Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1987194-Oniis-Dorei-Part-One
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1987194
18+ Only- Smut/ Erotica Story Non-Fiction Incest Smut (Long)
--- Please excuse the way I write sometimes. I've published stories outside of the internet and several online fanfictions but I am not used to this site so please bear with me. I will ignore and negative criticism. If you don't like my stories, stop reading them.---

I loved my onii-san, my big brother, but I've always thought that my love would never be returned. When we were little, he
was only a year older than me, we would play the thing typical to children: "doctor." But in the end, he did end up
growing to be a doctor. I've always found that ironic. Now, I am a high school teacher and we are still as close as we were when we were little. He hasn't married or fallen in love and neither have I. I would liked to have thought that it was because he loved me and I knew I loved him, though that didn't stop me from having any crushes but those minor "likes" never blossomed into actual "love." But there was one thing that brought us even closer. It was during my first year of college and his second, already halfway through his graduation. I'd decided that I needed a day to myself and just relax in my room and sleep before all of the studying and working caught up to me and made me sick, thus making me loose more days at college.

But, I became really happy somehow. I was in my room dozing in my bed with my head against the bedhead and the t.v. on a random channel. I wasn't really paying attention, just thinking, which knowing myself, I never did. I was always a...
hyper woman; could never stay in one place too long and I was always running around or writing. It was about halfway through the day when I heard a knock at my apartment door. Thinking that it was unusual I slid out of my bed, dressed only in a pair of skin tight, black, short shorts and red sports tank top, and walked from my room, past the kitchen and bathroom, then into the living room. Being as short as I was, 5'3, I couldn't reach the small hole at the middle top of the door to see who it was outside. But even so, I warily opened the it.

"Hey Onee-wei." that was my "sisterly" nickname from my brother. I stood there, the door partially open, in slight shock. I hadn't seen my brother in a while and didn't expect to see him a while more, even though we attended college and lived in the same area. Kinichi, that was his name, was a man at the age of twenty two with black scruffy hair, deep brown eyes, and a height that wasn't exactly normal for Orientals, even half like we were, like ourselves. He was tall; at least 6'6. With me compared to him, my hair was dark brown and my eyes a deep hazel like his, along with my athletic figure, I was tiny. But there was something different about him now that I see him after about a year. He looked bigger, taller, like he'd started to work out. It was either that or he finally got out of his lanky stage.

"W-What are you doing here, Kinichi?" I finally got my mouth to work and erased the surprise from my face. He just gave me a smile. "Is it so wrong to visit my little sister?" he asked. Even his voice had changed, it was deeper than I remembered. I took a small step backwards. "I never said that." I huffed and opened the door farther. "Want to come in?" Kinichi nodded and stepped inside, looking around. I'd forgotten that he'd never been inside before but he did know where I lived. "It's small." he gave me a teasing smile. "Just like you." I frowned and punched him in the arm and he gave a small yelped. "Baka! (idiot) You haven't changed at all."

He continued to rub his arm with that same smile on his face. "Hey, I've been working out!" He tried to defend himself. I closed the door with one foot and crossed my arms. "So I noticed. But I meant personality wise." His grin widened. "So you've been looking at me, eh?" My mouth dropped open. "I did not say that!"

"Then how else would you notice I've been working out?" He laughed, knowingly backing me into a corner. I turned my head to the side indignantly. "Jerk." Kinichi chuckled and gave a retort. "Hentai. (pervert)" I gapped at him again. "I am not!" and hit his arm again. He jumped back, rubbing it. "Well you've gotten stronger to say the least." I rolled my eyes. 'To say the least' my ass. I crossed my arms again. "So, I'll ask again. What are you doing here?" Kinichi turned towards me farther. "Oh yeah. I got worried. You've never missed a class and they told me that you'd called in sick." Him worried about me? That was new, he never would have admitted that. Not in a million years.

"I'm not really sick." I said as he raised an eyebrow. "So I can tell." I narrowed my eyes. "Is that all?" I asked. He nodded slightly and scratched the back of his head, then looked at me out of the corners of his eyes. "What, you want me to leave that quickly? No time to spend with each other after not seeing each other for a while." I finally allowed myself a smile. "Maybe if you hadn't called me a pervert." I teased and turned, walking towards the kitchen. "Want anything? I've got some left over beef curry from last night's dinner." Kinichi appeared beside me a moment later. "Did you cook it?" I nodded and he gave an exaggerated groan. "Hey, I'm not a bad cook." He gave me a small push. "But you used to be." I hit his arm again, he was going to have a bruise by the end of this. When we lived with our parents, he almost always had a bruise there. it never seemed to bother him or anyone though. Ah, I'm an abusive sister.

I turned my head towards him as I opened up the fridge. "Then why don't you try it and find out, hm?" I leaned down and pulled the pot of curry out of the fridge and set it on the counter. He faked a gag. "Not your cooking, ew, no!" I stuck my tongue out at him and pointed at the cabinet with the plates. "Can you grab one, and if you want to try grab one for yourself." I ordered, pulling a ladle from a drawer. Kinichi just chuckled. "Tanako, you are one crazy little sister." Tanaka was my given name but people usually just called me Tano. He handed me two plates and I smiled knowingly and ladled the curry out on both of them and placed each in my very large and expensive microwave that took me forever to save up for and placed the pot of left over curry back in the fridge.

