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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Death · #2000090
A group of teens senior year turns upside down when a killer stalks and kills them.
(scene one, act one) (The first kill, the introduction of characters)

    (setting:in the gauvin household at night. )

Destiny: Maybe we can rent a movie or something

Jess: Fine but nothing too scary.

Destiny: You are such a pussy.

Jess: Why dont we watch something romantic like the Notebook or something?

Destiny: Because we arent lesbians.

Jess: Come on i like movies with happy ending not ones with blood and gore and where everyone dies.

Destiny: I like blood and gore.

Jess: I dont. All those movies are bullshit its always some dumb blonde chick who dies first and its always some whiny girl celebrity they pick to be the star and then her boyfriend is always the killer.

Destiny: Not stupid scary movies i like gory ones like saw

Jess: Ew how can you ever watch that its like human centipede gross.

(Jess gets a text)

Jess: Hey come read this text i got.

Destiny: Okay.

Jess(Reading her text): Hey jess. Im your biggest fan.

Destiny: Biggest fan?

Jess: Probably seen me in cheer practice.

Destiny: Or maybe hes talking about you in bed.

Jess: I got another one.

Destiny: i hear you are good at what you do. This is probably jack trying to screw with you.

Jess: Yeah you are probably right.

Destiny: hey the popcorn is done.

(Destiny goes in the kitchen and hears broken glass in the living room)

Destiny runs into the living room.

Destiny: Jess?

(She sees jess on the floor)

Destiny: Omg jess are you okay.

Jess: Haha You feel for it.

Destiny: That was the gayest prank i have ever seen.

Jess: Haha whatever.

(A loud bang comes from outside)

Jess: Nice try Destiny

Destiny: What was that?

Jess: I know you are trying to trick me im not stupid

(destiny picks up flashlight and walks outside)

(she sees nothing and walks back in)

Destiny: Must of been a racoon or something

(jess isnt in there)

Destiny: Jessica?

(The phone begans to ring. She picks up the phone.)

Mysterious voice: Hey Destiny

Destiny: Whos this?

Mysterious voice: Are you alone?

Destiny: No im here with my friend jess.

Mysterious voice: No you're not jess is with me

Destiny: Okay where are you?

Mysterious voice: Why dont you look outside.

(Destiny walks out the door)



(Last 10 minutes)

( SHE RUNS INTO THE WOODS BEHIND HER HOUSE AND HIDES BEHIND A TREE) ( she runs some more as she is heavily breathing)

(she trips on a rock and falls down a hill)

(Killer goes to the bottom of hill and grabs her feet and pulls her to him)

Destiny- Why are you doing this? Please dont!

Killer- You love blood and gore right?

(Killer stabs her in the stomache slowely killing her. )

(Killer song plays)

(Opening credits)


( Direction high school)

Miranda: I did it i bought my perfect prom dress.

Kalasia: I cant believe mike hasnt asked me

Miranda: Here comes Savanna dont mention the break-up.

Savanna: Hey guys

Alexa: Hey savanna how you feeling about you know what?

Donia: Alexa

Savanna: No its fine. Im over it if jack wants to date some cheep hoe thats fine with me.

Alexa: Hey we should have a sleepover at my house tonight. We'll have a girls night before prom.

(Jeremy enters carrying a video camera)

jeremy: Hey everyone we have 4 days to prom and 20 days till graduation.

Donia: What are you doing with the fuckin camera

jeremy: I want to video tape so i have the memories of my senior year forever.Oh hey savanna how you dealing with the breakup?

Alexa: Well shoot me i look smokin today.

Ethan: Damn right you do

(trent, Max, jack, Mike and ethan join the group)

Max: Hey miranda excited for prom.

Miranda: Yess i cant wait (They kiss)

Ethan: OO kill em

Donna: Dont you have somewhere else to be annoying ethan.

(Jeremy with the camera)

Jeremy: So trent may i ask you questions for the yearbook.

Trent: Ugh sure i guess.

Jeremy: Great accomplishment in highschool?

