These poems on the front of in this folder were written by me as hooves, COWser Soze and tHiNG to support my team, Team Martell in "
King's Landing updating "

graciously hosted by
I contributed a total of 4 songs and 198 cheers, or in other words, 198,000 gps for my team. I did my best
I am waiting for my muse to visit me again.
22 Cheers
My hooves are not tired,
It's only Game Day 2,

's warm welcome
Made me feel so brand new
She sent the herd a raven,

So sleek and so sure
Giving us the message
Team Martell will endure
Twenty-two cheers,
So, hear me, you cows
Raise your moos highly
To the clouds and back now!
Our leaders are brave,
Their wits at the ready



To hold our team steady!
We send back a raven

Our loyalty we profess
When other bulls graze your pasture
Count on Hooves for your quest!
44 Cheers
I moo in my pasture
until today
Biding my time
then finding my way
44 Cheers?
An odd number, you say?
Don't you fret there my STEERs
more on the way!
To cheer for a team
I do today
Led by Maryann
To conquer this May
To conquer a month
not just a day
We are Game of Thrones
And we're here to say:
We moo in the pastures
Our armor at bay
House of Martell
Cows and Bulls come to play!!!!!
88 Cheers
Listen now, you wandering herd
Fly now raven, oh raven, our beautiful bird!

88 Cheers For Team Martell!
Across winter's lands, our numbers swell!
Our hooves shine like diamonds,
Horns sharp, at the ready!
From lands north and southward,
On legions! On, steady!!
Nostrils flare at the mention
of our leadership



We tighten our grip
MOOving forward, yes forward!
On into the breach!
We fear no wolves, dwarfs or dragons,
You are students, we will teach!
Yay!!!!!! MOOOOO!!! Team Martell!!!!!
I'm My Team's Battleaxe!
So, it's 11 Cheers now,
What do you see?
Is it a sleeping bull?
Named, "hooves" in the weeds?
I will join my compadres,
All of them strong.


Will summon House Martell ones along
I look so lazy
In my Summer repose,
Can't imagine me fighting?
You'd be wrong in your suppose
Just remember the race
Isn't always to the swift.
Just lay down your armour, other teams
And towards you we'll drift
Our host

is so gracious
I found time to relax
When it's time to charge
I'll be my team's battleaxe!
Go House Martell!!!!!!!!!!