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Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #2003493
This story contains monster girls, soft / oral vore and explicit adult content!
This is an alternative ending / continuation of NocturnalDarkness story "Margarita" (http://nocturnaldarkness.deviantart.com/art/Margarita-406125125).
I highly recommend to read at first the original story, which is containing additional infos and perhaps missing story background, to understand the connection of the characters and their behaviors.
It is also possible that some characteristics belated were changed to better fit to the stories processes.

This story contains monster girls (naga / lamia), soft vore / oral vore and explicit adult (sexual interaction between two woman) content!
If you don't like one of the mentioned contents, you were be warned, and remember this warning when you write a comment!

'Text' = Thoughts of the character
"Text" = What a character says
Please read the description, before you write a comment!

Margarita began the way back to her inn.
It was something difficult to find her way back, because she used no map and was walking the last part offside the well-trodden paths.
Trying to search for her footsteps she has made on her way there did not very bring much.
It took her over three hours to find the path and arriving at the outskirts of the forest.
After some more minutes, Margarita finally reached the inn and asked for her key.
Even if she was a little bit hungry and thirsty, she thought to herself that it would be better to take previously a shower.
Taking off her clothes, and turning on the faucet she washed the last remnants of vomit and slime from her body and out of her hair.
Visibly refreshes she took some of her changing-clothes out of her backpack.
"Good thing that I have them in precaution packed in." She said to herself.
As she dressed, she first noticed how late it has already become.
"No wonder that I'm hungry, it's already evening. I didn't noticed how much time has passed.
Well, a lot happened today, so not really surprising.

As she leave her room and was going to the dining hall, her thoughts wandered through all the things she was experienced this day.
Even if she was hungry, she don't eat really fast and was more lost in her thoughts.
'Tyra, what a fascinating woman. A snake woman after all!'
Margarita saw very often pictures of such creatures, and even in some of these stories she has read, were they existing.
But these were only fantasy stories and pictures, nothing really real.
Although in some legends of them the talk was, were it but only legends.
No one has ever seen one of her kind in reality before, or at least no one spoke about it.
A snake woman, also known as 'naga'.
And now she has seen one for real, has also talked with her and was...
Margarita stopped in her thoughts.
"She constricted me, and even swallowed me whole." She said.
'When I came here, I was hoping for something, but that really surpasses all my expectations!'
After ending eating she paid the bill, and walked back to her room.

Even if she could go out to enjoying the 'nightlife', like the receptionist has suggested, felt she no urge to do that.
She doesn't want to waste much more money, than is absolutely necessary.
After all was this tourist trap overpriced enough, and who knows which rip off would be recommended next.
"Going back to my room would be perhaps the best, and cost me no more than I have already been paid." Said Margarita to herself.

Lying on her bed, her thoughts returned involuntarily back to Tyra and what she has experienced with her.
When she thinks of the constriction, her hands sliding unintentional under the bedsheet and between her legs, to play with her sex.
'The shifting coils of Tyras tail around my stomach and chest, tightening and pressing down and against my ribs.'
'A terrible squeeze, stricter than anything I had ever imagined, compressing nearly agonisingly everything at once.'
Something seems wrong, as more Margarita is coming to the peak of this event, the more difficult it seems to reach her own climax.
As she was shortly thinking about the consuming, the stimulation was clearly stronger as before.
"Ha, ha, ha... That's strange... Ahn..." She said panting.
It took some moments to calm down herself.
"I'm more excited from that she swallowed me whole, as from the constricting?"
"Huh... Okay, the real thing was after all stricter than anything I had imagined, perhaps a little bit too strict..."
"In contrast, the smooth pull into her moist, hot gullet, the fleshy walls enveloping me, and the series of muscles meticulously moving me down into her stomach."
"Imagining the bulge that must be in Tyra's stomach and looked like me."
Margarita's hand was already again on her sex, rubbing and massaging her clit.
"Just the idea... Ahn ha... Of it... Ahh, ahhhn... Gets the chills... Ahn, ahh, ahnah... Out of me... Ahhhnahhhhnnn!"
That brought she to the climax. She was coming so hard like never before.
"Ha, han, ahn... Awesome... Ha... That was so good... Ha, ahn... Just incredible..."

