Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1975251-Pets-in-the-wild
by sanaa
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1975251
Story by Sanaa Gadgil
Pets In The Wild

In a very nice house at the beginning of where a forest began, there lived a female cat named Ella and a Male dog named Cameo. They were very well pampered, since their owners were really rich and treated them like royalty. Their family was mom Clare who had caramel brown hair. She tied her hair back into a loose ponytail and had blue eyes, dad Sam who had blackish brown hair and hazel eyes, and daughter Mia who had brunette hair which was mostly let loose. Sometimes she tied her hair while doing work to keep hair out of her face. Her eyes were a lovely green. She was 10 years old. Since these pets lived in this nice house, they had a more spoiled life than many other pets. Their family did love them a lot, like good pet owners should. They were lucky. Even if they fought sometimes, nothing could stop Ella and Cameo from being the best of friends.
It was now morning. Cameo was awake a while before, while Ella was still sleeping in. Ella woke up a bit later.“Well look who woke up finally. I thought you would never come out.” Joked Cameo, looking at Ella. “Oh be quiet doggy.” Replied Ella, jumping on to the kitchen counter. “Has Mia woken up yet?” Asked Ella. “No, not yet.” Answered Cameo. “Oh here she comes now.” Said Ella. Mia came out in her pajamas, wearing a long oversized fleece sky blue robe with small white flowers on it and pink fluffy slippers. “Hey guys.” Yawned Mia as she pulled up the really long sleeves on her robe to pet Ella and Cameo. The sleeves rolled down, flipping around as she moved her arms. “I’ll be with you guys in a second. Let me have my breakfast and freshen up first.” Said Mia. “Hey Ella you wanna go outside and toss a ball around?” asked Cameo. Ella jumped off the kitchen counter. “Sure Cameo.” She replied. Cameo grabbed his ball and both of them ran into the yard. Cameo threw the ball high up in the air, Ella’s beautiful orange tabby fur with whitish brownish tinges in it swayed in the air as jumped super to reach the ball while her almond shaped big green eyes were concentrated only on the ball and nothing else. With the ball in her mouth, she landed pointing her long fluffy tail upwards. “Nice one tabby cat!” Exclaimed Cameo. “Take this!” Yelled Ella throwing the ball towards Cameo. Cameo’s well built body made it easy for him to run like the wind, jump, leap and catch the flying ball in his mouth just in time. His beige body made him hard to see in the dry patch of grass. “Back at ya golden retriever.” Said Ella. “Ella! Cameo!” Called out Clare. “Hey look I think we have to go inside now.” Declared Cameo. “Time for you guys to get new stuff, like toys and yummy food!” Said Sam. “Didn’t we get new toys three months ago?” Whispered Ella to Cameo. “Well we are rich.” Replied Cameo. “Huh.” Considered Ella as they got in the car. When they arrived at the pet store, Mia quickly got a cart for Ella and Cameo to ride in. “Ok now.” Started Mia, twirling the ends of her sleek brunette hair which fell over her shoulders. “Would you guys want wet or dry canned food for dinner?” She asked. “Woah!” We are so spoiled that we get to choose our own food!” Yelled Ella. To Mia, it sounded like a loud bark. “Exactly what I was trying to tell you!” Yelled Cameo, which sounded a loud meow to Mia. “I’ll take that as wet food.” Said Mia smiling. “How about savory creamed spiced catfish seeped in gravy with vegetable and bean pieces on top, Ella?” Asked Mia. “And you Cameo how about, savory creamed spiced meat bits seeped in gravy with vegetable and bean pieces on top?” Mia Asked. “Pretty similar but with different kind of meat, vegetables, beans, spice and a different gravy flavor for cats and dogs.” Declared Mia. After the shopping, the cart was full of luxurious and expensive stuff. After they got home, the animals ate their food. “Hey Ell I was wondering…” Said Cameo. “Yes Cam?” Answered Ella finishing off the food already in her mouth and then pausing eating. “Since we are so pampered and spoiled, do you want to go into the forest for a while to see how it is like to not be so spoiled...Like...A wild animal?” asked Cameo. Ella paused and stared at her