Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1982170-Yings-Gas-Filled-First-Day-Part-1
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1982170
Its Ying's first day at a public school. Will her gas allow her to fit in?
U.C.0101, Side 6

It's an exciting time for the twins. Tomorrow is going to be their first day of public school education.

Currently Ying and Yuki are in their bathroom together getting ready for bed. Yuki cheerfully brushes her

teeth at the sink as Ying bathes in their walk-in shower.

But tonight, like many other nights, Yuki insisted that Ying shower by herself first and she will take hers



Yuki hears Ying sigh with relief after that glass shaking fart. She shakes her head at her sister's windy

habit, but no amount of Ying's disgusting flatulence could take her hyper-excited smile off her face.

"I'm sooooooo excited for school tomorrow! Can you really believe it Ying?!" Yuki asks, after spitting out

her toothpaste.

"Yeah, can't believe it… wow..." Ying says sarcastically.

"I never thought mom and dad would allow it!" Yuki goes on. "After all these years… all we had to do

was ask!" she giggles.

Brpt! Vrrrp! Ying sighs again after expelling two cute farts. "Look Yuki, I'm excited for school too but…"

she begins to say, but Yuki couldn't hear her over herself.

"We're going to have classes with other kids! We're going to make friends! I've always dreamed of this

day happening and its tomorrow!" Ying figures she was speaking too softly for Yuki to hear her over the

running water. Instead of repeating what she wanted to say, she let it be.

Ying shuts off the water and slides open the shower door. She walks out with a fog that's carrying the

pungent odor of her shower farts. Yuki first covers her nose from the stench, Ying's shower farts were

some of her worst. Yuki's face turns to shock as she spots Ying's exposed curves in the mirror.

"Ying cover yourself up!" She nearly screams.

Ying raises an eyebrow, "Okay… hand me a towel."

Yuki, still holding her nose, goes over to the towel rack and tosses Ying a fresh towel. Ying catches it and

begins wrapping it around herself. She stops half way when a thought comes to mind.

"Hey, it's not like it's anything you haven't seen before." Ying states teasingly.

Yuki turns to face the mirror and begins brushing her hair, as if to visibly change the subject.

"I know we've seen each other nude before..." Yuki began to blush as she began her lecture. "But we're

getting older now. It is polite to cover yourself up when around others." "Oh so you're saying my body isn't attractive?"

"What? No! You are very attractive Ying." Yuki apologizes believing that she's offended her sister.

"Oh so you're attracted to me? That's kinda' weird sis." Ying says grinning, as she slowly walks up behind

her twin.

"Ying that's not what… No! Are you listening to what I'm saying-No wait your!" Yuki sputters as Ying

messes with her.

"Or maybe… You're jealous?" Ying says in a low, nearly seductive tone.

Yuki opens her mouth to ask what exactly Ying meant by 'jealous'. But her body suddenly tenses up as

she feels Ying's hands gently grab her chest from behind. Ying then presses her still exposed chest

against Yuki's back, her nipples have gotten harder from just coming out of the shower. Yuki can

perfectly feel them through her pajama shirt.

Before Ying can make things even more uncomfortable for Yuki, she yanks Ying's hands off her chest.

"Relax! I was just playing…" Ying quickly surrenders to avoid any physical combat.

Yuki releases Ying's hands and lets out a dramatic sigh of relief. Ying gently wraps her arms around Yuki's

waist and holds her tightly. As she holds her close she lays her head against Yuki's shoulder, looking over

to the side, away from the mirror.

Hiding the depressing expression she has from her sister…

Next Morning…

Her dreams of piloting Gundam always end just short of the climactic battle. Ying rolls over once again in

her bed, trying to find a comfortable position to force herself back to sleep. She eventually gives up,

knowing her body is fully rested and is ready to start the day. She tosses the covers off and sits up in



A long and muffled bout of morning gas warms her bottom and the area of the bed around it. She

stretches her arms above her head then rubs the sleep from her eyes. The smell of sulfur reaches her

nose as she takes a deep breath. As her eyes fully open and sees the room come into focus, she gets the

feeling that something is off. She looks over to Yuki's bed on the opposite side of the room, it's neatly

made sheets tell her Yuki is already up. Yet the house is dead silent, something WAS off.

"Ugh… Yuki?" She says groggily.

