Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011097-Stepping-Forward
by Cassia
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #2011097
Poetry about moving on
Time flies
And in reality.
You can't stop it
Or start it
Halt it
Or fast forward it.
24 hours is all you'll get
Rain or shine
Happy or sad
Busy or not.
You have all the time in the world
Or it disappears before you begin
You bide with time
For it won't bide with you.

Sunlight dances on the skylight
Catching the glow of summer.
The dappled butterfly
Floating onto the oak branch;
Happiness makes its mark,
Moods spiral positively
Before the storm.
The rain dashing the soil,
The butterfly flutters away.
Grey clouds cover the skylight;
Laughter fades
Sadness sweeps in.
Rainbows symbolize sorrow
At what could have been
But was not;
Of the trials and tribulations
That God makes us face
A mark for salvation,
To keep going despite the storms.

You are not alone
Everyone's fine,
Fine just fine.
Nothingâs wrong
But nothings right.
There's too much confusion,
And too much to do.
Not on top of it,
But not behind.
When you look
You see others
Who feel the same,
You realise
You are not alone.
The world doesn't seem
Quite like your dream,
It's simpler and
Not so big after all.

Why wait?
Why wait?
When everything might be over by tomorrow.
Why wait?
When you only have one chance.
Why wait?
Why sit and think but not act?
Why wait?
When you could be changing the world.
Why wait?
Why not get out there?
Into the world,
To make your mark,
And make a difference.

Met with Safety
The darkness clears
As my eyes adjust
And my tears
They disappear like dust.

Sunlight streams in
To reveal a tiny room
Where lies a pin,
Once held my doom.

All is well
Met with safety,
As the bell
Begins to chime, so hasty.

Have no fear
For the sunlight is here.
My life is in gear
So don't worry my dear.

Never Before, Never again
Never before
Did I shut the door
On such a person,
On such a friend,
As she.
You may ask why,
Or you may ask how,
But the answer is simple
And that is
I donât know.
So many times
The question has circled my brain.
Pondering and wondering,
Why it happened
The way it did.
Could it be that I was blind
That I was self-obsessed?
Or that I was ignorant
I was somehow possessed?
I donât know.
Trying to turn back tie
And alter the clocks
Which tick on,
Waiting for no man
And no woman.
She was great
To me and everyone.
She cared more
Than most ever did
To help us step forward.
And still time goes on,
Even though the door
Is shut firm and fast.
Mistakes I have made
To be repeated never again.

Donât Judge Me
And as we danced I said
What's in the past is past.
And what the future brings
We'll just have to see.
You and me
We could make it together,
But only if we tried.
If you want it
We can write it out,
There are  things i cannot,
Things i will not tell you.
Because the past,
It is in the past and not the future;
The past and not the present.
You and me,
We might struggle together,
But only if we lie.
If you want it,
We can write the truth
People have their reasons
For burying in the past
Never delving back
To bring past and future
Together to merge as one.
You and me
May talk one day
But only if you'll listen.
If you want to,
I'll tell you all about it when
We're together.
But please,
Just don't judge me.   

The End of the World
They said
It's the end of the world
As we know it
But it's not,
Not for me.

I would have said
It's the end of the world
As YOU know it,
because for you
It is.

Some of us
Already suffer
Living in a dark and dangerous land
Where their is fighting,
Where there is sorrow.

Some of us
Already grieve
Of a life we once knew
That cannot return.

Some of us
Already hurt
Where bullets have pierced
And sadness has made us numb.

If only it said
'It's the end of the world'
Then Ii would have been glad,
For the war would be over.

But 'as you know it'
No difference does it make
To me
Who knows much more
Than you can ever imagine.

Bright Lights
It was a light brighter than they ever knew,
Such a bright light
Burning for all to see.
They say it burns,
This bright light,
It does burn; but how
Can I believe?
Light floods the room
Like darkness melts away,
Like it is here to stay.
It is bight,
It is strong.
Now I believe but only
Because it burns my eyes.
They say it burns,
They say itâs like
Being on fire and
Bursting into flame.
Now I believe
That this bright light it
Does burn and how,
 I still donât know.
It was a bright light,
Brighter than Iâve ever seen.
Such a bright light
Burning just for me.
Burning just for me.

 Would you say that
 It is good
 Or bad?
Some think much and
 Others think little.
 Like a whirlwind
 Or like watching paint dry.
 Which are you?
I know of some who,
 When they feel blue,
 Think constantly,
 A turmoil of doubt.
But others I mention
 Who never feel tension
 Think slowly,
 A breeze of ideas.
Which are you?
 And why would you
 Describe yourself as being
 Of that kind.
 Is it positive or negative; a way
 To solve a problem
 Or to produce a work of art
 That makes a change in the cycle,
 That thinking can call history.

And wondering
Why am I here?
And thinking
What do I do?
Should I write?
Should I read?
Or just chill and relax?
Should I listen?
Should I play?
Or just dance around?
And looking
What has the world come to?
And dreaming
When can I leave?

This is Nature
Rain beats upon the ground
I turn my face from the window.

Wind whips around the cottage
I shelter under a blanket.

Darkness closes in upon the forest
I close all the blinds and curtains.

Time catches up with me
I curl up in my bed and fall asleep.

Dreams wash over me
I allow myself to fall into their warmth.

Alarm tones ring loudly
I shatter my thoughts in the process of shutting it up.

Sunshine beams upon the wardrobe
I close my eyes to absorb the light.

Rainbows ease themselves skyward
I take a photograph.

Nature builds itself upon earth
I watch and wait as it grows.

It is perfect, all looks ready
It is time, let's go steady.

Look around, listen in
This is beautiful, a definite win.

Fill the Skies
Delight has filled the skies; I hear
Them proclaiming all
Is won and we
No longer have to wage battle.

Joyous cries skid along
The clouds, drifting in the breeze
Until sudden gusts resemble
Their ways of celebrating.

Peals of laughter float the oceans
Conducting  music for our party
To let the world know
Of our secret of happiness.

I may be Sophie
Or I may be Amy.
I may be Joseph
Or I may be Sam.

Does it really matter
What my name is?
From all the chatter
I guarantee it'll never be

Told; for another will guess
And you can agree
Whether right
Or wrong.

I won't be saying
How you fair.
Because you don't say
How I fair.

What I mean is
You may be Billy
Or you may be Tom.
You may be Laura
Or you could be Lucy.
But you don't say.

As I Go Along
Making it up as I go along
That seems the only way
For this endeavour to be
Half as successful as it may.

This is often how I seem
To produce the optimum result,
However strange or weird that sounds
There is no need for you to insult.

If you are blessed to understand
Then you'll know exaclty what I mean
When I tell you that
No imaginative queen has been.

Making it up as I go along
Keeps me happy and
Feeling altogether merry
Like listening to a heavy metal band.

© Copyright 2014 Cassia (cassia16 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011097-Stepping-Forward