Trent: Easily making the football team

Jeremy: Boxers or breifs?

Trent: What

Jeremy: Come on boxers or breifs?

Trent: Boxers.

Jeremy: Okay how big is..

Alexa: Okay jeremy that is enough with him now ask me.

Jeremy: Okay what is your biggest accomplishment this year?

Alexa: Easy winning prom queen.

Jeremy: But you didnt win prom queen yet.

Alexa: But im going to. Whoever doesnt vote for me is stupid.

Jeremy: Okay thats it bye

Alexa: What but what about the boxer or breif question the answer is thong by the way.

(Jeremy walks away)

(Savanna gets a text)

Savanna: Thats weird

Miranda: What?

Savanna: Why is jess texting me?

Miranda: What does it say?

Savanna: I own all of you.

Miranda: What the fuck.

Savanna: First she steals my boyfriend now she acts creepy as fuck.

(jack enters)

Jack: Savanna do you think we can talk in private?

(Everyone else leaves)

Savanna: What do you want

Jack: Wow you are so beautiful

Savanna: Just stop.

Jack: But

Savanna: You are the one who broke up with me remember?

Jack: Maybe that was a mistake

Savanna: No the only mistake was dating you. I got to go im going to be late for class.

( next setting classroom)

Teacher- Hamlit is one of the best literature of all time

Alexa( to miranda): Hey i just got the weirdest text from Destiny.

Donia: I did too

Trent: Me too

Savanna: Same here

(Alexa reads the text out loud)

Alexa:" All hell is about to break lose"

All the phones in the class go off.

Teacher: Hey put your phones away. Okay what is so important that my class is being disrupted.

Alexa: Jess and Destiny were murdered last night.

(everyone gathers around the window with swarms of new casters and reports on their lawn)



Reporter Three: Police cheif orders anyone with any information about the murders too call

Donia: This is unreal.

Teacher: Class is dismissed.

( all in the hallway)

Ethan: Hey Donia with this big bad killer on the lose maybe i should come to your house and keep you company

Donna: Oh please im a big girl i can handel myself. By the way you are too weird and gross for me.

Mike: OH burn

Ethan Shut up

Miranda: I cant beleive they are dead and so close to prom.

( All go out to the foyer)

Trent: Looks like history is repeating itself

Savanna: What do you mean?

Trent: Well 20 years ago a student here killed 10 of his classmates around prom. It was Ben Robinson and rummor was he killed them because they didnt invite him to ride in their limo.

Alexa: What a load of crap. This was probably one of jess's angry ex boyfriend trying to get even.

Trent: true.

Savanna: I dont know if i believe he killed them because of the limo.

Alexa: yeah maybe he was just a phsycopath.

Jeremy: Either way, this just made this year a whole lot more interesting.

Alexa: At least we have nothing to worry about killers usually only go after popular kids and we are at like the bottom of the totem pole.

Miranda: But we got texts from their phones.

Savanna: You saw though everyone did.

Jeremy: But if this really is a repeat then some fucked up shit is going to happen.

Alexa: I guess its time for some new people to die.

Miranda: Hopefully not me.

Jeremy: Come on miranda you are prime killer bate.

Miranda: What do you mean?

Jeremy: Pure, innocent, killers love that. Ever seen a horror movie. But alexa right we arent the killer target if anyone gets killed it would be the popular kids.

(Jack walks over)

Jeremy: So jack where were you last night? Kinda fishy how your ex girlfriend is murdered and then the next day you suddenly want Savanna back.

Jack: I was busy.

Alexa: MHMM

Jack: What about you trent where were you?

Jeremy: He was with me.

Jack: What was he doing with a faggit like you

Trent: He was helping me with spanish.

Doni: Guys Alexa was probably right it probably was a jelous ex boyfriend getting revenge.

Kalasia: Speaking of Alexa where is she?

Reporter 2: So Alexa where you close to the victims.

Alexa( Smiling into the camera): Well i know this is very tragic but  remeber to vote for Alexa for prom queen.