food, thinking. “Only a little while. Just to know what it feels like.” Added Cameo. “Well…” Said Ella. “Ok only a little while.” Said Ella. “I don’t want to leave this fine savory creamed spiced catfish seeped in gravy with vegetable pieces and beans on top for long.” Joked Ella. “The big description as a token to show wealth.” She joked. “Yeah and I don’t want to leave these delicious savory creamed spiced meat bits seeped in gravy with vegetable and bean pieces in them for long either.” Cameo joked. “With the token.” “But like Mia said, We have both different kind of meat, vegetables, beans, spice and a different gravy flavor.” Ella said. “I usually hate vegetables but these are well hidden.” Declared Ella. “Yeah I know me too.” Said Cameo. “Now to continue eating.” He reminded. All of them ate. After Mia finished eating dinner; Buttered corn on the cob, a fried egg with dried chili peppers on the side, bean curry, crispy spicy salmon, a salad of slices juicy tomato slices and lettuce, and a small round chocolate lava cake for dessert, she was stuffed. Mia went upstairs to brush her teeth and take a shower. Cameo and Ella were almost done.“That was a nice dinner. Enough talk about food, now. Let’s go!” Said Cameo jumping. “Plus, if we go too long we could land in trouble.” Added Ella. “Great! I’m done with dinner. Let’s go! Said Cameo finishing off his last bite and licking his claws. Ella finished her last bite, licked her claws and followed Cameo. Ella and Cameo stood at the door asking to go outside. “Ok guys I’ll let you out but come back soon.” Said Sam, opening the door. “After you.” Ella said politely. “Thank you.” Replied Cameo. They ran out and walked quietly. Walking through the dense, cold, dark forest. Soon they were quite far into the forest. “Are you sure you know where we’re going?” Asked Cameo to Ella. “Me? No!” Answered Ella. “Oh.. No” Said Cameo quietly. “We are so lost...” Said Cameo. “Ha Ha! Fooled you!” Laughed Ella. Don’t you know cats have that sense that allows them to detect direction and stuff from reasonably close by places?” Asked Ella. “Don’t worry I know everything about how to get home from far away and stuff, we’re not THAT far. I can locate the way back from here. Don’t worry.” Finished Ella. “Whatever.” Muttered Cameo to himself looking to the other side. “You had to give that long description.” He murmured playfully again. “Dogs have an amazing sense of smell, hearing, and are super smart so I am really well armed too. We dogs can smell even a single leaf with a scent on it from a mile away!” Declared Cameo. “Yeah.” Said Ella. “I’ve never walked this far ever before!” Complained Cameo. “I know I take walks but only for 30 minutes in the day and 30 minutes on the night around the block. We have been walking for hours now!” “Yeah. All the other animals have to do this all the time.” Answered Ella. “Let’s stop for a rest.” Sighed Ella. “We must turn back in some time.” Reminded Cameo. “Yes.” Said Ella. After getting a drink from the creek nearby, Cameo and Ella rested and talked, they didn’t notice a hungry leopard watching them. Cameo suddenly widened his eyes as he looked behind Ella. “Something wrong?” Said Ella confused. “Tu..Tu.. Turn around.” Stammered Cameo. Ella turned around. She got so scared seeing the hungry leopard in her face, she screamed and took off as fast as her lean strong legs could take her. Cameo got scared too and ran as fast as he could. Both of them were running as fast as they could with the leopard right behind them. They were almost going to crash into a big log in front them, but they both jumped over. Cameo accidently tripped on a weed on the log while jumping over but the weed he tripped on was connected to some boulders on the mountain which caused an avalanche. Big boulders fell, all in one place blocking the leopard out. But not just the leopard. The path to the way back home. The leopard tried to dig through the boulders but they were too dense and tightly packed together so he gave up and walked away. When the dust cleared up, Ella opened her eyes. Cameo only opened one of his own eyes and then the other. “What, what have I done.” Said Cameo. “No it’s not your fault. It’s no ones fault. It was an accident.” Reassured Ella. “But our way home is blocked.” Cameo said sadly looking