She swings her legs off the side of the bed and plants her feet on the ground. She scratches her head wondering, "Where could Yuki be? I feel like she's not even here…"

More morning gas reaches Ying's rear door, she leans over lifting her right cheek. As she's about to let it

rip her eyes are drawn to the clock on her night stand. It reads eight… Brrrt, twenty… Frrrrt! Five…


Like one of her SBD's silently seeping into someone's unsuspecting nose, she begins to realize the bad

situation she just woke up to.

"School starts in 10 minutes…" she says aloud as the color flushes from her face.

"Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!" runs through Ying's mind as she rushes to change out of her shirt and

underwear, franticly trying to find the school uniform. After a minute of rampaging through the closest

she remembers.

"It's a public school… We don't have uniforms!" She says, tapping herself on the forehead thinking


Ying strips down to her curvaceous birthday suit and throws on a nicely fitting bra. On top she wears a

tight white T-Shirt that has a blue smiley face with its tongue sticking out on the front. She throws on a

nearly too tight pair of blue and white colored panties, followed by a pair of black running pants which

have blue stripes going down the sides. Ying grabs her butt with her hands and shakes it around a bit,

then letting go to have it jiggle on its own for a couple seconds. A grin appears across her face from the

pleasure it gives her.

Back to her task at hand, she decides on what jacket to wear over her shirt. Its early spring on side 6, not

freezing cold but not summertime weather either. She settles on a cropped, black denim jacket. She

doesn't attempt to zip up, the small jacket stands no chance against her chest.


Ying's stomach rumbles, most certainly longing for breakfast. She brings a hand to her stomach and

begins to rub it.

"Damn, I'm not going to have breakfast today… not a good start."

Ying juggles the tasks of hopping down the stairs with putting on a pair of socks. Once at the bottom,

she finds her data-top, mobile phone and school ID on the kitchen table. She snatches them all off the

table and heads for the door, almost leaving without her shoes.

Ying dashes through backyards and across small suburban roads trying to get to class. Not in attempt to

get there on time, she left her house when classes had begun and she has a three mile run ahead of her.

Hopefully her teacher excuses her for being flatulently late.

Phurt! Phurt! Phurt! Phurt! Phurt! Phurt!

Ying's morning gasses have still yet to be fully released, causing long chains of short, wet, bubbly farts squeeze out every now and then.

"Oh well, I'll just get rid of the rest when I get to school." She said to herself, as she focuses on getting to


After 20 minutes of sprinting, jogging, walking, and short moments of rest… Ying finally makes it to

school. She slowly walks down the sidewalk, dragging her feet on the concrete tiles and up the stairs

leading to the front doors. Finally reaching her destination, she reaches out and sluggishly opens the

door. As she enters, the rush of cool air inside sooths her burning leg muscles, which to her felt like were

on fire.

As Ying slowly walks through the second set of doors, sweating exhausted, and hungry, her legs finally

give in. Someone's arm suddenly wraps around her waist, catching her just before she hit the ground.

"Whoa there, the day just started. You can't be tired now." The voice of a man significantly older says.

Her eyes look up to meet the face of this man.

His face looked aged, mid 50's maybe. He has a rugged look too him, clearly he's been around the block

a few times, yet his eyes are very kind. Ying notices he's dressed in a security guard uniform. Apparently

he catches young girls late to their classes, she initially thinks.

Rrrrrrruggggg… The man feels Ying's stomach rubble on his arm.

"Oh, are you hungry?

PPPPPhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttt! The sound of a band instrument emits from Ying's behind.

"…Well, I am hungry too." She grins.

After a few minutes of sitting and talking with the guard, whose name she learned is Isaac, she decides

she's ready for class.

"Where is room 331?" She asks. Gratefully

Isaac kindly hands her a 24oz can of soda for some refreshment, as she viciously chugs the carbonated

drink, he happily gives her directions to her class. Clank! Ying slams the now empty can on Isaac's desk,

which sits just in front of the main doors.

Isaac raises an eyebrow at Ying's record attempting chug, curious to if she even listened to his


"Hey, did you get all that?" he asks.


rattling belch erupts from her young lips, Isaac feels the vibrations of the blast throughout his body.

"Ahhh, Yeah I got it. Did you get all that?" Ying says with a smug look on her face. Isaac nods his head and laughs. "You're new around here but I can tell, you're a good kid. Just… be a

little quieter when class is in session.

