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Rated: E · Chapter · Family · #2015240
The new girl has a whole life ahead of her with boys, friends, enemies and family.
Chapter 1

"GET ON GIRLY" the bus driver spoke as I stubbornly walked onto the bus. This was gonna be my first year at North Bridge High well the first year for every freshman at North Bridge High. But unlike every other freshman I didn't come from any of the other middle schools having being sent to a private school then leaving when money cut to short to pay for me and my siblings advanced academics. Leaving Sara having to start all over again in a brand new high school even though she lived in the neighborhood she never really paid any attention to any of the other kids she was always in her own little world as her mother always said.
Once I got onto the bus and sat down on one of the other raggedy worn down bus seats I soon felt 2 wandering eyes fall in the direction of my body cautiously I turned facing the boy next to me. Sure enough he was staring right at me when I tried covering my stomach and letting my bangs fall he still kept his gaze on me so I asked "Why are you staring at me" he smiled then said "Because I like staring at beautiful girls" I didn't know whether to be offended or flattered so I was both "Well stop staring at me its creeping me out" I spoke up my voice rising while my face strong and yet vulnerable."I'm sorry I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable I just think your beautiful and when I see pretty girls I can't resist the urge to look at them" he gently responded his voice soft and creamy. His brown flowing hair washing against his eyelashes "Thanks for the compliment but I'm not quite sure I'm what you would call pretty" I replied insecurely "Well I disagree because you are the prettiest girl I have ever laid my eyes on and in my defense I have seen a lot of girls none like you" he argued his smile beginning to grow like a weed in July. While trying to think of a response he spoke again "So whats your name and how come I've never seen you around here" Still wondering if I should answer I just answered his questions defiantly "My name is Sara and I used to go to a private school so I never really hung out with any of the kids in the neighborhood" "Ah that makes sense because I would have definitely remembered you and your beautiful face" he began flirting again but this time I didn't mind it to much instead I smiled he must've caught it because he soon smiled back. "So whats your name Mr.smooth" I spoke back "Well Ms.Sara my name is Steve but most people call me Stevie" he replied, a glint in his eye. "So like Stevie Wonder" I asked "Exactly minus the good voice, money, and the black complexion" he quickly responded making me immediately laugh. Although the bus suddenly came to a stop pulling up to a rusty, green high school. He must've saw my face suddenly go dull because he smiled and said "I know its pretty ugly I should know all 5 of my brothers went here never been much of an accomplishment but always a never ending family tradition to say the least" his sarcasm making me feel warm inside as his eyes fell back on me. Making me blush uncontrollably. "Can I see your schedule" he asked "Why" I asked back protectively. "Because I wanna know if I'll see that pretty face of yours in any of my classes" he responded genuinely "Ok" I replied again grabbing my crumpled schedule at the bottom of my bag. "Hmmm lets see here Home EC, Math, History, Honors English, Biology, Tech, Music, Gym all in line because Ms.Sara I will be seeing you in Honors English, Math and Biology" his voice gleefully speaking as he passed me my schedule and stepped off the bus waiting for me at the side of the bus his brown shaggy hair dancing through the wind. "So do you flirt with every girl you look at" I asked beginning to walk across the dirty sidewalk. "No" he began "Only the special ones and so far in my life I've only met one and I'm walking with her right now" he said back his smile soaking my heart like a sponge on a dirty plate." What makes me so special we only just met" I argued seeing how long he would pull through. "Well your long light brown hair, green eyes and beautiful face is one reason but also that nice smile and laugh of yours, the fact that you are so smart and we've only had one conversation together or maybe the ability of being able to talk to you but the reason that makes you the most special to me is that I don't know you and I can't predict what will happen and I know you'll be my adventure and I know that your a risk worth taking so yeah that's what makes you special and thats what makes you different then any of the other girls and thats what makes you desirable." His words so beautiful and meaningful as I hang on to every last breath as his eyes meet mine and for the first time in my life I see passion, beauty, wonder and hope all in his big soft hazel eyes his voice like an enchantment casting over me and for that one moment I was happy I turned my head on the bus that morning because when I had to leave for class all I could think about was those gorgeous brown eyes of his. That stared at me and thought I was beautiful and that looked at me a way no one in my life had ever looked at me before and that made Stevie someone special in my life all in a matter of seconds.