(The gang get alexa and go away)

(end of act one)

Act 2 Scene one

(setting: Alexa house)

Kalasia: Dang there are alot of reporters across the street

Alexa: Yup thats the "Murder House"

Miranda: This feels weird we are that close to where someone was murdered.

Savanna: Cheer up miranda you know Destiny she would want us to be happy.

Donna: Yess and who can be sad with all this food around us.

Kalasia: Has anyone else notticed mike has been acting really weird lately?

Savanna: Maybe hes just playing hard to get.

Kalasia: Well prom is 4 days away and he still hasnt asked me

Miranda: He'll ask you

Kalassia: Easy for you to say you have the perfect relationship.

Miranda: You guys think we are perfect?

Savanna: Um yess.

Donia:You wanna know whats a perfect relationship me and this icecream right here

Savanna: Same

Miranda: stop whining you could have a relationship if you wanted

Savanna: Well i dont want one right now. Men are pigs.

Donia:amen to that

Not all men are pigs

Alexa: Who said that?

She goes behind her couch

Alexa: Ethan what are you doing here

Ethan: I came to hang out with you guys. So what do you say. Naked pillow fights.

All girls: Goodbye ethan

Kalassia: What a creep

Alexa: I dont know hes kinda cute

(All burst out laughing)

Alexa: Hey guys what do you think of my prom posters?

Miranda:I cant believe you are running for prom queen.

Alexa: Why?

Donia: It just doesnt seem like something you would do.

Alexa: Well my mom was promqueen so i wanna keep the tradition going.

Savanna: Well you have my vote.

Miranda: Me too

Kalasia: Me too

Donia: And you would have mine but im not going.

Savanna: Me neither.

Miranda: Aww please guys we should all go.

Alexa: come on guys i really need your vote and we can rent a limo and it would be fun.

Miranda: Yeah guys come on.

Donia: Miranda your phone just buzzed.

Kalasia: IS that from you know who?

Alexa: Maybe its from the killer.

Savanna: Ooooo

Miranda: Shut up guys its just from max.

All girls: OOOOO

Miranda gets a text.

Miranda: Hey alexa im gonna use the bathroom okay

Alexa: Okay

(Miranda goes into the bathroom and opens the window)

Miranda: Safe to come in.

Max: Thank god that bush was so uncomfortable.

Miranda: Just kiss me already.

(Both kiss)

Max: I love you remind me why we are waiting again?

Miranda: Because we want it to be romantic. Whats more romantic then lossing our virginities at prom.

Max: I know but

Miranda: Hey only four days away

(knock on the door)

Donna: Miranda you almost done in there?

MAx: I gotta go

(They kiss)

Miranda: Bye

(She opens the door)

Miranda: Okay im done.

(Miranda enters the kitchen)

Alexa: Took you long enough

Savanna: Was your love toy in there?

All girls( OHH LOVE TOY)

Miranda: Shut up

(Alexa goes to answer it)

Savanna: Watch out it might be the killer.

Alexa: Ahh im so scared.

*they get a knock on the door*

Alexa: Oh look who it is

Trent: Let us in i got pizza

Jeremy: and beer

Mike: and a surprise Kalassia can you come here?

Kalasia: Yeah mike

Mike: Im so stupid will you go to prom with me?

Kalasia: I thought you would never ask.

Alexa: But seriously guys you guys need to leave its a girls only sleepover.

Jeremy: Come on

Savanna: She is right. you guys should go.

Trent: Dont you need us strong boys here to protect you.

Donia: Please we are strong independent women who can take care of ourselves.

( The guys leave.)

Alexa: They are so cute

Kalasia: Hey back off mikes mine.

Savanna: I swear there is something weird about Trent

Donia: Yeah i notticed it too.

Kalasia: Well if i lived with his asshole father too i would be acting weird.

Donia: Poor kid

( Alexa cell phone rings)

Savanna: Dont answer it it might be the killer

Alexa: Or it could be someone whos gonna vote for me for prom queen.

(She answers)

Alexa: Hello?

Mysterious voice: Hello alexa i saw you on the news today

Alexa: Oh really

Donna: Who is it?

