit it got her heart, it’s going to be tough killing that asshole” the scruffy man said out loud
“It eat her heart? But why?” Hunter was sick again as he looked at the remains of Belle her head had been ripped off as well.
“Make them stronger off course” the scruffy man informed Hunter.
“Who are you? How do you know this” Hunter asked.
The scruffy man was acting a bit like a rat search the room up and down and sniffing it. “We need to leave this place it’s not safe anymore”

© Copyright 2013 Nergal (thereaper85 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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