A moment later, the beep signaling the heating was done went off and I took it off, lightly handing one of the plates to Kinichi before sashaying away from him and to the pea green couch in the living room and plopped down with vigor. Kinichi, shaking his head, followed a moment later and sat next to me. "I came here to see if you were okay." he sighed and took a bit of the curry, placing a fork in his mouth. "And instead I get free lunch." he mumbled around it and a moment later his eyes widened and he took another bite. "I take back what I said, Onee-wei is a better cook than I thought." I took a bite of my own with a smug smile on my face. "Good, because it's the last you're going to get." Kinichi look at me with an 'are you serious' look. I just glanced at him and took another bite.

After a moment, I went into a sort-of daze, thinking about something that I don't even know I was thinking about. Maybe it was about Kinichi and the fact that I was trying my hardest not to start at him or fantasize about something I have been thinking about since I was fifteen. I let out a sigh to myself. I guess I was a Hentai (pervert). "What are you sighing about now?" Kinichi asked. I looked over at him and shrugged. He said that as if I sigh a lot. "Just... thinking." In a second, Kinichi's curry plate was on the marble coffee table in front of the couch and his hand was on my forehead. I stared at him, my eyes wide, trying to figure out what in the world he was doing. "Are you sure you aren't sick?" he murmured. Yeah, I know it is strange for me to be one: admitting even something to him and two: that I was thinking for once. To him, maybe, but I think I've been this way a lot lately. It just seems like something is... missing.

I huffed and gave him a little shove and set my curry down, no longer having any appetite. "You wish." I mumbled and he raised an eyebrow again. "I wish about what? That you were sick?" I chuckled and gave him a light punch in the gut. "Yeah, then you wouldn't have to deal with me hitting you." I had slightly smug tinges to my words. Suddenly, I squeaked, being caught off guard. He poked by side. Kinichi busted out laughing as I held my left side where he poked it. Oh, I hated when he did that! I punched him hard in the shoulder, making his laughter decelerate in to a light chuckle. "That's not funny!" I yelped, my voice slightly high from the squeak and my embarrassment from the squeak. That only seemed to make him laugh harder. "I'm serious!" I growled, starting to smile. Kinichi took one look at me, laughed again, looked at me, then laughed again. "Y-Yeah, I-I can tell!" he managed to gasp out around his laughter.

I huffed and turned in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well, you aren't being serious about it." I mumbled. Kinichi looked at me again and shook his head. "Man, I missed doing that." I rolled my eyes. "You're going to destroy my kidneys by doing that."

"I'm not poking your kidneys, I'm poking your sides. Your kidneys are near your back." He pointed to himself. "Doctor, remember?" Then he pointed at me and poked my stomach. I swatted his hand away. "Not an English teacher." I just stuck my tongue out and him and tapped one of my feet in the air out of annoyance. "You are really annoying, you know that? O-Nii-San." I separated the Japanese name for big brother, each syllable getting slightly closer to his face. "Oh really, O-Nee-Wei?" he did the same, getting closer to my face until we were about an inch and a half away from each other's faces. We just stared at each other for a moment before I noticed how close I was to him. My face heated and I quickly started to lean back but his hand caught my cheek and held my head there, his eyes searching mine. "Tano..." he started.

My eyes searched his else well, trying to figure out what he was doing. He got a bit closer. "Tano... I..." He stopped again and I felt his thumb rub lightly across my cheek as we just stared at each other. That's the only way I could explain our gazes. It wasn't a glare but it was more than just a... stare. There was something I never noticed before and I was sure he noticed it as well. "Kinichi...." I started as well and licked my lips in nervousness, trying to figure him out. He noticed and his eyes flickered to my lips for just a moment then back at my eyes. "Tano?" He said again. "Y-Yeah?" I stuttered. He leaned forward suddenly. "Forgive me for this." And his lips connected with mine.

My eyes widened considerably as I felt them touch mine. Was I dreaming? Was this that dream I used to have before I realized none of this could ever happen? Where did this come from!? Before I could react he moved away, searched my eyes, and then turned. "Sorry." He murmured. "But I had to one time at least." Before I could hold it back, I let out a small sob. This meant that, he felt the same. Kinichi looked back at me, question as to why I was crying, even mildly. I never cry, not in front of him at least. "B-Baka...(idiot)" I managed to get out and covered my mouth as I let out another sob, a tear finally reaching my eye. "I-I was going..." I gasped out and closed my eyes, head down towards my lap. "I was going to... f-forget about..." I sobbed again and sucked in a breath.

Kinichi turned farther towards me and reached a hand out and then withdrew it but I caught it with the hand that wasn't covering my mouth. I looed up at him as another tear slipped down my cheek. I could feel my face becoming red from sadness, frustration, and happiness. "D-Do you really feel that way?" I asked. He nodded slowly. I let out a half laugh- half sob and covered my mouth again. "B-Baka." I said again and leaned forward, pressing my forehead to my chest. "I was going to f-forget about m-my f-feelings." I heard Kinichi take a sharp intake of breath. I looked back up at his face, unable to keep the small smile from my face. "But now you make that... I-impossible." His arms wrapped slowly around me and hugged me closer as I cried into his chest. My moment of vulnerability, he has now seen it for the first time.

"I know... I know now...." He whispered to me and placed his lips on the top of my head and rocked me to him as I sobbed. And we stayed that way, for who knows how long, with the curry forgotten and cold on the marble coffee table...

--- Keep in touch with my story if you like it. There will be another chapter soon~! ---
© Copyright 2014 KorieMi (doreinikki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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