We say goodbye to what has gone, For some, The years were good Filled with laughter and joy, For others, maybe tragic, With sorrow and pain, Nevertheless, as time draws near, We congregate, and celebrate, We hope the worst has gone. We all welcome the unknown In yet another New Year, With smiles and hopes, And cheery folks, We lough as time is near, Some celebrate out in clubs Others, in restaurants or bars, Me? I stay simply cozy at home. There was that time For me as well, I made fun of folks Who stayed at home, The idea of me, standing in high heels, At a club, being pushed from side To side, trying to get a drink Makes my feet quiver, as they sink In my warm, cozy slipper. In a world filled with uncertainty, We toil to find a certain certainty Allow me to take you down My memory lane, To years when life was still a blur And the baby steps of my awakening… It was my age of innocence, And fountain of youth Fearlessly I charged forth, With no scars on my bones, No piercings in my heart… Different contracts different countries I saw the New Year in. All the superficial things in life That some may think they want, we had. As Dancers we performed, On TV shows got VIP treatment In most bars, Clubs, and Restaurants. On our day off, we pick a nearby island, And jet off On to its golden Greek Mediterranean sands Evening shopping Until our hands felt sore And bags were torn, With handles worn. Infested by famous labels Bursting out at the seam, With no comprehension Of a poor mans dream. Surrounded by people With money and fame, And no understanding Of falling or pain Unawaken we swam, But my day was to come. I remember New Year, In my hospital room, Not a sound or a call, Nor a card from them all, My blinders released And guess whom I saw? The cleaner, the cook, The waiter, and no more, Five minutes a night I shared with these folks, With banter and joke They taught a Greek word, Five minutes of my time, Is all that they had seen, They would watch me on stage, And cheer with the crowd, When the curtains came down They would clean all around. They cared not of my religious view, Or the label on my shoes, If I drove a Subaru, Or picked up by a limousine, If I had a small room Or lived big like a queen. This my friends, The start of my awakening… Their pockets may be nearly empty And barely make ends meet, Yet never a complaint, utter or weep. Their harts were flourished with riches that we seek Yet, I had never seen! As years move on through Battles of love, health, and life, Lots of memories I can recite Of sleeping on a floor, me smoking weed And coke indeed, till needed it no more. As warriors we stand and fight, Hurt by life’s sword…we seek a corner to Lick our wounds, some silently, Some look for answer in a book…. Me? I choose to look beyond skin deep, And feel my organs shake, Listen to sounds of echoes, I stair until a mirror break, I hold my bones and try to make my demons weep. I chose in life, to see romance and beauty at its peak For this I must peal each layer of dermis, And dance naked in the street. I recognize each soul we meet Will transform in his way, But some who walk beside you now, Will sleep way before Their blinders begin to fray. We want to feel, ultimately When life is left behind, We touch a soul we gave are all, And tried to stand so tall. With children we leave our legacy In hope we taught them well, Off they go to star the wheel, All over yet again |