down. “No we’ll find another way home.” Ella reassured again. “It’s ok.” “You think there is another way to get home?” Asked Cameo. Ella tried to dig through the dense boulders. She only managed to make a small hole in between the boulders, just enough to get a glance at the other side. She tried looking through. “Hey there’s a path on that side… So that means if we go straight and take a left turn on this path, we should be on the right track!” Began Ella a bit more confidently. Cameo tried to dig through the boulders after. He did better than Ella, but it didn’t make much difference. “Ok come on.” Said Cameo. Ella quickly ran up a high tree. “What are you doing up there, Ella?” Asked Cameo. “Trying to get a better view of over the boulders.” Replied Ella walking on a thin branch. “Wait! I can jump off this tree and try to fly over the boulders blocking the way and after I am on that side, I can go get help to get you out of there and then we both can get home!” Said Ella excitedly. “Good idea!” Chirped Cameo. Ella backed up on the branch she was standing on, squinted her eyes on the target she wanted to land in, and started to run just for extra momentum, since she was jumping far. She finally took the flying leap. She was soaring smoothly until she got scared, lost balance in the air and landed a bad landing. She landed on the same side they were already on, hitting her head on a boulder. “Ella! Are you okay?!”Exclaimed Cameo running over to make sure she was ok. “Am I on the other side? Can I go get help?” Stammered Ella with her eyes still closed. “No Ella open your eyes you landed on the same side as we are now after the avalanche and that too a bad landing.” Said Cameo. Ella opened her eyes and got up groaning. “Aww nuts.” Said Ella. “You tried Ella.” Explained Cameo. “Yeah. So now what?” Began Ella looking up. “Wait.. I can try climbing out of here and go get help.” Ella Suggested. “Ok.” Agreed Cameo. “Should I?” He asked. “No need. It’s on me.” Mentioned Ella. Ella gripped the first boulder with her paw and pushed herself off the ground for a boost. She was climbing up the boulders successfully so far. As she was about to climb on another boulder, she noticed no safe place to hold on to on it. She looked around. All the boulders in that place had no safe place to hold on to on them. If she tried to climb on them, the boulders were weak and would break. Ella sighed. ‘Maybe I can try jumping over all these boulders.’ Ella thought to herself. She jumped, gripping on to the boulder closest to her. She unluckily landed on a slippery boulder. She was about to slip. “Woah!” Cried Ella. She tried her best to hold on, scratching the boulder again and again with the sharp claws on each of her paws. “No!” Ella cried as the slippery boulder she was on fell. She fell with the boulder. She landed on her right side hard on the ground. Ella tried to get up slowly but fell back down again. “Is it broken?” Asked Cameo concerned. “No, I don’t think so. Just hurt.” Replied Ella groaning in pain. “Ok that’s enough. We’re taking the path this way Ella.” Said Cameo. “Forget it. There is no way over the boulders. Come on.” Added Cameo. “Now, we follow my plan.” “You already tried. Here climb onto my back.” Offered Cameo leaning down. “It will be faster.” “Thanks dog. And yes.” Said Ella, climbing on Cameo’s back. Cameo began running like the wind. “Hold on tight orange tabby!” Yelled Cameo picking up the speed. “Slow down!” Screamed Ella barely holding on. “I can barely hold on!” “Deal with it!” Urged Cameo loudly. “We need to act fast!” Cameo suddenly stopped which caused the moist dirt under his paws to fly forward everywhere and Ella to jump a bit on his back after the hard sudden break. “What’s the matter Cam?” Asked Ella. “There’s two paths. One left and one right. Which one is it?” Asked Cameo confused. “The left one I think.” Answered Ella. In the bushes close by, there were two hunters spying on Cameo and Ella. “Psst!” Whispered Tom the hunter. “What?” Huffed Kim the hunter. “Look over there! Look at those smart animals.” Said Tom excitedly with a sly smile. “Yes, you’re right. I know what you are thinking. But look they both have collars.” Said Kim. “But that orange tabby cat is riding on that beige golden retriever!” Exclaimed Tom. “They should fetch us a good