It took her nearly five minutes to completely calm down, in the sultry heat of the evening air.
"I was thinking about the swallowing before, but I never felt this good of that."
"Experiencing the real thing is something other as reading it in stories or seeing pictures of it."
"If I only could it witness more often..." With that she jumped on and came her Tyra's words back in mind.
'This will never be repeated. You are here because I've already eaten.'
"Ha, too bad... Wait, what said she still?"
'When you come around here again, I will catch you like any other creature and you will be prey!'
"Hmm... That means, if I see her next time she will eat me again, but don't let me out after that..."
She was over thinking Tyra's words again and again.
"Gnah!" Margarita tearing her hair. "What should I do..."
"If I see her again, she will eat me, but this time it would be a 'one way trip'... I can't decide!"
Lying down on the bed again she was further thinking.
Drifting back to the scene and feeling of the swallowing, her hands sliding back to her sex and beginning to rub her clitoris.
It doesn't took long and she reached the second climax. Lying there and panting she said...
"Haa, ahn... I can't forget it... Ha, ha... I have to experience this again... Ha, ha..."
"Even if it is the last time... Ha, ahn... I always had the imagining to get eaten at the end..."
"So it would be in one or the other kind a 'one way trip'... Ha, ah... Ha, ahn, ha..."
"But then even devoured by a naga, puts the icing on the cake on!"
With that thought in mind Margarita took her final decision, exhausted she fell asleep.

Margarita awoke very early this morning.
If it's because of the first sun rays of the day, or perhaps the anticipation for what will come, she did not knew it exactly.
After getting up, taking a shower and put on her clothes, she went to the dining hall to get some breakfast, in order to strengthen themselves for the day.
Or perhaps 'this' day?
After all has she some amazingly planned for today, something she was also dreaming about the complete night.
Searching and finding Tyra again, so that she exactly does what she has intimidating said: Catch and eat her!
Just thinking about it is ascending the excitement in her.
She didn't took very long for her breakfast, even if she bought some more as usual.
Getting back to her room she over thought her decision a last time.
"Huh, should I really do this and leave it all behind me?"
Margarita looked around the room and her view fell on the bed.
"Hah, for god's sake! I was dreaming the complete night thereof and even came in my sleep, how can I still hesitate because now?"
"I'am come as far as and above all, come here only because of that!"
"Easy to travel now again, would be as if I've accomplished nothing!"
"And above all: I can be eaten by a real naga! No one has ever seen one before!"
"If I were to tell someone this and that I have this opportunity to be missed, they would laugh at me and saying that I'm just stupid!"

Margarita calmed down and took her small backpack. "Okay, it's time, here goes."
Leaving her room and checking out of the inn was the last step to say goodbye to her old life.
After leaving the inn she thought that it would be the best idea to take the same way as yesterday.
Down the well-trodden dirt paths into the lush vegetation, leaving civilisation behind.
Like yesterday was the green canopy with the soothing ambience provided by the myriad birds and bugs giving her the oddly feeling that she is at home.
It took her nearly two hours to find the place where she has met Tyra.
'So, what should I do now to get her attention or even to find her?'
Margarita thought to herself.
'Climbing like monkey through the trees, and hoping that she will catch me when I fall down, before I hit the ground?'
'If I were to really fall and she is not here, would this probably a short search...'
Looking around in the treetops helps your unfortunately not much.
The canopy is too dense to look through it from below.

"Hah, I had should be thinking before I came here, how I can find her..." She said to herself.
'If I take your words for fully, should it already be enough to be around here, but nothing happens.' Thought Margarita.
'She doesn't seems to be around anymore, or she said it just to leave her in peace.'
'Although could it be that she is not at all time here.'
'Living on a tree day and night, every day in the year, sounds a little bit stupid and dubious.'
'Also, I wonder what she wants to catch up there, to fulfill her hunger.'
'A snake has a large appetite and can swallow animals whole which are as big as they themselves.'
'Even if the digestion takes some weeks or even months...'
"Is she perhaps catching apes up there?" Margarita said out loud and began to laugh.
"Hahahaha... That must be some stupid apes, in the canopy is she clearly to see, and I don't think that she is as fast as these apes above there."
"I should search in the surroundings a little bit more, perhaps is she not to far away or is at the moment hunting some unfortunate prey."
'Hopefully I find her previously still...'
'Maybe I should call her... And say that here is a prey waiting for you... Willingly to be eaten...'
This last thought excited her that much, that she was nearly doubling her speed to find Tyra even faster.
The thought that Tyra will fulfilling this now irrepressible large wish with joy, makes her heart beat higher.