Mysterious voice: Yeah it was kind of a shallow thing to do but dont worry i like shallow.

Alexa: Oh really haha.

Kalassia: Who is it.

Alexa: I dont know who is it?

Mysterious voice: Your biggest fan

Alexa: He says im he's my biggest fan.

Donna: Hey we are gonna go set our sleeping bags in your room up.

(All the girls but alexa leave the room)

Mysterious voice: You alone?

Alexa: At the moment yess.

Mysterious voice: Can i come over?

Alexa: Is this Ethan?

Mysterious voice: no

Alexa: Jeremy? Max? Jack?

Mysterious voice: You will find out eventually who i am i wanna know more about you

Alexa: Okay what do you wanna know?

Mysterious voice: Whats your blood type?

Alexa: why do you---


Alexa: Ugh A positive  i think

Mysterious stranger: Next question, Do you like guts and gore movies?

Alexa: Not really i like happy movies like the notebook

Mysterious voice: THEY BOTH DIE IN THE END

Alexa: I know but they die together its so cute.

Mysterious voice: Okay next question

Alexa: Yes.

Mysterious voice: Have you ever been stabbed before?

Alexa: Okay who is this?


Alexa: Look i dont know what you want

Mysterious voice: Well i want you of cource. Im your biggest fan Oh and by the way

Alexa: Yes?

Mysterious voice: Your frount door is unlock.

Alexa runs to the frount door and locks it.

(Donna in the other room phone goes off)


Mysterious voice: Hey we are going to play a game.

Donia:What who is this?

Mysterious voice: Its simple im gonna ask you a question if you get it right you all live if you get it wrong someone in the house dies.

Donna: Who is this?

Mysterious voice: What is my costume today here is a hint. Im one of the only pets that can die when you give me a bath.

Kalasia: Who is it?


Mysterious voice: WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER?

Donna: Ugh i dont know a chicken.

Mysterious Voice: WRONG ANSWER

(the house goes quiet)

Donna runs to open the door.

Donna: The door is locked.

Miranda: What do you mean it is locked?

Donna: It Is locked.

(The the tv plays a video of the kitchen)

(Alexa is walking in the kitchen and guy in a bloody bunny suit jumps out.)

Girls(screaming): Alexa !!!!(why all trying to get the door open. )

(alexa is being stabed repeatally as she crawls arounds the kitchen.)

( the girls All screaming): Someone help

(LAst about 5 minnutes. Alexa fights back while grabing pans and stuff to throw at him)

Alexa:(screaming) Someone help me( As the the killer puts in the last stab that kills her then puts her face to the monitor.)

(THen the door unlocks and they enter the kitchen. The killer is gone and they see you're next written in Alexa blood)

(end of act 2) 

(ACT 3)

Setting: Alexa house

Reporter number 2: Another teen murdered

Reporter number 1: 3 teens dead in 24 hours

Reporter number 3: Killer still at large

(Miranda siting in ambulance)

Max: I came as soon as i heard are you okay?

Miranda: Why Alexa? She had so much going to her just why?

(Jeremy off in the distance)

Jeremy: Another murder this is looking like a repeat of spring 1994.

Trent: Dude this is really getting weird

Mike: We were just here this isn't right

The girls go up to the boys.

Mike: Are you girls okay?

Savanna: I csnt believe he got Alexa

Donna: Its like we are in a never ending nightmare

Kalasia: Where is jack?

Trent: I havent seen him sense football at 3

Jeremy: I havent seen him

Mike: Me neither

Kalasia Phone rings

Kalasia( with everyones eyes on her.):Hello?

Voice: Hello this is principal johnston and untill the killer is caught school and prom is cancelled.

Kalasia: Prom is canceled

Miranda: What i spent 200 dollars on my dress.

Savanna: Well i dont feel safe.

Police: Hey i officer garret i would like to ask all of you one on one questions.

Miranda: But we didnt do anything

Officer: Well until the killer is caught everyone is a suspect.

(The cops order them unto the police cars one by one)

(They sit in the cars and see as jack walks by.)