price.” “Yes.. It looks like the cat is showing the dog where to go. Too clever.” Said Kim rubbing his chin. “Let’s get em!” Yelled Tom chasing after them. “Ahh!!!” screamed Ella. “What?!” Worried Cameo turning around. “Hunters!! Run Run Run!!!” Yelled Ella tightening her grip onto Cameo’s fur. Cameo ran as fast as possible with the hunters behind them. The animals were luckily far ahead of the hunters. “Quick!” In there.” Said Ella. Cameo ran into the inside of the log. “Shhh.” Whispered Cameo. “Where'd they go!” Said Tom stomping. “Relax! They anyways can’t leave the forest. We’ll go to sleep right here and continue our search tomorrow.” Suggested Kim. “Ok.” Agreed Tom. “Urg those Men!” Exclaimed Ella. “I know. We need to get out of here. I have an idea.” Said Cameo. What’s your idea?” Asked Ella. “We just found our ride across the water. Let’s keep rolling in the log towards the water. That will allow us to hit the water eventually. We will be in the log for the water tour then come out once we hit land!” Suggested Cameo. “Great idea.” Said Ella and began rolling with Cameo. Tom woke up. “Hey Kim you think we should inform boss about the animals?” Asked tom. Kim woke up. “Let’s do it.” He said. Tom began dialing on his phone. “Hello boss sorry to bother you but we just found two brilliant animals that we can sell!” Said Tom on the phone. “Hmm what do they look like?” Asked the boss. “Well the cat is a female orange tabby cat, with beautiful orange tabby fur with whitish brownish tabby markings on it. The fur is neither too dark or light. It is a gorgeous medium orange, and the tabby markings on it are just the right contrast. She has almond shaped big green eyes. The inside of her ears are light pink and her ears are the perfect size. Every part of her body is slim, agile, and healthy. She has long lean legs and tail. Her long slim legs are really strong, too. Her long tail is fluffy and smooth. Not all bushy. Just right fluffy. She mostly points her tail upwards. She has pearly white teeth and claws. The pads on her beautiful paws are brownish pinkish in color. She sure looks like the stealthiest, healthiest, most beautiful cat around.” Answered Tom. “Wow! Nice description of the cat. And the dog?” Asked the boss. “Oh yes the dog. He is a big golden retriever, with beige fur that is not too long or short. His ears are light pink on the inside too. He has big, black charming circular eyes. He too is lean and has a fluffy golden retriever tail, and pinkish brownish paw pads, an amazing personality, not to mention his pearly white teeth and claws. He is quite handsome and is super smart himself.” Tom answered again. “And both of them together are even more clever.” “Ok these sure are beautiful animals. Get them!” The boss commanded. Tom put the boss on speaker. “Sure boss but these animals have collars.” Said Kim. “I don’t care!” The boss said. “We will start tomorrow. Let us get some sleep first.” Said Tom on the phone. “Sounds good.” Said the boss with an evil laugh.
Later at the house
As Mia bounded down the stairs in her slippers and warm cozy pajamas, she noticed Ella and Cameo were still gone. “Where’s your robe?” Asked Claire. “Upstairs.” Answered Mia. “It’s so oversized, it’s not even my size The sleeves are huge and the bottom part drags along the floor. It’s ADULT medium.” Said Mia. “But the good part is it’s not at all fat and fluffy. Just sturdy, thin, soft, fleecy, plus pretty, and keeps me really warm since it’s much bigger than me.” She declared. “ Plus I don’t need it right now.” “Woah you sure know that robe.” Said Clare. Mia looked out the window. “Mom it is so late at night! Where are those two?” Asked Mia worriedly, “raising her hand to chew a fingernail.” “Don’t worry. They’ll be back soon. Hopefully.” Said Clare. “If not, they’ll probably come back tomorrow.” “It is 11:00. You must go to sleep now.” Said Sam. “But I need to look out for Ella and Cameo!” Complained Mia. “Well, there is nothing much we can do now, Mia. Tomorrow, we will go to the police office and put up lost cat and dog signs all over the city. Don’t worry.” Said Clare. “Your mother is right. And plus both of them have collars. Time for bed now.” Said Sam. “Fine.” She said. Mia’s slightly wavy brunette hair swished as she turned around and sped up the stairs.