Chapter 2

"Hello Class I'm Mr.Duncan and I will be your Home Ec teacher for this year now I know all of you are new to the school grounds in being all freshman's, oh how I love newbies so for today we're going to go over some school rules, take a tour of the campus and meet your school principal in the auditorium in about 20 minutes so lets get going but first I'd like to put all of you into pairs in being in my class you'll all soon find that I love group activities and projects so I suggest you get acquainted with your classmates, Lets see here" Mr.Duncan paused taking a glimpse of the class. "I'll be writing your names on the board in pairs when your name has been written I'd like you to find your partner this is both a safety requirement and a quick group bonding activity." Mr.Duncan quickly said beginning to write names on the board as I began regretting having Home Ec I never liked games that teachers made to "bond the class" it always seemed so cheesy. I then saw my name appear on the board next to it was the name Mary so the quest had begun as I searched the classroom for a Mary after 12 long minutes of being pushed, asked and denied. I finally met Mary she was really pretty with long blonde hair edged with pink highlights, blue eyes and was wearing a floral blouse and navy blue jeans. She happily waved me over her smile as bright as the sun. "Hi you must be Sara I'm Mary" she said raising a hand in front of her I took it great fully and introduced myself "Well, I'm Sara and let me say I love your top where'd you get it from." She laughed, her hair flowing at her sides "I got it at Forever 21 in the teen rave section, but where'd you get that dress I love the fabric its cute and so edgy" she asked happily "Oh this I made it, my auntie is a designer and taught me everything I know today, and since she has her own boutique she lends me fabric and totally transformed my room into a designer lab" I responded "Wow thats so cool I wish I could do something like that but I don't have the patience or talent" she replied jokingly. I laughed and sat down with her and we took notes together and highlighted the code of conduct so that during the visit with our principal we could answer any questions he asked us which was pretty dumb if you ask me I mean why do they need to ask questions about their own rules to a bunch of freshman's who only had 15 minutes to go through it. During the tour we had to stick with our partners like kindergarteners during a field trip these people did know we were in high school right. Anyway Mr.Duncan went through where certain classes were, bathrooms, the library, the counselor and nurses offices were, the outside garden, rooftop where special classes were held and some of the science labs it was pretty boring but Mary and I ended up just talking about fashion trends, our middle schools and siblings. She ended up having 4 brothers and a love for fashion just about the same amount of love as me. The meeting with the principal was a blur just another review of the rules, some of the things they promote and expect from us and a wide view of the principals over grown, hairy, disgusting stomach not a pretty sight. Although it got me a saved seat with Mary and her friends at lunch which was awesome. I was starting to love North Bridge High I mean it had only been like an hour or 2 and I'd already met a cute smart guy who thought I was beautiful and met a nice popular girl named Mary who invited me to eat lunch with her and her friends and it was only 1st period.

Chapter 3
When she arrived at her math class she saw Stevie smiling at her from inside of the class she took the seat right next to him as he tossed her a note it read….MEET ME DURING FREE PERIOD AT THE ROOF TOP I WANNA GIVE YOU SOMETHING!! I looked up at him unsure if it was meant for me still not used to being desired or liked he smiled at me and I smiled back and everything was perfect in the world. All during math Mrs.Blume gave us our math work books and had us label our math notebooks but all I could think of was Free Period and meeting Stevie at the roof top. I caught this girl Maia looking at my notebook and I looked back ready to ask why she kept on looking at my things but when I turned all she said was "Stop looking at me I know I'm gorgeous but please can't a girl have any privacy" I immediately turned red and said"Me looking at you please you were the one eyeing my books did you wanna know how to spell my name Ms.Prissy and don't ever tell me what to do I would never look at you if I had the choice." She seemed shocked and at loss for words so instead she pursed her lips and flipped her hair furiously the other way. So I turned my head forward and began labeling my math binder as Steve looked at me then winked smiling his eyes not leaving my body but instead of feeling cautious I felt invincible and began staring at him and his beautiful eyes oh how I loved his eyes and how he loved my face. Finally class ended and I headed all the way up to the roof top. I quickly did a mirror check took a breath mint and waited patiently worrying Stevie wouldn't even show up but he did he ran up the red rusted stairs holding a collection of flowers filled with daisies, tiger lilies, lilies and roses. I ran toward him as he handed me the flowers, I smiled and rustled his brown soft hair then he smiled and touched my hair between his fingers. And for the longest time we just stood there smiling touching each others hair. Then I said "Aren't we moving to fast I mean we just met and here we are all alone with flowers and our hands" "No were not you know why were not because time slows down when were together so one day to the rest of the world is a 1000 years to us." I smiled and stepped closer he touched my hand and kissed it his lips soft and luscious against my skin. Then he got up and whispered I'll see you in English Ms.Sara putting a small daisy through my hair and left. I stood there smiling, smelling the flowers and pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming…I WASN'T!!!

