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Rated: 18+ · Other · Friendship · #2020608
The SSIE's girl soccer team have a smelly conversation in the locker room/
After a long morning of soccer tryouts for the girls soccer team, Hayley; the teams goalie, leads the girls into the locker room. Trish, one of the team's forwards and Eva, a defender, follow Hayley inside. A group of three girls who tried-out for the team followed them in as well.

"Man, tryouts today were brutal!" Hayley exclaims, as she stretched her arms.

Trish nudges the hot pink haired goalie in the side as she walks past her.

"You didn't do anything Hay. You just sat on the sidelines and watched everyone else." Trish criticizes.

Hayley makes her way over to her locker which is found at the end of the middle row of lockers. Trish and Eva's lockers are conveniently placed next to each other, but are found closer to the center of the row. The 'tryouts' mostly find their lockers in between the three team players.

"I didn't mean brutal for us silly. I meant for the tryouts." Hayley explains to Trish.

Some of the girls begin to sweat as they nervously glare at their judgmental goalie.

Hayley is the biggest girl on the team in terms of overall size. And though she wouldn't be called fat, she has a fair amount of fat on her. Her height helps her evenly distribute her weight. Despite only being 15, she stands at 5-8, making her three inches taller than the team captain Shiani. She has decent pair of breasts and a nice set of a lower section, covered in plenty of meat. Her most notable feature is her short stylized hair. It's naturally brown, but you wouldn't know that by how often she dyes it.

"Oh really?"Trish laughs, knowing full well that Hayley was about to break the other girl's spirits. 

"Well for starters", Hayley begins, as she holds up a finger as to begin counting off her list. "I don't like any of them. No way they will make the team." She lowers her arm and begins to strip off her soccer uniform.

The girls all wait silently, expecting Hayley to say more. Soon Trish understands that she had nothing more to say.

"Wait that's it!?"

"Yeah, that's it." Hayley responds.

Trish is dumbfounded, there's no way Hayley could seriously mean that. Then again, she says that about all of the tryouts.

"But you did… the thing… with the hand and," Trish shakes her head from trying to make sense of Hayley's nonsense. "I don't know what you were watching, but it wasn't the tryouts. Most of them did really well." Trish defends them.

The girl's faces turn from worried stares to uplifting smiles after hearing Trish's words.

"Especially that one girl Shiani brought along." Trish adds.

Hayley takes a whiff of her bare armpit before responding to Trish. "Oh, you mean that short Asian girl?"

"She's not that short. She's taller than Eva." Trish gestures Eva next to her.

Eva glares up at Trish. Her long black hair shields her dark brown eyes, giving her a deathly look. Like a girl you would see in a horror film. Trish feels a freezing chill shoot up her spine and quickly waves her hands around begging for an apology.

Eva can be seen as being the opposite of Hayley. Where Hayley is tall and meaty, Eva is skinny and… not as tall. Eva stands at 4-11 weighs less than 100 pounds.  Still has an ample chest that actually surpasses both Hayley and Trish. Also unlike Hayley, who loves the sound of her own voice, Eva barely says anything at all. The most one would hear her say is mostly made up of monotone one to three word phrases.

Eva averts her glare, telling Trish that she's been forgiven. Hearing people acknowledge her height is one of her peeves. 

As Trish breaths a sigh of relief she opens her locker and looks in her mirror. Trish is a 5-3, green eyed, strawberry blonde, tomboy (in the closet), with freckles. Out in the colony, Trish likes to give the appearance of a girly girl. But due to living with a family with four brothers, she couldn't help gaining some of a boy's sensibility. Trish grabs her favorite hair clip from the locker and clips one side or her hair up. Satisfied with her look, she reaches for her normal cloths.

"Ying has some natural talent." Trish adds to what she was saying before. "Apparently she's never played soccer before. Yet she learned how to control the ball just in practice."

"Hey, hey hey! You know what I think about that?" Hayley asks excitedly.

All of the girls look over to her, curious on what she will say.


Out from Hayley's rear comes a loud rippling fart which slightly echoed in the room, the girls closest to her stare with wide eyes. The girl closest to her clasps her hands over nose and mouth as the smell of freshly cut onions and feces hits her senses.

"Opps!" Hayley says, as she covers her mouth femininely. "I guess my ass spoke for me!" She busts out laughing.

As the odor of onions permeates the room, the rest of the girls hide their noses from the fine stench. Eva, appearing to be unaffected by the smell, simply mutters "Eww…" ever so nonchalantly.

"Hayley, that couldn't wait?" Trish asks, though the girls are no strangers to ripping a few in the locker rooms, especially Hayley.


Hayley's uncontrollable laughing causes her to force out a chain of loud, quack  sounding, onion scented farts.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold em' any longer." Hayley apologized, as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Once calming from her laughing fit she places her hands on her belly. "I had some of our left over lasagna for breakfast. My guts' been bubbling all day!" her lighthearted attitude didn't help the girls feel better about stench.