  ( Act 2 scene 2)

(Setting police Station)

Officer Garret: Hello Savanna we are just going to ask you a few questions

Savanna stares off into space

Officer Garret: Look i know that you just lost your friend but please can you focus

Savanna: Sorry

Officer Garret: Now can you please tell me what happened at the time of your friends murder?

(Shows to miranda)

Miranda: Well we were just having a girls night and eating around the table

(moves to donna)

Donna: Then she got a call on her cell but didnt tell us who it was from

(Moves to Kalasia)

Kalasia: Then we went in the room to lay out the sleeping bags

(Moves to savanna)

Savanna: Then we were locked in and we heard and saw her being murdered.

Officer Garret: How could you see her.

(Shows to Miranda)

Miranda: it was on the tv like videochat.

(Moves to Donna)

Donna: and then the door unlocked( she says as she starts chocking up.): And she was dead

Kalassia: And the words "You'r next" writen in blood on the floor.

Officer Garrett: Okay thank you.

(Officer Garret leaves the room and goes to sargent Kane.

Sargent Kane: Any of them seem guilty to you?

Officer Garrett: No all seem pretty shaken up.

Sargent: Have a police patrol all their houses

Garrett: Will do.

(Garrent enters the holding room with all the girls)

Garrett: you girls are free to go.

Act two scene 3: Hutcherson Rock

(Trent and Jeremy sit in the car)

Trent: Today has been crazy

Jeremy: Tell me about it

Trent: It just makes you value life more ya know?

Jeremy: Yeah i know

Trent: Hey thank you for not telling anyone about last night. Im just not ready for anyone to know.

Jeremy: Just shut up dude i wont tell anyone

Trent leans in to kiss jeremy but turns away

Jeremy: Look dude i cant

Trent: I understand.

( a few miles away Ethan is watching porn in his truck)


his phone rings

Ethan: Hello?

Mysterious voice: Hey ethan

Ethan: Whatzittuya?

Mysterious voice: Wanna play a game?

Ethan: Not really

Mysterious voice: Come on you will love this game, its called naked pillow fight.

Ethan: Who is this?

Mysterious voice: The rule is simple run and dont let me find you or i kill you.

Ethan: Im gonna hang up if you dont knock it off

Mysterious voice: You have till the count of five. FIVE, four, two, one.

( The line goes dead)

Ethan: Stupid prank caller.

(He turns his laptop to see a video of the back of his head. )

Killer in the backseat of the car: SURPRISE

( HE takes the knife and stabes ethan in the arm. )

Ethan open the door and run and is screaming.

Jeremy: What is that?

Trent: I dont know

Trent phone rings

Trent: Hello?

Mysterious voice: Hello trent. See im playing a game with Ethan right now but lets make this interesting. Spill your secret by 5 oclock tomorrow or Jeremy will die.

( THE killer then picks up ethans dead body and throws it on the glass of trents truck )

Mysterious voice: Ill be waiting WAHAHAHAHA.

End of act three

( Act four scene 1)

(Setting the next day at freedom park. )

Jeremy: You dont have to come out if you dont want to.

Trent: Yeah but if i dont you will die and i could never live with myself if you get killed because of me. i gotta do it.

Jeremy: But your dad he will kill you

Trent: Anything to keep you safe.

( In a car three milles away)

Savanna: So you wanted to meet me

Jack: I just wanted to know you are okay

Savanna: Are you kidding me? Alexa and Ethan are dead and you excpect me to be okay.

Jack: I know but you arent. You need to move on and live your life maybe with me.

Savanna: I dont know if i can trust you jack.

Jack: What you think i killed those people.

Savanna: (No answer)

Jack: Well i didnt and i have good aliby

Savanna: Really? What is it?

Jack: I was studying for french

Savanna: What a load of BS

Jack: Im serious i was studying with Rachel

Savanna: Rachel?

Jack: Yeah you know the new girl?

Savanna: The one with the fake boobs.

Jack: Stop with the fucking jelousy. Thats the reason i broke up with you in the first place.