Searching the surroundings was really difficult, because of the many small trees, ferns and tall grass.
In addition, block here and there boulders the direct way.
Even after one hour she hasn't nearly half of the surrounding area scours.
But she has also not yet attempted to call out for Tyra... This could be perhaps the last remaining possibility.
Again barred a rock formation your way, but this much greater as the previous.
A small passage to the right caught Margarita's sight and seemed the only way to get past it.
After some minutes was she standing in a clearing, with a pond in the middle, surrounded by rock formations was this like a little oasis amidst the forest.
Small tree accumulations here and there, looking almost like parasols on a beach, which donated shadow.
'What a lovely sight, if I only had some more time...'
Margarita was tempted to succumb to the lure to plunge into the cool water and to lie a little in the sun, sensing the cool, fresh breeze on your skin.
"No time!" Said she to herself, "I have to find Tyra, only for that purpose I'm here!"
Than you wanted to turn around and go to search through the wider environment after Tyra, as something caught her gaze.

'YES!' Shouted Margarita mentally. There was she, Tyra! Lying on a rock near the water in a pile of her own coils, bathing in sunlight.
Margarita can believe her luck hardly. The more than one hour of searching has paid out.
She thought about that what she know about snakes.
'Snakes are using warm, sunny places to boosts your circulation, after all, they are cold-blooded.'
'Wait a moment, didn't they do this also to support the digestive process?'
'Please not, otherwise the whole effort was for nothing and she doesn't will...'
Getting near her as quietly she could, to see it with her own eyes.
Margarita didn't want to wake Tyra yet, after all she had something other, more better in mind.
'Let's see... Hmm, it doesn't look like as she has something eaten until now... Phew, good.'
Facilitates Margarita fell a sigh of relief.
When she saw Tyra sleeping there, was she again amazed and fascinated of her.
'It will not be much longer last, and I will be sliding down this beauties throat.'
'I can't wait any longer, just thinking about it is not enough, I will feel it... I must feel it!'

With that thought in mind, moved Margarita quietly a little bit away from Tyra.
She doesn't wanted to wake her yet, not yet at least.
Not before she is fully prepared, ready for the great fun she can't even completely imagine anymore.
Removing her clothes and backpack, she is now completely naked.
Feeling the cool wind on her skin, is she going directly to the pond near Tyra.
Sitting down there and playing with her feets in the water.
Making slight, continuous rippling water noises to see if this is enough to wake Tyra and additionally to enjoy the sight.
Margarita didn't wanted to wake Tyra forcefully or fast, that would her perhaps only making angry, and that was the last what she would.
Who knows if Tyra would her not simply constricting to death.
That would not be only painful, but also very bad because then she could no longer enjoy the following...
'Hah, I'm so excited.' Margarita thought to herself.
'If I wake you up slowly and gently... I will make sure that you can't resist, and must take me...'
'Whole and alive... I'm sure you will enjoy this as much as I, perhaps even more, who knows.'

