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The dumest story ever written aside from twilight
one day on landoriasa a potato named kniblablurr when home too his wife in his humble village called Mashed untill it went suddenly all dark and scary ´ooh boy ´ And a very evil red glowing cabbage comes out off the the ground and starts destroying the village with deadly lasers Then the cabbage kidnap kniblablurr wife and flys off in the skies Kniblablurr Quickly Went too his house To grab his razor blade thats was tied to a sharpened stick and went off to the next town arcoss the river Riverdale to buy some supplies for his qeust to slay the cabbage And grab his noble Nettle steed And Ride east towards riverdale Untill he notics something in the bushes A group off bandit carrots jump out! Show me the money mofu they yelled All mine money is gone i have nothing off value awnsered kniblablurr The carrots though for a second and decide to atack kniblablurr anyway because they douchbags Kniblablurr drawed his razorblade and atacked the bandits Killing one by one untill they all are finished A scared little chicken nugget walk up to kniblablurr Thank you senor they were terrorizing the town ! I let the king no off your noble deed ,And runs off into town Kniblablurr quickly stoled equipment the bandits had and follows the guy already ahead off This way senor i am Senor Willio By the way and they enter the castle walking on the hallways Then kniblablurr gaze up on the mighty throne with a Bat as black as the night wearing crown sitting on it Yo sup villagers i am Fudging king he said with a iron voice Senor king this hero has slay the smelly bandits What is they name hero? Kniblablurr..you say? Well why have you come to mine kingdom mine homie? A Gaint cabbage has Destoryed mine hometown mashed im simply here for supplies So its true..the evil evilness emipere I shall tell you all i know about these foul creatures Long ago there were to ancient gods The devine tomato Shargals give us light and life And the demonic Garlic Blarugh seeks death and darkness Together they balance the world day and night The evil evilness empire or E3 Seeks to destory the balance off good and evil For reasons unown The armys off riverdale stopped them we though that we stopped them but Now they have returned to reigh the terror! The king handle kniblablurr a letter Bring this to Great mushroom tribe in the east forest Willio You will escort you there Yes Senor king kniblablurr the forest is no bueno full off nasty vermin and bugs We need get prepared first Kniblablurr bought some equipment Kniblablurr bought a shiny new armour made off Bug shells Willio bough Some Bug armour aswell as a stick with maracas tight to them at the local blacksmith And rest at the Inn for the day The Next day will be add soon or never pending on if i have any new ideas |