Savanna:If i was such a terrible girlfriend then why did you call me to meet you hear.

Jack: Because im scared okay. I dont want anything bad to happen to you

Savanna: I can take care of myself.

Jack: I know you can, thats what i like about you.

(jack leans into kiss savanna)

Savanna: I got to go, im meeting miranda at her house.

( Savanna leans into kiss jack. ) (they kiss for 2 minnutes and she leaves)

Act 4 Scene 2

(Donna , max, and Miranda and Kalasia are all in Miranda room as Savanna enters.)

Donna: I just heard from Alexa parents her funeral is going to be Sunday.

Max: Its just so awful. poor Alexa and poor Ethan.

Kalasia: Its weird but im going to miss Ethan being all creepy and flirting with us

Miranda: Im gonna miss Alexa and her whity comments.

  (Savanna enters)

Miranda: Well someone looks happy

Kalassia: Wait is that a hickey on your neck?

Savanna: Maybe '

Donna: By who girl spill?

Savanna: Jack.

Miranda: WHAT!!!

Jeremy: Kids a playa

Savanna: Stop guys i dont know i guess with all the death and stuff i dont know i guess i still kind of like him.

Max: I dont know it just seem fishy to me.

Savanna: What?

Max: Its just weird how everyone dies that benifits jack. Look his ex girlfriend, Alexa who told you jack cheated, and Ethan the kids who got him kicked off the football team for ratting about him doing weed.

Savanna: Its probably all conwincidental. Jack doesnt have a mean bone in his body.

Kalasia: Savanna he gave you a black eye last month.

Savanna: That was my fault. i should of got him angry.

Miranda: Savanna he is bad news.

(Savanna gets a text.)

Savanna: I gotta go. Ill see you later Miranda okay.

Act 4 Scene 3

(Later that night in miranda house just savanna and miranda are there tho)

Savanna: I dont know i think you guys are wrong about jack i spent the afternoon with him and he was so sweet. he took me to the beach and we spent just cuddled on the blankets and talked about college and the future

Miranda: I dont know i just dont trust him.

Savanna: Whatever im just gonna go take a shower okay.

Miranda: Okay

( Miranda phone rings) ( Miranda looks around and answers it with caution)

Mysterious voice: Hey Miranda

Miranda: Oh my god its you what do you want.

Mysterious voice: No dont worry miranda im not going to kill you i like you im gonna have some fun with you.

Miranda: There are cops in frount of my house they know im here.

Mysterious voice: Oh maybe ill have some fun with them too the more the marrier.

Miranda: Im not kidding.

Mysterious voice: Well i dont think they are going to be much help to you anymore. Come on look outside and enjoy the show.

( Miranda runs to the window and sees the cops standing outside)

Officer Garret: I checked around back it was clear

Officer Debbie: Clear in the frount too.

(Then the killer runs to the cops and stabs Debbie in the throat and then takes a gun and shots Officer Garret in the head)

Miranda screams

Mysterious voice: See that was fun. Now what kind of fun am i going to have with you?

Miranda: Please dont kill me

Mysterious visitor: Why would i kill you i like you. Oh i see you have a friend over.

(line goes dead)

Mirand runs to her bathroom door.

Miranda: Savanna open up.. Savanna

(savanna opens the door)

Savanna: What?

(Then the killer pops out and cuts savanna in the arm, Then they run into miranda room and lock the door)

( Miranda gets her phone and calls 9/11 but by the time they do the killer is gone.)

Miranda: OH my god.

(The window behind her shatters.)

Savanna and miranda scream

Jack: Calm down guys its only me

( a knife falls out of jacks pocket)

The police enter the room)

Jack: Savanna i can explain this.

Savanna: Oh my god it is you.

Miranda: You just tried to kill us

Jack: IT wasnt me i swear

OFficer Carrey: Jack you are under arrest for the murders of 6 people.

Jack: It wasnt me.

(End of act four)

(Act 5)

(Takes place the day after)

Reporter 1: We are outside the police station where an arrest has been made in the death of 4 teens and 2 police officers.