His comment put a smile on Ying's face, it was rare for her to receive praise from someone outside of


"Thanks" She says as she stands up and grabs her data-top. "But quiet isn't really my thing."

Ying's walk to classroom 331 is mostly uneventful, just one soulless hallway after another. Giving her the

idea that no one's watching her. On the contrary, every classroom that has an open door or window she

pastes had every boy in the room noticing her. Partly out of curiosity of who’s roaming the halls during

class, then wondering who the new girl is, and then turning into…

"Dang… look at her…"

"She's so pretty…"

"Look at her ass…."

As Ying approaches her first class she's ever had, a slight tinge of nervousness wells up in her gut. This

causes the last amount of 'morning gas to make its way through her bowels, loading her cannon. She

reaches the door and rests her hand on the handle. Taking a deep breath, she dispatches her

nervousness and enters the room.

Upon entering, the teacher, a middle aged woman, with bun tied orange hair, abruptly stops in

mid-sentence and all attention turns to Ying.

"O hello…" The teacher begins to say, "You must be-"

"Ying! I'm new."

"No, you’re late." The teacher responds in a colder tone of voice.

Anyone else would have averted their eyes in the shadow of authority, but Ying stands her ground,

staring back into the woman's eyes.

The teacher clears her throat and looks back at the electronic data sheet she was lecturing off of. But

before she resumes, "Ying, take a seat. Because of your tardiness, you will be marked absent and the

introductions can wait."

"But I'm here…"

"And you're late. TAKE a seat." She says to Ying firmly.

Ying rolls her eyes and walks down one of the aisles to a seat in the back row next to the wall. All eyes

are watching her as she heads to the empty seat. Boy's close enough to see have their eyes trained on

her backside as she passes. The instant she sits down and looks forward all eyes in the classroom switch back to the teacher in an instant.

The teacher resumes her lecture and Ying reluctantly listens, until a certain bubbling from below catches

her attention. Without thinking she naturally lifts her cheek slightly.



The new class 'bombshell' turns out to be an actual 'bombshell', proven by the longest and most

powerful expulsion of gas anyone in the class as ever witnessed. In its 13 second duration the partially

wet and baritone sounding fart rocked her desk, creating an obnoxiously loud clanging sound as the

metal legs vibrated against the floor. Speaking of vibrations, everyone around the room could feel the

tremors that was created from Ying-zero. Two tiny aftershocks go unnoticed following the initial,

massive blast.

Ying finds herself slightly surprised, as she didn't expect her fart to force her desk to creating such a

deafening sound. It causes her to laugh a little to herself, until she notices all of the shocked faces in the

room, with mouths agape.

"YYYYYYYIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGG!!!" The teacher nearly screams, as her face turns to cherry.

"Hey! If I'm absent, then no one can smell this right?"

Classroom 331 was held in the hallway soon after…

Ying's day has been moving along rather smoothly, after dealing with her 1st hour teacher that is. Half of

the school day has gone by and lunches begin, by this time, nearly the schools entire populous of

students have heard about the new girl's massive explosion that morning.

Yuki's first day has been coming along very pleasantly as well. She's made several new friends in her

classes and is very well liked by her teachers. No surprise from being placed in classes with kids her age

instead of her educational ability. Once the bell rings for lunch to begin, Yuki and her new friend Allie

walk together to one of the schools three cafeterias.

On their way, they pass by a small group of girl's gossiping in the hallway. Yuki is not one to eavesdrop,

but something about their conversation attracts her attention.

"-SHE farted in class? One girl asks.

"Yeah and it was SO loud!"


"It really was! I was in the class next door. I heard it through the freakn' wall!" "Oh it must've been that class I saw sitting in the hallway," one girl begins to state. "It really must've

reeked. I think I saw the girl too! I didn't recognize her from anywhere."

Then one of the girls spots Yuki passing by, she points to her.

"Hey I think that's her…" the girl whispers.

"Hey don't point! She'll know we're talking about her." Another girl said, as she brings her friend's hand


Yuki feels a wave of embarrassment well up inside her, she quickly picks up her pace and Allie tries to

keep up.

"Hey Yuki! Wait up!" Allie gently places a hand on Yuki's shoulder, which finally slows her down.

Allie looks at Yuki and sees that her cheeks are quite red, she understood something embarrassed her.

