Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1988163-Bad-Romance
Rated: E · Fiction · Young Adult · #1988163
The first two chapters of a book I am working on.
Chapter One

Lily took a sip of her coffee and scrolled through her call list on her phone.

"I've rang her seven times and no answer or call back yet, I'm really starting to get worried Quinn."

         "Why don't you just drop by her place Lil? I'm sure she's just outside catching some rays or gardening. You haven't seen her in a week or two anyway, we could drop by and go for a swim with her."

         "No Quinn, I am getting a really bad vibe from all of this. I don't know what to make of it all. But I know something is not right. It's just one of those things I can feel, ya know?"

         "Alright, alright. We can go by and check on everything but I'm sure it is all okay. You're getting worried over nothing. But I could use to get away for a few hours anyway."

         Lily and Quinn got into her car and set out to her mother's house to check on her sister, Lucie, and mother, Liesel.  Lately, Liesel, has been seeing a new man, Derryl. She met him one night while she was bartending. Derryl gave her all of the typical lines that a woman likes to hear and ever since their father, Leo, had passed suddenly from a heart attack three years ago, their mother hasn't dated. Sure, Lily and Lucie both agreed that their mother deserved to be happy and they weren't opposed to her dating, until they met Derryl.

         Derryl was the type of guy that you would see from across the produce department checking out the wrong melons. He was just someone you knew to steer clear of, unless you were Liesel and you were longing for love. Liesel was a hard working mother who had always been so loving and caring, but when Leo passed she felt as though she was missing a big part of herself.

         Lily had been so concerned about leaving Lucie and Liesel to go off to college. Lucie was incredibly bright. In fact, Lily would bet she was much brighter than most people double her age. But most nights Liesel would be at work until the wee hours of the morning, and it was hard to keep an eye on Lucie. This terrified Lily, what if Lucie went out and didn't come back? What if someone was to break into the house and Lucie was the only person in there? She was a very tiny girl. Who is to say what would happen. All of these things raced through Lily's mind at night.

         Lily was half way to her mother's house, her palms sweating and mind racing. Derryl has been very weird lately, every time Lily talks to Liesel or Lucie on the phone, he is never far. Lucie had just expressed her concern with her mother dating Derryl the other at lunch.

         "I don't know Lil, things are just... Weird. Ya know? I feel like he is constantly watching us. I feel like next he is going to take the door off the bathroom so Ma and I can't even use the bathroom and shower without being watched. And he has been drinking so much lately. I mean he has always had a beer or two a night but lately, it's like he constantly has a beer in his hand."

         All of this really bothered Lily. The closer she got to her mother's place the more nervous she got. As Lily and Quinn pulled up to the apartment complex something felt... Off. But Lily couldn't place it. There was a quiet stillness about it that made them feel uncomfortable. When Lily got out of the car her knees were weak as she approached. She knocked on the door five times and rang the doorbell twice. No answer. She peaked through the curtains and from what she could see, the house looked trashed.

Chapter 2

         Lily remembered where her mother had hidden a key under the frog statue on the door step. She lifted up the frog and sighed in relief when she saw the brass key glistening in the sun waiting for her to pick it up. She grabbed it, slowly slide the key in the key hole listening to ever click as the key and the lock matched up, she slowly turned the knob and jiggled it a bit, finally she pushed open the door and entered. As soon as she walked in the smell of stale smoke hit her in the face. Liesel had never liked smoking and especially never allowed it in her house. No matter who it was. Jesus Christ himself could have tried to smoke in her house and without a doubt she would have said no. There were empty beer cans flowed over the top of the garbage can and beer bottles scattered on the floor. A smashed pitcher lay over by the sink. Tea was splattered all over the walls and the floor. Something is obviously going on.

         "Ma? Lucie? Maaaa? Anyone home?"

         No response.

         Lily turned to Quinn. "Something is not right at all. Ma would never leave the house looking like this. And smelling like this. She never let anyone smoke in the house. It didn't matter who it was."

         "Well maybe it was Derryl. That guy sounds like a real piece of work."

         "Yeah I suppose so. I feel sick to my stomach. Something has happened to Ma and Lucie, I can feel it."

         Lily walked through the house. There was no sign of anyone. Liesel always kept the house in order. This was not at all like her. Something had clearly happened. But Lily had no idea what it was.

         "911 What is your emergency?"

         "My mother and sister are missing. I have called them both many times and there was no answer. So I came over to my mother's house and no one is home. The house is a wreck."

         "Well how long have they been missing?"

         "I haven't been able to get ahold of them since 10 am. And it's 2 pm now. So at least four hours. Could be longer."

         "Well they have to be missing for at least twenty four hours. I'm sorry ma'am but you'll have to wait until tomorrow morning to file a report."

         "But they're missing. I know they are. Something is not right about the house."

         "Ma'am I wish I could help you. I really do, but there isn't anything we can do until tomorrow morning. I'm sorry."

         "Okay, thank you"


         "Quinn, they said there is nothing they can do until tomorrow because it hasn't been twenty four hours. I don't know what to do. I have no idea where they are or what has happened. This is not like them. I bet it was Derryl. Actually. I know it was. If I see him, I swear I'll kill him!"

         "Lil, calm down. We will just have to wait and..."

         "Wait?! Quinn, are you nuts? That's my mother and sister. They are the only family I have. How can I just wait to see what happened to them? What if they have been kidnapped? Or killed? I can't just sit around and wait."

         "All I'm saying is, the police can't do anything until tomorrow, what are we going to do? Go out and find them ourselves?"

         "Quinn! You're a genius! That's what we have to do! We have to go out and look for them ourselves."

         "Wait, I didn't actually mean... Fine, let's go."

Lily and Quinn scurried out the door locking it behind them. Lily took the key with her because she didn't want anyone being able to get in and clean anything up. They were going to need that for police evidence, that's if they didn't find Lucie and Leisel first. Besides, they both had their own key so if by some chance they got home, they would be able to get inside.

"But where should we start?" Questioned Quinn.

         "There is only one place we can start. Derryl's house." Answered Lily matter-of-factly.


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