Tyra was hearing something in her sleep.
'Mhm... Rippling water noises? What causes it?' Tyra was thinking to herself.
In her half-asleep state Tyra didn't opened her eyes, and wasn't really looking for the source of the sound.
Flickering out her tongue multiple times, tasting the air she was sensing something familiar, yet new and also interesting.
Margarita saw this and knew that snakes normally tasting the air with their tongue, when they are hunting or moving through an area.
In this way they perceive odors of their prey or also their enemies, so they can pursue or even avoid them easier.
'I hope that she really hasn't eaten yet. My smell could lead her to the conclusion, that I'm exactly what she want or need now... *giggle*'
Tyra doesn't could resist the urge to be knowing what was causing this smell, which seemed to attracting her for some reason.
'What is that?' Tyra was thinking, as she flickered her tongue some more times.
Opening slowly her eyes and lifting up her waist from the rock she was resting on.
She didn't really believed what she saw there.
'Is that not this girl from yesterday? But why is she all naked, and playing here in the water?'
"Doesn't I was telling you, that if I see you the next time there will be no formalities or niceties?" Tyra asked.
"Oh yes you did, also you said that you will catch me and I will be prey." Margarita answered.
"If you know that, why you are here?" Tyra raising her body some more and uncoiling her lower snake body.
Flickering her tongue some more times, she was tasting the smell now clearly.
'This smell is coming from this girl? Did she smelled already yesterday like that? Why I didn't perceived it then?'
"Uhm... Exactly because I know it, I came here. I was searching for you. Because of exactly that, what you said." Margarita said.
'Her tongue is flickering out even more, it looks like she is "tasting" me through the air. Hah, looks like it was the right decision to come back today.'
'But I should be careful what I'm saying now, she seems to be undecided what to do... If I say something wrong, it could be all over.'
'Perhaps should I leave the lead to her... Also is that so exciting, I'm even getting wet without touching, hah...'
Tyra didn't really understand what Margarita meant, but one thing she understand now exactly!
'I think I know why this girl is smelling so pleasant today... I wasn't hungry yesterday, but today... This girl is simply smelling delicious for me!'
Tyra is tasting the air some more with her tongue, she can't get enough of this smell.
Slowly shifting her coils is she approaching Margarita, very slow to not alarm her... Then she stopped in her motion.
'Wait a moment, she said exactly because she knows it, she came back today...'
'Did she came back on purpose, knowing or even hoping that I will become hungry today?'
'But she said that she has no death wish, so why came she here today, knowing that it wouldn't be the same as yesterday, and she don't would be getting away again?'
'I'm sure that she has realised, that I'm approaching her slowly, but she didn't even showed some sign of fear or the attempt to flee... Moreover, she is smiling?'
'I should simply asking her, thinking about it will lead to nothing.'
"Although you know what I said, you came back today... You did this on purpose, or?"
"Tell me the reason, if you have no death wish, why you are here?" Tyra asked.
Margarita turns to face Tyra directly.
"Yes, I have no real death wish. But when I came back yesterday and arrived at my inn, I noticed that something changed in me."
"The fantasy of being constricted didn't aroused me so much anymore."
"Beyond that, the imagination of being swallowed whole and alive, was giving me the chills and leading several times to the peak."
"Yes I know, this sexual fantasy, or call it a fetish, is even more worse, after all is this a one way trip, with a happy end for only one of us two..."
"And even if I can experience this only once, I can't deny it, I need it right now!"
Hearing that what Margarita was saying, took Tyra some understanding.
But at the same time Tyra couldn't deny that it sounded very tempting to her.
She will get a nice filling meal in her belly, and Margarita could get through her fantasies.
Tyra was getting hungry right now, and before her sits a delicious smelling and appetizing-looking girl, who wants nothing more as to be eaten from her!
"Even if you were not willing, it wouldn't matter anymore." Tyra said.
"I'm getting hungry and the smell which I'm receiving from you is truly overwhelming and attracting me."
There are not really much preys which are willingly indulge to her.

Even if she don't care what becomes of Margarita, could she be a little bit thankful and doing it as the girl is preferring it.
'Would she be not here now, I would have to look for another prey...'
'And who knows if I would find something so quickly and then also of her size.'
'I don't need to hunt several of weeks, after eating her... What a fantastic view!'
"Do you prefer it in any way? Feet first? Head first?"
"You said that the fantasy of being constricted didn't aroused you so much anymore..."
"Does that mean that you don't want to be constricted, but to be fully conscious the whole time?"
Margarita did not have to think twice to respond to her.
"Yes, that do I mean... Fully conscious, and head first please!"
"I want to see where my journey leads, I think that makes it more exciting. *giggle*"
"Can you also do me favour before eating me?" Margarita asked.
"What do you want?" Tyra replied.
"Is it asked too much if you could kiss me, and also... Uhm, playing a little bit with me?" said Margarita.
"Kissing should be no problem, but what do you mean with playing?" Tyra asked.
"Playing in a sexual way, licking me down there and using your tongue to explore my vagina."
'Yes! I said it! But is it perhaps asked to much? After all I'm her meal, nothing more to her, probably.' Thought Margarita.
Tyra raised and lowered her eyebrows, that was something she was never hearing from her prey before.
'Helping her with her sexual arousal? Well, she also want to be eaten, because of a sexual fantasy.'
'Perhaps not a very big difference between both things, at least for her.'
'Tasting her a little bit more and stimulating the appetite before eating, why not.'
"Okay, but remember: This will only happen once, after all I'm going to eating you after that."
"And this time I won't let you out... At least not the same way you get in."
Margarita jumped up and a yelp of pure joy exclaimed her, because she couldn't believe her luck.
"Yeha! Yes! Thank you, thank you! That's the best day in my life!"
'And also your last, at least outside of my stomach.' Thought Tyra to herself, with a devilish smile on her face.