"What's wrong? Is it what those girls were gossiping about? I didn't know you farted in first hour."

"I didn't far… pass gas…" Yuki says cautiously, her face turning a darker shade of red.

Allie, being the good new friend she is, starts rubbing Yuki's back, attempting to calm her down.

"Aw it's ok Yuki, most kids have farted in a class before… I haven't. But a lot of other kids have. It's no

biggie! After a week, no one will even remember it." She says with a smile.

Yuki takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. But now she knows she has to tell her new friend about her

potentially embarrassing sibling.

"Allie, I'm telling you, I didn't do that. But I'm about absolutely sure of who it was." She begins to

explain. And right on queue…

"Hey Yuki!" a familiar voice is heard over the crowd of bustling students. Yuki looks around trying to

locate who and where the voice came from. Trouble is locating the person, in a hallway full of students

taller than her.

Suddenly someone's hand forcefully lands on Yuki's shoulder, causing her to naturally wince at the

sudden action. Looking to see who it was, she sees it's none other than Ying.

"Hey, glad I found you. Were you heading to the cafeteria?" Ying asks sounding almost desperate. Yuki

can easily tell that hunger was getting to her.

Yuki sighs, she's just about regretting that Ying got up this morning. But now she knew she had to do

what she had to do. Reluctantly, she introduces the girls.

"Ying, this is my new friend Allie. Allie, this is my sister… Ying…" she says, as she lowered her head.

"Hello!" Allie says happily. Being the nice girl she is, she reaches out to shake Ying's hand. "Hey, nice to meet you." Ying says and politely accepts Allie's hand.

Yuki could feel her eyes almost launch from their sockets. Ying! Being nice and polite! Sure she's

somewhat decent when they're out in public, but she's never this welcoming to a stranger.

After they shake hands Allie asks, "Are you too twins? You look so much alike!"

"Yeah, she's my twin." Ying answers.

"Wow, that's cool! I've never met twins before." She says excitedly.

Noticing the halls becoming less and less crowded, Yuki brings up the original task at hand.

"Allie and I we're just heading to the cafeteria, we can talk more there."

"Oh right, we were leading the way!" Allie says, bringing her hand to her forehead feeling dopy.

In a few minutes, Allie successfully escorts the girls to one of the school's massive lunch rooms. This

lunch room isn't reserved but is generally used by the upper middle and high school grade students.

Soon after entering the cafeteria, Allie spots her group of friends already sitting at a round table. Allie

decides to go to her friends and save two seats for Ying and Yuki, while they go get their lunches.

Ying and Yuki head to the side of the cafeteria where the several buffet style lunch lines are placed. They

each pick up a tray at the start of the line and move up until they reach the food. As they move past

rows, columns and containers of food they pick out what to chow down on. Yuki grabs an apple, banana,

a freshly made plate of salad, and patiently waits to arrive the beverages. Ying is having a difficult time

keeping everything on the tray. She grabs a large bowl of macaroni n cheese, two cups of curly fries, and

3 double cheese burgers.

Yuki has wanted to talk to Ying about her behavior and the news about her "outburst" in first hour. But

school isn't the easiest place to talk privately, especially in a crowded lunch room. But after seeing Ying

pick up her third burger, she wills herself to speak up.

"Ying… I want to talk to you… about stuff…" She says kind of nervously.

Ying looks over to her sister, after tossing a couple fries in her mouth.

"Ok, what?" she asked, while chewing.

"Can you not try to eat so much here?"

Ying raises an eyebrow at her and asks, "Why?" not noticing the people in front and behind her wide

eyed at the amount of food on her tray.

"Because you're drawing attention to yourself, in fact you've been getting attention all day." Yuki says

sounding concerned.

"So what? I don't care about attention. If people are interested in me then, whatever." "It's not that kind of attention… you’re getting a bad reputation."

Ying shrugs then spots some pie in front of her. She reaches out for it, but Yuki stops her hand.


"What? I didn't have breakfast, so I'm hungry. You don't have a problem when I eat at home."

"This isn't home Ying! You can't be a-a… a pig here. Can you please control yourself?" She felt bad for

using the word pig to describe her sister, so she added an extra kind tone in her request.

Ying stands silently looking in her twin's eyes. Clearly Yuki is bothered by the way she's acted today, she

can't let her sister be upset over what she's doing. Ying slowly takes her had away from the pie and


"Thank you…" Yuki says before adding, "Do you really need three double cheese burgers?"