Reporter 2: It is believed Jack killed his classmates and two police officers

Reporter 3: Principle says due to person being arrested prom is back on and school is back in session.

(the gang in school)

Kalasia: It feels weird to be back

Mike: Just look at the brightside tomorrow is prom and this is all behind us now

Kalasia: So are we still on for prom?

Mike: Wouldnt miss it for the world.

( Kalasia and mike kiss)

Miranda: Have any of you heard from Savanna?

Kalasia: Not sense jack was arrested.

Trent: I cant beleieve jack murdered those people you think you know a guy?

Mike: I know but everything is pointing to him and it makes the most sense.

Miranda: Poor Savanna and she was really starting to like him.

(Donnia comes over with prom posters)

Donnia: They changed the theme to the notebook because that was Alexa and jess favorite movie.

Kalasia: Alexa would of made a great prom queen.

Donnia: We are giving a crown to Jess, Destinys, Alexa's, and Ethans moms to honor their kids.

Miranda: Oh that sweet.

Donnia: May jack rot in hell

Kalasia: Shh here comes savanna

Savanna: What about savanna?

Miranda: We are talking about how nice you look today.

Savanna: Im wearing fucking sweatpants.

Donnia: How are you feeling hun?

Savanna: What that the guy is a fricken phsyco how do you think i feel.

Miranda: Do you want me to walk to class?

Savanna: I just want to be alone okay.

(Max enters)

Max: Hey babe how is your arm?

Miranda: Its fine.

Max: Well lets just be thankful that, that crazy phsyco is off the streets.

Miranda: Amen to that

Max: Im really excited for prom. ( He whispers to her) Im really excited for whats after Prom.

Miranda: Cant wait.

( The school bell rings)

Max: Well i gotta go. Call me later okay?

Miranda: Will do.

(Jeremy Enters) 

Jeremy: Hey trent can i talk to you in private?

(trent and jeremy go into a jainitors closet)

Jeremy: So i guess sense jack was arressted you don't have to come out now.

Trent: Yeah i dont know maybe its for the best.

Jeremy: It just seems weird that jack would know.

Trent: I dont know maybe he went through my phone and found our texts or something.

Jeremy: Well i guess we wont have to worry about him anymore

Trent: Hey why dont we go to prom together. It will be fun.

Jeremy: I dont even have a suit.

Trent: I have an extra come on it will be fun. And we should go to honor alexa and Ethan.

Jeremy: Okay deal.

Act 5 scene 2.

(setting Miranda's house)

Miranda: Hey guys can i talk to you about something.

Donnia: Sure girl

Kalasia: Yeah.

Miranda: Okay but promise me this stays hush hush between us.

Kalasia: Promise.

Donia: Pinky swear.

Miranda: Okay so Max is keep pushing me to have sex and i just told him wait till prom but now that prom is coming i dont know if im ready.

Kalasia: You guys havent had sex yet?

Donia: You guys have been dateing for a year.

Miranda: Why is that bad?

Kalasia: Well no but its a little weird.

Donnia: Try extremely weird, come on girl what are you waiting for?

Miranda: I dont know, i just am scared.

Kalasia: Its scary at first but once you are doing it and you truely love the person its like magic.

Donnia: And its so much fun.

Miranda: You sure.

Donnia: I swear.

(A knock on the door)

Jeremy: You might wanna put on the news.

Mike: do it right now.

(Miranda puts on the tv)

Reporter number 1: Suspected killer jack has been released from prision and charges dropped.

Miranda: What?

Reporter 1: Lack of evidence and a strong aliby has lead them realse him. Im reporter Joh parker Fast time news.

Kalasia: I dont believe this.

(Miranda phone rings)

Mysterious voice: Hey Miranda looks like i get to have more fun with you and your friends, but which one. Hmm im either feeling the freak with camera or the one you refuse to have sex with. Bye miranda. Ill call you back soon. HAHAHA.

Miranda: OH my god its the killer hes back. And jeremy and Max are his next targets.

(End of act 5)

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