Margarita was going towards Tyra now, knowing that she will experiencing the best time in her life, with heights from which she dared to dream so far.
Tyra didn't moved towards her, but moved back to the rock she was resting on a little time ago.
"This should be the best place for it, and also the best place after that." Tyra said.
'Resting after a good and filling meal is still the best. And so I do not need really move from the spot.'
Tyra was placing her coils on the rock, it looked like a bed out of snakeskin for Margarita.
"Lie just there, I'll take care of the rest for you." Said Tyra.
Margarita did as she was told, and laid down on the coils out of Tyra's lower snake body.
'Ha, now it will doesn't take much more time, and all of what I dreamed of will come true.' Margarita thought.
'Whoa, her snake skin feel so smooth and warm on my bare skin.'
'It feels even different as the last time, more inviting and better... Is that only in anticipation of the upcoming events?'
Margarita was so excited, that she thought her heart would jump out of her chest.
Tyra was shifting her coils a little bit, so that she could easily spread Margaritas legs apart.
Sliding with her upper body between them, she was approaching Margarita's face.
Placing her lips above Margarita's she was giving her passionate kiss, using even her tongue to explore her mouth.
'Ahn, oh my god! She is using her tongue and sliding it around my own! It feels like a coil in my mouth!' Margarita thought.
Moaning from time to time was Margarita already in seventh heaven.
Releasing her lips of which Margaritas, their own tongue of their, Tyra slowly lifted her head up.
Margarita was panting rhythmical, only from kissing.
"Ha, ha... That was incredible, hopefully we can repeat that again." Margarita said.
"Perhaps, before we are coming to the last part of our intention." said Tyra.
Margarita was smiling, knowing that something that good is awaiting her.
Sliding a bit back and lowering her head, Tyra was now approaching Margarita's most private parts.
Flickering out her tongue a few times, she smelt a sweet and delicious scent.
Using her tongue she was tasting and teasing Margarita's labia, fondling a few times over her clitoris to raise her arousal.
Margarita was moaning in delirious passion, and as Tyra's tongue stroked her clitoris again, she reached climax and squirted her love juice on Tyra's tongue and face without a warning.
"Ha ha ha... Ha, ha, oh my god... AAAAHHHHHHHH!"
Tyra licks eagerly all of it with her tongue.
'Mhm, what a rich and absolutely delicious flavor... Let's see if we can get more of it out.' Tyra thought.
Margarita was not even calming down from her climax, as she felt how Tyra was already licking her labia again, but now she is getting inside her vagina.
Licking absolutely everything inside her, was giving her the shivers.
Tyra's tongue was even probing her cervix. Was she trying to penetrate into her womb?
"Ha, ha, ahn... Yes, good... Ah, ahn, ha... Don't stop there... More... Ahn, ha, ah... Deeper, please... !"
Trying to find the opening in her cervix was not so easy, at least not on the fast way without seeing anything, after all was Tyra's intention to pleasure her, not hurting.
'Simply delicious... Such a shame that I'm getting more and more hungry, and going to eat her after that.'
Tyra found the entrance and her tongue slipped into Margarita's womb.
Slipping her tongue deeper in Margarita's womb was Tyra now licking the inner walls with her forked tip.
"Ahn, ha... Oh yes, that is it... Ha, ha, ahahn..."
Moaning like as she was in heat, is Margarita enjoying the feeling which is Tyra's tongue causing.
Sliding her tongue always a little bit out, and then in again in Margarita's womb, is Tyra licking and penetrating it at the same time.
Margarita was trembling and her moaning hit a high pitch, as she was reaching her second climax.
"Oh no I... Ah, ha, ah, ahn... Fuha... I'm... co... Ahn, ha... Coming... again... Ah, ha, aahhhhnnnnhhhaaaa!"
Anew a gush of Margarita's love juice was flooding out of her and directly in Tyra's mouth, who drank it eagerly up.
'Mhm... So sweet. Why have I done that never before with my victims?'
'Even if there were not willing, would this be so exciting, for both of us. And very delicious for me.'
'That just one of my meals brings up such good ideas, shames me almost a little.'
Feeling that Margarita is slowly calming down from her climax, brings she to double her effort.
'One last time yet, I can't wait much longer and really must know if the of her tastes just as good.'
Sensing that Margarita's is slowly building up her next climax, let she using her forefinger to pleasuring also her clitoris.
'This time will be the highest, so enjoy it properly!'
Tyra should to proved right, trembling and bending her back by, Margarita was going over the peak and climaxing like never before.
"Ahnha... Your Finger... Fuwah... Your Tongue... Nhahan, Ahn... I... I'm... Coming... Nghna... For god's... Sake... Nhaaaaahhhhaaaaaahhhnnnnn!"
Margarita's love juice was gushing out and in Tyra's mouth like a water fall, it doesn't seemed to ending.
Slowly releasing her tongue from Margarita's womb and out of her vagina was Tyra tasting and savoring every last drop of her love juice, it tasted so good that she doesn't want to waste the slightest bit.
"Ha, ahn, han... I can't believe... Ahn, ha... How good that feels... Nha, ahna, han, ahn..."