Back at the forest
Later after a lot of rolling in the log, Ella and Cameo finally hit the water. A while. Ella slowly peeked out of the log. “We’re almost on land!” She mentioned. “Yeah!” Said Cameo peeking out too. “And.. Jump!” Said Ella jumping out of the log onto the land. Cameo did the same. “That was a long roll.” Mentioned Ella stretching. “What’s for breakfast?” Asked Cameo. “I don’t know.” Replied Ella. “ Fruit from the forest?” Asked Cameo. “I hate fruit!” Whined Ella. “We HAVE to eat it if we want to survive and keep our strength up.” Explained Cameo. “I know. Fine.” Ella fussed. “ Even though it isn’t safe to eat random fruits from the forest.” Declared Cameo. “We can eat some we are aware of.” Said Ella. They roamed through the forest and got a large variety of fruits and ate them.
At house
“Mum! Dad! Wake up!” Screamed Mia bursting into her parent’s room. “Come! Ella and Cameo are all alone out there. Cold hungry lost! Come! The police don’t have all day!!” mentioned Mia throwing a pillow on the ground as hard as she could. “Ok Ok Ok! Look who’s in a hurry to leave now. And pick up the pillow please.” Said Clare. “Coming.” Said Sam. After a while, they left. They began posting papers all over the neighborhood, with read:
LOST PETS ELLA AND CAMEO (and a picture of Ella and Cameo) IF YOU FIND THEM, PLEASE CONTACT 598-247-7786. PHONE NUMBER, NAMES, EMAIL, CONTACTS, HOUSE ADDRESS AND OTHER INFO WILL BE ON THE INFORMATION CHARM ON THEIR COLLAR. REWARD, $25,000. PLEASE HELP ME FIND MY MISSING PETS (and at the bottom were little paper tabs with the phone number on them for people to pluck off) written in bold on them. Mia sighed. She went inside the store she was near and asked permission to stick a poster on the window of it. After getting the permission from the shopkeeper, she came out. “I hope this works.” She said, slathering glue on the back side of the poster she was holding with a brush and stuck it on to the glass window outside the store she was standing by. “There.” She said. Hair came in her face as she bent down to pick another poster up. “I’m gonna need to tie up my hair for this job.” She groaned, taking the hair tie off her wrist and tying her hair up into a messy bun. “There.” She said, picking up another poster, dipping her glue brush in the bucket of glue, and and walking to a wall.
In the forest
Ella and Cameo were busy eating and didn’t notice two big shadows behind them. “Um… Cameo?” Said Ella. Cameo was looking at the hunters in terror. The hunters quickly put a sack around Ella and Cameo. They tried to fight but the sack was too thick. They were captured. “We got them!!” Said Tom dancing. “Woo!! Hello million dollars!!” Said Kim. “Throw ‘em in the car we’re going to boss!” Said Tom. ‘We are so doomed.’ Thought Cameo fearfully. After a long time of driving, they at the boss's pet shop. “Hey boss we got you the animals!” Said Kim. “Show!” Said The boss. They took the animals out of the sacks. “Ooo Beauties!” Said the boss. “Throw ‘em in the cages. Someone will surely buy them!” Exclaimed the boss. “And ideas?” Asked Cameo. “Why you looking at me?” Ella Asked nicely. “Ok so here’s the plan. At night, you slip out of your cage since that hole over there on your cage is big. I’m surprised they don't notice. You slip out and let me out. Then when we get the chance, we run!” Planned Cameo. “Ok. Great idea.” Said Ella. “And I’m surprised they don’t notice too.” Ella fell asleep almost instantly after saying this. When the boss, Kim and Tom were talking, an ugly big lady walked into the pet store room. “Ooh! I love that fuzzy cat!” Said the lady. “You never find tabby cats in this area of the town, and is that a golden retriever dog?!” Said the lady. “Indeed you can buy both of them for $30,000 each.” offered the boss. “Sure. May I buy them?” Asked the lady. Sure! Said the boss. The boss took Cameo and Ella out of their cages and gave them to the lady while she payed the money. “Wait why do they have collars?” Asked the lady. “Uh… We put collars like shopping tags so yeah...” Lied the boss. “Oh ok.” Said the lady walking out. The lady threw both of them in the back seat and drove. “Hold on tight! We’re going to Nevada! Cackled the lady. “What do we do?!” Said Ella. “I don’t know!” Said Cameo. The lady locked the car doors and turned on horrible music. “I live in a house with 15 birds, 