Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2023678-Apartment
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Rated: 18+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #2023678
a story about a Vietnamese guy who wakes up and find there's something wrong in his room .

I woke up in the midst of a mess, books, pens, sheets surrounded
my bed. It's been a long night of working and I still feel confused
now. Feeling hungry, I get out of my bed for food, but before that I
need my teeth cleaned .

I open the faucet and there's no water. F*** that ! ' it's summer
right now and they still cut it off. so I have to continue the
cleaning by mineral water. It's 8:00 AM now. Wow ! I rarely wake up
so early like that. Anyway, I feel so hungry right now that I open
the refrigerator for anything that is edible. As always, Leo happily
running around me. He's not very talkative, but I know he's hungry
too. I fed the cat with catfood and myself I have my breakfast with
cookies and chocolate milk. I need alot of energies, today gonna be a
tough day, just like the other days, long distance running, hard
workouts at the gym, alot of things to worry about.

Damn ! who's closed all the doors and windows ?It is so hot and I
feel like breathing right now is somehow very uncomfortable, so I am
going to open the balcony windows for some fresh air. My god ! the
door is jammed. No matter how hard I 've tried it will not open.It is
just like there's something big blocking the other side of the door.
F*** that ! But wait! it's around 8:00 AM in the morning right now!
but why it is so dark here! I'm living on the 5th floor of the
apartment, the sunshine always leaks through all the doors everyday
but I don't see any at the moment. I decided to go out. The main door
seems to be jammed too . Frustrated , I furiously twist and pull the
knob and finally it opened. As I open the door dirt and dust rush in
. What the f*** is happening? now there's dirt on my living room , so
many. I try to look outside for the corridor through the main door
but I see nothing but dirt .

It is just like a coffin ! Damn ! I was
buried alive along with Leo, and my home. But no way ! it is the fith
floor here ! it is just like some powerful force from beneath the
earth dragged the whole apartment down to hell. It may be earthquake
but I watched the news yesterday and they didn't broadcast anything
like that ! I rush to the bedroom and switch on the TV. Fortunately,
the electricity 's still on. The channels 're all interfered and
they're all broadcast the same news. They're broadcasting emergency
but I can hardly hear anything because the signal is weak. There're
something like 'cover your faces' or 'avoid the spores at any costs'
and even something like 'bacteria' and 'diseases'. I wonder what the
hell is happening out there. But now all I need to do is to find a
way to get out of my room.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2023678-Apartment