Tyra was slowly moving up over Margaritas body, licking and tasting the last backlogs of Margaritas love juice from her fingers.
Slowly lowering herself over Margaritas upper body was Tyra enjoying the moment.
'Mhm, I can't believe how sweet that tasted, and that I doesn't did that ever before.' Thought Tyra.
'But that makes me hungry for more, and I can't now wait any longer to find out how the rest of her tastes.'
"Now let us get to the main event, my delicious meal." Said Tyra, before she kissed Margarita.
Her kiss trailed up Margaritas face, to the top of her head.
Taking Margaritas arms down besides her body, to make the swallowing process easier.
At the same moment Tyra shifted her tail, slowly coiling around Margaritas body, to holding her, securing her for the following.

Margarita was not completely back to her mind, but she knew that now the long awaited event slowly was beginning.
Snakes using her body to support the swallowing process of her prey.
Nagas are having similar habits, in this point the stories she was reading over and over again are correct, she already experienced this.
She heard a slight popping noise, as Tyras mouth was on the top of her head.
'Uh, what was that?' Thought Margarita to herself.
Margarita felt her lips, they seemed to be everywhere at once, a warm ring that slid down over her head.
'Ah, she unhinged her jawbones like a snake, to swallow me.'
Even if she was experiencing this already once, it seemed this time a totally new experience.
Perhaps, because her expectations are this time completely different?
She could not explain this situation properly, this feelings and experience, everything changed.

Slowly sliding her mouth over Margaritas face, Tyra was licking, tasting her a little bit, before swallowing more of her.
'Oh my, what's that?' Thought Tyra.
'Is it because of the "foreplay" we had? The taste of her body is truly overwhelming.'
'It is difficult to control me, so that I not simply gulp her down quickly.'
'I should savor this moment, even if she is not the first, and also determined not the last...'
Tyra began to shift her coils a little bit, rhythmic.

Feeling the movement of Tyras coils, and the slowly slide down of her lips over her own face, Margarita was getting excited again.
'Ah, that is it... Exactly that is what I was dreaming about.' Margarita thought.
The next moment Margarita felt the tip of Tyra's tail rubbing herself against her burning slit, directly over her clitoris.
Margarita felt Tyra's lips sliding down her chin, approaching her shoulders.
Margaritas hair drenched in saliva, and her head slowly sliding down Tyra's tight throat.
The tight-fitting and slimy walls of Tyra's throat are making the breathing a little difficult for Margarita.
The bucking and trashing of her in Tyra's coils was helping to ease her shoulders into the waiting mouth.
Feeling the lips, the ever tasting and flavour savoring tongue of Tyra, as well as the massaging of her coils and tip of her tail in her pussy was making her moan her pleasure deep into Tyra's throat.
"Ahn, ha... It was all... Nahn, nha, ah... Efforts worth... Ha, ah, nhna... Coming back here..."
Was all what Margarita could say during her moans of pleasure.

'I also think that... Even though I have probably more of it as you.' Thought Tyra, while taking in the delicious body of Margarita, now sliding her lips over the precious breasts.
First the right, then the left. She doesn't felt stuffed with them in her mouth, as they were slowly sliding in her throat.
Reaching further and further down Margaritas body Tyra was now slowly easing the flat belly of her in her mouth.
Tyra's throat and upper body is a little bit bulging out visibly, to contain the torso of Margarita, and slowly sliding down to her snake half.
Tasting Margaritas back with her tongue she was enjoying every bit of her body, coating it in the same moment with her saliva, easing up the swallowing process.
Every swallow and lick brought another flood of an indescribable taste into her mouth, and in her mind.
'What the hell is up with her? Is that really the same girl what was visiting me yesterday?' Tyra thought.
'I can't believe how different she is tasting... Is that really only because I'm hungry now?'
'Or was it because of the foreplay? As if she was only born to be played with and eaten after that...'
Slowly nearing with her lips Margaritas abdomen and pussy, Tyra was releasing her tail tip and sliding her tongue between her legs, searching for some more of that ever sweet honey.

