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Elsa has been adopted to Thomas family |
Elsa hated her life. She had been adopted when she was a month old, to Thomas family. She was the youngest of all in the family. Her bro Patrick, 16 years old was the closest to her. Her sister, Jessica 14 was jealous of her. And her mom always took the side of Jessica and was rude with Elsa. Mr. Thomas had not known a bit of these. There is this maid named Carrie, who respected Mrs. Thomas a lot. She also did the same to Elsa. But someone gave Elsa a hand. That was the chemist! After school, Elsa use to go to the chemist’s store and say-“Hey, Paul. I guess, mom is gonna send Carrie to get the medicines. So give the wrong ones ‘kay? Gonna pay you after school if the charges are more.” Carrie did not come to the chemist, but she called him to get them delivered. Paul used the same trick he used to use every time. He took a random medicine and looked at the color of the cover. And took a pen of which the shade was similar to the cover’s color. And scratch the actual name and wrote the name of which Carrie had told in printed way. He was not scared of the police as his brother Kevin was a police himself. Kevin knew about Elsa’s family well. So he didn’t warn Paul. And Carrie had no habit of checking whether it was the correct medicine. One day, Paul gave Mrs. Thomas a poisoned tonic by mistake. Nothing happened to Mrs. Thomas for some time. And on top of that she had invited a beautician surgeon home. When the surgeon came home, he gave her an injection to reduce wrinkles. The injection affected the tonic she had taken, and after 45 seconds or so, her face bled and she died. {1 day after} Jessica goes to Carrie and says-“Carrie, a few years ago, when my you had come newly to our house to work, mommy told me that, if anyone had to read my wish after she dies, is not my father, it should be you!” Carrie was shocked. “How is it possible for a house maid to read a wish for her mistress’s family, Jessica?” she asked. “Dunno!” Jessica replied. So when it was time to read the wish, it read: “My wish is to bring my parents and make them Stay in our house. And Patrick should become A banker when he grows up…” Carrie stopped at the last few lines. “What is it Carrie? Why did you stop?” Patrick asked. “The wish has finished I guess. Isn’t it Carrie?” Jessica asked. “Yeah, right.”Carrie answered nervously. Elsa knew something was wrong for sure. She had decided when she was eight that she will become a detective when she grows up. A few days later, Carrie knocked at the door of Mr. Thomas. Mr. Thomas was a bit surprised because Carrie came to his room once in a blue moon except for the cleaning. “What’s the news Carrie?” he asked. “I’ve come here to tell you that I need to leave this job sir.” She replied. “May I ask why?” “Mr. Thomas, I need to return to my house for a family problem. On top of that, to look after my family I need to look for a job that’s near my residence.” She replied. Tttteeeeeeee-Ttttttee!!! “What’s that?” asked Carrie stunned! “That’s the sound of the new toy train I gifted Elsa!” Mr. Thomas said. Carrie made a grubby look. “I’ll give your salary of this month today, and you can leave tomorrow” he said somewhat stiffly. Elsa was listening to all this behind the door carefully. A few months after Carrie left, Jessica had become very dull. Father was searching for a woman to marry. And found one. She came home and they were ready to get married. Jessica thought her stepmother had a familiar face. Her name was Lisa. They were soon married and Elsa liked her mother. The shocking news was Jessica too liked Lisa! They lived happily for a few months, until when the chemist called Elsa when she was on her way to school and was about to ask something when Elsa broke in and said-“Oh, Paul! Mornin’! “Elsa, I’ve got something to say!” he said. “Let it be when I return back!” Paul nodded his head half agreeing. When Elsa returned from school went and asked Paul what was that he wanted to say. “Come inside the shop.” He said. She went inside. “The person who your father married is none other than Carrie!” he said secretly. Elsa didn’t believe him for a moment. Then she realized why Carrie didn’t read out the last few lines of the wish, and left the job soon after her mom died. “I think you are right! But how do you know?” “When I came to your house to say sorry to Mr. Thomas because I didn’t attend his wedding, Patrick opened the door and ran away. I went to Mr. Thomas and Carrie’s room, he was in the washroom and Carrie was taking out a keychain named Carrie. The next day, I came to give medicines to Jessica for fever, and she was saying to her that-“Carrie, good work!” so it is clear it is Carrie and no one else”. |
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