Trish shakes her head and returns to changing her cloths. The other girls force themselves to get used to the oniony odor and continue their changing as well. Hayley, secretly wanting more attention, decides to let everything loose.

She presses on her lower abdomen, causing her to grunt involuntarily. However, the action helps her with what she wanted to accomplish.


A four second long blast ripples her panties, giving her a grand feeling of relief. The sound bounced of the room's walls and came with a stench much greater than her previous blasts.

"Whoo! Dang! Is there a duck in here? It does not sound happy!" Hayley jokes at the elongated duck noise her fart created. The girl standing next to Hayley stifles a cough caused by the fouling air.

Trish continues focused on her own business, acting as if Hayley's fart and joke didn't amuse her in the slightest. Hayley glares at the blonde.

"Trish! You're not pleased by my natural perfume?" Hayley coos.

Trish pauses, she glances down. Gas has been building in her bowels since the tryouts began that morning. And running around always builds a lot of pressure at her back door. She knows that she could challenge and possibly beat Hayley right now if it came to a farting contest. But does she really want to relieve herself of her foul gas with three girls she just met standing next to her?

Trish looks over at Hayley. A smirk appears on her face as she asks, "Is that all you got Hay?"


Trish forced out a wet trumpet sounding fart. It didn't last as long or was as loud as any of Hayley's recent farts. Hayley opens her mouth to say something smart but before she can utter a word-


An eight second elephant call blows from Trish's bottom. An impressively strong stench of rotten eggs spreads through the room, quickly mixing and overtaking the fragrance of Hayley's gas.

Hayley stares in awe for a moment before giving Trish thumbs up. Trish can hardly notice for she's waving her hands around to waft the offending stench away from her.

"Nice one!" Hayley congratulates, "sounds like you got some of the animal kingdom in your ass too!"

Trish attempts to giggle in between reluctant breaths of the foul air she created.

"It's all that running I did in practice. My crack is drenched in sweat." Trish responds to Hayley.

The girl standing next to Trish cringes upon hearing about the moisture status of Trish's backside.


Hayley's ass quacks, thickening the air even more with her oniony scent. Her wide grin shows how much she's enjoying it. Trish can't help but continue her own air tainting releases.

PPPPPPPPHhhhhhurrrrTT! FFffuuuurrrRRTTRRRT!!

Hayley rips three gut turning farts. The first being another trumpet horn followed by a windy gust that grew wetter at the end. And finished the trio with a along blast that turned silent half way through and ended terrifyingly moist.

"Watch yourself before you shit yourself Trish!" Hayley laughs. She then lifts her leg and wraps her hand around her thick thigh, bringing her knee up to her chest.

PPPhhhhssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSHHH! A long SBD rushed out from her cheeks. She shows a disappointed frown.

"Aw man, that one suc-" She began to say, until the smell of her SBD proved to have a lot of D.

"Oh damn! Never mind, this one was a good one!" Hayley exclaims. She waves her arms wildly to spread the tear educing oniony perfume to the other girls.

The eyes instantly begin to water, the girls whine as the terrible odor assaults their noses. Trish pinches her nose as the smell reaches her.

"That stinks…" Eva mutters in her usual emotionless tone.

As Hayley waves her hand in front of her nose she says, "I'm not done yet. You got anymore in you Trish?"

"I have plenty built up. How about we relive ourselves of this pain?" Trish asks mischievously.

The looks given by the other girls say "Please save us from our pain." Trish and Hayley nod to each other and proceed to grunt rather rudely.


Hayley and Trish fill the locker room with various sounding farts for near 30 seconds. The fresh air that remained is quickly fouled by the overpowering aroma of nose burning eggs and eye watering onion. All are coughing and moaning at the horrible combination stench, including the producers of the foul wind. 

One of the girls stuck in the center of the gas cloud can't take it and decides she has to bail. She grabs her things and quickly heads for the door with her pants around her legs.

Hayley is the first to get used to inhaling the foul atmosphere, upon taking a welcomed breath she says, "It sounds like we have a duck farm and the brass section all in here with us, yet it smells like we're in cooking class."

"Eggs and *cough* onions aren't this potent Hayley." Trish struggles to say.

"Ha true!" Hayley replies, "Luckily, I got those stinking birds out my belly."

Trish shakes her head, "I swear you come up with the silliest metaphors." Trish then looks over to Eva, who just finished putting on her regular cloths. Because of her long bangs, Trish is unable to see Eva's face. Trish feels that the foul gas she recently released may have offeded her little friend.

"Oh Eve, I apoligi-"

"No need…" Eva cuts her off in her usual flat tone of voice.