Margarita felt like in seventh heaven, the reality surpassed her imagination and dream in order to worlds.

Feeling her head slowly gliding down Tyra's throat, passing through her human stomach, and her breasts entering her mouth she was already near to her next climax.
Margarita's breathing eased up, after her shoulders and upper body entered the throat of Tyra, which now give more room for the important oxygen.
The throat of Tyra, and the inner muscles of these walls, dragging her slowly down, and coating her further with lubricant to making the swallowing process more easier.
This rhythmic and calm motion massaging all of Margarita's already swallowed upper body over.
Shortly before Margarita could enjoy her next climax, she felt Tyra's tail tip leaving her vagina and her searching tongue on the back, slowly approaching her nether regions.
"Ahn, ha... Ahn? Why? do... Ha... Stop?" Asked Margarita, not sure if Tyra can hear her words.
In the moment, as Tyra was sliding her lips over Margaritas belly button, Margarita felt Tyra's tongue slipping in her vagina, further that the tip of her forked tongue was also slowly gliding around her clitoris.
"Ha? Ahn... Oh my... Ngnha... GOD! Aaaaaahhhhhhnnnnnn!"
Nearly instantly was Margarita hitting the peak of her climax, not knowing how your done she was squealing and squirm in delirious passion against the tight and slimy walls of Tyra's throat, splattering a good amount of her love juice out.
Her mind went blank and she nearly lose consciousness.

Slowly sliding her lips over Margaritas belly, nearing to her belly button, she was positioning her tongue to give her another good lick.
'Hmm, hopefully she will me give another gush of this sweet nectar in my mouth.' Thought Tyra.
Using her tongue to play with Margaritas vagina and clitoris, she heard a loud moaning.
'Oh, please no... That's to fast!' Thought Tyra, almost a little angry.
Increasing her speed of the swallowing process a little bit, and slowing down her effort on Margaritas clitoris and vagina, Tyra hoped that she will reach her hips in time.
But it was already too late, only some seconds later she heard a loud squealing, and felt the intense squirming of Margarita in her throat.
In this moment she felt some liquid pouring out of Margaritas vagina, directly on her tail.
'Gnah... Too bad... It probably should not be.' Tyra thought, a little bit disappointed.
Sliding her lips slowly over Margaritas hips and well-formed ass, Tyra was giving her vagina and clitoris some more good licks, before she is no longer able is to.
Now, after the widest and difficult part of Margaritas body is already in Tyra's throat, slowly sliding through her esophagus to the stomach located in her snake half, it doesn't take so much more effort to swallow her.
Swallowing Margaritas tights is now more a opening and closing of her mouth, and parting her lips wide enough.
The series of muscles meticulously moving Margarita down within Tyra's body.

Still heavily panting Margarita is regaining awareness, feeling Tyra's lips slowly sliding over her knees.
"Ha... Oh my... Ah, ha... I can't remember that I... Han... Ever felt so satisfied before... Ahn, ha.. In my entire life." Margarita said.
"I think I nearly blacked out... Ha... And lost the sense of time... Ahn, ha... I missed a part... Ha!"
Margarita is feeling Tyra's tongue slowly sliding out of her vagina, no longer able to remain there.
Feeling the ripples of muscles around her, massaging her entire body and taking her down into Tyra's snake half is Margarita giving the shivers.
"I wished this feeling... Ah, han... And everything related to it... Ha, ah, nha... Could last forever..." Said Margarita.

Slipping her tongue out of Margarita's vagina and back in her mouth, Tyra was licking over Margarita's legs and savouring the taste.
'Mhm, I hope there will be more in the future like her.' Thought Tyra. 'Such rich flavor and delicious body.'
Sliding her lips over Margaritas calves, Tyra is extending her tongue out of her mouth and licking Margaritas feets, slowly licking and playing with her toes.
Feeling that Margarita is begin to squirm in her, because of this stimulation, is Tyra getting aroused itself.
The whole act until now was giving her some shivers already, but the feeling of Margaritas squirms inside her seems now so much better.
Not wanting to wait any longer, in order to find out how she will feel completely inside her, Tyra is redoubling her speed.
Taking in her feets and giving them a few last licks. Getting up and stretching a little bit, Tyra is adjusting her jawbone.