Chapter 4

School was almost finishing and I absorbed any given moment with Stevie he was so cute and his words like a never ending shakespeare novel. I was dying for school to end so that I could see him on the bus but even though I was starting to really like hanging out with Steve he wasn't my life in fact lunch with Mary was awesome and her friends were really nice to, well most of them. I was able to meet Aubrey, Dean, Tiara, Lay, Raina and Ally. To quickly give you an idea of how they each were I'll just give you a brief description of all of them. Aubrey a short filipino dancer with jet black hair and braces with a really outspoken personality and apparently known for spreading her love to many boys was really nice and a total comedian but a dirty comedian to say the least. Dean her boyfriend was really loud to kinda chubby, white and had perfectly gelled hair but definitely first remarked me as gay. It just seemed like he used Aubrey to prove something, that something having to be not being gay but he wasn't pulling it off. I let it go though he was nice enough although I did feel bad for Aubrey it always looked like she was trying to get closer to him and he was pulling away. Tiara was a skinny tall girl who wore an under armor t-shirt with running shorts and she kept on talking about her trying out for the varsity track and field team and that her soccer team was going to the championships and how she was super nervous being team captain. It totally came across that she was super athletic but besides her and sports she was really nice, free hearted and fun to hangout with. Lay was a bigger girl with her own sense of "style" and she surely knew how to swear and when to flick people off but she was still hilarious and made good comfort. As for Raina and Ally they were a whole other story Raina who wore mismatched worn out clothes with hair in knots and had a strong personality. Didn't come off to well I knew she didn't like me right from the minute I sat down but I didn't really care it wasn't my problem it was hers. But I definitely knew she wasn't the type of girl who was afraid of punching you in the face or the girl to think twice before she talks which caused her and Ally a tall blonde with strong opinions to constantly fight and bitch about stuff that wasn't worth while. The clock was ticking down as my Gym teacher Mr.Baldwin was going over for the 3rd time how to do the rope drill. Did he think we were in special needs we all could listen, hear and understand every stupid word that came out of his mouth. As he yelled his face turning hot. But I didn't have time to worry about sweaty, mean gym teachers there were only 2 minutes till school was over and I couldn't wait to see Stevie and his warm, lovable hazel eyes. BRRRINNG I was out of there like a nascar driver down a race track I saw Steve right by the oak tree right in front of the bus a book in his hand once he saw me he smiled his eyes looking at me like we were the only 2 people in the world. I met him at the tree where he got on his knees kissing my hand again, my face blushing. "Hello Ms.Sara" he said his voice rich with goodness "Hello Mr.Wonder" I said back jokingly giggling at my own joke. How dorky of me ugh why did boys have to be so hard. "Hey little bro" an older boy said from behind us next to him a fair girl with short curly hair admiring the boy with every bit of her. "Hey Charlie" Steve responded to Charlie clearly not the happiest camper. "Sara this is my older brother Charlie" Steve told me disapproval in his voice. I smiled back at Charlie and quickly said hello. His voice low and thick like chocolate batter. "So why are you riding The bus if your old enough to get your license" I asked curiously. Steve smirked at Charlie and whispered into my ear "He failed his test" his voice obviously made for Charlie to hear. "Yeah whatever just wait till you have to take your test" Charlie said his arm slipping over the girls shoulders as her head fell on his arm."Well me and Ella are going to get a good seat in the bus you guys coming" Charlie asked his hands rubbing against Ella's tank top. "Nah we'll hang back save us a seat" Steve said answering for both of us. Charlie and Ella began walking into the bus door as Steve looked up at me. "Sorry about that awkwardness my brothers my brother sadly" Steve said to me apologetically "Its ok I understand you wanna go in" I replied "I just want the world to melt away and have one moment just us but dreams are meant to be dreams for reasons" he said back his fingers twirling my hair. I smiled at him rustled his hair picking a plumeria from the tree behind him and placed the flower in his hair, grabbed his hand and rubbed it against my cheek. Then dropping it turned around and stepped into the bus leaving him standing their a smile on my face.