12 hamsters and 40 piranha. You guys will have a good life. The lady laughed. There was no escaping now... Suddenly Ella jerked up with a gasp and scream. “Woah! Woah! Shh! Shh! You’re fine!” Said Cameo loudly. “Where am I?” Asked Ella looking around. “Oh I’m here in my cage only.” Sighed Ella. “You were dreaming Ella.” Explained Cameo. “Oh…” Added Ella in relief. “Remember the night plan.” Reminded Cameo. “Yes I remember.” Said Ella. A long time passed. It was soon night. “Psst! Ella! come.” Whispered Cameo. Ella quietly slipped out of her cage and unlocked Cameo’s cage with her claw. Both of them tiptoed across the hall. They saw the boss sleeping. “Shh we must be quiet.” Said Ella. Both of them tiptoed until they reached the door. “What do ya know. No doggy door and cat flap.” Whispered Cameo. “I guess we’re using the door.”Ella Whispered. Ella jumped on the door handle and bended it while Cameo pushed the door open. An alarm began sounding. The boss, Tom, and Kim woke up. “Oh.. No..” Said Ella. “Now what?!” Asked Cameo sharply. “RUN!” Screamed Ella. Both of them were running with the boss, Tom and Kim behind them.
At the house
The poster sticking was done. Mia walked home, hoping someone would call. When she reached home she removed her shoes, socks, and took off the hair tie tied to the end of her braid and put it around her wrist. Then she undid her braid. Her hair once again went back to the usual style; Let loose. The phone suddenly rang. Mia rushed over with excitement and happiness. She picked up the phone. “Hello? You found my cat and dog?!” Asked Mia. “Whoops sorry, wrong number.” Said the person. Mia sighed and kept the phone. “We will find them.” Said Sam. “Don’t worry.” “I have to do something!” Exclaimed Mia. “We did all we could. “There’s nothing more we can do.” Said Clare. Mia groaned. “ Mia, someone will eventually find them and call.” Said Sam. “The picture of them on the poster is so good, even a fly would be able to recognise them if it saw them.” “But what if they got seperated? We need both of them back.” Said Mia. “They can’t have separated. They are pretty smart you know.” Said Sam. Mia finally stopped and thought.“I hope you’re right.” Said Mia.
On the road
“This way!” Called Ella turning left. Cameo followed. They arrived at a river. “Jump into the water!” Yelled Cameo. “No way!” Said Ella. “Just do it! The humans can’t reach us there!” Yelled Cameo.” “Fine!” Yelled Ella. “But I’m terrified of water!” She screamed. “It’s ok! Just hold on to me!” Cameo yelled. Ella climbed onto Cameo’s back and held on with her all her paws. “Now in one, two, three!” Screamed Cameo as he jumped as far as he could into the water with Ella holding on to his back. “Now Ella, don’t let go of my back, and remember to hold your breath when I say.” Commanded Cameo. “I hate this.” Groaned Ella. The humans couldn’t follow them into the water, so for now Cameo and Ella were safe. Cameo was swimming with his head out of the water with his back close to the surface so Ella’s head was out also. “Thanks for letting me hold on to your back since I have never swam before. I used to be really terrified of water, but I guess it’s not THAT bad.” Said Ella. “No problem and yeah!” Cameo replied. “Take a deep breath!” Commanded Cameo. He began diving underwater with Ella holding on. They remained completely submerged in the deep river for a while. Cameo began swimming up for a breath. Ella let go of the fur on Cameo’s back with her rare paws so she could kick around with them. She tightened her grip on to the fur on Cameo’s back with her claws on her fore paws out of fear, but didn’t dare say anything underwater. “Wait! the animals will reach the bank over there.. Maybe we can take a shortcut! Run run run over there!” Ordered the boss. Breaking the surface of the water with his head, Cameo took a breath. He extended his back more toward the surface so Ella could get a good breath. Lifting her head out of the water, she took a breath. “Oh no! we're never going to make it in time! Said Ella as he saw Tom and Kim running. “Yes we will! Hold on! Take another deep breath!” Urged Cameo going underwater again. Cameo swam deeper and deeper into the water. Ella was really frightened, but closed her eyes tightly and gripped the fur on Cameo’s back really tightly with her claws on her fore paws. She was holding on extra tightly