Margarita feels the tongue of Tyra licking her feets a few last times, before they enter her mouth, and following her journey down the esophagus to the stomach in her snake tail.
"Now I'm completely in her... Ah, ha... I'm curious how long it will takes... Ahn, ah... Before I will arrive at my final destination..." Margarita said.
Now, that there was no more attention from Tyra's tongue, Margarita took her hands to pussy, slowly massaging her outer lips.
Even if she wanted to give her clitoris also some attention, she couldn't risk to black out again, after all did she want to feel everything around her, and see when she arrives at her final destination.
Also she didn't really need that, only this little stimulation was giving her so much excitement, that it felt that she will climax at any second.
"Oh, ahn... This is really the greatest... Ahna, ha... A full body massage and some attention to my private place..." Margarita said.
"I... Han, naha... Doesn't have to do really much... Ah, ahn, ha... And yet I feel so good."
Margarita was already squirming again, as she was nearing her next climax.
Sliding further and further through the esophagus, slowly approaching the stomach of Tyra, which Margarita called her final destination.

Feeling Margarita sliding deeper within her body, Tyra was lowering herself against the bulge in her tail.
"Ah, You were absolutely delicious! I can't believe why I didn't noticed it yesterday." Tyra said to the bulge in her tail.
Feeling Margarita slowly poking and squirming inside, as she was sliding further and further, Tyra spoke again.
"Please struggle and squirm for me until the end, it feels so good when you do that inside me."
Hugging and stroking the bulge in her tail, as it slid slowly further, she was following it with her upper body, to be always on top of it.
She didn't wanted to miss even one second of this feeling.
'Ha... Such a good massage from the inside.' Tyra thought.

Margarita hears the words of Tyra only blurred and subdued, but was aware of the attention she was getting, even trough the muscles around her.
Feeling the hands of Tyra grabbing and hugging her from the outside took her over the peak to another powerful climax.
"Ahn, ha... Yes... Ha, ahn... Han, ha, gnah... More! Aaaaahhhhhnnnnnaaaahhh!" Margarita nearly screamed.
In the same moment she felt that she poking with her head against something...
"Ha, ahn... I'm nearly there... Ahn, ha, ha, nhah... Only a little bit more!"
The sphincter slightly opening, allowing the tip of her head to enter, not even coming down from her previous climax, Margarita felt incredibly aroused again.
"Mha, ha... Yes... Ha, ahn... Let me... Nha, ha... In there!"
Slipping her head through the entrance, now fully in the stomach, is the sphincter around her neck, opening even wieder to allow the rest of her to follow in.

"Mhm, yes, almost there. Only a little bit more tasty little Margarita." Tyra said to bulge in her tail lovingly.
Tyra was hugging, grabbing and also massaging Margarita with her hands through her snake skin, returning the favor she was getting from her in her insides.
"You were doing good until now, only a little bit further to your destination."
"Please continue to struggle and squirm the more for me, until you are too exhausted."
Feeling Margarita squirm and twitch a little more, as if she is now climbing from her own in her stomach, not willing to wait any longer for her muscles to take her in Tyra continued to say:
"Then you can rest, as long as you wish my sweet Margarita."

Hearing Tyra talking again to her, also rubbing and massaging her through her tail, Margarita tries to speed up the process.
Feeling her breasts and belly sliding past the sphincter, Margarita was looking forward, eeing that the stomach is directly before her.
"So big and empty... ?" Margarita was questioning, actually only her selves.
'There seems to be no gastric acid, or I only don't see it...' Margarita thought.
Entering the stomach with her waist and ass, she was feeling rubbing and massaging from Tyra again.
'Perhaps can she control it... But even if she is not, yet is it too late anyway.'
Sliding with her tights, knees, lower legs and finally her feets, Margarita was now lying completely in the stomach of Tyra, feeling the sphincter closing behind her slowly.
Again she was feeling the rubbing from Tyra's hands, and now the rhythmic massaging of the stomach walls.
She couldn't hold her hand back anymore and started to play with her clitoris again, slipping slowly one, then two fingers in her vagina, and building up a climax at a never experienced high.

Tyra was reposition her coils on the rock, so that it is easier for her to hug and rub the bulge in her stomach.
Feeling the lightly twitches and squirms, she knew that Margarita was enjoying her stay.
"Ahn, yes, that is good. Please continue forever with that." Speaks Tyra to the bulge in her tail, that was Margarita.
Enjoying the feeling Margarita was giving her from the insides, Tyra was slowly getting sleepy.
Drifting slowly away...

All two of them were getting to sleep this evening, but if both of them will awaik again, or only one?
Only god knows it, but perhaps will someone find them, and tell us the rest of this story?
© Copyright 2014 Seelenmord (seelenmord at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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