Eva turns her head to Trish revealing her face. Trish sees that Eva has placed a clothespin to shut her nose from the smells. Trish starts laughing at the humorous attachment on Eva's nose.

As Trish laughs, Eva grabs her things and calmly walks towards the door. Unfortunately for everyone left, Eva left something behind that the rest will soon find.

Hayley noticed the clothespin on Eva's nose from a quick glance when she walked by. She looks to check with Trish if she really saw it.

"Trish! Did Eva have a clothespin on her nose?" She asks, as she too beings to laugh.

Trish, still in the middle of a laughing fit turns to Hayley to address her. She opens her mouth to answer but suddenly freezes.

"*Sniff* Sniff* Oh… Oh my god… *Sniff* Uggh that's horrible!" Trish cries as she begins to choke on Eva's present.

Soon the other girls also begin coughing from the horrendous smell as well. The skunk-like stench was slow moving, but as it spread it consumed and took over all of the previous odors that Hayley and Trish had produced. Hayley didn't understand what was happening, but then the horrendous smell reached her too.

"HOLY SHIT! That smells like death!"

"Oh god…" Trish coughs. "It smells like a dead skunk!"

All four remaining girls grab their things and rush for the door. Trish and Hayley still clad in their bra and panties. As the girls burst through the locker room doors they are blinded by the light shining through the windows across the hallway. No matter to them for fresh air was gratefully inhaled upon exiting. 

Ying and Shiani had been waiting out in the hall, chatting away as they waited for the team to come out. The sight of Trish and Hayley nearly naked caught them off guard though.

"Um… hey guys." Shiani questionably greets them.

Hayley holds up her hand as to say "hold on", and she continues sucking down air like she had nearly drowned.

Shiani had heard most of everything that went on inside. A smirk spreads across her face as she folds her arms over her chest. "So which one of you ripped a bad one?" She asks.

"It was… Eva…" Trish replies.

Shiani's eyebrows shoot up. It's hard for her to imagine Eva of all people stinking out the locker room. She looks over to Eva who is sitting silently next to Ying.

"That Eva?" Shiani asks, pointing to her.

"Oh man that was awful!" Hayley complains. "I think Eva has a decomposing body stuck in her ass. That was… just…"

"Homicidally horrendous?" Trish suggests.

"Yeah… just go with that."

Ying looks over to Eva next to her and asks, "Did you really stink them out that bad?"

Eva nods.

"Niiice." Ying says and holds out a fist to her. Eva returns a gentle fist pound.

Shiani claps her hands a couple times to get the rest of the team's attention. She congradulates everyone for doing good in the tryouts and tells them they can all go home. Once all the other girls leave she turns her attention back to Trish and Hayley.
"I was going to suggest us five go to Jenny's for lunch but… you too still need to get dressed." Shiani giggles.

"Yeah yeah, just hold your horses." Hayley replies, as she begins pulling up her pants. Half way up she realized Shiani counted wrong, adding another person than their usual four. "Wait us five?" she asks.

"Yeah, I invited Ying to come along. I already decided to put Ying on the team." Shiani explains, giving thumbs up for approval.

Hayley glares at Shiani. Hayley never likes newcomers to the team. She feels that their inexperience will hold them back. But letting a newbie come to lunch with their close group of friends was another thing.

"Ok cool!" Trish says excitedly. "It will be nice and we can get to really know her."
Hayley's adjusts her head to now glare at Trish.

"Welcome to the team Ying." Trish congratulates her. "And don't take what you heard in there seriously. I don't usually do that around others." She blushes.

Shiani laughs and waves her hand at Trish to dismiss her last comment.

"No need to worry about that. Ying is really cool when it comes to farting. In fact she's now the best farting girl I know." Shiani says.
Hayley looks at Shiani with a saddened look before saying, "But… I'm the best farter in the group…"

"Eh, it was always a tossup between you and Trish really." Shiani admits. "And apparently when it comes to smell, Eva has both of you beat."

Hayley's frown turns into another glare of anger from Shiani not acknowledging her as the better farter. She turns around to look at Ying. To her, she doesn't appear to be someone who could fart very large, especially because Ying is eight inches shorter than her.

"Hey Ying! Are you really as good as Shiani boasts you to be?" Hayley asks. Ying gives her a small example as a response.


A thunderous blast explodes underneath Ying as she lifted her but cheek in Hayley's direction. for four seconds the sound of a large truck horn filled everyone's ears and echoed down the entire hallway. The faint smell of sulfur and feces filled the air around them. the odor wasn't as bad as Eva's, but it still wasn't pleasant to the senses nonetheless. As soon as it ended, Ying lowers her butt and grins at Hayley, whose mouth was now agape.

Before anyone could comment on her performance, Ying hops to her feet and starts walking.

"Come on guys! I skipped breakfast this morning so I am starving!" Ying happily exclaims, knowing full well that she was now a part of the group.
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