Ying sighs again and reluctantly takes one of the burgers off her tray and puts it back. Yuki gains a smile

on her face. Ying returns a not so genuine smile.

They continue down the line, Yuki grabs a juice and Ying takes a soda. At the cashier, a scale weighs their

trays and they swipe their id's to pay for their lunches.

"Hey guys!" Allie greets them as they arrive at the table.

Yuki thanks her for saving seats for them, as she takes the spot to Allie's left. Ying follows sitting next to

Yuki. Allie's friends all sit on the opposite side of the table and begin chatting. Yuki becoming the main

contributor to the conversation. Ying didn't mind, she prefers to eat her lunch than talk over it.

Ying starts off scarfing down her 2 cups of fries in a matter of moments, then moves onto shoveling

spoonfuls of Mac n cheese into her mouth. Miraculously not making a mess all over herself. All the girls

at the table soon turn their attention to Ying's eating display.

All becomes quiet around their table as Ying ravenously eats her meal, until one of Allie's friends asks

Ying a question.

"Are you the new girl that people are talking about who farted in class?"

Yuki's heart drops and a lump forms in her throat. Questions begin to swirl in her head, "How could this

girl flat out ask something like that? Does she really know too? What made her suspect it was Ying?" Her

mind franticly searches a way to end this conversation before Ying undoubtedly answers.

Ying finishes slurping down the last of the melted cheese from her bowl and looks at the girl to answer

her question.

"Yeah that was me." Ying says in 'a matter a fact' tone and begins unwrapping her first burger.

Yuki felt like her heart stops after Ying's response. "Why did she admit that!? Why didn't she just lie about it!? Why would she want to suffer the embarrassment???" Yuki wonders silently.

Ying's seat suddenly squeaks under her, she started to lean her round behind to the side. Her cheek

slowly lifting in Yuki's direction.

"NO!" Yuki yells, which to her feels like the 'no' continued for several minutes. She quickly slaps her

hands unto Ying's thigh and forcefully pushes Ying's buttocks to the seat.

"What is it now?" Ying asks frustrated.

"You know what!"

"What? That I was going to fart?"

Yuki nods her head in affirmation.

"Ha, I wasn't going to fart. I was just adjusting my ass on the seat."

With that Yuki releases Ying's leg and breathes a sigh of relief.


A loud and sickeningly wet fart erupts from Ying's ass and violently bounces off the plastic seat. It causes

the round table to shake which all the girls felt and tables nearby could hear the blast, even over the

roaring of the lunch room. Ying brings her hand down to her butt and begins rubbing it. She has a slight

expression of pain on her face.

"Damn, that one hurt." She says with a slight laugh.

"YING!" Yuki nearly screams into her ear.

Ying looks at Yuki with a surprised expression. It is extremely rare that Yuki ever loses it and it has never

been caused by Ying. But at this point Ying has clearly pulled her last straw.

"I can't believe you! I ask you to stop doing this here and you go on doing it!" says Yuki clearly very


"Doing what?" Ying asks, still taken aback by Yuki's anger.

"Being gross! You weren't even listening to me were you!?" she folds her arms over her chest and

shakes her head disappointingly at Ying. "I don't want to be around you right now…"

Yuki's expression of anger fades to sadness as she grabs her tray and begins to stand from the table.

"Wait!" Ying stops her, "I'll leave… you should sit with your new friends… I'll go find my own…" Ying

grabs her tray and leaves the table, heading out of the lunchroom with a frustrated walk.

For a moment, Yuki wanted to apologize, but she could tell by the way Ying took off that Ying is upset with her. If Ying hasn't learned from her actions, she doesn't deserve an apology.

10 minutes have passed since Ying left the lunchroom. Since then, she's crop dusted a hallway, ate her

two burgers and found herself a quiet spot to think about the confrontation she had with her twin. Ying

still feels her anger sitting in her chest, yet she can't find a specific point to why she is upset. Eventually

she comes to a reasonable conclusion.

"I hate school…"

Ying stays in her quiet spot for some time, patiently waiting for the bell to ring. She keeps her knees held

up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her shins. So many things are running through her mind,

all with no sense of direction. To her, being alone is the only thing that feels right at this time.

"Can't this day just end?" she asked, to no one in particular.

