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Rated: E · Fiction · Western · #1974825
A man is lost in the desert and slowly dying
The sun’s rays were bearing down on him ever more intensive. A very faint breeze was blowing from the south just hard enough to stir up the dust from the sandy plains, but brought with it no cooling relief. He had drank the last of his water hours ago, though he did find a small, solitude cactus that he managed to suck out a minuscule amount of moisture from it’s flesh. As he continued to walk slowly, stumbling and falling at times, his course remained focused on the mountain range appearing so many miles away that never seemed to get any closer. He had spotted the snow capped peaks several days ago and he knew he would have to get to the foothills soon, or perish in this desert. His horse had died yesterday, so now he was on foot, on this blistering sand that radiated the unforgiving heat.

Something moved just ahead, so he stopped. There was something behind some sage brush, but what could it be? He waited and watched! Was this his imagination? Could it be just a leaf or other plant matter blowing in the wind, or maybe nothing at all? Slowly, just a few more steps. There again was another slight movement! As he got closer, he realized it was a small rabbit; a skinny, sad looking rabbit! Yes, but, another half-starved creature like himself!

What now? Nearly anything would be better than nothing at all. He lowers himself on hands and knees. The sand is hot and burns his hands until moves them around, deeper under the surface where the sun has not penetrated. He gradually, ever so slowly crawls forward nearer to where the rabbit lies hidden behind a small ridge. From this point he cannot actually see the critter, but he is sure it is there. As he reaches the area he last saw it he lowers himself on to his belly and inches along like a snake. Peering over the rise of dirt and sand and through some dead weeds, he sees a hole in the ground, but no rabbit. Possibly it found a cool place to hide from the heat. Obviously the creature has gone into hiding under ground.

Disappointed, distraught that he has lost his prey, he falls flat on the ground, sweat pours down his face, the salt burning his eyes. Looking up and ahead, the cool snow covered mountains beckon him, knowing full well there is water and food there. But, they are at least two more days travel on foot. No way can he survive that long exposed to the elements without nourishment or water. Then a thought occurs; there must be more than one hole. Nearby he sees a small tree that could afford some shade from the sun, plus partially obscure him should the rabbit reappear. Moving there and sitting cross legged he awaits, looking over the hole and 360 degrees for any movement at all that could indicate the rabbit found another way out of the earth. An hour or more goes by. Hunger begins to gnaw at his stomach. Then maybe 25 yards away, two ears and the top of a little head appears. The rabbit has found another way of escape. Cautiously looking around for any danger, he must feel safe before moving further. Slowly he moves out into the desert finding a tiny patch of green grass he nibbles on some blades, always aware of his surroundings.

The man leans forward, slowly crawling towards his hopeful, intended meal. Looking around he finds a rock maybe three inches in diameter. Now only thirty feet away, the rabbit is totally unaware of danger as his back is towards the man. With the speed of a snail the man pulls himself up just enough and pulls back his right arm, throws the rock with all the power he can muster. It is a perfect shot! The rabbit jumps once, three feet in the air, then falls to the ground, twitching a few times, then lies still. The man has succeeded. Rising to his feet all almost to the point of falling back from his own weakness, he proceeds to claim his prize.

Then suddenly, without warning, there is a screech overhead. Looking up to where the noise came from, he sees a hawk circle, then dive; diving and landing on the rabbit. The hawk with such grace simply scoops up the dead animal with his sharp talons, stretches out his wings, and lifts up and away.

The man can only watch with disappointment and as the raptor, flys directly towards the highlands and disappears.

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