Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1987363-April-Fools-Rush-In
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1987363
Mart is in for the time of his life. Whether that's a good thing remains to be seen. WQ108
Martin turned the key in the lock and paused. What the hell was he doing!? This was crazy. Wasn't this crazy? He took one last deep breath for courage and blew out the remnants of his hesitation.
He hung his jacket on the nearby coat hanger before making a beeline for the bedroom. He swung the door open with bravado! This place was made with sex in mind.
"Bout time you made it." Coming from an ordinary girl the statement would have sounded catty. Coming from Cassandra, it sounded inviting.
"Well you know me, always busy pleasing the ladies." Silence reigned. He had said the wrong thing he just knew it. There was no such thing as companionable silence in situations like this. He rushed on to prove his manliness. "So little girl, you lookin' to get naughty?"
Wearing nothing but a short satin robe, she off the bed in the most graceful move Martin had ever seen. She sashayed over to where he stood.
"Enough talk." She cooed before claiming his lips. She tasted so sweet, so wet, so right. Martin lost himself in the scent of her. His hands went crazy and went from the small of her back straight to her ass.
Cassandra undressed him with expertise. "Your turn." He went to untie the belt of her robe but she stopped him.
"Not yet. What's the rush? We have all night and foreplay is only a third of the fun." What was the final third? Cuddling? He could do that. It was one of the reasons his friends said he was “soft”. Well now I'm here and they’re home jerking off. He was about to kiss her left breast when suddenly she wasn't there anymore.

"Where ya goin?" He asked before realizing he was tied to her headboard. There's no way she should have been able to make such a strong knot that fast. Panic started to rise in him.
"Sssshhh, relax babe. She straddled him from behind and caressed his face, then his back, his sides and by the time she reached the valley of his gluts he had forgotten all about the momentary distraction. Martin didn't resist when she tied his ankles to the other posts. "Can I blindfold you?" Her voice was so sweet and the way she pouted was so damned cute.
"Umm, I guess, but only for a bit. Then I get to blindfold you!"
"Deal." That smile. Dear God he would kill for that smile. Once he was submerged into full a door opened to his left and another on his right. "What’s that?"
"I invited a few friends in to help me." Martin stiffened.
"What?! Help you what?! Are they girl friends of yours? Cuz I'm not sure I'm down with that. Least not before I see them you know what I mean?" He tried to chuckle while saying the last bit but it was forced.
"Don't worry." Cassy's voice was moist in his ear. "Don't you trust me?"
"Well yea but..." He heard a sound like heavy wood being moved. The ties around his ankles went slack. He instinctually rose to his knees but before he could exhale, strong hands grasped each of his thighs and fastened cuffs around them. Before he could say "What the hell?' His legs were spread and his wrist restraints were jerked down. He was in the perfect downward dog position: face down, ass up. Quite fitting since he felt like a real bitch. "Cassandra, what the frick? Let me go, now!" He sounded commanding, but the chick just laughed at him.
"Too late boy toy. You're mine." The blindfold was ripped from his head. He was greeted to the sight of a huge, hairy, and naked man. Before Martin could start screaming that this wasn't funny he noticed the guy didn't have a dick. What the--? He stared harder, fixating on the man’s groin. Where a dick should be was just nice smooth skin.
"What the hell!?! Are you a eudick!?" Girlish laughter filled the room. He tried to turn his head to stare her down but she was out of sight.
"Sweetheart I think you mean eunuch. And yes, Tommy's a eunuch, Dave's a eunuch, and so are Mark, Mason, and Andy."
"What? Bitch you are freaking crazy. My friends are not eunuchs!"
"No? Have you seen there dicks lately? I suggest you be nice and do as I tell you because I have no problem with adding you to my eunnie collection. Get it?" Martin ground his teeth but didn't say anything. He would not play her game. "Go show him." Eunuch man moved away and made room for another guy. Martin looked up into Mark's face.

"Dude! What the frick!? Get me out---" Martin looked at Marks groin. "No....how, what the---Did she do that to you?!" Marks face was blank, devoid of all emotion. He walked away. Before Martin could scream for him to come back Mason and Andy came forward and displayed their own mutilated groins.
"You see baby? Don't you think its best not to fight me on this one?" All Martin could do was scream.

Word count: 861
Full version (1744 words): "April Fools Rush In: Blame it on the spring pollen. 1744 wds
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#1355442 by Dawn Embers
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1987363-April-Fools-Rush-In