Suddenly the school's warning bell rings and a mature woman's voice comes through the speakers.

"All students, lunch ends in 10 minutes. Finish your lunches and begin heading to your next class."

"I want to go home, not to another stupid class." Ying sighs, as she reluctantly stands.


Ying feels gas quickly building in her lower abdomen. As the gas builds, her lower intestine begins

putting pressure on her bladder, advising her to empty that as well.

Ying creates a new objective, find the nearest bathroom. As students fill the hallway, she clinches her

cheeks shut, saving the kid's noses from a surprise stink attack. Though she normally wouldn't care

ripping a bomb in the middle of the hallway, but after giving a lot of thought to what Yuki said, maybe

she could hold it in just until she reaches the lavatory.

"Who knew so many girls could be in one bathroom at the same time." Ying says to herself, standing at

the entrance to the restroom.

The room is crowded, but isn't small by any means. It holds just over a dozen stalls, stretching along the

right hand wall and even has a corner pocket in the back, which holds a couple more. From what Ying

could see, every stall appears to be occupied. On the adjacent wall are the sinks. A counter made out of

some kind of pretty stone material holds 10 sinks. But the main attraction appears to be the wall length

mirror placed just above the sinks. At least two dozen girls form a crowd in front of it. Most are fixing

their make up or freshening up. An unfortunate few struggle to simply get to one of the sinks to wash

their hands.

Between the obnoxious gossiping and continuous flushing of the power suck toilets, Ying can barely hear

herself think. She decides to head out and find a different restroom. As Ying walks out through the restroom door, a sudden tingle goes through her mind. Through

involuntary reflexes, she spins herself to the side, placing her back against the wall.

"Whoa!!!" a girl yells, as she barely avoids running into Ying.

"You in a hurry?" Ying asks, not that she really cared. But thought she'd say something to the person

that almost collided with her.

"Yeah… sorry, I just really, REALLY have to use the bathroom." The girl responds.

To Ying, the girl appears to be pretty nice. At least she apologized first instead of accusing her of being in

the way, like she'd imagine most people would be like.

The girl looks to be at least a year older than Ying. She has light brown skin and dark hair which is cut

short. Almost in a bowl cut, except for the two long bangs she has coming down the sides of her face.

She stands several inches taller than Ying, maybe around 5'4 or 5'5 she estimates. And she has pretty,

light brown eyes. Aside from being taller, her legs are also much thicker than Ying's which are displayed

from her tan shorts. Not from fat, but clearly from a regular routine of leg exercises. The rest of her body

is about average except for her chest which appears (or doesn't appear) to be nonexistent. Ying is

curious if the girl is even an A cup.

Continuing the conversation, Ying informs her that the restroom she just came out of is overcrowded

and was going to look for another one.

"No way!" She exclaimed. "The next closest bathroom a football field away. I can handle this one." She

said, before heading in.

Ying raises an eyebrow at the girls comment, "I can handle this one"? Her curiosity leads her back into

the restroom.

Ying sees her new acquaintance in the room, but she passes the waiting line for the next vacant stall.

The girl makes her way through the crowd of girls until she reaches the middle of the room. Ying also

notices the girl has her hand cupping her athletic buns as if to hold something back. A moment later

some of the girls around her start to, in lack of a better term, freak out.

"Oh god! It reeks of rotten eggs!"

"Is someone taking a dump? That smells awful!"

"I'm getting out'a here!"

The line quickly diminishes as girls try to evacuate from the invisible gas cloud that Ying's new 'friend'

just produced. Some girls that were taking their time with their makeup finish up quickly so they could

leave as well. Over by the door, Ying can't smell the girl's fart, but she grins at the effect the stench has

on the other girls.

Three toilets flush and three girls quickly exit. Only two girls, other than Ying's friend, were left in the line. Even the smell of a potent SBD couldn't persuade them to leave, but her friend is able to snatch a

free stall before the others. Ying finds herself glad to see her new friend get one of the stalls, despite

just meeting her.

After witnessing the girl's SBD in action, Ying decides to take it upon herself to release the gas that's

been building in her stomach. She inconspicuously walks behind the remaining girls, still gossiping and

doing their make-up. Sadly to Ying she is shorter than a majority of the girls in the room, not that it

really matters at the moment. But to the girls surprise, they 'literally' won't see it coming.