with only her fore paws and the claws on her fore paws underwater since she was using her rare legs to kick around in the water a bit. After Cameo popped his head out of the water to take another breath, he raised his back so Ella could too. Just then, she had a plan. Cameo swam with his head out of the water for a while, keeping his back close to the surface so Ella’s head was out too. “So here’s the plan: After reaching the bank, I run up a tree and distract them. You go get one of the ropes tied to that boat, and give the signal when you get it. I will jump down the tree and help you tie them up.” Suggested Ella. “Ok, let’s do it!” Agreed Cameo. Soon after, Ella and Cameo were close to the bank. “You can loosen your grip on the fur on my back now, Ella. We’re almost on land and plus it’s becoming a little uncomfortable.” Confessed Cameo. “Oh sorry.” Apologised Ella. “No worries.” Said Cameo. Even though she loosened her grip, she didn’t let go of his back until they reached land. Cameo shook off all the water on his fur and ran to get the rope. “There they are! Get them!” Screamed the boss. After getting on the bank Ella didn’t even get the chance to shake off the water on her fur. Even though fur was really wet and matted, she ran up a tree right away. She shook off the water there. “Get that cat!” Ordered the boss. “Ok ok ok boss!” Said Kim attempting to climb the tree. Kim managed to set his legs on a branch and began climbing. “Oh no! Think think think think…’ Thought Ella outloud and climbed up higher on to the tree. “I’ve got you!” Cakkeled Kim. As soon as he said this, Ella jumped onto the next closest tree near her. Kim was a bad tree climber and began slipping down until he hit his bum on the floor. “Ha ha. Tree hugger.” Teased Tom. “Shut up.”Kim answered. Cameo began coming back with the rope. Sneaking behind the humans, Cameo called Ella down. Climbing down, Ella grabbed the other end of the rope. Both of them ran in circles in different directions and managed to tie only Tom and Kim up. “Wait… Where’s…” Said Cameo. “Boo.” Said the boss. “Get ‘em boss!” Said Tom. “Let us free boss!” Said Kim. Cameo and Ella were running. They managed to come into the city. Ella jumped onto a car and then onto the rooftop. Cameo did the same, but slipped in some water on the roof’s edge. Luckily, Ella caught his paw and pulled him up. The Boss attempted climbing up successfully. “There’s no escaping now.” Said the boss. “Cameo! Let me climb on your back. Since it will be a heavy for you and we need to jump, I will help you for the jumps and direct you!” Said Ella really fast. Cameo leaned down and Ella got on his back. She controlled him by moving his fur around in different directions directing him where to go and what to do. That is, only for the jumps and hard stuff that her weight might interfere in. She suddenly made him jump a roof. “Hey get back here!” Said the boss chasing them. “Quick! Jump off the roof!” Screamed Ella pushing Cameo’s fur forward directing him. He jumped off the roof. “Nice one!” Praised Ella. The boss too was jumping off the roof chasing them. “Woah! Where did he learn how to do that?!” Asked Cameo surprised. “Dunno. Run doggy run!” Said Ella telling Cameo to run faster. Cameo jumped off another roof and back on to the ground. Ella and Cameo arrived at a wall. There was no where to go now. “Gotcha.” Said the boss with a sly smile. “Um.. Ella I think we should run for it.” Said Cameo. “Ok at the count of three, I will control you to jump over him as high as you can, then we run, run run!” Said Ella. “Roger that.” Said Cameo. “Quit meowing and barking you creatures!” Said the boss. “One, two, three!” Said Ella as Cameo flew over the boss with Ella on his back. “Grr!” Growled the boss. “Wait… The boat! Ella the boat!” Said Cameo. “There were two ropes and I took only one off…” “So we can take the other rope, go there and make the boss get tied up with those two! Interrupted Ella. “Yeah!” Said Cameo. Ella climbed off Cameo’s back and both of them ran back to the river bank where Tom and Kim were tied up. Ella found the boat and took the rope off. Cameo sat in front of Tom and Kim. The boss leaped trying to catch Cameo. Cameo dodged out of the way. The boss fell with Tom and Kim while Ella and Cameo tied them all up. “Woo hoo!” Chirped Cameo. “Time to inform the Police!” Said Ella cheerfully.
