Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011098-Only-Divergent
by Cassia
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #2011098
Based on an alternative ending to the book
Chapter 1: The Factions
Winding paths and the chasm
Linger in my mind;
Weight of the gun and my losses
Heavy in my heart.
Selfless I am
To risk myself for friends,
Though it takes no thought   
Being subconsciously me.
Can I announce
That they are living a lie?
Destroy our world
By telling the truth.
Peace would end,
Kindness and happiness
Gone with a gust of wind
Which I should prevent.
I need knowledge to solve the problem,
To uncover traitors,
Save the innocent
And find a meaning to this mess.
Joined together
As one instead of five.
Conquering is definite
And all will have a place.
An escape route has formed,
The truth emerged.
I know what to do
So that is where I go.

Chapter 2: Searching for the Truth
Softer still
The voices are; as I follow
From a distance of safety
To where they are headed.
Searching for answers
To all my questions
About the world
And what truth really is.
Urge for knowledge
Grasps me like a disease;
I need to know,
I have a job to do.
If my father,
An Abnegation leader,
Wonât tell
I have to discover by myself.
Louder now
Are the voices I follow,
Stopped at Checkpoint B
To uncover deceit and treachery.
I hang back
Unsure of what to do.
Should I continue
Or should I return?
There is no knowing
What the outcome will be
If I turn back
Or if I go forth.
The spur of the moment
My heart leaps forward
Followed by all else
To discover the answers.
Wisps of conversation
Floating down the corridor
Catch my ears,
Like fire catches paper.
Unbelievable but
Itâs clearly true; that
We are under attack
From a world unimaginable.
Disease and guns,
Bombs and fire.
Explosions and water,
Designed to frighten.
We are not safe,
Lies blind my eyes,
As I realise our danger and
What is about to come.
The truth is frightening.
The truth is scary.
The truth is that
Our world is an illusion.
Softer still
The voices are; as I run
To warn of impending danger
From proposals leaders made.

Chapter 3: Escaping
People turn,
People run,
Towards the fence.
Towards freedom.
Somewhere we can help
And truly be ourselves.
The voices echo in my ears.
The wisps of conversation
That hit me like a bullet.
Prompted me to share
That someone had
Much they are happy to forget.
What does this mean?
Should we really escape
And face the unknown?
Is that wise?
I don't know,
Not yet anyway.
All I know is
I am Divergent
And that is important;
It make me different.
The people,
They run
And I am swept along.
No choice have I
As to where I go.
I must follow my city,
I must stay true to my faction.
I must show who I am,
That I am strong.

Chapter 4: Crossing the Fence
Outside the fence
In a terrible world.
The land is barren and
Nothing is in sight.
They needed help
But for what cause?
There is nothing here
And nothing for us.
We have been tricked,
Someone is playing games
With us; games we have
No control over.

Chapter 5: The Truth
A man approaches
Slowly and haltingly.
I look to Tobias and
He shouts out
Respond the man does not,
Ignoring his voice
And turning to us all,
A picture of complete mess.
Anyone who is labelled,
(He said labelled),
A Divergent
Step this way.
And we were led into a small room
Where we sat
And waited
For news of the others.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Thud! Thud! Thud!
The sound of guns
And the sound of death
Fill my ears.
I jump up
Look through a window
To see my friends
Lying on the ground.
I scream
A hand clams down
Upon my mouth
Like Tobias used to do
With his mouth.
They were damaged
And I was normal.
But they were my friends
And I couldnât save them.
What is Divergence
If I canât be brave
And selfless,
If I canât be knowledgeable
And kind?
I am only Divergent;
Nothing important,
Nothing special.
Only Divergent
After all.

© Copyright 2014 Cassia (cassia16 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011098-Only-Divergent