The fart roars from Ying's ass, echoing loudly in the large restroom. It was a two part blast attack,

starting off with a short, full second boom followed by an eight second blast that caused her panties to

de-wedgie themselves from her crack and made her running pants ripple as if they were being blown by

high force winds.

Ying couldn't make out the eggy stench her friend made just before her. Ying had unleashed a smell that

over took not only the sulfuric odor, but all smells that were recently produced in the bathroom. The

room no longer smelled like flowers, perfume, and soap with a hint of urine. It was replaced by a rotten

cabbage and meaty funk that quickly engulfs the entire room.

All of the toilets still in use, simultaneously flush, as a stampede of girls storm out of the restroom

yelling, screaming, and gasping for fresh air. And in under 30 seconds Ying and her 'nameless' friend had

their own private lavatory. To passers-by in the hall it looked and sounded like the girls were running

away from a monster truck that was revving its engines for the grand finale… in the girl's bathroom.

"Aw man, was that you?" Ying hears her friend still in her stall. Judging by the honky sound of her voice,

she was holding her nose.

"Yeah, that was me." Ying says cautiously. She couldn't tell if the girl was disgusted or impressed from

her fart. That was until,

"That was awesome!" she says excitedly.

"Heh, thanks. That was really nothing though."

"That was nothing?" the girl says completely surprised. "That was easily one of the top 3 farts I ever

heard! Ha-ha and a probably number one for smelliest."

Ying takes the stall next to her and continues talking, "Top 3? I could make the best farts you've ever

heard in that case." Ying says, on the verge of boasting.

"Really? Nuugh!" she grunts after asking, sounds like she's having a tough bowel movement.

Ying pulls her pants and panties down and sits on her throne. Before she starts to pee, she checks her

panties for any unwanted stains. She finds them still clean, aside from the remnants of funk due to her last fart.

"That was an average fart for me. A have at least 20 of them a day. Big ones would be the bass bombs I

rip. They're my signature." Ying tells the girl. She finds it odd talking to a girl she just met about her gas,

but she oddly feels comfortable doing so.

There's a moment of pause from the girl's stall. Ying wonders if she's focusing on taking her dump or she

is stunned from hearing about the capabilities of her farts.

"Wow… rrrnnghh!" she grunts again. (Apparently both)

The sound of an open faucet is heard from underneath Ying as she begins to empty her bladder. Since

this girl feels so comfortable speaking about such taboo subjects, Ying asks.

"Taking a shit?"

The girl grunts and moans again, this time a loud splash is heard, sounding like heavy object being

dropped into a pool. A large sigh of relief comes from the girl afterwards.

"Thank goodness!" she giggles before answering, "I was taking a shit yes. My bowels are stupid though.

When I have to go, I HAVE to go. Like I'll burst if I even try holding it in. My dumps are just huge, dry

turds that are so difficult to push out! Feels like I'm literally shitting bricks."

"That does suck, "Ying sympathizes with her. "I have huge turds sometimes too but luckily they aren't

dry most of the time."

Ying thinks to herself some more, "Now we're talking about shit? I don't talk about my shit or anyone

else's shit, not even to Yuki. The fact that she never wants to hear it is probably why. I still don't know

this girl's name…"

Ying's stream slowly weakens until only small drips are heard. She wipes herself, flushes, pulls her pants

and panties back up. The girl in the other stall finishes up to. They both exit their stalls nearly at the

same time.

"My name is Shiani by the way." She introduces herself. "I don't believe I've seen you before, are you

new here?"

Ying sighs and folds her arms, "Everyone asks that. If you haven't seen me before wouldn't you

automatically know I'm new?"

"Not necessarily. This school is huge, nearly the size of 3 campuses. And has over 12,000 students with a

new class of kids coming in each year. You could've been here for years before you even met me."

With that, Ying unfolds her arms, coming to a new understanding of things. "I guess looking at the big

picture helps…" she thinks silently.

"Oh, well yeah I'm new. Today's my first day, name's Ying." She answers Shiani. "Cool! What class do you have next? I could show you where it is if you like?" she kindly offers.

Ying digs into her short term memory for the last time she looked at her schedule, luckily she


"Team Sports, in B gym I think."

"Hey! That's my next class too! I can definitely show you the way." Shiani says eagerly.

"Thanks… we should probably wash our hands first." Ying suggests.

"Good idea..."
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