At the house
“Mum, there is no hope. Cameo and Ella are gone.” Said Mia sadly. “No they’re not.” They will come back.” Said Clara. “Dad, has anyone called yet reporting they found Ella and Cameo?” Asked Mia. “No, not yet.” Said Sam. “But don’t worry. They will be found.” Explained Sam. “Cameo and Ella are much smarter than you think like I always say. They will be back. No need to stress so much.” Mia’s dimples deepened as she forced a fake smile. She chewed the inside of her lip hard considering what he said. “Ok.” She finally said. “I Guess.”
Back at the forest
Ella and Cameo ran as fast as they could on the cold, tar road over to the police department to inform the police. As soon as they reached Ella and Cameo began saying: “Police! There are robbers in the forest who tried to capture us!!!!” Said Ella loudly as fast as she could. Obviously, the police officer heard it as “Meow meow meow meow!!” “They tried to capture us in sacks!!!!!!” Shouted Cameo as fast as he could. “Woof woof woof woof!!” “Relax you two!” Said the officer. “Lead me to what happened.” He said calmly, kneeling down so he was eye level with them. “This might be stupid, talking to animals but no. It seems like they need my help!” Said the police officer. They ran down the cold, tar road again, leading the police to Tom, Kim, and the boss. He quickly grabbed several pairs of handcuffs and ran behind them. “Holy! Why is it not Tom, Kim and their boss who prefers not to reveal his name because he hates it, but i’ll say it anyway. John!” Said the Police officer cuffing them. “Thank you animals so much! So they tried to hurt you. Well you’re safe now. These three are going to jail.” Added the police officer then tightening the cuffs. “I hate to admit, but I kind of la la like living in the forest.” Stuttered Cameo. “I know. You think? You know…” Stated Ella. “I know. Upgrade to living in the… Forest maybe?” Stammered Ella. “More like downgrade.” Joked Cameo with a laugh. “No, we can’t leave our home. We need to find the way back.” Cameo finally said seriously. Turns out, this was happening in front of their house. Mia looked out the window. “Ella?! Cameo?!” Gasped Mia surprised. “Oh great. I miss them so much that i’m seeing things.” Said Mia closing the window. She began walking away, tucking strands of her sleek brunette hair behind her ears. She went back to the window and looked out squinting, making sure. “Hey Ella doesn’t that house look familiar?” Asked Cameo. “Yeah you’re right it does, and I’m getting a sensation that our house is nearby.” “Yeah.” Cameo replied sniffing the air. Cameo began walking toward the house. Ella followed. “CAMEO! ELLA!” Screamed Mia kicking the door open. Cameo and Ella arrived to the house. “I've missed you two so much! You NAUGHTY pets! Where have you been?” Mia scolded playfully. “Whatever. I’m so glad you’re back!” She was so happy and excited that she completely forgot about how worried she was earlier. Just to make sure it was them, she kneeled down and read the metal information charm on each of their collars. She walked up to a wall on which a poster was on and began taking down all the posters. “Come on!” Said Mia. “First, you two need a bath. Then, how about a snack?” Ella shuddered at the thought of a bath which made Cameo laugh. “Good to be back!” Exclaimed Cameo. “Yup!” Ella said. Mia clipped a leash onto Cameo’s collar and walked. Ella followed. “Look! Cameo and Ella are back!” Said Mia when they got inside the house. “See? I knew how smart the two of them are. I was so confident I’m not even a little surprised they’re back.” Expressed Sam. “Yup.” Agreed Claire. The door shut behind them as Ella and Cameo walked into their house. At last. Home.
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