Chapter 5

I ended up sitting across from Ella and Charlie who were sharing headphones, watching anime and holding hands they looked really cute together. I started writing songs in my notebook, I loved writing and I loved my notebooks it always would contain me and transport me to a whole other world. I didn't even realize Steve sitting by me until he started looking at my notebook I immediately closed it in instinct and turned my face toward him "What were you writing" he asked grabbing a book from his backpack. "Oh um nothing" I said back avoiding his questions. "It sure didn't look like nothing but if you say so" he replied opening a Harry Potter book his eyes trapped in the movement of the pages I started giggling causing his gaze to tear away from the book. "What" he asked annoyingly "Nothing I just didn't know you liked Harry Potter book my brother reads those and they never really caught my attention"
"Well I like them and your brother has good taste in books" he replied a smile plastered on his face as he turned back to the book so I opened up my notebook and began writing my song again the melody strumming through my mind non-stop. We soon stopped at my stop once I stood he stood I walked along the seat as he spoke back "Goodbye Ms.Sara" and I replied "Goodbye Mr.Wonder" our voices laced together like vines in a Tarzan movie. As soon as I got home I noticed dad's truck outside even though he usually worked late I walked into the house finding my mother cutting apples in the kitchen with my brother Thomas reading his book on the counter his fingers stuck in a bag of potato chips. "Hey Sara" he said jumping off the chair into my hands as I held him tight his tiny 8 yr. old body jumping on me furiously. "Hey Tommy" I said back hugging him tightly carrying him back to the counter grabbing a chip for myself. "Hey sweetie" my mother began the smell of chili cooking bursting through the air "Hi mom" I replied taking a seat next to Thomas. "How was your first day at school" she asked chopping green onions and dropping them into the chili "Great I made some friends and got pretty familiar with the school" I answered my hands running through Tommy's hair. "So where's dad how come his truck is home" I fired away "Oh he's still at work he caught a ride from a co-worker less money spent towards gas, speaking of gas where is your brother Cory he should be home by now driving around town like he owns the place" mom trailed off as I grabbed a handful of chips and headed into my room. As I placed my bag by my dresser picking out my lace material on my wall filled with materials and started on my new jeans jacket the thread racing along my fingers like mice from a cat. I always had a passion for sewing or creating anything of my own either it be a story, dress, song or anything really I guess I just liked the idea of putting something of my own into the world to wonder at. It took about 3 hours and 2 playlists but I had finished my jacket and detailing of my blouse when mom called out for dinner as I walked out of my room pleased with my work. "So how was everyone's day" mom cheerfully announced as if she was a host for an elegant party at the white house. "Well I'm glad you asked Eleanor I actually got a promotion at work because you are all looking at the new Vice President of Engineering Runners Co." Dad said gleefully as we all cheered with enjoyment all except Cory his curly hair slumped to the news. "What's wrong son" dad asked who clearly caught on to the behavior "Nothing just umm nothing" Cory answered clearly lying "Are you sure" mom asked tuning in "Yes mom I'm fine I just wanna eat" Cory responded stubbornly. "Alright well how was my little princess's day" dad asked childishly "Dadd" I groaned "What honey you will always be my princess but how was your day" dad continued "It was actually really great I made some friends and met a really nice guy" I said back picking up a spoonful of chili and shoving it down my throat. "Good sweetie I'm happy for you but this boy he's just a friend right" dad asked suspiciously "Yes" I replied although thinking in my mind only for now I hope. Dinner conversations swirled throughout the meal on how Thomas had gotten an A+ on his big science test since he was the only one who didn't go to private school, since by the time Thomas could go to school costs were already piling up in tuition costs making him a public schooler which in some ways were a much bigger advantage than being a private schooler. Although right about when dinner was coming to a holt mom started on how Cory's first day was, funny we both started at North Ridge High today yet we never bumped into each other once although Cory was a junior and I was just a freshman so I guess it made sense either that or I was to wrapped up in Steve. "I dunno" Cory solemnly answered picking at his left over chili his Ramones t-shirt crushed in between the tables weight. "What do you mean Cor you've been a little weird tonight what's up" dad asked his eyes locked on Cory. "You know what's up dad what's up is I'm 17 a junior starting in high school and at Tribeca Prep my life was set I had tons of friends, a spot as team captain for basketball this year and a girlfriend the best in the world and it was all snatched away so what's up why don't you tell me what's up dad, why don't you tell me where the money is huh the money that ruined my life" Cory hollered his demeanor enraged with madness. The silence in between the conversation was stagnant in the air finally dad stood up his broad chest like an olympus god compared to Cory faced my brother his hands in fists "Look son you may not have your perfect life but guess what you've been sleeping way to long it's time to wake up life is not a dream come true got it and not everything is gonna come out the way you want it to your old enough to realize that we are not rich so get your head out of the clouds and get back to reality because what me and your mother did for you 3 kids is legendary and unbelievable we pay for your clothes, food, schooling and things you need and want that car you drive around in it didn't grow from a tree no we pay for that every month look you can't throw a little hissy tantrum every time you don't get the prize so shut up suck it up and live with it cause if you wanna survive this life of yours you gotta live with that so don't be another stupid oblivious teen and scream and cry when life doesn't turn out for you cause if you think you know better I don't know who you think your talking to so go scream and cry all the way to your room where you can think it maybe the fact that you hate me but frankly I don't care cause this is my house, my rules and your my kid and you do not raise your voice and throw attitude to me or your mother at this table like an 6 yr old girl got it" dad shouted force in his voice. Thomas and I sat up shocked and quiet by the argument at hand Corey pushed out his chair and stomped off to his room slamming the door behind him. Dad then slumped back into his chair his head placed on his forearm while mom ushered us to our rooms. As the sounds of muttering from the dining room echoed into our rooms as words of money, misfortune and bad parenting swept through the door cracks into all of our minds and that's how I fell asleep with thoughts of mom and dad crying for the pain brought to Cory and me as well as the memories of my old life as Drimwell Academy.

Chapter 6

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